Outrage grows after South Carolina officer throws student in classroom

we have bi-partisan agreement that a police officer was not necessary in this instance and should have not been called upon to resolve a non-violent behavioral problem in a school.

it seems to me, however, that part of the skill of a good police officer is in knowing how to avoid using violence, too.

wouldn't you agree?

Good cops would agree...dumb-assed thugs who become cops because they are too scared and stupid to do anything else, not so much.
Do you honestly think Trayvon or Big Mike were going to become cops?

Based on the behavior of way too many cops these days, why not? It seems like the job is being dumbed-down to the least common denominator...and not just by Affirmative Action. It seems like the pols like cops that are mindless drones.

This is one incident. Most police officers do a wonderful job, Dan.

There are two kinds of cops: The corrupt ones and the ones who look the other way when they see corruption. Just ask Frank Serpico.

Everyone on the planet has a smartphone now, and it seems that a lot of cops are too fucking dumb to notice.
Ya just like in the movie. God you're a pathetic piece of shit.
Permanent Ignore.
I agree it was a legal arrest. I just disagree with the law. It's absurd our society is to the point that men with guns have to come into science class to discipline brat kids because parents and teachers don't want to.

It's not a matter of teachers not wanting to. There is very little a teacher can do and from what one eyewitness stated, the teacher did pretty much all the teacher could do by requesting the student go to the discipline office. It used to be that parents did their job at home and all the teachers had to do was make such a request. Now, the reason so many students are the way they are is because the acorn doesn't fall far from the tree. I have a very good friend that teaches and he says he used to wonder why students acted the way they did until he met some of their parents. He said it took about a 2 minute conversation with the parents to know why the child was that way.

Teachers can drag the bitch out. Fuck her. Bouncers can do it. Well....teachers are the schools bouncers. Quit being pussy ass liberals and take care of it. Don't call cops to science class.

Teachers can't do that.

The LAW was broken by this girl. Police enforce the laws.

Based on your viewpoint, a citizen, because they pay taxes to drive on the roads can pull over a speeder and give them a ticket.

YES they can. How can bouncers and corporate security remove and detain people?? It's legal if you are the official employee and given permission to perform security functions...which teachers can do.

It's time to take cops out of schools and get the school staff to keep order in their own house.

You ever worked in a school district? Bouncers and corporate security can because where they're doing it is private property. If you're on the sidewalk in front of my house, public way, and you're doing something I don't like, I can't throw you off the sidewalk. However, once you step foot in my yard, private property, the rules change.

No...because you aren't entrusted with any authority on that sidewalk.

IN a school....the school staff does have an authority position. That's why teachers can break up fights and drag the brats to the principles office. Football coaches used to be who did it. Perfectly legal.

BUT....teachers have gotten spoiled with cops in schools. One fucking snot nosed brat talks back..."just call the cops". Fuck that. Time to go back to the old days when teachers handled it.

AND SOON....teachers will have to because cops aren't gonna put themselves in that position. Even if a minor law is broken....just like a speeding ticket, the cops can just say no, not enforcing it. Discretion is a wonderful thing.
Essentially, though, what we really are doing is Gitmo-izing the teenagers. We are telling them that they have no rights. They must obey or they can be taken out. They cannot act out like fucking teenagers do. Frankly, the saddest part of the video of the girl in South Carolina is that everyone in that room didn't get up and try to stop the cop (the one girl who protested was also arrested).

That means that they have internalized the oppression. That's their education in a nutshell.

The Rude Pundit: Cops in the Classroom: How Pathetic Are We?

They can act out but there are consequences. That's your problem. You want teenagers to be able to act out without consequences. This girl was given multiple chances to do what she was told to do by someone having the authority to tell her.
I think that steroid use possibly is involved in what happened. He is a bodybuilder and strength coach..He may be using 'Roids....I do not understand why it is not mandatory to screen for steroid us when someone is involved in this type of action.
Question for the victim-blamers: If this officer's actions are appropriate to the crime of "not listening", then what in your estimation would be inappropriate? Killing her? Would that be too far for you, or just appropriate enough for the sin of "not listening"?
the victims were the teacher and the other students.

let that sink the fuck in
Conservative65 said above the teacher can't discipline the child anymore. That is true. Teachers are not allowed to touch a student, physically / bodily, anymore to get them to do anything.

I partly find that stupid, as having taken discipline out of schools have resulted in events like this. Parents obviously aren't raising their kids right, either. Growing up I never would have done something like this - I would have gotten in trouble at school and then gotten my backside torn up at home. We were taught discipline and respect, two things the video shows this girl was missing.

Now, evidently, the police aren't even allowed to do anything. The comments about no single police officer should be able to make an arrest on their own is ridiculous. They are sworn LAW ENFORCERS. The disrespect shown by this girl is part of the problem today. A policeman asks you to do something, you do it...period.

