Outrage grows after South Carolina officer throws student in classroom

I saw the video already, Sunni Man. It was excessive force. He should have stopped immediately and called for back up.
That's absurd........why should a cop be required to call for back-up in order to arrest 1 belligerent teenage girl? ....... :cuckoo:
Police shouldn't make an arrest on a resistor without backup.

That's an impossible standard to meet and shows the cop hater Left's general ignorance about police procedure. Anyone not complying with lawful orders is an ongoing threat. What if she pulled out a 9 while he was waiting for backup? The object is to get the suspect in cuffs as soon as possible to reduce the opportunity for something going wrong.

Jeeze, you people act like she's not going to recover and be just fine. She's got some well deserved bruises and I hope they hurt.
She needs to be expelled from the school and he needs to be expelled from the police force.
Why the policeman?........he was just arresting an out of control teenager. ....... :cool:

I saw the video already, Sunni Man. It was excessive force. He should have stopped immediately and called for back up. Put her under arrest and charged her with resisting arrest and whatever other charges could be brought against her. Let her parents pay for a lawyer.

I am 4 square behind law enforcement. I was on their side with Ferguson and the other case in NY against the NYPD. I believe our law enforcement is the greatest in the land but this officer made a poor judgment call in how to handle her (the student).
have you ever served as a police officer or the like???
You don't mess around and play patty cake. It is a good way of getting hurt. Especially against people you think are docile. Especially drunks
She needs to be expelled from the school and he needs to be expelled from the police force.
Why the policeman?........he was just arresting an out of control teenager. ....... :cool:

I saw the video already, Sunni Man. It was excessive force. He should have stopped immediately and called for back up. Put her under arrest and charged her with resisting arrest and whatever other charges could be brought against her. Let her parents pay for a lawyer.

I am 4 square behind law enforcement. I was on their side with Ferguson and the other case in NY against the NYPD. I believe our law enforcement is the greatest in the land but this officer made a poor judgment call in how to handle her (the student).
have you ever served as a police officer or the like???
You don't mess around and play patty cake. It is a good way of getting hurt. Especially against people you think are docile. Especially drunks
Clearly she hasn't. Her life's mission is to warn the world about the dangers of Catholicism. At everything else, she's a novice at best.
There is one more thing I would change. I would go back to the original system of the police department responds from their headquarters while the police officer stationed at the school calls in and asks for backup. Then the student is taken to jail until they are transferred to a juvenile detention center. The fact that this officer had to respond by himself is unacceptable. There should be at least two officers on any scene in order that each have someone backing them up. He was alone. The situation was out of control.

Proper procedure would be call for back up and wait for them to arrive. Arrest the girl and charge her with resisting arrest, attacking a police officer, whatever the charges may be and make sure she has a record. Let the parents pay for a lawyer, the court fees, damages done to the classroom furniture, etc.

How fucking bad at their job must they be that they need to use physical violence to remove an unarmed teenage girl from a classroom?

When I was in high school, the same thing happened. Teacher told a student to go to the principal's office. Student refused. Teacher said, "Okay, then every minute you stay in my classroom I'm deducting 5% from your final grade." Kid thought about it for less than 30 seconds, got up, and left.

This whole scenario is only appropriate to you if you think our country should be more like China.
Question for the victim-blamers: If this officer's actions are appropriate to the crime of "not listening", then what in your estimation would be inappropriate? Killing her? Would that be too far for you, or just appropriate enough for the sin of "not listening"?
I saw the video already, Sunni Man. It was excessive force. He should have stopped immediately and called for back up.
That's absurd........why should a cop be required to call for back-up in order to arrest 1 belligerent teenage girl? ....... :cuckoo:
Police shouldn't make an arrest on a resistor without backup.

That's an impossible standard to meet and shows the cop hater Left's general ignorance about police procedure. Anyone not complying with lawful orders is an ongoing threat. What if she pulled out a 9 while he was waiting for backup? The object is to get the suspect in cuffs as soon as possible to reduce the opportunity for something going wrong.

Jeeze, you people act like she's not going to recover and be just fine. She's got some well deserved bruises and I hope they hurt.

Yep. That's what these idiots don't grasp.

"Backup" is for the cops safety and ability to make the arrest. NOT to ensure the suspect and suspects fans don't get their feelings hurt.

This cop clearly didn't need backup. And cops cannot make it a practice of demanding 1-2 extra cops for every person who resists. Because as body cams will soon show...it's so common that we'd never have cops working if 3 or 4 had to be summoned to every asshole who won't follow the rules.
There is one more thing I would change. I would go back to the original system of the police department responds from their headquarters while the police officer stationed at the school calls in and asks for backup. Then the student is taken to jail until they are transferred to a juvenile detention center. The fact that this officer had to respond by himself is unacceptable. There should be at least two officers on any scene in order that each have someone backing them up. He was alone. The situation was out of control.

