Outrage grows after South Carolina officer throws student in classroom


Exactly, what part of restraining someone involves throwing them across the class. Thats the opposite of restraining

Let us know when you find somebody being thrown across the classroom and start a thread on it. Until then, you might want to consider discussing what actually happened.

Sorry I thought you were being serious.

I am. She wasn't thrown across the room, she was thrown to the ground as is everyone who resists arrest.

Actually it appears to me that her own actions made the chair go over. I'm reasonably certain she did it on purpose.

You NEVER disappoint.

The chair went over because she defended herself.

Just as you or anyone else would have done.

The teacher lost control and then the cop lost control. The cop threw a temper tantrum, attacked a young girl and she fought back. She's just damn lucky the asshole didn't shoot her.

Hope we hear she and her family win a nice big fat settlement for this blatent assault.

No, I would not have done that moron. I would have gotten up when told.
And they'll all respond with the same shit.

"Should have been handled differently"
"Should've deescalated"
"Need better training"

Now...99% of them offer NOTHING as a solution....other than simply "not that".

But some...oh those brave naive few libs....will offer some doozies. Today I've heard "thumb lock", "ear lock", "pick up the entire desk with her in it and remove her while in the desk".

I even hears this classic: DISMISS all the other students from class so she can't show off, have multiple adults sit with her to try to convince her, and call her parents to come get her (if they can) and let the whole rest of the class just be dismissed. YEAH...we'd never have a school day if this whopper of a plan went into effect.
"One of the students in the class who witnessed the whole thing said the girl was totally at fault, and the cop did nothing wrong."

Oh. Well why didn't he say that before.

That changes everything.


Actually it changes nothing. The cop did nothing wrong from the start.
If he is on suspension without pay, I'm pretty sure that the police department thinks he violated police procedures, and that changes everything. All I have to go on is a video and I gave my opinion of what I saw. It's possible that my interpretation was wrong. We shall see what the investigation finds out.
"One of the students in the class who witnessed the whole thing said the girl was totally at fault, and the cop did nothing wrong."

Oh. Well why didn't he say that before.

That changes everything.


Actually it changes nothing. The cop did nothing wrong from the start.

Obviously, I was being sarcastic but -

You don't know that. You CHOOSE to believe it because it fits your agenda but what we know is from the beginning of the video on.

What we saw him do in the video was wrong.

He lost control of himself and acted out of ego and anger. He's supposed to be the adult but he behaved as bad or worse than the girl.
It's happening again. A police officer is called to attend to another criminal jerk, who refuses to abide by society's rules, and the cop winds up under attack by liberal idiots, for doing his job. The things I'm hearing from the school board members are ludicrous. They are blaming the cop for what is essentially > police work. They're demonizing him for doing his job.

Sure, he grabbed the 16 year old girl (who hit him in the face, in addition to her other offenses) and dragged her, to the front of the room (where there was more room to subdue her) before handcuffing her. Well, bingo! If she wasn't resisting the officer, he wouldn't have had to manhandle her would he ?, illustrious school board members.

So we have a criminal committing multiple criminal acts, showing total disregard for 3 authorities (teacher, school administrator, and police officer), and when the officer (Ben Fields) whom they hire to maintain order and make arrests, does just that, they are all up in arms. Can anyone explain why ? Oh excessive force ? I don't see that. What do the do-gooders expect the cop to do ? Plead with this brat ? Sing her a song ? Offer her candy? Play pattycake with her ? He's a COP, you idiots.

One reason might be that some are seeing this as a racist thing. White cop, Black perpetrator. I notice 2 calls have been made for a civil rights investigation. Why ? Does that mean every time a White cop physically subdues a criminal who's Black, and resisting arrest, he should be seen as acting racistly improper ? This is insane.

Part of the reason for this getting twisted into the craziness that it is, is the media coverage. Naturally, the liberal media have played their part, and blown it into an incident, rather than just an arrest (like millions of others). To hear them tell it, you'd think someone has just re-enacted slavery all over again.

On CNN, Erin Burnett asked "Is there any way this can be justified ?" At first I thought she was talking about the student who was disobeying orders to turn off her cell phone, and ordered to leave the classroom, and then assaulted a cop. But NO, do-gooder Erin had another idea. She hooks up with the anti-cop lunacy infecting the nation, and somehow finds fit to blame the cop, and imply there couldn't be any justification for him to > DO HIS JOB.

Then, they bring on one of the school board members ( who say they don't want Fields working there any more) and it gets even crazier. School board member , Chip Jackson, (I can't remember all the dumb things he said), but one thing he said was, "I saw my daughter there. I saw my wife". Great job of showing your objectivity there , Chip.