Part of this disrespect, IMO, stems from the division being taught / preached from all the way at the top - our President - to the parents and the thugs called Black Lives Matter who have openly called for the murders of all whites and of cops. Al Sharpton a few months back held a protest in NYC in which he called for blacks to openly refuse to comply with any police. (Yeah, that's a good way to ensure MORE violence, you jackass.) People like this ignorant race-baiter is not a 'leader' or a role-model. They should be shunned.

As far as the cop in the video goes, he did become too aggressive. When the girl flat out refused to stand up as ordered, unfortunately - because of the anti-cop society we live in now - he should have called for back-up, not to do his job but instead so the perception of a one-sided event like this is being blown up to be is not given.

If the girl flat out refuses to get up, refuses to obey his commands, what is the policeman's alternative to dragging her out of the chair. IF he had called for back-up and she still refused to get out of the chair, I honestly would not have had a problem with them tazing her....IF it had gone that far. As they policeman asked her, "Are you going to get up out of the chair, or am I going to have to MAKE you get up?" It was HER choice not to and to force the policeman's hand.

I am so sick of the lack of personal accountability these days. This was really simple:
- TEACHER: You are being disrespectful and disruptive. Leave the class.
-- No.

- POLICEMAN: "Are you going to get up out of the chair, or am I going to have to MAKE you get up?"
- No.

Congratulations, you just BROKE THE LAW - Refusal to comply with an officer
- He tries to get her up - she fights him.
Congratulations, you just broke the law AGAIN - Resisting Arrest.

Once Discipline was taken out of schools and out of the hands of teachers and principals, the responsibility and accountability of student behavior was handed over to the POLICE. PARENTS force this action by refusing / opposing discipline in school. So now instead of 'Johhny' / 'Suzy' getting detention or suspended...or expelled, 'Johnny' / 'Suzy' is going to JAIL.

If I was the school I would tell the parents to take their child to another school.
The fate of the police officer is now up to the sheriff, who is under a lot of pressure by some parents.
Why the policeman?........he was just arresting an out of control teenager. ....... :cool:

If you are not smart enough to deal with a teenybopper without resorting to excessive violence, then you are not smart enough to be a police officer.
So how do you suggest a disruptive student who refuses to leave a classroom be removed from the classroom?

How do you deal with your unruly son or daughter who refuses to go to their room? I was one of them stubborn kids who had a problem with authority...yet my mom and my teachers had no problem getting me out of my seat and to the principals office using either verbal reason or threats, or simply grabbing me by the ear.

That's how it was in our day, but times have changed. I've never disobeyed a teacher's command to leave the classroom....

I did. When I was the tenth grade. I just held my ground and stayed in my seat. I don't even remember what her problem was, she must have thought I was being disruptive because there was a friend who had come to the door and asked for me and it was during class time. So she shouted and then when I didn't get up and leave she just picked up with the class. No one called the cops.

That's fucking over-reach, calling the cops in for a teenage girl who wouldn't put her cell phone away, and in previous generations would be referred to as a POLICE STATE.

Listen and watch the interview of Tony Robinson, or else STFU.
"When I was the tenth grade".
Too bad you never learned how to construct a sentence in school.
You're an asshole loser.
Permanent Ignore
And how much of this 'outrage' is the direct result of media only showing the end of the clip, and not the patience of the officer in the minutes before it got physical?
And how much of this 'outrage' is the direct result of media only showing the end of the clip, and not the patience of the officer in the minutes before it got physical?
You are correct [sarcasm] when they showed the clip of that NFL player knocking out his girl friend they should have shown them having a good time earlier....oh good grief.......
Until some maniac pulls a gun....then they'll be begging him to come and probably rush to him desperately wanting protection.

That goon would not be so brave ...he is brave with a teenage girl unarmed and skinny ...the gorilla would not be so brave with someone that could fight back
Seems the gorilla was the one on the floor.

How about the parents, or may be parent in this case, teach their kids that when someone who has the authority to do so tells them to do something, they do what they're told when they're told. Unlike this punk kid, what the school could do to me meant nothing compared to what would have happened at home. My guess is the girl is that way because whomever raised her is the same way.

You are such an angel growing up. When you were in high school how many times have you disobeyed your teachers? Zero? That's a joke right? You did not see any high school kids misbehaving? That's a joke too. right?
Is that mean parents of these kids are also bad?
It's not a matter of teachers not wanting to. There is very little a teacher can do and from what one eyewitness stated, the teacher did pretty much all the teacher could do by requesting the student go to the discipline office. It used to be that parents did their job at home and all the teachers had to do was make such a request. Now, the reason so many students are the way they are is because the acorn doesn't fall far from the tree. I have a very good friend that teaches and he says he used to wonder why students acted the way they did until he met some of their parents. He said it took about a 2 minute conversation with the parents to know why the child was that way.