Proper procedure would be call for back up and wait for them to arrive. Arrest the girl and charge her with resisting arrest, attacking a police officer, whatever the charges may be and make sure she has a record. Let the parents pay for a lawyer, the court fees, damages done to the classroom furniture, etc.

How fucking bad at their job must they be that they need to use physical violence to remove an unarmed teenage girl from a classroom?

When I was in high school, the same thing happened. Teacher told a student to go to the principal's office. Student refused. Teacher said, "Okay, then every minute you stay in my classroom I'm deducting 5% from your final grade." Kid thought about it for less than 30 seconds, got up, and left.

This whole scenario is only appropriate to you if you think our country should be more like China.

HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! You think kids give a fuck about that? Hell in today's PC classroom you can't fail them anyway.

If the bitch refused to leave at all costs...how else but force would she be removed? Ask prison staff. They've tried for decades to figure out how to remove people from a cell without force. Guess what? Still haven't found it. Ask bouncers. They'd love to find a way to remove idiots from bars without force. Guess what? If the idiot is determined not to go....force is happening.

Same.thing here.
Question for the victim-blamers: If this officer's actions are appropriate to the crime of "not listening", then what in your estimation would be inappropriate? Killing her? Would that be too far for you, or just appropriate enough for the sin of "not listening"?

Seriously? Uuugh.

Ok. Yes. Killing her or stabbing her or shooting her would be wrong mmmkay?

He could've sprayed her or tazed her. Guess what would've happened? Yep. OOOOOUTRAGE!!!!!! That's why he tried to use hands on. The bitch resisited......fuck her.
All the discussion yesterday about it included at some point, "We haven't seen the whole incident and don't know how long the officer talked with the student before getting physical."

Ya well, maybe then you should stfu about it until you have?
All the discussion yesterday about it included at some point, "We haven't seen the whole incident and don't know how long the officer talked with the student before getting physical."

Ya well, maybe then you should stfu about it until you have?

CNNs initial article online actually lead with "Without knowing all the details and what led to it, it still appears..........media vomit".

Attention cops. Just quit. Just say fuck it. If a person won't comply with verbal commands....leave. Tell them to call the Army or the local media and let them handle it. Army ain't coming. And local media apparently knows every answer to law enforcement issues so they an do it.themselves.
There is one more thing I would change. I would go back to the original system of the police department responds from their headquarters while the police officer stationed at the school calls in and asks for backup. Then the student is taken to jail until they are transferred to a juvenile detention center. The fact that this officer had to respond by himself is unacceptable. There should be at least two officers on any scene in order that each have someone backing them up. He was alone. The situation was out of control.

Proper procedure would be call for back up and wait for them to arrive. Arrest the girl and charge her with resisting arrest, attacking a police officer, whatever the charges may be and make sure she has a record. Let the parents pay for a lawyer, the court fees, damages done to the classroom furniture, etc.

How fucking bad at their job must they be that they need to use physical violence to remove an unarmed teenage girl from a classroom?

When I was in high school, the same thing happened. Teacher told a student to go to the principal's office. Student refused. Teacher said, "Okay, then every minute you stay in my classroom I'm deducting 5% from your final grade." Kid thought about it for less than 30 seconds, got up, and left.

This whole scenario is only appropriate to you if you think our country should be more like China.
This girl probably did not give a rat's ass about her grade.
That's absurd........why should a cop be required to call for back-up in order to arrest 1 belligerent teenage girl? ....... :cuckoo:

Why should the girl be arrested? Since when is bad behavior at school a crime?
Police should not be used to address bad behavior at school.
It wouldn't have been if she had listened to the teacher. She would have gotten detention or something. But because she refused to leave, then she committed a crime by resisting the lawful order of a police officer, resisting arrest, and assaulting that police officer. I hope she gets stuck with all those charges.
And her little friend too.

Based on eyewitness accounts, the teacher had asked her to do to the discipline office. She refused. The police officer asked. She refused.

Under Title 16, Chapter 17, Article 7, Section 420 of the SC Code of Laws, it is unlawful: "(1) for any person willfully or unnecessarily (a) to interfere with or to disturb in any way or in any place the students or teachers of any school or college in the State, (b) to loiter around such schools or college premises, or (c) to act in an obnoxious manner thereon . . ."

When she refused to leave upon the teacher's request to go to the discipline office, she met part a. When she refused the request by the police officer, she met part c.

To the moron that asked why she should be arrested, since when is bad behavior at school a crime, and stated that police shouldn't be used to address it, there's the law answer the two questions. Since police handle violations of laws, that addresses the statement.

I agree it was a legal arrest. I just disagree with the law. It's absurd our society is to the point that men with guns have to come into science class to discipline brat kids because parents and teachers don't want to.

