Outwit, Outplay, Outlast -- That's how politics is played.


Diamond Member
Jun 9, 2011
Hillbilly Hollywood, Tenn
I'm dropping my activist tip of the week here for my Conservative buds who are now ALL the target of the winning tribe and their colluding corporate/fascist censoring and canceling proxies. Stop being angry and start playing the way your opposition is playing. I know it's hard when YOUR political leadership is cowering in fear of the media and the majorly unhinged in the Dem party sensing that "domination is within their grasp.. But use your heads.. Take what they give you -- and use it against them..


Been dropping this concept at a lot of Conservative watering holes for the past 12 hours. Primarily because it's in my larger interest to PROTECT FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION and to monkey wrench the bastards and bitches right back when the media, political leadership and corporate America collude to silence you and make you powerless. In fact, it is in EVERY AMERICAN's interest to do that, but 1/2 of you ARE cheering on loss of freedom of expression in this country..

I've said before on USMB that govt is too slow, too stupid, too lazy and way too inept to get maximum Covid relief to the fraction of folks that NEED Covid relief. You do NOT NEED a Covid relief check if you're employed, or if you've been retired on fixed income or if you're a struggling student that was GONNA struggle and live on noodles anyways. Conservatives need to find a reliable non-profit org to accept donations of UNNEEDED Covid checks for the exclusive goal of direct OPERATING CONTRIBUTIONS to Conservative media. Say folks like Parler who just had to walk the plank off the Amazon cloud because WashPo BEZOS is helping keep cult leader Jack Dorsey afloat after the rush to cancel Twitter accounts,

Please admire the maniacal beauty and justice of this move.. :wink: Money direct from the US GOVT -- in fact, possibly up $10Bill of it -- going directly to making you whole from the harm the left has done by pushing and pushing and finally ripping at your tongues. When the whole debate about how much was enough -- politicians KNEW they were in bidding war for your political allegiance and made it rain Benjamins like an NBA star at a high end strip club. But they didn't want to do the work to make CERTAIN that money your children and grandchildren will have to repay went ONLY to the small fraction of Americans that have legitimate claims to Covid relief.. So you figure it out.. There's about 124 Mill working. There's about 34Mill retired and 50Mill in college.. MOST of you don't have Covid expenses. But HALF of you are now forced to play a game where your tribe and the opposing tribe is about to move you to Exile Island because you're not playing the Outwit, Outplay and Outlast game that you've been conscripted into.

Wouldn't you LOVE to see Pelosi, Schumer, McTurtle and McCarthy coughing up hairballs when they get wind of say maybe $10B of the bribery and allegiance money they've been fighting over go DIRECTLY TO FUNDING CONSERVATIVE speech efforts? I would. And it isn't even my war. What in the hell are they gonna do with the promise of UPPING that allegiance money to $2000 a head for every American (and NOT American illegal alien) when the Biden Admin tries to do this?

Make a personal resolution.. Pass the message. You can solve SEVERAL problems at once if you act responsibly and committedly. Not asking folks to do anything illegal. Just REMIND your govt and insidiously partisan corporate oligarchs -- of who is REALLY IN CHARGE of America..

And to my raging and foaming leftist buds that told me 2 months ago, when I said the deplatforming of the Conservative Treehouse was the tip of the movement to silence speech -- "to get your own platform".,. I told you so. Even WITH your own platform, the corporate nasties have outplayed the game. Told you there would many other ways they could silence folks. Even THIS bastion of free speech at USMB. But I didn't expect all of those "tech companies" to conspire and collude so quickly to do it.. So -- you'll probably be ignored.. Because you're killing my country..
Last edited:
I'm dropping my activist tip of the week here for my Conservative buds who are now ALL the target of the winning tribe and their colluding corporate/fascist censoring and canceling proxies. Stop being angry and start playing the way your opposition is playing. I know it's hard when YOUR political leadership is cowering in fear of the media and the majorly unhinged in the Dem party sensing that "domination is within their grasp.. But use your heads.. Take what they give you -- and use it against them..


Been dropping this concept at a lot of Conservative watering holes for the past 12 hours. Primarily because it's in my larger interest to PROTECT FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION and to monkey wrench the bastards and bitches right back when the media, political leadership and corporate America collude to silence you and make you powerless. In fact, it is in EVERY AMERICAN's interest to do that, but 1/2 of you ARE cheering on loss of freedom of expression in this country..