Teachers can drag the bitch out. Fuck her. Bouncers can do it. Well....teachers are the schools bouncers. Quit being pussy ass liberals and take care of it. Don't call cops to science class.

Teachers can't do that.

The LAW was broken by this girl. Police enforce the laws.

Based on your viewpoint, a citizen, because they pay taxes to drive on the roads can pull over a speeder and give them a ticket.

YES they can. How can bouncers and corporate security remove and detain people?? It's legal if you are the official employee and given permission to perform security functions...which teachers can do.

It's time to take cops out of schools and get the school staff to keep order in their own house.

You ever worked in a school district? Bouncers and corporate security can because where they're doing it is private property. If you're on the sidewalk in front of my house, public way, and you're doing something I don't like, I can't throw you off the sidewalk. However, once you step foot in my yard, private property, the rules change.

No...because you aren't entrusted with any authority on that sidewalk.

IN a school....the school staff does have an authority position. That's why teachers can break up fights and drag the brats to the principles office. Football coaches used to be who did it. Perfectly legal.

BUT....teachers have gotten spoiled with cops in schools. One fucking snot nosed brat talks back..."just call the cops". Fuck that. Time to go back to the old days when teachers handled it.

AND SOON....teachers will have to because cops aren't gonna put themselves in that position. Even if a minor law is broken....just like a speeding ticket, the cops can just say no, not enforcing it. Discretion is a wonderful thing.

Interesting that you mention breaking up fights. Apparently you haven't worked in a school system. Neither have I but my brother DID. He did exactly what you said he should do during a fight. During that fight, and it involved multiple people in the end as it built, my brother detained one of those brats by pulling him to his knees, getting behind him, and putting him in a full nelson. When the brat attempted to get loose, my brother, in order to maintain control and detain him, put him face down in the dirt of the courtyard, lying on top of him while holding the full nelson. He was doing what you said he should do as the fight was still going on. Supposed witnesses said my brother punched and kicked the student. In the end, those saying he did weren't there.

Little to nothing happened to the student other than the slap on the wrist. My brother, after a couple of years, left the profession due to the backlash of what happened and his inability to get hired elsewhere. While he said no principal ever mentioned the incident, he felt that it played a part in not being able to go to another school.
the victims were the teacher and the other students.

let that sink the fuck in

Let it sink in the kids that have gone on record in that class say the cop is dangerous....
Teacher asked the bitch to leave
bitch refused
admin asked the bitch to leave
bitch refused
cop asked the bitch to leave
bitch refused
cop fixed the situation

the victims were the other students and teachers that had to deal with that bitch being a bitch in school where they are supposed to be learning, but the bitch desired to be a bitch and got what she had coming.
And how much of this 'outrage' is the direct result of media only showing the end of the clip, and not the patience of the officer in the minutes before it got physical?
You are correct [sarcasm] when they showed the clip of that NFL player knocking out his girl friend they should have shown them having a good time earlier....oh good grief.......

Physical force is justified in police work. Condemning the officer for doing his job suggests you believe police should never lay hands on a suspect.
You are such an angel growing up. When you were in high school how many times have you disobeyed your teachers? Zero? That's a joke right? You did not see any high school kids misbehaving? That's a joke too. right?
Is that mean parents of these kids are also bad?

I went to a Catholic High school and we had boucoup thugs ...whites ....
Why the policeman?........he was just arresting an out of control teenager. ....... :cool:

If you are not smart enough to deal with a teenybopper without resorting to excessive violence, then you are not smart enough to be a police officer.
So how do you suggest a disruptive student who refuses to leave a classroom be removed from the classroom?

How do you deal with your unruly son or daughter who refuses to go to their room? I was one of them stubborn kids who had a problem with authority...yet my mom and my teachers had no problem getting me out of my seat and to the principals office using either verbal reason or threats, or simply grabbing me by the ear.

That's how it was in our day, but times have changed. I've never disobeyed a teacher's command to leave the classroom....

I did. When I was the tenth grade. I just held my ground and stayed in my seat. I don't even remember what her problem was, she must have thought I was being disruptive because there was a friend who had come to the door and asked for me and it was during class time. So she shouted and then when I didn't get up and leave she just picked up with the class. No one called the cops.

That's fucking over-reach, calling the cops in for a teenage girl who wouldn't put her cell phone away, and in previous generations would be referred to as a POLICE STATE.

Listen and watch the interview of Tony Robinson, or else STFU.
So you have problems with authority figures. Your work history and interaction with bosses must be interesting.
the victims were the other students and teachers that had to deal with that bitch being a bitch in school where they are supposed to be learning, but the bitch desired to be a bitch and got what she had coming.

Odd though that the kids in the class who have gone on record support the student...
The FBI is not investigating the student its investigating the Juiced body builder Gorilla...they need to screen for steroid abuse...

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