Outrageous Obama can't bring himself to say Jihad or terrorists

Our leftist leaders the media, and most of our republican leaders apologize with "Islam is the religion of peace" and "these mad men do not represent Islam" . This PC crap will be the wests undoing as a society. The left in Europe are inviting in the snake, trying to be so progressive. But the public shuns these people into the ghettos where the mosques preach hate. Now more dead at the hands of 7th century savages on the day after Obama says "we have ISIS contained". The left was throwing fits because they would have to even discuss this at last nights debate. I was impressed with the questions from the CBS media, all three candidates squirmed having to talk about this. Make no mistake they are praying this would not happen before the election, but what do you know one of the attackers had came to France with the "refugees".
Our leaders do not have the stomach for what needs to be done. None of the world leaders have the balls that Roosevelt, Truman, Ike, Patton, Churchill and Stalin had. Can you imagine Obama authorizing a D-Day invasion. My dad was one of those that went and liberated France and the rest of Europe, took 2 bullets doing it.
the only way to victory over this scum is complete and utter defeat like the Japanese , Germans and Italians suffered, those middle easterners left can bury their dead and rebuild just like the Germans and Japanese did, in shame at what they had wrought. then and only then will they be welcome into the western world. Or the non radical ones can rise up and defeat ISIS themselves, I am sure the western world would provide more than enough weapons if a rational leader would emerge in just one of these failed states, but they choose to be sheep and run and then radicalize in Europe because the feel shunned
So much for the left and their love for the Arab Spring when all the youth they love so much rose up and went on social media and then..... disappeared
Why would any world leader run around saying "muslim terrorists " . ??

We need the Muslims to fight Muslims terrorists . Imagine what the terrorists would do with a statement like that ?

Yeah! We might hurt their feelings!

It's OK to call Republicans the enemy and compare us to terrorists, but don't offend the Jihadists

That's the point of the OP, thank you

You realize even GW bush didn't use the term.
You realize you're diverting. This thread isn't about the last dumbfuck, it's about the current one.

Do try to keep up kiddo

I'm just pointing out republican hypocrisy . If you're u are gonna complain about Obama then it's insincere if u let the last guy pass on the exact same thing .

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