I am REALLY getting tired of the assault on America's cops, and the sympathy being given to criminals. If anybody needs to be relieved of their job, it would be Erin Burnett, Chip Jackson, the school board members who are villainizing Ben Fields, and whoever the imbeciles are who have tried to turn a police arrest, into a civil rights case. Give us a break!!

PS - One of the students in the class who witnessed the whole thing said the girl was totally at fault, and the cop did nothing wrong.

PPS - Richland County Sheriff Leon Lott - also blames the officer, as does the school board's chief, James Manning. I think they are all hacks, just worried about getting fired, and trying to cover their butts.

South Carolina student's violent arrest caught on video - CNN.com

A sixteen-year-old girl who simply refuses to put her cell phone away is not a criminal. I suggest you listen to the interview of Niya Kennedy who witnessed the assault, protested and was subsequently arrested by Ben Fields.
But you won't. It would conflict with your prejudged, fucked up, biased opinion.
So if we watch this video in it's entirety, we can see that the girl is willfully being belligerent and disruptive

1) The girl is being disruptive in class, and the teacher asks POLITELY for her to stop. She doesn't comply.

2) After repeated disruptions, the teacher asks her to leave. Once again the girl refuses to comply.

3) The teacher then calls down to the office, asking one last time for the girl to leave. Once again she doesn't comply.

4) The office responds by sending an officer, who asks the girl to come with him. She refuses to comply with the lawful command of a police officer.

5) Officer tells her to leave, or he will use force to remove her from the classroom. She refuses, once again, a lawful command of a police officer.

6) In a textbook escalation and execution of the force continuum (you can go google that) he uses force to remove the girl from the desk, she responds by punching and kicking the officer and flipping her own desk in the process.

7) And in response to that punch, he uses more force to gain compliance. He drags her from the desk and tells her to put her hands behind her back, she refuses, once again refusing a lawful command from a police officer.

The man did his job. His goal was to gain submission. That doesn't make him racist.
"One of the students in the class who witnessed the whole thing said the girl was totally at fault, and the cop did nothing wrong."

Oh. Well why didn't he say that before.

That changes everything.


Actually it changes nothing. The cop did nothing wrong from the start.

Obviously, I was being sarcastic but -

You don't know that. You CHOOSE to believe it because it fits your agenda but what we know is from the beginning of the video on.

What we saw him do in the video was wrong.

He lost control of himself and acted out of ego and anger. He's supposed to be the adult but he behaved as bad or worse than the girl.
Depends on how many times she called him a MF. The sweet little thing provoked him. That's the M.O. since Ferguson.
"One of the students in the class who witnessed the whole thing said the girl was totally at fault, and the cop did nothing wrong."

Oh. Well why didn't he say that before.

That changes everything.


Actually it changes nothing. The cop did nothing wrong from the start.

Obviously, I was being sarcastic but -

You don't know that. You CHOOSE to believe it because it fits your agenda but what we know is from the beginning of the video on.

What we saw him do in the video was wrong.

He lost control of himself and acted out of ego and anger. He's supposed to be the adult but he behaved as bad or worse than the girl.
Depends on how many times she called him a MF. The sweet little thing provoked him. That's the M.O. since Ferguson.

You really think that name calling is sufficient cause to be attacked and thrown to the floor?

Cops have been called names long before Ferguson and they have acted out of anger before that as well. Police brutality is nothing new.

I came across this in an antique store. I couldn't see anything to indicate the age of it but ...

So if we watch this video in it's entirety, we can see that the girl is willfully being belligerent and disruptive

1) The girl is being disruptive in class, and the teacher asks POLITELY for her to stop. She doesn't comply.

2) After repeated disruptions, the teacher asks her to leave. Once again the girl refuses to comply.

3) The teacher then calls down to the office, asking one last time for the girl to leave. Once again she doesn't comply.

4) The office responds by sending an officer, who asks the girl to come with him. She refuses to comply with the lawful command of a police officer.

Where do you get all this extra shit? The only videos I saw (two, from 2 slightly different angles) begin with the goon flipping the desk over.

6) In a textbook escalation and execution of the force continuum (you can go google that) he uses force to remove the girl from the desk, she responds by punching and kicking the officer and flipping her own desk in the process.

"Flipping her own desk"? :rofl:

No doubt related to the customary citizen felony that goes something like "struck the peace officer repeatedly with his face".

7) And in response to that punch, he uses more force to gain compliance. He drags her from the desk and tells her to put her hands behind her back, she refuses, once again refusing a lawful command from a police officer.

The man did his job. His goal was to gain submission. That doesn't make him racist.

Who said anything about "racist"? He's a thug. Thuggery isn't confined to a race.
It's happening again. A police officer is called to attend to another criminal jerk, who refuses to abide by society's rules, and the cop winds up under attack by liberal idiots, for doing his job. The things I'm hearing from the school board members are ludicrous. They are blaming the cop for what is essentially > police work. They're demonizing him for doing his job.

