Outrage over assault charges for woman for not revealing HIV status

Misguided zeal in prosecution of HIV-positive woman | Toronto Star

Funny for a couple reasons.

First. They are forced to admit it's hard for straight men to get HIV. It must have pained them to admit that.

Second. Had a man done this to women, do you think liberals would be defending him?

Nowhere does the article state that it's hard for straight men to get HIV aids.

Most HIV/AIDS cases in the world are spread through heterosexual intercourse.

That's bc straights are. 95 percebt Gay men are 2% of the population yet 61% of HIV infections in the USA
If the men were aware of her status, and still agreed to have sex with her, drop the charges.
But if she had sex with the men, and didn't disclose her status, charge her. If you have a infection such as HIV, you MUST disclose your status to your sexual partner, whether the risk of infection is low, or non existent, it doesn't matter. Tell your partner.
They're trying to argue that she doesn't have to disclose status if your intent isn't malevolent. I posted links and the password lefties at the UN love or trying to have the transmission of HIV even wilfully, decriminalized
They're trying to argue that she doesn't have to disclose status if your intent isn't malevolent. I posted links and the password lefties at the UN love or trying to have the transmission of HIV even wilfully, decriminalized

If that is the argument, then anyone can claim they were not acting in a malevolent manner.

Charge the bitch and jail her.

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