I've said before on USMB that govt is too slow, too stupid, too lazy and way too inept to get maximum Covid relief to the fraction of folks that NEED Covid relief. You do NOT NEED a Covid relief check if you're employed, or if you've been retired on fixed income or if you're a struggling student that was GONNA struggle and live on noodles anyways. Conservatives need to find a reliable non-profit org to accept donations of UNNEEDED Covid checks for the exclusive goal of direct OPERATING CONTRIBUTIONS to Conservative media. Say folks like Parler who just had to walk the plank off the Amazon cloud because WashPo BEZOS is helping keep cult leader Jack Dorsey afloat after the rush to cancel Twitter accounts,

Please admire the maniacal beauty and justice of this move.. :wink: Money direct from the US GOVT -- in fact, possibly up $10Bill of it -- going directly to making you whole from the harm the left has done by pushing and pushing and finally ripping at your tongues. When the whole debate about how much was enough -- politicians KNEW they were in bidding war for your political allegiance and made it rain Benjamins like an NBA star at a high end strip club. But they didn't want to do the work to make CERTAIN that money your children and grandchildren will have to repay went ONLY to the small fraction of Americans that have legitimate claims to Covid relief.. So you figure it out.. There's about 124 Mill working. There's about 34Mill retired and 50Mill in college.. MOST of you don't have Covid expenses. But HALF of you are now forced to play a game where your tribe and the opposing tribe is about to move you to Exile Island because you're not playing the Outwit, Outplay and Outlast game that you've been conscripted into.

Wouldn't you LOVE to see Pelosi, Schumer, McTurtle and McCarthy coughing up hairballs when they get wind of say maybe $10B of the bribery and allegiance money they've been fighting over go DIRECTLY TO FUNDING CONSERVATIVE speech efforts? I would. And it isn't even my war. What in the hell are they gonna do with the promise of UPPING that allegiance money to $2000 a head for every American (and NOT American illegal alien) when the Biden Admin tries to do this?

Make a personal resolution.. Pass the message. You can solve SEVERAL problems at once if you act responsibly and committedly. Not asking folks to do anything illegal. Just REMIND your govt and insidiously partisan corporate oligarchs -- of who is REALLY IN CHARGE of America..

And to my raging and foaming leftist buds that told me 2 months ago, when I said the deplatforming of the Conservative Treehouse was the tip of the movement to silence speech -- "to get your platform".,. I told you so. Even WITH your own platform, the corporate nasties have outplayed the game. Told you there would many other ways they could silence folks. Even THIS bastion of free speech at USMB. But I didn't expect all of those "tech companies" to conspire and collude so quickly to do it.. So -- you'll probably be ignored.. Because you're killing my country..
Since i was in the Cold War right there just miles from East Germany, the rule of thumb was, to fight the enemy on our terms, not theirs. Since the old hag from San Fransicko declared US conservatives enemies of the state, i have declared the progs, enemy of the people. We saw a force of free people show up at the Capital, showing that the "representatives" of the people, were acting like tyrants, while they really showed US how chicken shit they were in their precious gas masks and running with their tails between their legs. Force begets force, violence begets violence. They started it, we are going to finish it....Count on it...
They started it, we are going to finish it....Count on it...

In Ten days they start taking your guns away

I think Trump would do America a favor to just declare Martial law and screw Democrats. Cancel the Transition.
What are we transitioning to? Chinese Communist rule? Which is worse?

They've been screwing him for 4 years and want to lynch him even AFTER he's left office.

Of course, I don't mean any of that...just kidding....wink wink
They started it, we are going to finish it....Count on it...

In Ten days they start taking your guns away

I think Trump would do America a favor to just declare Martial law and screw Democrats. Cancel the Transition.
What are we transitioning to? Chinese Communist rule? Which is worse?

They've been screwing him for 4 years and want to lynch him even AFTER he's left office.

Of course, I don't mean any of that...just kidding....wink wink

I agree. Too many so-called dyed-in-the-wool conservatives are preaching a sermon of compliance and silent resistance. What they have failed to grasp is that Biden's "win" is the BIG ONE. America will never rebound to any state of normal chaos if the theft of the 2020 election is allowed to stand and be swept under the rug like so much historical dust. America's future is in a do or die situation, meaning all of our own future's as well. So yes, Donald Trump should declare martial law and hold the presidential election again. Will he do that? In my opinion . . . not a chance.
They started it, we are going to finish it....Count on it...

