Outrage grows after South Carolina officer throws student in classroom

How about the parents, or may be parent in this case, teach their kids that when someone who has the authority to do so tells them to do something, they do what they're told when they're told. Unlike this punk kid, what the school could do to me meant nothing compared to what would have happened at home. My guess is the girl is that way because whomever raised her is the same way.
It's a part of the "Black Culture" that seems to EXPECT kids not to do what they're told.

The child:
  • Broke rules by ignoring directions from the teacher
  • Broke rules by not leaving the class
  • Broke rules by ignoring directions from the officer
  • Broke rules by fighting with the officer
But of course, the PC Police won't mention any of that.

They are enablers, and they are complicit.
By doing, or refusing to do depending on how you look at it, she broke STATE LAW.
And the PC Police will ignore that. For obvious reasons.

They'll say it won't matter what she did and view it from the point that if she had done what she was told when she was told to do it, no law would have been broken and anything after that would not have occurred.
Sure. The big mean white guy exploded into the room for no reason, looked for a black girl to assault, and jumped on her.

These people don't care that they are defending and enabling poor behavior from blacks, because they know it ultimately adds to their political advantage.

Blacks are pawns to them, tools. That is cynicism in the extreme.
They should do a hair test for steroid use...use of steroids can lead to Rage incidents...

While doing that, they should do a paternity test on the personS the girl's baby mama thinks might be her baby daddy.
Folks in glass houses should not throw stones chump

Says the one that's made the accusation about the police officer and steroids.

I know who both of my parents are chimp.
Are you sure? See, what does an attack on personality or insinuating racial superiority do for the discussion? I disagree with Ty but your comment adds nothing.
sure shit head ....

Good, glad we had this talk about 'civility' and how you took it to heart. :p

(I love how anonymity behind a computer makes people so much 'bigger' and 'nastier' than they would ever dare to be in person.)
Until some maniac pulls a gun....then they'll be begging him to come and probably rush to him desperately wanting protection.

That goon would not be so brave ...he is brave with a teenage girl unarmed and skinny ...the gorilla would not be so brave with someone that could fight back
Seems the gorilla was the one on the floor.

How about the parents, or may be parent in this case, teach their kids that when someone who has the authority to do so tells them to do something, they do what they're told when they're told. Unlike this punk kid, what the school could do to me meant nothing compared to what would have happened at home. My guess is the girl is that way because whomever raised her is the same way.

You are such an angel growing up. When you were in high school how many times have you disobeyed your teachers? Zero? That's a joke right? You did not see any high school kids misbehaving? That's a joke too. right?
Is that mean parents of these kids are also bad?

I didn't disobey the teachers. You claiming I did means you claim to know more about me than I know. My dad made it clear what would happen to me if I did something like this girl did. While I don't know whether or not he would have done it, I do know I didn't give him a chance to prove it.
I'm exactly right. Your such an angel growing up. Don't lie to yourself. You never disobey any of your teacher when you were in high school? Be honest now.
They should do a hair test for steroid use...use of steroids can lead to Rage incidents...

While doing that, they should do a paternity test on the personS the girl's baby mama thinks might be her baby daddy.
Folks in glass houses should not throw stones chump

Says the one that's made the accusation about the police officer and steroids.

I know who both of my parents are chimp.
Are you sure? See, what does an attack on personality or insinuating racial superiority do for the discussion? I disagree with Ty but your comment adds nothing.

Without a doubt.

I didn't insinuate racial superiority. I stated something based on observation and statistical possibilities.
I have problems with aggravated child abuse and endangerment by a juiced on steroid body builder...
If that had been my daughter, having charges lodged against him would be the least of his problems. It would be very possible that he wouldn't be around to answer to those charges.
That there is so beautifully ironic.
The fact is asshole the sub-human negro bitch NEVER had a father figure in her life.
Not even the bitch's mother knows who the father is.
Maybe if she had a father figure she wouldn't have grown up to be a fucking skank 'bonobo'.
But not likely. The negro (cough) man who sired her would have pimped her out by the time she was ten.
Until some maniac pulls a gun....then they'll be begging him to come and probably rush to him desperately wanting protection.

That goon would not be so brave ...he is brave with a teenage girl unarmed and skinny ...the gorilla would not be so brave with someone that could fight back
Seems the gorilla was the one on the floor.

