Outrage grows after South Carolina officer throws student in classroom

One the officer should have asked everyone else to leave the classroom. You need to isolate a problem as much as possible.

The officer was ok to use force, that is what police do, but you can see from the video the cop is angry and acting out of anger. It is excessive, though arguable as to how much excessive. If it were a 25 year old male in the middle of Compton then that would be warranted. A teenage GIRL in a high school?

I also agree that two officers should be present. Or more! Intimidation of numbers would likely keep many of these people from acting out like they do.

Also, what are the rules for pepper spray? Clear the classroom, inform the person they are about to get pepper sprayed and then use it. It does no permanent damage and gets the job done quick with as little violence as possible.

This trend of people thinking they are free to do whatever they want has to end, and the excessive force used by American police also has to end. Its obvious most police need a lot more training.
that's what I already posted.
That Black people are treated unfairly...have you all stopped the weeping about Officer Slam getting slammed ?
Is the cop not nuts? 2 previous lawsuits for SAME THING!? Dude ain't mentally capable or stable enough to do this job...no way..
Lawsuits? Are you making this up? Do you have a link?
Deputy Ben Fields: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know
Spring Valley High School officer Ben Fields' career marked with lawsuits, award - CNN.com

You idiot! The first lawsuit alleging excessive force was dismissed. The second lawsuit he will likely be removed as a defendant because he has nothing to do with the decision to expel a student. You twats are truly desperate to try to smear an outstanding police officer.
Oh NOES! Fact is good cop doesn't need to face a lawsuit for doing nothing wrong. Students at the school have said he has been slamming students down for years now. Bout time this ticking time bomb was fired.

Lawsuits are dismissed when they lack merit. You're an idiot who thinks anyone who's sued is automatically guilty. It was probably thrown out because the thug lied.
sure sure. Because thug with a badge is just the ultimate picture of being calm and sane. This idiot is a ticking time bomb which no sane person would give a badge and gun to and expect to make sure the law is kept when he keeps breaking it himself.
It explains why his feral ass was canned.
Wow you just showed how she assaulted the officer! Congrats!

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
Try to imagine what kind of sorry ass mental cripple one has to be to watch the gif below and start proclaiming the child assaulted the 250 lb steroid juiced Gorilla
I love it. Send that guy in on another student in that situation knowing this, and I'd bet a box of donuts that the student follows his directions. Just saying. Again, I love it.
Probably not. My bet is that sooner or later he would have gotten a bullet to the head.
By you? You don't have the guts to shoot a cop.

You idiot! The first lawsuit alleging excessive force was dismissed. The second lawsuit he will likely be removed as a defendant because he has nothing to do with the decision to expel a student. You twats are truly desperate to try to smear an outstanding police officer.
Oh NOES! Fact is good cop doesn't need to face a lawsuit for doing nothing wrong. Students at the school have said he has been slamming students down for years now. Bout time this ticking time bomb was fired.

Lawsuits are dismissed when they lack merit. You're an idiot who thinks anyone who's sued is automatically guilty. It was probably thrown out because the thug lied.
sure sure. Because thug with a badge is just the ultimate picture of being calm and sane. This idiot is a ticking time bomb which no sane person would give a badge and gun to and expect to make sure the law is kept when he keeps breaking it himself.
That's your opinion. I'm just saying the lawsuit doesn't support your opinion.
The officer used more force than was required for the situation.

This is almost as bad as the officer that hancuffed a young boy's arms behind his back in a chickenwing fashion because the childs wrists were too small for the cuffs.

He should be fired.
how much force should have been used? how would you have done it?
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Wow you just showed how she assaulted the officer! Congrats!

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
Try to imagine what kind of sorry ass mental cripple one has to be to watch the gif below and start proclaiming the child assaulted the 250 lb steroid juiced Gorilla
I love it. Send that guy in on another student in that situation knowing this, and I'd bet a box of donuts that the student follows his directions. Just saying. Again, I love it.
Probably not. My bet is that sooner or later he would have gotten a bullet to the head.
By you? You don't have the guts to shoot a cop.
You dont need guts. All you need is a glock.
This firing is going to go viral and police officers in schools are going to think twice about taking a student out of the classroom, just like cops are not so readily available in black districts anymore.


I agree... anything that pushes the US closer to civil war, works for me.

Why don't you go live some reenactments of the last one, where the number one cause of death was diarrhea. They literally died shitting their pants. LOL!
And next week when school resources officers don't do anything besides shrug their shoulders and tell teachers to deal it when it comes to disruptive students the talking head classes won't understand how things got to this point.
The police chief said in a press interview today that he would probably have all the evidence by tomorrow afternoon, and would render a decision then.

However................he did state a couple of times that he was disturbed and dismayed by this officers actions and the video.
what else is he going to say on the news?
The officer used more force than was required for the situation.

This is almost as bad as the officer that hancuffed a young boy's arms behind his back in a chickenwing fashion because the childs wrists were too small for the cuffs.

He should be fired.
how much force should have been used. how would you have done it?
Drag the desk into the hallway.
In his new position (he was canned, as he should have been yesterday) he's going to ask if you want fries with that, and then throw them at you...
I didn't crucify anyone. It was his employer who found justification for his termination and it was the school district that banned him from entering any of the district's properties.

Really? The body of text you have posted in this thread shows otherwise.

But I get it, while I want a civil and peaceful society, that is the last thing you Communists want. You hype these situations in an effort to destroy the foundations of a society governed by law, with your eye toward the goal of establishing a society ruled by men.

I have only posted known facts. Y'all are up the supposition creek in a leaky boat with no paddle and the rapids are approaching quickly.
They are afraid of young Black girls. They are putting themselves in the position of the cop because of that fear. If this had been a blue eyed blonde and the cop was Black, they would be organizing a witch hunt.

Look at the loudest voices here and how they characterize this girl. They are absolutely livid that the tables are turning and abuse against black folks is no longer able to be done with impunity. Disgusting.
Force of this nature is only appropriate if the person constitutes a danger to himself, or others. This child did not. In addition, a cop should never act out of anger, which is what this cop did. The cop could have permanently injured the girl, who was passively resisting. (In fact, the cop almost injured the kid sitting behind her). While she is obviously a problem child who should be removed from the school, there are many other ways to do that other than by tossing her around the room like a rag doll.
but she did create a danger to herself and others.

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