In Ten days they start taking your guns away

I think Trump would do America a favor to just declare Martial law and screw Democrats. Cancel the Transition.
What are we transitioning to? Chinese Communist rule? Which is worse?

They've been screwing him for 4 years and want to lynch him even AFTER he's left office.

Of course, I don't mean any of that...just kidding....wink wink
I wasnt kidding........
I'm dropping my activist tip of the week here for my Conservative buds who are now ALL the target of the winning tribe and their colluding corporate/fascist censoring and canceling proxies. Stop being angry and start playing the way your opposition is playing. I know it's hard when YOUR political leadership is cowering in fear of the media and the majorly unhinged in the Dem party sensing that "domination is within their grasp.. But use your heads.. Take what they give you -- and use it against them..


Been dropping this concept at a lot of Conservative watering holes for the past 12 hours. Primarily because it's in my larger interest to PROTECT FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION and to monkey wrench the bastards and bitches right back when the media, political leadership and corporate America collude to silence you and make you powerless. In fact, it is in EVERY AMERICAN's interest to do that, but 1/2 of you ARE cheering on loss of freedom of expression in this country..

I've said before on USMB that govt is too slow, too stupid, too lazy and way too inept to get maximum Covid relief to the fraction of folks that NEED Covid relief. You do NOT NEED a Covid relief check if you're employed, or if you've been retired on fixed income or if you're a struggling student that was GONNA struggle and live on noodles anyways. Conservatives need to find a reliable non-profit org to accept donations of UNNEEDED Covid checks for the exclusive goal of direct OPERATING CONTRIBUTIONS to Conservative media. Say folks like Parler who just had to walk the plank off the Amazon cloud because WashPo BEZOS is helping keep cult leader Jack Dorsey afloat after the rush to cancel Twitter accounts,

Please admire the maniacal beauty and justice of this move.. :wink: Money direct from the US GOVT -- in fact, possibly up $10Bill of it -- going directly to making you whole from the harm the left has done by pushing and pushing and finally ripping at your tongues. When the whole debate about how much was enough -- politicians KNEW they were in bidding war for your political allegiance and made it rain Benjamins like an NBA star at a high end strip club. But they didn't want to do the work to make CERTAIN that money your children and grandchildren will have to repay went ONLY to the small fraction of Americans that have legitimate claims to Covid relief.. So you figure it out.. There's about 124 Mill working. There's about 34Mill retired and 50Mill in college.. MOST of you don't have Covid expenses. But HALF of you are now forced to play a game where your tribe and the opposing tribe is about to move you to Exile Island because you're not playing the Outwit, Outplay and Outlast game that you've been conscripted into.

Wouldn't you LOVE to see Pelosi, Schumer, McTurtle and McCarthy coughing up hairballs when they get wind of say maybe $10B of the bribery and allegiance money they've been fighting over go DIRECTLY TO FUNDING CONSERVATIVE speech efforts? I would. And it isn't even my war. What in the hell are they gonna do with the promise of UPPING that allegiance money to $2000 a head for every American (and NOT American illegal alien) when the Biden Admin tries to do this?

Make a personal resolution.. Pass the message. You can solve SEVERAL problems at once if you act responsibly and committedly. Not asking folks to do anything illegal. Just REMIND your govt and insidiously partisan corporate oligarchs -- of who is REALLY IN CHARGE of America..

And to my raging and foaming leftist buds that told me 2 months ago, when I said the deplatforming of the Conservative Treehouse was the tip of the movement to silence speech -- "to get your platform".,. I told you so. Even WITH your own platform, the corporate nasties have outplayed the game. Told you there would many other ways they could silence folks. Even THIS bastion of free speech at USMB. But I didn't expect all of those "tech companies" to conspire and collude so quickly to do it.. So -- you'll probably be ignored.. Because you're killing my country..
Since i was in the Cold War right there just miles from East Germany, the rule of thumb was, to fight the enemy on our terms, not theirs. Since the old hag from San Fransicko declared US conservatives enemies of the state, i have declared the progs, enemy of the people. We saw a force of free people show up at the Capital, showing that the "representatives" of the people, were acting like tyrants, while they really showed US how chicken shit they were in their precious gas masks and running with their tails between their legs. Force begets force, violence begets violence. They started it, we are going to finish it....Count on it...

