Outrage grows after South Carolina officer throws student in classroom

That's absurd........why should a cop be required to call for back-up in order to arrest 1 belligerent teenage girl? ....... :cuckoo:

Why should the girl be arrested? Since when is bad behavior at school a crime?
Police should not be used to address bad behavior at school.
It wouldn't have been if she had listened to the teacher. She would have gotten detention or something. But because she refused to leave, then she committed a crime by resisting the lawful order of a police officer, resisting arrest, and assaulting that police officer. I hope she gets stuck with all those charges.
And her little friend too.

Based on eyewitness accounts, the teacher had asked her to do to the discipline office. She refused. The police officer asked. She refused.

Under Title 16, Chapter 17, Article 7, Section 420 of the SC Code of Laws, it is unlawful: "(1) for any person willfully or unnecessarily (a) to interfere with or to disturb in any way or in any place the students or teachers of any school or college in the State, (b) to loiter around such schools or college premises, or (c) to act in an obnoxious manner thereon . . ."

When she refused to leave upon the teacher's request to go to the discipline office, she met part a. When she refused the request by the police officer, she met part c.

To the moron that asked why she should be arrested, since when is bad behavior at school a crime, and stated that police shouldn't be used to address it, there's the law answer the two questions. Since police handle violations of laws, that addresses the statement.

I agree it was a legal arrest. I just disagree with the law. It's absurd our society is to the point that men with guns have to come into science class to discipline brat kids because parents and teachers don't want to.
did he pull a gun? I didn't see that. He was a hired security guard.
There are probably more than just one good men including her father in her life. What does that have to do with the cave monkey that was fired for trying to establish his dominance like monkeys and chimps are known to do?

If there were, the officer wouldn't have been involved at all. She would have done what she was told to do when she was told to do it. I doubt she knows who her daddy is much like many of your kind.
So youre saying children with fathers never disobey or defy authority? Now youre employing monkey logic. Think like a human.

Doesnt matter what you doubt. Youre just a monkey like the fired cop.

I'm not black, therefore, not a monkey. That would be you 2nd class porch monkey.

Conservative: I'm not a monkey, how dare you?

*flings poo*

You're a porch monkey.
Youre a cave chimp. You do realize you look more like a monkey than any Black person alive right? Youre hairy with thin lips, little dick, and attract hair lice.
'Outrage grows after South Carolina officer throws student in classroom'
- LINK: Outrage grows after South Carolina officer tosses student - CNN.com

Girl disrupts the class and refuses to leave when told to by the teacher. She continues. The teacher calls the office to have the uniformed officer there at school come remove her. The officer tells her to stand up. She refuses. He tells her again. She refuses. He asks her if she is going to get up, or is she going to make him get her up. She refuses. He grabs the girl - she starts fighting the officer, refusing to stand up (DISOBEYING A POLICE OFFICER'S ORDERS). In the ensuing tussle her desk flips backwards, and she and the desk fall to the floor with the officer still holding on to her and the desk. He then grabs her by the collar/shirt, pulls her towards the front of the room as she is face down, and 'throws'/'tosses her towards the front. He then steps up and demands she give him her hands so he can place handcuffs on her and explains she is now under arrest. She refuses. He orders her to do this 9 (NINE) times with her refusing - disobeying him and fighting him the whole time - until he finally grabs her arms behind her back, puts the cuffs on her, and takes her out of the class room.

Many people have gone nuts over this.
The policeman has been placed on administration duty, meaning he doesn't get to go back to the school (or any school) but is still being allowed to sit a desk and work.


Here are MY thoughts, looking at this as if I were the girl's father:
She was completely in the wrong for disrupting the class.

She should have obeyed the teacher and gone to the principal's office.

He was right in calling for the cop since she refused to stop and refused to obey.

I have no problem with the policeman trying to remove her from the chair as she disobeyed a policeman's orders...repeatedly.

She fought with him and in getting her out of the chair it flipped over - I still have no problem with it. SHE caused that to happen, not him, because of her disobedience.

I do have a problem with him dragging and tossing her by the collar. I understand he was very mad at this point - I would be, too - but still, that was 'excessive'.

