Outrage grows after South Carolina officer throws student in classroom

Resisting what? Verbal command to put away her cell phone? Kids are bratty as some adults are abusive and excessive use of force. If I did something like this to my kids I would be doing 20 years in prison. But an policeman can do this to my child and be doing his job??
He used excessive force considering his size and the size of the girl. He turn this child over in here chair and dragged her across the room. Do you think he would do this to his own daughter.
The officer is heard several times telling her to stand up, which she refuses to do. He then asks her if she is going to stand up or force him to get her up - he offers her a choice...the only one she is going to get. She chose poorly.

Not saying he did not use excessive force, but he told her to get up - she refused. Cop versus bratty, disrespectful kid - she wasn't intelligent enough to know she was NOT going to win that one.
Resisting what? Verbal command to put away her cell phone? Kids are bratty as some adults are abusive and excessive use of force. If I did something like this to my kids I would be doing 20 years in prison. But an policeman can do this to my child and be doing his job??
He used excessive force considering his size and the size of the girl. He turn this child over in here chair and dragged her across the room. Do you think he would do this to his own daughter.
If one of my daughters behaved like this bitch did to the authorities and caused that much bullshit trouble in a classroom then YES I would have done it to my own daughter.
But you see all five of my now grown kids NEVER got into any trouble with any authority. They are all very well educated hard working prosperous descent people. They look at the likes of this low-life bitch and shake their heads in disgust. As do all decent folk.
But you're defending her which makes you as much a low-life as the bitch.
Resisting what? Verbal command to put away her cell phone? Kids are bratty as some adults are abusive and excessive use of force. If I did something like this to my kids I would be doing 20 years in prison. But an policeman can do this to my child and be doing his job??
He used excessive force considering his size and the size of the girl. He turn this child over in here chair and dragged her across the room. Do you think he would do this to his own daughter.
The officer is heard several times telling her to stand up, which she refuses to do. He then asks her if she is going to stand up or force him to get her up - he offers her a choice...the only one she is going to get. She chose poorly.

Not saying he did not use excessive force, but he told her to get up - she refused. Cop versus bratty, disrespectful kid - she wasn't intelligent enough to know she was NOT going to win that one.
Negros are not winning many wars now day anyway.
Of course he violated policy. It can't be SOP for an officer working in a school to handle children that way especially in response to that situation.

It looked to me and many others that she was responsible for the chair going over, but I'm not an expert in police policy, and neither are you.

I didn't say I was. I said he couldn't have acted within policy when he handled that girl like he did. It's hard to believe that is standard behavior for police in a school.That should be apparent given the actions taken by the district.

Yet you mention nothing about had the girl done what she was told, his involvement doesn't occur.

Apparently the actions by her mother to raise her as a bratty little bitch was more of the problem. It's the attitude of I'm going to be an asshole but get mad when you treat me like one.

Apparently your mother didn't do such a great job teaching her boy respect for women. Any grown man( there are several on here), who continually refer to women as "bitch" have no respect for either themselves or women. Grow up. She's a fourteen year old. Who does that?

I refer to someone as what they are and age is irrelevant.

I have respect for women. I don't have respect for people who act like bitches.

Like I said. You have no self respect.
Negros are not winning many wars now day anyway.

Maybe they have figured out, like 'Global Warming pushers', that since they can't win the arguments the only thing left to do is jail or kill the opposition (like Global Warmists and black Lives Matters have done respectively).
The act did not warrant the use of this kind of forceful action. He would not have removed a pit bull from the room with that kid of force.

You're comparing this kid to a pit bull? So in effect you're calling her a dog and female dogs are called... what? Bitches.
The act did not warrant the use of this kind of forceful action. He would not have removed a pit bull from the room with that kid of force.
No, he would had shot a pit bull dog.
You do not have to shoot a dog to get him out of a room. Tells a lot about how your minute mind thinks.
Guess what will happen if the bitch or her mother ever call for police assistance?
There are 'special' computer files loaded into patrol cars with 'special' little symbols which pop up beside 'special' people.
Just one tap on the keyboard and a LEO can read all about someone's 'history' with LEO's.
The National Law Enforcement data base is now country wide so there's no use in the bitch moving away.
In a way it's kinda hard to blame the girl.

Schools and other educational settings are an alien environment to blacks.

Thus they become easily confused and disoriented when forced to attend a place of learning. ........ :cool:
In a way it's kinda hard to blame the girl.

Schools and other educational settings are an alien environment to blacks.

Thus they become easily confused and disoriented when forced to attend a place of learning. ........ :cool:

That's bullshit, but it is close to what the liberal Democrats think of blacks. Liberals believe blacks for the most part cannot survive without government to help them in every way, from food to housing......etc.
All the discussion yesterday about it included at some point, "We haven't seen the whole incident and don't know how long the officer talked with the student before getting physical."

Ya well, maybe then you should stfu about it until you have?

CNNs initial article online actually lead with "Without knowing all the details and what led to it, it still appears..........media vomit".

Attention cops. Just quit. Just say fuck it. If a person won't comply with verbal commands....leave. Tell them to call the Army or the local media and let them handle it. Army ain't coming. And local media apparently knows every answer to law enforcement issues so they an do it.themselves.

That's what this officer has got to be thinking, him and any other cop they want to assign to this post. He shouldn't even be on administrative leave, but he is because, well either because he's white and the student is black or because the student is a minor. The FBI getting involved makes me think the former. I'm sure many cops are rethinking doing their jobs anymore. We're going to start hearing stories about high schools that don't have a resource officer because the city can't find a cop willing to do it.
You're comparing this kid to a pit bull? So in effect you're calling her a dog and female dogs are called... what? Bitches.

Wow....you did like a whole '7 Steps to Kevin Bacon' thing there to get to that insinuation. I'm impressed.
So those of you who think he should not have done that, how do you think he should have gotten her out of the classroom? She wasn't cooperating with anyone's demands to leave on her own, how were they to get her out? What about the teacher who couldn't teach his class because of her? What about the students who were there to learn but couldn't because of her? Do they not have rights?
This is Obama's social-justice policies at work.

Teach em to be assholes and not respect authority when they're young, and they become hardened criminals when they grow up. Eventually the little bitch is gonna mouth off to the wrong person and that person is gonna bust a cap in her ass.
In a way it's kinda hard to blame the girl.

Schools and other educational settings are an alien environment to blacks.

Thus they become easily confused and disoriented when forced to attend a place of learning. ........ :cool:

No it isn't. She was on her cellphone during class. That's against the rules. Teacher told her to put it away, she refused. Assistant principle came and told her the same, she refused. Presumedly at this point she's being told to leave the class that refusing that as well the AP calls the on-duty officer to come remove her. Officer starts nice as can be asking the girl to put the phone away, she refuses, warn her multiple times (speculation on my part but how it usually goes) and she refuses. Girl's given every and multiple opportunities to comply but refuses. Finally, and the only point the prejudiced media cares about the officer tries to get her up from her seat to leave the classroom and she physically resists. Now everyone's had enough and she's being placed under arrest and she refuses that as well and the rest is the only part we see because media' painting a deliberate picture.

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