If you don't get Conservatives organized to TAKE THIS MONEY NOW and put it to work, If y'all miss this play -- you'll be fighting "on your terms" with 2 cans and a string. Get this out there and get it done.. The other side aint done with the media purge on you yet.. I'm deadly serious.. This is just the beginning.
I'm dropping my activist tip of the week here for my Conservative buds who are now ALL the target of the winning tribe and their colluding corporate/fascist censoring and canceling proxies. Stop being angry and start playing the way your opposition is playing. I know it's hard when YOUR political leadership is cowering in fear of the media and the majorly unhinged in the Dem party sensing that "domination is within their grasp.. But use your heads.. Take what they give you -- and use it against them..


Been dropping this concept at a lot of Conservative watering holes for the past 12 hours. Primarily because it's in my larger interest to PROTECT FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION and to monkey wrench the bastards and bitches right back when the media, political leadership and corporate America collude to silence you and make you powerless. In fact, it is in EVERY AMERICAN's interest to do that, but 1/2 of you ARE cheering on loss of freedom of expression in this country..

I've said before on USMB that govt is too slow, too stupid, too lazy and way too inept to get maximum Covid relief to the fraction of folks that NEED Covid relief. You do NOT NEED a Covid relief check if you're employed, or if you've been retired on fixed income or if you're a struggling student that was GONNA struggle and live on noodles anyways. Conservatives need to find a reliable non-profit org to accept donations of UNNEEDED Covid checks for the exclusive goal of direct OPERATING CONTRIBUTIONS to Conservative media. Say folks like Parler who just had to walk the plank off the Amazon cloud because WashPo BEZOS is helping keep cult leader Jack Dorsey afloat after the rush to cancel Twitter accounts,

Please admire the maniacal beauty and justice of this move.. :wink: Money direct from the US GOVT -- in fact, possibly up $10Bill of it -- going directly to making you whole from the harm the left has done by pushing and pushing and finally ripping at your tongues. When the whole debate about how much was enough -- politicians KNEW they were in bidding war for your political allegiance and made it rain Benjamins like an NBA star at a high end strip club. But they didn't want to do the work to make CERTAIN that money your children and grandchildren will have to repay went ONLY to the small fraction of Americans that have legitimate claims to Covid relief.. So you figure it out.. There's about 124 Mill working. There's about 34Mill retired and 50Mill in college.. MOST of you don't have Covid expenses. But HALF of you are now forced to play a game where your tribe and the opposing tribe is about to move you to Exile Island because you're not playing the Outwit, Outplay and Outlast game that you've been conscripted into.

Wouldn't you LOVE to see Pelosi, Schumer, McTurtle and McCarthy coughing up hairballs when they get wind of say maybe $10B of the bribery and allegiance money they've been fighting over go DIRECTLY TO FUNDING CONSERVATIVE speech efforts? I would. And it isn't even my war. What in the hell are they gonna do with the promise of UPPING that allegiance money to $2000 a head for every American (and NOT American illegal alien) when the Biden Admin tries to do this?

Make a personal resolution.. Pass the message. You can solve SEVERAL problems at once if you act responsibly and committedly. Not asking folks to do anything illegal. Just REMIND your govt and insidiously partisan corporate oligarchs -- of who is REALLY IN CHARGE of America..

And to my raging and foaming leftist buds that told me 2 months ago, when I said the deplatforming of the Conservative Treehouse was the tip of the movement to silence speech -- "to get your platform".,. I told you so. Even WITH your own platform, the corporate nasties have outplayed the game. Told you there would many other ways they could silence folks. Even THIS bastion of free speech at USMB. But I didn't expect all of those "tech companies" to conspire and collude so quickly to do it.. So -- you'll probably be ignored.. Because you're killing my country..
Since i was in the Cold War right there just miles from East Germany, the rule of thumb was, to fight the enemy on our terms, not theirs. Since the old hag from San Fransicko declared US conservatives enemies of the state, i have declared the progs, enemy of the people. We saw a force of free people show up at the Capital, showing that the "representatives" of the people, were acting like tyrants, while they really showed US how chicken shit they were in their precious gas masks and running with their tails between their legs. Force begets force, violence begets violence. They started it, we are going to finish it....Count on it...