I have no problem with him cuffing her and arresting her.

As a parent I would not have immediately rushed to condemn the policeman because it is more than obvious that this girl was being unruly, disruptive, belligerent, un-cooperative, disrespectful, refused to obey her elder/teacher, refused to comply with a police officer's orders - repeatedly, and fought (with) the officer, also known as 'resisting arrest'.

Putting the cop on administrative duty, maybe even never allowing him to pull duty at schools (maybe), is a great idea; however, I would have to admit as a parent 90% of this entire episode was 'my daughter's fault. I would be whoopin' her arse at home and going over EVERYTHING she did wrong to ensure it never happened again. Her behavior was embarrassing / pathetic / inexcusable.

...but that's just me.
love how the leftist media edited the whole video to fan the flames of hate and division.

so b/c of that, it's clear the cop was clearly in the right the whole time and did everything he could to control the situation.

he made no mistakes and the parents of the child should have their kids taken from them since they clearly have no idea how to raise them.

Did this guy just take the cops side only because he thinks the video is edited?

All you have to do with these guys is say the left likes their mothers and these idiots would chuck their moms off a cliff

Ah. How would Officer ClosedCaption have dealt with this brat bitch?

The only way to interact with a child of course...by mopping the floor with them
So you don't have any actionable ideas eh?
I take back every bad thing I ever said about you. Your irrational cop hatred is consistent whether the thug be white or black, they are never wrong and the cop is. High points for consistency, no points for bat shit crazy.
Is the cop not nuts? 2 previous lawsuits for SAME THING!? Dude ain't mentally capable or stable enough to do this job...no way..
Lawsuits? Are you making this up? Do you have a link?
Deputy Ben Fields: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know
Spring Valley High School officer Ben Fields' career marked with lawsuits, award - CNN.com

You idiot! The first lawsuit alleging excessive force was dismissed. The second lawsuit he will likely be removed as a defendant because he has nothing to do with the decision to expel a student. You twats are truly desperate to try to smear an outstanding police officer.

Since he confiscated their phone/video, they really had no proof, now did they?
You can whine about the lawsuit being dismissed, but it doesn't change the fact that it was dismissed. You leftists harped on and on about a lawsuit that lacked merit and was thrown out.

Unlike the way he acted.

So, you're got nothing.

Nor does any other Communist in here.

You provide police no option except to shoot and kill.

I don't believe the police should be using excessive force on non threatening minors, period.

I don't believe undisciplined minors should be allowed to disobey authority, period but you don't seem to care HER actions produced the end result.

A school suspension is in order. That does not justify the officer putting his arm around her neck, slamming the girl in the chair, then dragging her out of her chair. What the officer did was far worse than the girl refusing to get off her phone.

So someone that could care less about being there cares about a suspension?

What you don't get is that had she not refused and simply put her phone down, nothing happens. She broke the State's law the moment she disturbed school.

Good grief.
They're not my rules they're his department's rules.

BTW why are your only options either brutality or lethal force? There isn't anything in the middle?

No they are not, the department rules hold that physical restraint is allowable. The Sheriff fired the deputy to assuage the shrieking mob. The deputy will win his suit, and the next teen to defy authority will simply be ignored, as the police rightfully refuse to respond. Then someone will get killed, and all you fools will wail "WHY?"

Conservative: I'm not a monkey, how dare you?

*flings poo*

You're a porch monkey.

I enjoy seeing you so hurt right now...hey look...



You're incorrect. It's LMNAO. Laughing your ****** ass off.

I'm still laughing and you still mad

Que Sera, Sera

You're still a ****** and nothing will ever change that. I'd laugh if that's I was ever going to be.

Friendly fire? And why is he a *******?
Is the cop not nuts? 2 previous lawsuits for SAME THING!? Dude ain't mentally capable or stable enough to do this job...no way..
Lawsuits? Are you making this up? Do you have a link?
Deputy Ben Fields: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know
Spring Valley High School officer Ben Fields' career marked with lawsuits, award - CNN.com

You idiot! The first lawsuit alleging excessive force was dismissed. The second lawsuit he will likely be removed as a defendant because he has nothing to do with the decision to expel a student. You twats are truly desperate to try to smear an outstanding police officer.