How about the parents, or may be parent in this case, teach their kids that when someone who has the authority to do so tells them to do something, they do what they're told when they're told. Unlike this punk kid, what the school could do to me meant nothing compared to what would have happened at home. My guess is the girl is that way because whomever raised her is the same way.

You are such an angel growing up. When you were in high school how many times have you disobeyed your teachers? Zero? That's a joke right? You did not see any high school kids misbehaving? That's a joke too. right?
Is that mean parents of these kids are also bad?

I didn't disobey the teachers. You claiming I did means you claim to know more about me than I know. My dad made it clear what would happen to me if I did something like this girl did. While I don't know whether or not he would have done it, I do know I didn't give him a chance to prove it.
I'm exactly right. Your such an angel growing up. Don't lie to yourself. You never disobey any of your teacher when you were in high school? Be honest now.

For two reasons: 1) I've already stated how I would be dealt with and 2) My mother was a teacher at the school.

If you have proof I did, provide it. Otherwise, STFU.
I have problems with aggravated child abuse and endangerment by a juiced on steroid body builder...
If that had been my daughter, having charges lodged against him would be the least of his problems. It would be very possible that he wouldn't be around to answer to those charges.
That there is so beautifully ironic.
The fact is asshole the sub-human negro bitch NEVER had a father figure in her life.
Not even the bitch's mother knows who the father is.
Maybe if she had a father figure she wouldn't have grown up to be a fucking skank 'bonobo'.
But not likely. The negro (cough) man who sired her would have pimped her out by the time she was ten.

And people wonder why kids act the way they do.
How about the parents, or may be parent in this case, teach their kids that when someone who has the authority to do so tells them to do something, they do what they're told when they're told. Unlike this punk kid, what the school could do to me meant nothing compared to what would have happened at home. My guess is the girl is that way because whomever raised her is the same way.
It's a part of the "Black Culture" that seems to EXPECT kids not to do what they're told.

The child:
  • Broke rules by ignoring directions from the teacher
  • Broke rules by not leaving the class
  • Broke rules by ignoring directions from the officer
  • Broke rules by fighting with the officer
But of course, the PC Police won't mention any of that.

They are enablers, and they are complicit.
By doing, or refusing to do depending on how you look at it, she broke STATE LAW.
And the PC Police will ignore that. For obvious reasons.

They'll say it won't matter what she did and view it from the point that if she had done what she was told when she was told to do it, no law would have been broken and anything after that would not have occurred.
Sure. The big mean white guy exploded into the room for no reason, looked for a black girl to assault, and jumped on her.

These people don't care that they are defending and enabling poor behavior from blacks, because they know it ultimately adds to their political advantage.

Blacks are pawns to them, tools. That is cynicism in the extreme.

What they forget is that the big mean white guy wouldn't have even come into the room or it been an issue had the innocent little black girl done what she was told, when she was told, by a person having the authority to tell her to do it. Witnesses said the teacher told her to go to the discipline office and she refused. At that point, she broke state law of disturbing school because she "willfully and unnecessarily" interfered with or disturbed the students and teachers of the school.
The teacher did what the teacher could do by asking her to do where the teacher could ask her to go. When the girl refused, she willfully and unnecessarily disturbed the learning process of others.
'Outrage grows after South Carolina officer throws student in classroom'
- LINK: Outrage grows after South Carolina officer tosses student - CNN.com

Girl disrupts the class and refuses to leave when told to by the teacher. She continues. The teacher calls the office to have the uniformed officer there at school come remove her. The officer tells her to stand up. She refuses. He tells her again. She refuses. He asks her if she is going to get up, or is she going to make him get her up. She refuses. He grabs the girl - she starts fighting the officer, refusing to stand up (DISOBEYING A POLICE OFFICER'S ORDERS). In the ensuing tussle her desk flips backwards, and she and the desk fall to the floor with the officer still holding on to her and the desk. He then grabs her by the collar/shirt, pulls her towards the front of the room as she is face down, and 'throws'/'tosses her towards the front. He then steps up and demands she give him her hands so he can place handcuffs on her and explains she is now under arrest. She refuses. He orders her to do this 9 (NINE) times with her refusing - disobeying him and fighting him the whole time - until he finally grabs her arms behind her back, puts the cuffs on her, and takes her out of the class room.