If you don't get Conservatives organized to TAKE THIS MONEY NOW and put it to work, If y'all miss this play -- you'll be fighting "on your terms" with 2 cans and a string. Get this out there and get it done.. The other side aint done with the media purge on you yet.. I'm deadly serious.. This is just the beginning.

I don't think they are taking it seriously enough......yet
I'm dropping my activist tip of the week here for my Conservative buds who are now ALL the target of the winning tribe and their colluding corporate/fascist censoring and canceling proxies. Stop being angry and start playing the way your opposition is playing. I know it's hard when YOUR political leadership is cowering in fear of the media and the majorly unhinged in the Dem party sensing that "domination is within their grasp.. But use your heads.. Take what they give you -- and use it against them..


Been dropping this concept at a lot of Conservative watering holes for the past 12 hours. Primarily because it's in my larger interest to PROTECT FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION and to monkey wrench the bastards and bitches right back when the media, political leadership and corporate America collude to silence you and make you powerless. In fact, it is in EVERY AMERICAN's interest to do that, but 1/2 of you ARE cheering on loss of freedom of expression in this country..

I've said before on USMB that govt is too slow, too stupid, too lazy and way too inept to get maximum Covid relief to the fraction of folks that NEED Covid relief. You do NOT NEED a Covid relief check if you're employed, or if you've been retired on fixed income or if you're a struggling student that was GONNA struggle and live on noodles anyways. Conservatives need to find a reliable non-profit org to accept donations of UNNEEDED Covid checks for the exclusive goal of direct OPERATING CONTRIBUTIONS to Conservative media. Say folks like Parler who just had to walk the plank off the Amazon cloud because WashPo BEZOS is helping keep cult leader Jack Dorsey afloat after the rush to cancel Twitter accounts,

Please admire the maniacal beauty and justice of this move.. :wink: Money direct from the US GOVT -- in fact, possibly up $10Bill of it -- going directly to making you whole from the harm the left has done by pushing and pushing and finally ripping at your tongues. When the whole debate about how much was enough -- politicians KNEW they were in bidding war for your political allegiance and made it rain Benjamins like an NBA star at a high end strip club. But they didn't want to do the work to make CERTAIN that money your children and grandchildren will have to repay went ONLY to the small fraction of Americans that have legitimate claims to Covid relief.. So you figure it out.. There's about 124 Mill working. There's about 34Mill retired and 50Mill in college.. MOST of you don't have Covid expenses. But HALF of you are now forced to play a game where your tribe and the opposing tribe is about to move you to Exile Island because you're not playing the Outwit, Outplay and Outlast game that you've been conscripted into.

Wouldn't you LOVE to see Pelosi, Schumer, McTurtle and McCarthy coughing up hairballs when they get wind of say maybe $10B of the bribery and allegiance money they've been fighting over go DIRECTLY TO FUNDING CONSERVATIVE speech efforts? I would. And it isn't even my war. What in the hell are they gonna do with the promise of UPPING that allegiance money to $2000 a head for every American (and NOT American illegal alien) when the Biden Admin tries to do this?

Make a personal resolution.. Pass the message. You can solve SEVERAL problems at once if you act responsibly and committedly. Not asking folks to do anything illegal. Just REMIND your govt and insidiously partisan corporate oligarchs -- of who is REALLY IN CHARGE of America..

And to my raging and foaming leftist buds that told me 2 months ago, when I said the deplatforming of the Conservative Treehouse was the tip of the movement to silence speech -- "to get your platform".,. I told you so. Even WITH your own platform, the corporate nasties have outplayed the game. Told you there would many other ways they could silence folks. Even THIS bastion of free speech at USMB. But I didn't expect all of those "tech companies" to conspire and collude so quickly to do it.. So -- you'll probably be ignored.. Because you're killing my country..
Since i was in the Cold War right there just miles from East Germany, the rule of thumb was, to fight the enemy on our terms, not theirs. Since the old hag from San Fransicko declared US conservatives enemies of the state, i have declared the progs, enemy of the people. We saw a force of free people show up at the Capital, showing that the "representatives" of the people, were acting like tyrants, while they really showed US how chicken shit they were in their precious gas masks and running with their tails between their legs. Force begets force, violence begets violence. They started it, we are going to finish it....Count on it...