Since he confiscated their phone/video, they really had no proof, now did they?
You can whine about the lawsuit being dismissed, but it doesn't change the fact that it was dismissed. You leftists harped on and on about a lawsuit that lacked merit and was thrown out.

He confiscated their telephone so there would be no video.
He assaulted her. Now I understand when one of Obama's kids which aren't exactly civilized and can't operate in a civilized society without aping out but what if it had been a white kid that IS civilized....cop has no self control and with 2 previous lawsuits has no business being around ANY underage folks or even on the police force.

I take back every bad thing I ever said about you. Your irrational cop hatred is consistent whether the thug be white or black, they are never wrong and the cop is. High points for consistency, no points for bat shit crazy.
Is the cop not nuts? 2 previous lawsuits for SAME THING!? Dude ain't mentally capable or stable enough to do this job...no way..
Lawsuits? Are you making this up? Do you have a link?
Deputy Ben Fields: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know
Spring Valley High School officer Ben Fields' career marked with lawsuits, award - CNN.com

You idiot! The first lawsuit alleging excessive force was dismissed. The second lawsuit he will likely be removed as a defendant because he has nothing to do with the decision to expel a student. You twats are truly desperate to try to smear an outstanding police officer.
Oh NOES! Fact is good cop doesn't need to face a lawsuit for doing nothing wrong. Students at the school have said he has been slamming students down for years now. Bout time this ticking time bomb was fired.
Conservative: I'm not a monkey, how dare you?

*flings poo*

You're a porch monkey.

I enjoy seeing you so hurt right now...hey look...



You're incorrect. It's LMNAO. Laughing your ****** ass off.

I'm still laughing and you still mad

Que Sera, Sera

You're still a ****** and nothing will ever change that. I'd laugh if that's I was ever going to be.

You'd laugh whut?
'Outrage grows after South Carolina officer throws student in classroom'
- LINK: Outrage grows after South Carolina officer tosses student - CNN.com

Girl disrupts the class and refuses to leave when told to by the teacher. She continues. The teacher calls the office to have the uniformed officer there at school come remove her. The officer tells her to stand up. She refuses. He tells her again. She refuses. He asks her if she is going to get up, or is she going to make him get her up. She refuses. He grabs the girl - she starts fighting the officer, refusing to stand up (DISOBEYING A POLICE OFFICER'S ORDERS). In the ensuing tussle her desk flips backwards, and she and the desk fall to the floor with the officer still holding on to her and the desk. He then grabs her by the collar/shirt, pulls her towards the front of the room as she is face down, and 'throws'/'tosses her towards the front. He then steps up and demands she give him her hands so he can place handcuffs on her and explains she is now under arrest. She refuses. He orders her to do this 9 (NINE) times with her refusing - disobeying him and fighting him the whole time - until he finally grabs her arms behind her back, puts the cuffs on her, and takes her out of the class room.

Many people have gone nuts over this.
The policeman has been placed on administration duty, meaning he doesn't get to go back to the school (or any school) but is still being allowed to sit a desk and work.


Here are MY thoughts, looking at this as if I were the girl's father:
She was completely in the wrong for disrupting the class.

She should have obeyed the teacher and gone to the principal's office.

He was right in calling for the cop since she refused to stop and refused to obey.

I have no problem with the policeman trying to remove her from the chair as she disobeyed a policeman's orders...repeatedly.

She fought with him and in getting her out of the chair it flipped over - I still have no problem with it. SHE caused that to happen, not him, because of her disobedience.

I do have a problem with him dragging and tossing her by the collar. I understand he was very mad at this point - I would be, too - but still, that was 'excessive'.

I have no problem with him cuffing her and arresting her.

As a parent I would not have immediately rushed to condemn the policeman because it is more than obvious that this girl was being unruly, disruptive, belligerent, un-cooperative, disrespectful, refused to obey her elder/teacher, refused to comply with a police officer's orders - repeatedly, and fought (with) the officer, also known as 'resisting arrest'.