It's not a matter of teachers not wanting to. There is very little a teacher can do and from what one eyewitness stated, the teacher did pretty much all the teacher could do by requesting the student go to the discipline office. It used to be that parents did their job at home and all the teachers had to do was make such a request. Now, the reason so many students are the way they are is because the acorn doesn't fall far from the tree. I have a very good friend that teaches and he says he used to wonder why students acted the way they did until he met some of their parents. He said it took about a 2 minute conversation with the parents to know why the child was that way.
I saw the video already, Sunni Man. It was excessive force. He should have stopped immediately and called for back up.
That's absurd........why should a cop be required to call for back-up in order to arrest 1 belligerent teenage girl? ....... :cuckoo:

Why should the girl be arrested? Since when is bad behavior at school a crime?
Police should not be used to address bad behavior at school.

She broke the laws of the State based on her behavior. Since police enforce the laws and she violated a law, who else is supposed to address it?

You are correct, in part, about police being used. I'll add to it that they shouldn't have to be used but when parents don't teach their kids to do what you're told, when you're told, by those who have the authority to tell you, someone has to do the job.
they actually have to have parents. cops are not the family life source.

And that parent has to do their job. The most attention far too many parents today have given their kids was during conception.
Just my humble opinion, but this incident isn't anyhow near as bad as people make it out to be. So the desk turned over while the cop tried to remove the girl. Was the cop really trying to body slam her as some are claiming.......hell no. The girl was holding on to the desk (with her body, not just her hands). Of course the desk is going to flip over, but that's the girls fault by not marching her ass to the principles office when told to leave the classroom. So the cop dragged her after the desk flipped....its not like he pulled out his baton and beat her.
The steroid Juiced Gorilla is told "No Trespassing

School Board Chairman James Manning said Tuesday that the officer involved has been asked to not return to any Richland 2 property.

School Board Chairman James Manning said Tuesday that the officer involved has been asked to not return to any Richland 2 property.

Manning called the incident an "outrageous exception" to the district's "culture, conduct and standards."

"What happened yesterday ... is reprehensible, unforgivable and inconsistent with everything that this district stands for," Manning said, adding that district officials are doing everything in their power to prevent more incidents like this.
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Why should the girl be arrested? Since when is bad behavior at school a crime?
Police should not be used to address bad behavior at school.
It wouldn't have been if she had listened to the teacher. She would have gotten detention or something. But because she refused to leave, then she committed a crime by resisting the lawful order of a police officer, resisting arrest, and assaulting that police officer. I hope she gets stuck with all those charges.
And her little friend too.

Based on eyewitness accounts, the teacher had asked her to do to the discipline office. She refused. The police officer asked. She refused.

Under Title 16, Chapter 17, Article 7, Section 420 of the SC Code of Laws, it is unlawful: "(1) for any person willfully or unnecessarily (a) to interfere with or to disturb in any way or in any place the students or teachers of any school or college in the State, (b) to loiter around such schools or college premises, or (c) to act in an obnoxious manner thereon . . ."

When she refused to leave upon the teacher's request to go to the discipline office, she met part a. When she refused the request by the police officer, she met part c.

To the moron that asked why she should be arrested, since when is bad behavior at school a crime, and stated that police shouldn't be used to address it, there's the law answer the two questions. Since police handle violations of laws, that addresses the statement.

I agree it was a legal arrest. I just disagree with the law. It's absurd our society is to the point that men with guns have to come into science class to discipline brat kids because parents and teachers don't want to.

It's not a matter of teachers not wanting to. There is very little a teacher can do and from what one eyewitness stated, the teacher did pretty much all the teacher could do by requesting the student go to the discipline office. It used to be that parents did their job at home and all the teachers had to do was make such a request. Now, the reason so many students are the way they are is because the acorn doesn't fall far from the tree. I have a very good friend that teaches and he says he used to wonder why students acted the way they did until he met some of their parents. He said it took about a 2 minute conversation with the parents to know why the child was that way.

Teachers can drag the bitch out. Fuck her. Bouncers can do it. Well....teachers are the schools bouncers. Quit being pussy ass liberals and take care of it. Don't call cops to science class.
The steroid Juiced Gorilla is told "No Trespassing

School Board Chairman James Manning said Tuesday that the officer involved has been asked to not return to any Richland 2 property.

School Board Chairman James Manning said Tuesday that the officer involved has been asked to not return to any Richland 2 property.

Manning called the incident an "outrageous exception" to the district's "culture, conduct and standards."

"What happened yesterday ... is reprehensible, unforgivable and inconsistent with everything that this district stands for," Manning said, adding that district officials are doing everything in their power to prevent more incidents like this.

Until some maniac pulls a gun....then they'll be begging him to come and probably rush to him desperately wanting protection.
Until some maniac pulls a gun....then they'll be begging him to come and probably rush to him desperately wanting protection.

That goon would not be so brave ...he is brave with a teenage girl unarmed and skinny ...the gorilla would not be so brave with someone that could fight back

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