If you don't get Conservatives organized to TAKE THIS MONEY NOW and put it to work, If y'all miss this play -- you'll be fighting "on your terms" with 2 cans and a string. Get this out there and get it done.. The other side aint done with the media purge on you yet.. I'm deadly serious.. This is just the beginning.
Every person i contact, i tell them about what Thomas Jefferson said.


I also tell them to stand firm and stay united....The call is coming, if 75 million respond it is going to be a dark day for Progs and their slaves.....
I'm dropping my activist tip of the week here for my Conservative buds who are now ALL the target of the winning tribe and their colluding corporate/fascist censoring and canceling proxies. Stop being angry and start playing the way your opposition is playing. I know it's hard when YOUR political leadership is cowering in fear of the media and the majorly unhinged in the Dem party sensing that "domination is within their grasp.. But use your heads.. Take what they give you -- and use it against them..


Been dropping this concept at a lot of Conservative watering holes for the past 12 hours. Primarily because it's in my larger interest to PROTECT FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION and to monkey wrench the bastards and bitches right back when the media, political leadership and corporate America collude to silence you and make you powerless. In fact, it is in EVERY AMERICAN's interest to do that, but 1/2 of you ARE cheering on loss of freedom of expression in this country..

I've said before on USMB that govt is too slow, too stupid, too lazy and way too inept to get maximum Covid relief to the fraction of folks that NEED Covid relief. You do NOT NEED a Covid relief check if you're employed, or if you've been retired on fixed income or if you're a struggling student that was GONNA struggle and live on noodles anyways. Conservatives need to find a reliable non-profit org to accept donations of UNNEEDED Covid checks for the exclusive goal of direct OPERATING CONTRIBUTIONS to Conservative media. Say folks like Parler who just had to walk the plank off the Amazon cloud because WashPo BEZOS is helping keep cult leader Jack Dorsey afloat after the rush to cancel Twitter accounts,

Please admire the maniacal beauty and justice of this move.. :wink: Money direct from the US GOVT -- in fact, possibly up $10Bill of it -- going directly to making you whole from the harm the left has done by pushing and pushing and finally ripping at your tongues. When the whole debate about how much was enough -- politicians KNEW they were in bidding war for your political allegiance and made it rain Benjamins like an NBA star at a high end strip club. But they didn't want to do the work to make CERTAIN that money your children and grandchildren will have to repay went ONLY to the small fraction of Americans that have legitimate claims to Covid relief.. So you figure it out.. There's about 124 Mill working. There's about 34Mill retired and 50Mill in college.. MOST of you don't have Covid expenses. But HALF of you are now forced to play a game where your tribe and the opposing tribe is about to move you to Exile Island because you're not playing the Outwit, Outplay and Outlast game that you've been conscripted into.

Wouldn't you LOVE to see Pelosi, Schumer, McTurtle and McCarthy coughing up hairballs when they get wind of say maybe $10B of the bribery and allegiance money they've been fighting over go DIRECTLY TO FUNDING CONSERVATIVE speech efforts? I would. And it isn't even my war. What in the hell are they gonna do with the promise of UPPING that allegiance money to $2000 a head for every American (and NOT American illegal alien) when the Biden Admin tries to do this?

Make a personal resolution.. Pass the message. You can solve SEVERAL problems at once if you act responsibly and committedly. Not asking folks to do anything illegal. Just REMIND your govt and insidiously partisan corporate oligarchs -- of who is REALLY IN CHARGE of America..

And to my raging and foaming leftist buds that told me 2 months ago, when I said the deplatforming of the Conservative Treehouse was the tip of the movement to silence speech -- "to get your platform".,. I told you so. Even WITH your own platform, the corporate nasties have outplayed the game. Told you there would many other ways they could silence folks. Even THIS bastion of free speech at USMB. But I didn't expect all of those "tech companies" to conspire and collude so quickly to do it.. So -- you'll probably be ignored.. Because you're killing my country..
Since i was in the Cold War right there just miles from East Germany, the rule of thumb was, to fight the enemy on our terms, not theirs. Since the old hag from San Fransicko declared US conservatives enemies of the state, i have declared the progs, enemy of the people. We saw a force of free people show up at the Capital, showing that the "representatives" of the people, were acting like tyrants, while they really showed US how chicken shit they were in their precious gas masks and running with their tails between their legs. Force begets force, violence begets violence. They started it, we are going to finish it....Count on it...

