Outsource White House Press Conferences and Charge Media a Fee

So another fuckwad judge stuck his nose where is does not belong...fine it will be fun to watch Acosta get kicked out again...we all know he will make an ass out of himself again.....and Trump will kick him out again....
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Keep kicking the asshole out so CNN will keep having to go to court....each time use a different reason:113:
Hire private company to conduct press conferences.Then pulling some liberal propagandist pass falls under commerce. Have the networks sign a contract that the company can pull a pass at anytime.
Judge orders Trump administration to restore CNN reporter Jim Acosta's White House press pass
Why? The only thing wrong with the setup right now of our system, is DJT. You honestly don't see that?
Liberal media bias is the problem. We don’t have a real news media. Just a propaganda wing for Democratic Party. Reporters should not be allowed to refuse to give microphone to White House assistant and slap her hand away.
That's the stupidest idea I've heard all week.
They get dumber and crazier by the day.

When someone is subjected to propaganda every hour of every day, you can get them to believe and say even the dumbest and craziest things.

The really sad part is that these maniacs willingly subject themselves to be brainwashed. Unlike the poor bastards sent to "re-education camps" in the commie nations, these people turn the loudspeakers on themselves.

I've never seen such a pack of submissive lickspittles in my life.
Unless a reporter is going to lovingly ask our Naked Emperor to tell us just how big his penis is, or ask questions along a similar hagiographic line, the microphone should be seized from his hands and then be accused of being the one who assaulted.

Yeah. That's the AmeriKKKa we want.
Hire private company to conduct press conferences.Then pulling some liberal propagandist pass falls under commerce. Have the networks sign a contract that the company can pull a pass at anytime.
Judge orders Trump administration to restore CNN reporter Jim Acosta's White House press pass

Privatize press conferences concerning the business of this country? Are you serious? Ever heard of the 1st Amendment?
Yep. It protects the free press. We don’t have this in our country. Just left wing propaganda. Ever heard of Commerce Clause and Gibbons v. Ogden1824? The Clause would not apply because it would not be interstate commerce, but intrastate commerce and that would fall under Office of the White House jurisdiction.
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Unless a reporter is going to lovingly ask our Naked Emperor to tell us just how big his penis is, or ask questions along a similar hagiographic line, the microphone should be seized from his hands and then be accused of being the one who assaulted.

Yeah. That's the AmeriKKKa we want.
Acosta is ignorant and not even a real journalist.
By the way OP, you DO know that the White House is considered the "people's house", and there shouldn't be any kind of privatization, right?
That's the stupidest idea I've heard all week.
They get dumber and crazier by the day.

When someone is subjected to propaganda every hour of every day, you can get them to believe and say even the dumbest and craziest things.

The really sad part is that these maniacs willingly subject themselves to be brainwashed. Unlike the poor bastards sent to "re-education camps" in the commie nations, these people turn the loudspeakers on themselves.

I've never seen such a pack of submissive lickspittles in my life.
You’ve just explained liberals that watch CNN and MSNBC.
Unless a reporter is going to lovingly ask our Naked Emperor to tell us just how big his penis is, or ask questions along a similar hagiographic line, the microphone should be seized from his hands and then be accused of being the one who assaulted.

Yeah. That's the AmeriKKKa we want.
Acosta is ignorant and not even a real journalist.
Yeah, he's probably a Jew from the planet Tralfamadore.
That's the stupidest idea I've heard all week.
They get dumber and crazier by the day.

When someone is subjected to propaganda every hour of every day, you can get them to believe and say even the dumbest and craziest things.

The really sad part is that these maniacs willingly subject themselves to be brainwashed. Unlike the poor bastards sent to "re-education camps" in the commie nations, these people turn the loudspeakers on themselves.

I've never seen such a pack of submissive lickspittles in my life.
You’ve just explained liberals that watch CNN and MSNBC.
I've explained anyone who watches the right or left propagandists.

Like you.
By the way OP, you DO know that the White House is considered the "people's house", and there shouldn't be any kind of privatization, right?
Really? So they don’t outsource EVER? The “people’s house” is not a legally binding term.
Unless a reporter is going to lovingly ask our Naked Emperor to tell us just how big his penis is, or ask questions along a similar hagiographic line, the microphone should be seized from his hands and then be accused of being the one who assaulted.

Yeah. That's the AmeriKKKa we want.
Acosta is ignorant and not even a real journalist.
Yeah, he's probably a Jew from the planet Tralfamadore.
Wouldn’t know about that, but I know he’s not a journalist.

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