Outrage grows after South Carolina officer throws student in classroom

Until some maniac pulls a gun....then they'll be begging him to come and probably rush to him desperately wanting protection.

That goon would not be so brave ...he is brave with a teenage girl unarmed and skinny ...the gorilla would not be so brave with someone that could fight back
Seems the gorilla was the one on the floor.

How about the parents, or may be parent in this case, teach their kids that when someone who has the authority to do so tells them to do something, they do what they're told when they're told. Unlike this punk kid, what the school could do to me meant nothing compared to what would have happened at home. My guess is the girl is that way because whomever raised her is the same way.

You are such an angel growing up. When you were in high school how many times have you disobeyed your teachers? Zero? That's a joke right? You did not see any high school kids misbehaving? That's a joke too. right?
Is that mean parents of these kids are also bad?

I didn't disobey the teachers. You claiming I did means you claim to know more about me than I know. My dad made it clear what would happen to me if I did something like this girl did. While I don't know whether or not he would have done it, I do know I didn't give him a chance to prove it.
the victims were the other students and teachers that had to deal with that bitch being a bitch in school where they are supposed to be learning, but the bitch desired to be a bitch and got what she had coming.

Odd though that the kids in the class who have gone on record support the student...
The FBI is not investigating the student its investigating the Juiced body builder Gorilla...they need to screen for steroid abuse...

You act like that's anything surprising.

They need to investigate you for brains as it's apparent shit is where your brains should be.
I saw one black parent say 'if this had been a white kid the policeman would not have acted so 'violently'. I hate to say it, but if it had been a white kid I don't think - most of the time - the policeman would have HAD to act in such a manner. They would have had more respect for the policeman and would have gotten up, obeyed his orders.

It's just a difference in how kids are being raised an in different cultures. We have a President, for instance, who admitted he knew NOTHING about what happened but followed up by saying the police acted 'stupidly' when they arrested his college professor buddy - 'Anti-Cop, right off the bat. It turned out that his buddy was being an ass, refused to prove who he was, and the cop he was talking about is a highly decorated officer who actually teaches all the younger cops about racial diversity. Talk about shooting your mouth off ignorantly about the wrong cop?! Since then Obama has let his own bias be seen several more times.

This incident, like the one involving Michael Brown, did NOT have to happen - the girl brought it upon herself. In Brown's case, he had just stolen from a store, assaulted the shop owner, was told t get out of the middle of the street by a policeman, and BROWN then started the altercation by verbally disrespecting the policeman. This led to Brown assaulting the police officer, attempting to seize the officer's gun, and being shot in self-defense. In the girl's case, she disrespected the officer, refused to comply with his orders, then resisted arrest.

NOTE TO KIDS: Here are two examples of Kids with no respect for the police, thought they didn't have to comply with the police's orders, resisted, and fought back...and it didn't go well for the kids. DON'T BE STUPID - respect and obey the law. Even if you are in the right, it can be settled later. If you didn't do anything you have nothing to worry about. Complying with the officer and straightening things out afterwards is better than getting shot or dragged out of a chair and cuffed. Also, you're not a 'badass' who can do whatever you want. Show some respect and you will GET respect. Show disrespect and attitude, especially to a cop, you will NOT win.

It's not totally the kids' fault, though. The parents are teaching this crap. Again, from Obama down to individuals calling for the murder of all whites and cops to Al Sharpton calling on all blacks NOT to comply with the law / cops, part of the problem is the culture and ignorance being pushed and taught to the kids.
They should do a hair test for steroid use...use of steroids can lead to Rage incidents...

While doing that, they should do a paternity test on the personS the girl's baby mama thinks might be her baby daddy.
Folks in glass houses should not throw stones chump

Says the one that's made the accusation about the police officer and steroids.

I know who both of my parents are chimp.
I have problems with aggravated child abuse and endangerment by a juiced on steroid body builder...
How much of that "child abuse" would have occurred if the child had not clearly and aggressively broken several rules before it happened?


I'll answer that myself, because I would never expect a straight answer to that from the PC Police:

I think that steroid use possibly is involved in what happened. He is a bodybuilder and strength coach..He may be using 'Roids....I do not understand why it is not mandatory to screen for steroid us when someone is involved in this type of action.

You stated he is on steroids. Now, coward, you're backtracking.
the victims were the other students and teachers that had to deal with that bitch being a bitch in school where they are supposed to be learning, but the bitch desired to be a bitch and got what she had coming.

Odd though that the kids in the class who have gone on record support the student...
The FBI is not investigating the student its investigating the Juiced body builder Gorilla...they need to screen for steroid abuse...
yea, you could just see all the kids coming to help her, trying to keep her from harm

and the teachers that called this juiced guy in, they should also be investigated


the kids are lying b/c leftist have fed them the idea that it's cool to hate on cops

If you could think, that idea might have come to mind, but you're a leftist, so you don't
I have problems with aggravated child abuse and endangerment by a juiced on steroid body builder...
If that had been my daughter, having charges lodged against him would be the least of his problems. It would be very possible that he wouldn't be around to answer to those charges.
I have problems with aggravated child abuse and endangerment by a juiced on steroid body builder...
How much of that "child abuse" would have occurred if the child had not clearly and aggressively broken several rules before it happened?


I'll answer that myself, because I would never expect a straight answer to that from the PC Police:


Odd how you conservative punks support the Branch Davidians in WACO Texas even after the murderous pedophiles killed 4 Law Enforcers ...how odd is that
I have problems with aggravated child abuse and endangerment by a juiced on steroid body builder...
How much of that "child abuse" would have occurred if the child had not clearly and aggressively broken several rules before it happened?


I'll answer that myself, because I would never expect a straight answer to that from the PC Police:


The brat broke the LAWS of the State. It started out by breaking a school rule. When she refused to do what she was told, when she was told, by someone having the authority to tell her to do it, she broke the law of disturbing school.
I have problems with aggravated child abuse and endangerment by a juiced on steroid body builder...
If that had been my daughter, having charges lodged against him would be the least of his problems. It would be very possible that he wouldn't be around to answer to those charges.
same here do that to my kin and see what happens.....
I have problems with aggravated child abuse and endangerment by a juiced on steroid body builder...
If that had been my daughter, having charges lodged against him would be the least of his problems. It would be very possible that he wouldn't be around to answer to those charges.

Sure thing big mouth.

If that had been your daughter, it wouldn't be a surprise that she refused to obey a request made by someone having the authority to make it. Your no one can tell me what to do attitude would be the cause.
Odd how you conservative punks support the Branch Davidians in WACO Texas even after the murderous pedophiles killed 4 Law Enforcers ...how odd is that

Odd how you like to try to speak for other people when you don't know them or what the hell it is you're talking about. That is why people find it so easy to ignore you.

Stick to speaking for YOURSELF because you SUCK trying to speak for others.


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