Outspoken climate activist Steven Spielberg has taken delivery of his $250 million superyacht – Even longer than a football field, the diesel......

You're a fuckin' idiot. It's not "screams insults, and runs in tears from the facts", it called "guerrilla warfare." You liberals are virtually being meme'd to death by a thousand cuts on social media.
So when we humiliate you by pointing out what whiny little lying crybabies you all are, that's really bad for us?

Your power-weeping is actually _not_ the successful tactic you think it is.

You morons couldn't even defeat a bunch of Vietnamese rice farmers or Middle eastern goat herders, how the fuck are you going to beat 71 million determined Americans who think you are a threat to their freedom?
Best I can tell, you're admitting Trump only got 71 million votes now, and that 7 million of his "votes" came from right-wing fraud.

Me, I wouldn't go that far. Righties are certainly support fraud, but they couldn't get away with fraud of that magnitude.
What does any of this have to the proven fact of global warming?

Oh, that's right, nothing . The hard data has made the denier losers look extra-stupid lately, so they need some way to deflect. Whining about Hollywood is one of their go-to deflections for any topic.
Leftwing elitist hypocrisy about human caused global warming, obviously. Sheesh. :rolleyes:
No. I believe we have to go forward to a post-fossil fuel civilization to overcome the issue.

And when that happens, it will happen when the technology, the infrastructure, and (most importantly) the market are ready to make it a smooth, organic process.

If it happens before things are in place and because you were able to frighten enough people to force it to happen, it will mean suffering and hardship for everyone except the few elites who will be isolated from the effects.
Since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution.
When was that? 1700s? Wait, that was when there were only sailboats, no combustion engines, no electricity, therefore no power stations.

You indicating that burning of fossil fuels? Ohhhhh waiiiiiit, you suggest we should go back to the stone age?

How do you think Iron and steel are forged brainy one? Don't think you need to burn coal for that loser? Tell us. How's Iron and steel made?

If you don't want to burn fossil fuels of any kind and you suggesting before the "industrial revolution" is what that was long before the combustion engine or crude oil was ever refined or any power station emerged and even before the steam engine was around, tell all of us.


Go away now. I've destroyed you thoroughly. Oh and Spielberg the pervert pedophile is in my ORIGINAL POST MAKING A VIDEO ABOUT HIS CLIMATE ACTIVISM.

And when that happens, it will happen when the technology, the infrastructure, and (most importantly) the market are ready to make it a smooth, organic process.

If it happens before things are in place and because you were able to frighten enough people to force it to happen, it will mean suffering and hardship for everyone except the few elites who will be isolated from the effects.
Doing nothing means hardship from AGW effects
When was that? 1700s?
Wikipedia says "The Industrial Revolution (also known as the First Industrial Revolution) was a period of global transition of human economy towards more efficient and stable manufacturing processes that succeeded the Agricultural Revolution, starting from Great Britain, continental Europe, and the United States, that occurred during the period from around 1760 to about 1820–1840.

Obviously, CO2 emissions began a ramp-up then.
Wait, that was when there were only sailboats, no combustion engines, no electricity, therefore no power stations.
Don't you look back over your posts while you can still edit them to see if you might have put something down that will make you look like a complete fool?
You indicating that burning of fossil fuels? Ohhhhh waiiiiiit, you suggest we should go back to the stone age?
No. The longer we put off serious and committed action to deal with this the closer we will get to the Stone Age when the hammer falls
How do you think Iron and steel are forged brainy one? Don't think you need to burn coal for that loser? Tell us. How's Iron and steel made?
It can be and is done without coal.
If you don't want to burn fossil fuels of any kind and you suggesting before the "industrial revolution" is what that was long before the combustion engine or crude oil was ever refined or any power station emerged and even before the steam engine was around, tell all of us.
Are you completely unfamiliar with non-emitting power technologies?
What the fuck do you want
I'd like you to get an education for starters
I didn't say that conservatives were mouth breathing knuckle draggers. You just did. Maybe you know better than do I. But I never asked anyone to live in the Stone Age.
Go away now. I've destroyed you thoroughly.
Oh and Spielberg the pervert pedophile is in my ORIGINAL POST MAKING A VIDEO ABOUT HIS CLIMATE ACTIVISM.
Spielberg? Made a video? Was it as long as the video he made about his grandkids baseball game?
OOOooooo OUCH! That really stings. Like stepping on a grain of rice.
Does the data explain why the western economies have to commit suicide while India and China build more coal-fired plants? One need not be a "denier" to tell the rest of the world that when THEY think it's dangerous enough for them to change their way of powering their economies, we'll join them and do it together. But you know that isn't ever going to happen, nor did anyone in the West really expect that it would. This is just another "crisis" that facilitates more gob-ment control of the peasants.
Does the data explain why the western economies have to commit suicide while India and China build more coal-fired plants? One need not be a "denier" to tell the rest of the world that when THEY think it's dangerous enough for them to change their way of powering their economies, we'll join them and do it together. But you know that isn't ever going to happen, nor did anyone in the West really expect that it would. This is just another "crisis" that facilitates more gob-ment control of the peasants.

I don't have to tell you this... but this has never been about saving anyone from an "ecological disaster"... this has been, since its inception, a scheme to level the global economy and remove any manufacturing capabilities from first world nations.
DIesel, no less the dirtiest carbon fuel there is. Hey peasants, do as I say not as I do!
Don't forget the line of trucks to move a Taylor Swift concert from city to city.

Speaking of transporting her stage – it's a massive job that requires a significant amount of support and planning. It's rumored that 90 semi trucks are required to transport her entire set from city to city. That's a slight increase from her Reputation Tour, which required around 80 semi trucks to transport her stage.Jun 14, 2023

She burns more carbons in one concert move than I will a full year driving my SUV.

The elites can piss off with their virtue signaling filled with hypocrisy.
Don't forget the line of trucks to move a Taylor Swift concert from city to city.

Speaking of transporting her stage – it's a massive job that requires a significant amount of support and planning. It's rumored that 90 semi trucks are required to transport her entire set from city to city. That's a slight increase from her Reputation Tour, which required around 80 semi trucks to transport her stage.Jun 14, 2023

She burns more carbons in one concert move than I will a full year driving my SUV.

The elites can piss off with their virtue signaling filled with hypocrisy.
I did a search on "how many trucks are required to move Taylor Swift's show from concert to concert?" and got several answers ranging from 30 to over 160.
When you can make an argument about something ... it's just as useful to mark every post with which you disagree with a nasty emoticon.
When you can make an argument about something ... it's just as useful to mark every post with which you disagree with a nasty emoticon.
The usual suspect is always emotional but never has the guts to reply.
Did anyone in this thread ever demonstrate any reason to consider Steven Spielberg a "climate activist" or any reason any of this should matter beyond the ultra-wealthy having obscene carbon footprints?

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