Many people have gone nuts over this.
The policeman has been placed on administration duty, meaning he doesn't get to go back to the school (or any school) but is still being allowed to sit a desk and work.


Here are MY thoughts, looking at this as if I were the girl's father:
She was completely in the wrong for disrupting the class.

She should have obeyed the teacher and gone to the principal's office.

He was right in calling for the cop since she refused to stop and refused to obey.

I have no problem with the policeman trying to remove her from the chair as she disobeyed a policeman's orders...repeatedly.

She fought with him and in getting her out of the chair it flipped over - I still have no problem with it. SHE caused that to happen, not him, because of her disobedience.

I do have a problem with him dragging and tossing her by the collar. I understand he was very mad at this point - I would be, too - but still, that was 'excessive'.

I have no problem with him cuffing her and arresting her.

As a parent I would not have immediately rushed to condemn the policeman because it is more than obvious that this girl was being unruly, disruptive, belligerent, un-cooperative, disrespectful, refused to obey her elder/teacher, refused to comply with a police officer's orders - repeatedly, and fought (with) the officer, also known as 'resisting arrest'.

Putting the cop on administrative duty, maybe even never allowing him to pull duty at schools (maybe), is a great idea; however, I would have to admit as a parent 90% of this entire episode was 'my daughter's fault. I would be whoopin' her arse at home and going over EVERYTHING she did wrong to ensure it never happened again. Her behavior was embarrassing / pathetic / inexcusable.

...but that's just me.

Where's the problem?

She refused to comply.

Therefore, given that she is not the authority... she was forced to comply. What were they supposed to do? Continue to empower her to disrupt the class?

LOL! This is not directed at the OP... but to those registering OUTRAGE... Some of you people are absolutely clueless.

She wasn't injured. More of this... and you'll have fewer 'students' taking the 'FUCK YOU' position.

Where's the problem?

In your brain.
It's a part of the "Black Culture" that seems to EXPECT kids not to do what they're told.

The child:
  • Broke rules by ignoring directions from the teacher
  • Broke rules by not leaving the class
  • Broke rules by ignoring directions from the officer
  • Broke rules by fighting with the officer
But of course, the PC Police won't mention any of that.

They are enablers, and they are complicit.
By doing, or refusing to do depending on how you look at it, she broke STATE LAW.
And the PC Police will ignore that. For obvious reasons.

They'll say it won't matter what she did and view it from the point that if she had done what she was told when she was told to do it, no law would have been broken and anything after that would not have occurred.
Sure. The big mean white guy exploded into the room for no reason, looked for a black girl to assault, and jumped on her.

These people don't care that they are defending and enabling poor behavior from blacks, because they know it ultimately adds to their political advantage.

Blacks are pawns to them, tools. That is cynicism in the extreme.

What they forget is that the big mean white guy wouldn't have even come into the room or it been an issue had the innocent little black girl done what she was told, when she was told, by a person having the authority to tell her to do it. Witnesses said the teacher told her to go to the discipline office and she refused. At that point, she broke state law of disturbing school because she "willfully and unnecessarily" interfered with or disturbed the students and teachers of the school.
The teacher did what the teacher could do by asking her to do where the teacher could ask her to go. When the girl refused, she willfully and unnecessarily disturbed the learning process of others.
Well, I think we can agree that the PC Police don't "forget that the big mean white guy wouldn't have even come into the room or it been an issue had the innocent little black girl done what she was told, when she was told, by a person having the authority to tell her to do it."

They actively and aggressively avoid it and deflect away from it.

They are liars and enablers.
By doing, or refusing to do depending on how you look at it, she broke STATE LAW.
And the PC Police will ignore that. For obvious reasons.

They'll say it won't matter what she did and view it from the point that if she had done what she was told when she was told to do it, no law would have been broken and anything after that would not have occurred.
Sure. The big mean white guy exploded into the room for no reason, looked for a black girl to assault, and jumped on her.

These people don't care that they are defending and enabling poor behavior from blacks, because they know it ultimately adds to their political advantage.

Blacks are pawns to them, tools. That is cynicism in the extreme.