Putting the cop on administrative duty, maybe even never allowing him to pull duty at schools (maybe), is a great idea; however, I would have to admit as a parent 90% of this entire episode was 'my daughter's fault. I would be whoopin' her arse at home and going over EVERYTHING she did wrong to ensure it never happened again. Her behavior was embarrassing / pathetic / inexcusable.

...but that's just me.
love how the leftist media edited the whole video to fan the flames of hate and division.

so b/c of that, it's clear the cop was clearly in the right the whole time and did everything he could to control the situation.

he made no mistakes and the parents of the child should have their kids taken from them since they clearly have no idea how to raise them.

Did this guy just take the cops side only because he thinks the video is edited?

All you have to do with these guys is say the left likes their mothers and these idiots would chuck their moms off a cliff

Ah. How would Officer ClosedCaption have dealt with this brat bitch?

The only way to interact with a child of course...by mopping the floor with them
So you don't have any actionable ideas eh?
Drag her desk out into the hallway. Pretty simple huh?
Wow you just showed how she assaulted the officer! Congrats!

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
Try to imagine what kind of sorry ass mental cripple one has to be to watch the gif below and start proclaiming the child assaulted the 250 lb steroid juiced Gorilla
I love it. Send that guy in on another student in that situation knowing this, and I'd bet a box of donuts that the student follows his directions. Just saying. Again, I love it.
I take back every bad thing I ever said about you. Your irrational cop hatred is consistent whether the thug be white or black, they are never wrong and the cop is. High points for consistency, no points for bat shit crazy.
Is the cop not nuts? 2 previous lawsuits for SAME THING!? Dude ain't mentally capable or stable enough to do this job...no way..
Lawsuits? Are you making this up? Do you have a link?
Deputy Ben Fields: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know
Spring Valley High School officer Ben Fields' career marked with lawsuits, award - CNN.com

You idiot! The first lawsuit alleging excessive force was dismissed. The second lawsuit he will likely be removed as a defendant because he has nothing to do with the decision to expel a student. You twats are truly desperate to try to smear an outstanding police officer.
Oh NOES! Fact is good cop doesn't need to face a lawsuit for doing nothing wrong. Students at the school have said he has been slamming students down for years now. Bout time this ticking time bomb was fired.
Good thing there was some video or they would have continued accusing the students of mass hysteria.
I take back every bad thing I ever said about you. Your irrational cop hatred is consistent whether the thug be white or black, they are never wrong and the cop is. High points for consistency, no points for bat shit crazy.
Is the cop not nuts? 2 previous lawsuits for SAME THING!? Dude ain't mentally capable or stable enough to do this job...no way..
Lawsuits? Are you making this up? Do you have a link?
Deputy Ben Fields: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know
Spring Valley High School officer Ben Fields' career marked with lawsuits, award - CNN.com

You idiot! The first lawsuit alleging excessive force was dismissed. The second lawsuit he will likely be removed as a defendant because he has nothing to do with the decision to expel a student. You twats are truly desperate to try to smear an outstanding police officer.
Oh NOES! Fact is good cop doesn't need to face a lawsuit for doing nothing wrong. Students at the school have said he has been slamming students down for years now. Bout time this ticking time bomb was fired.

Lawsuits are dismissed when they lack merit. You're an idiot who thinks anyone who's sued is automatically guilty. It was probably thrown out because the thug lied.
Wow you just showed how she assaulted the officer! Congrats!

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
Try to imagine what kind of sorry ass mental cripple one has to be to watch the gif below and start proclaiming the child assaulted the 250 lb steroid juiced Gorilla
I love it. Send that guy in on another student in that situation knowing this, and I'd bet a box of donuts that the student follows his directions. Just saying. Again, I love it.
Probably not. My bet is that sooner or later he would have gotten a bullet to the head.
Considering all the charges against him, this dirtbag needs to be in jail...

"(CNN) The South Carolina deputy who slammed a disruptive student on the floor and tossed her several feet has been fired.

Other students in the classroom at Spring Valley High School caught the incident on video.

Richland County Sheriff Leon Lott suspended Deputy Ben Fields without pay, and then fired him Wednesday."
Spring Valley High Officer Ben Fields fired - CNN.com

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