Sure, he grabbed the 16 year old girl (who hit him in the face, in addition to her other offenses) and dragged her, to the front of the room (where there was more room to subdue her) before handcuffing her. Well, bingo! If she wasn't resisting the officer, he wouldn't have had to manhandle her would he ?, illustrious school board members.

So we have a criminal committing multiple criminal acts, showing total disregard for 3 authorities (teacher, school administrator, and police officer), and when the officer (Ben Fields) whom they hire to maintain order and make arrests, does just that, they are all up in arms. Can anyone explain why ? Oh excessive force ? I don't see that. What do the do-gooders expect the cop to do ? Plead with this brat ? Sing her a song ? Offer her candy? Play pattycake with her ? He's a COP, you idiots.

One reason might be that some are seeing this as a racist thing. White cop, Black perpetrator. I notice 2 calls have been made for a civil rights investigation. Why ? Does that mean every time a White cop physically subdues a criminal who's Black, and resisting arrest, he should be seen as acting racistly improper ? This is insane.

Part of the reason for this getting twisted into the craziness that it is, is the media coverage. Naturally, the liberal media have played their part, and blown it into an incident, rather than just an arrest (like millions of others). To hear them tell it, you'd think someone has just re-enacted slavery all over again.

On CNN, Erin Burnett asked "Is there any way this can be justified ?" At first I thought she was talking about the student who was disobeying orders to turn off her cell phone, and ordered to leave the classroom, and then assaulted a cop. But NO, do-gooder Erin had another idea. She hooks up with the anti-cop lunacy infecting the nation, and somehow finds fit to blame the cop, and imply there couldn't be any justification for him to > DO HIS JOB.

Then, they bring on one of the school board members ( who say they don't want Fields working there any more) and it gets even crazier. School board member , Chip Jackson, (I can't remember all the dumb things he said), but one thing he said was, "I saw my daughter there. I saw my wife". Great job of showing your objectivity there , Chip.

I am REALLY getting tired of the assault on America's cops, and the sympathy being given to criminals. If anybody needs to be relieved of their job, it would be Erin Burnett, Chip Jackson, the school board members who are villainizing Ben Fields, and whoever the imbeciles are who have tried to turn a police arrest, into a civil rights case. Give us a break!!

PS - One of the students in the class who witnessed the whole thing said the girl was totally at fault, and the cop did nothing wrong.

PPS - Richland County Sheriff Leon Lott - also blames the officer, as does the school board's chief, James Manning. I think they are all hacks, just worried about getting fired, and trying to cover their butts.

South Carolina student's violent arrest caught on video - CNN.com

A sixteen-year-old girl who simply refuses to put her cell phone away is not a criminal. I suggest you listen to the interview of Niya Kennedy who witnessed the assault, protested and was subsequently arrested by Ben Fields.
But you won't. It would conflict with your prejudged, fucked up, biased opinion.

How much education do you want to steal from the OTHER 25 kids in that classroom? Bring in a psychiatrist? Use a tranquilizer dart? This goes on DAY after DAY after DAY. My family is chock full of teachers and principals and "teach for america" folks. My uncle's been stabbed, had 2 cars torched and chopped and injured 6 times during his "bad part of Brooklyn" assignments.

THAT'S why we have "resource officers". So that the teachers can teach. In an environment where the classroom is FOCUSED on education -- not a cell phone..

You don't expect the Marines to do daycare. Shouldn't expect resource officers to spend more time on getting the job done..
"One of the students in the class who witnessed the whole thing said the girl was totally at fault, and the cop did nothing wrong."

Oh. Well why didn't he say that before.

That changes everything.


Actually it changes nothing. The cop did nothing wrong from the start.

Obviously, I was being sarcastic but -

You don't know that. You CHOOSE to believe it because it fits your agenda but what we know is from the beginning of the video on.

What we saw him do in the video was wrong.

He lost control of himself and acted out of ego and anger. He's supposed to be the adult but he behaved as bad or worse than the girl.
Depends on how many times she called him a MF. The sweet little thing provoked him. That's the M.O. since Ferguson.

You really think that name calling is sufficient cause to be attacked and thrown to the floor?

Cops have been called names long before Ferguson and they have acted out of anger before that as well. Police brutality is nothing new.

I came across this in an antique store. I couldn't see anything to indicate the age of it but ...

View attachment 53439
The girl disrupted the class and disobeyed the teacher. The ass't principal was called and she disobeyed him. The resource officer was called and she disobeyed him. Then when he said he was going to remover her, she struck him in the face. He was doing his job. period. More videos are coming out that haven't been shown yet. She wasn't supposed to be using a phone in the first place. The inmates are running the asylum.

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