What they forget is that the big mean white guy wouldn't have even come into the room or it been an issue had the innocent little black girl done what she was told, when she was told, by a person having the authority to tell her to do it. Witnesses said the teacher told her to go to the discipline office and she refused. At that point, she broke state law of disturbing school because she "willfully and unnecessarily" interfered with or disturbed the students and teachers of the school.
The teacher did what the teacher could do by asking her to do where the teacher could ask her to go. When the girl refused, she willfully and unnecessarily disturbed the learning process of others.
Well, I think we can agree that the PC Police don't "forget that the big mean white guy wouldn't have even come into the room or it been an issue had the innocent little black girl done what she was told, when she was told, by a person having the authority to tell her to do it."

They actively and aggressively avoid it and deflect away from it.

They are liars and enablers.

I'm not real sure they understand the concept of Cause/Effect. If Action A is the direct cause of Result B and Action A never occurs, in this case the choice to disobey a valid request, Result B doesn't occur.

It's like the Back to the Future movie series.
He assaulted her. Now I understand when one of Obama's kids which aren't exactly civilized and can't operate in a civilized society without aping out but what if it had been a white kid that IS civilized....cop has no self control and with 2 previous lawsuits has no business being around ANY underage folks or even on the police force.

I take back every bad thing I ever said about you. Your irrational cop hatred is consistent whether the thug be white or black, they are never wrong and the cop is. High points for consistency, no points for bat shit crazy.
Is the cop not nuts? 2 previous lawsuits for SAME THING!? Dude ain't mentally capable or stable enough to do this job...no way..
He assaulted her. Now I understand when one of Obama's kids which aren't exactly civilized and can't operate in a civilized society without aping out but what if it had been a white kid that IS civilized....cop has no self control and with 2 previous lawsuits has no business being around ANY underage folks or even on the police force.

I take back every bad thing I ever said about you. Your irrational cop hatred is consistent whether the thug be white or black, they are never wrong and the cop is. High points for consistency, no points for bat shit crazy.
Is the cop not nuts? 2 previous lawsuits for SAME THING!? Dude ain't mentally capable or stable enough to do this job...no way..

Apparently the girl wasn't raised properly enough to be in a taxpayer funded school.
If he is on suspension without pay, I'm pretty sure that the police department thinks he violated police procedures, and that changes everything. All I have to go on is a video and I gave my opinion of what I saw. It's possible that my interpretation was wrong. We shall see what the investigation finds out.

Of course he violated policy. It can't be SOP for an officer working in a school to handle children that way especially in response to that situation.
I'm not real sure they understand the concept of Cause/Effect. If Action A is the direct cause of Result B and Action A never occurs, in this case the choice to disobey a valid request, Result B doesn't occur.
Truth be told, I'm not sure either.

That's the fascinating thing to me about trying to communicate with someone who has pledged obedient adherence to a hardcore partisan ideology: It distorts perception, and makes having an honest, constructive conversation nearly impossible with them.

I don't know if they're lying or intellectually blinded.
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He assaulted her. Now I understand when one of Obama's kids which aren't exactly civilized and can't operate in a civilized society without aping out but what if it had been a white kid that IS civilized....cop has no self control and with 2 previous lawsuits has no business being around ANY underage folks or even on the police force.

I take back every bad thing I ever said about you. Your irrational cop hatred is consistent whether the thug be white or black, they are never wrong and the cop is. High points for consistency, no points for bat shit crazy.
Is the cop not nuts? 2 previous lawsuits for SAME THING!? Dude ain't mentally capable or stable enough to do this job...no way..

Apparently the girl wasn't raised properly enough to be in a taxpayer funded school.
Yeah because NO other child that age plays on a cell phone at school...sure thing sparky.
He assaulted her. Now I understand when one of Obama's kids which aren't exactly civilized and can't operate in a civilized society without aping out but what if it had been a white kid that IS civilized....cop has no self control and with 2 previous lawsuits has no business being around ANY underage folks or even on the police force.

I take back every bad thing I ever said about you. Your irrational cop hatred is consistent whether the thug be white or black, they are never wrong and the cop is. High points for consistency, no points for bat shit crazy.
Is the cop not nuts? 2 previous lawsuits for SAME THING!? Dude ain't mentally capable or stable enough to do this job...no way..

Apparently the girl wasn't raised properly enough to be in a taxpayer funded school.
Yeah because NO other child that age plays on a cell phone at school...sure thing sparky.

What it was is irrelevant. What she did shows disrespect and an attitude of not having to do what you're told even when the one telling you have the authority to do so. It could have been anything.

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