If you don't get Conservatives organized to TAKE THIS MONEY NOW and put it to work, If y'all miss this play -- you'll be fighting "on your terms" with 2 cans and a string. Get this out there and get it done.. The other side aint done with the media purge on you yet.. I'm deadly serious.. This is just the beginning.

I don't think they are taking it seriously enough......yet

Most are not sadly. They're in basic pitchfork mode waiting for a riot to join or something. That's not how you play the game smartly. MAKE Amazon, Twitter, Facebook, Google PAY FOR WHAT THEY DID to media during the campaign.. Dont LET THEM get away with it. They are NOT SATISFIED ANYMORE with just banning or deplatforming you -- they want to CRUSH any attempts to take away their user count..

Wake the FUCK UP !!!! :aargh:
Yes, by all means, sign over your checks to "conservative media".

Within 2 years, the people who got your checks will be on the outs when they fail to be "conservative enough". Look at Fox, Drudge, etc....
I'm dropping my activist tip of the week here for my Conservative buds who are now ALL the target of the winning tribe and their colluding corporate/fascist censoring and canceling proxies. Stop being angry and start playing the way your opposition is playing. I know it's hard when YOUR political leadership is cowering in fear of the media and the majorly unhinged in the Dem party sensing that "domination is within their grasp.. But use your heads.. Take what they give you -- and use it against them..


Been dropping this concept at a lot of Conservative watering holes for the past 12 hours. Primarily because it's in my larger interest to PROTECT FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION and to monkey wrench the bastards and bitches right back when the media, political leadership and corporate America collude to silence you and make you powerless. In fact, it is in EVERY AMERICAN's interest to do that, but 1/2 of you ARE cheering on loss of freedom of expression in this country..

I've said before on USMB that govt is too slow, too stupid, too lazy and way too inept to get maximum Covid relief to the fraction of folks that NEED Covid relief. You do NOT NEED a Covid relief check if you're employed, or if you've been retired on fixed income or if you're a struggling student that was GONNA struggle and live on noodles anyways. Conservatives need to find a reliable non-profit org to accept donations of UNNEEDED Covid checks for the exclusive goal of direct OPERATING CONTRIBUTIONS to Conservative media. Say folks like Parler who just had to walk the plank off the Amazon cloud because WashPo BEZOS is helping keep cult leader Jack Dorsey afloat after the rush to cancel Twitter accounts,

Please admire the maniacal beauty and justice of this move.. :wink: Money direct from the US GOVT -- in fact, possibly up $10Bill of it -- going directly to making you whole from the harm the left has done by pushing and pushing and finally ripping at your tongues. When the whole debate about how much was enough -- politicians KNEW they were in bidding war for your political allegiance and made it rain Benjamins like an NBA star at a high end strip club. But they didn't want to do the work to make CERTAIN that money your children and grandchildren will have to repay went ONLY to the small fraction of Americans that have legitimate claims to Covid relief.. So you figure it out.. There's about 124 Mill working. There's about 34Mill retired and 50Mill in college.. MOST of you don't have Covid expenses. But HALF of you are now forced to play a game where your tribe and the opposing tribe is about to move you to Exile Island because you're not playing the Outwit, Outplay and Outlast game that you've been conscripted into.

Wouldn't you LOVE to see Pelosi, Schumer, McTurtle and McCarthy coughing up hairballs when they get wind of say maybe $10B of the bribery and allegiance money they've been fighting over go DIRECTLY TO FUNDING CONSERVATIVE speech efforts? I would. And it isn't even my war. What in the hell are they gonna do with the promise of UPPING that allegiance money to $2000 a head for every American (and NOT American illegal alien) when the Biden Admin tries to do this?

Make a personal resolution.. Pass the message. You can solve SEVERAL problems at once if you act responsibly and committedly. Not asking folks to do anything illegal. Just REMIND your govt and insidiously partisan corporate oligarchs -- of who is REALLY IN CHARGE of America..

And to my raging and foaming leftist buds that told me 2 months ago, when I said the deplatforming of the Conservative Treehouse was the tip of the movement to silence speech -- "to get your platform".,. I told you so. Even WITH your own platform, the corporate nasties have outplayed the game. Told you there would many other ways they could silence folks. Even THIS bastion of free speech at USMB. But I didn't expect all of those "tech companies" to conspire and collude so quickly to do it.. So -- you'll probably be ignored.. Because you're killing my country..
Since i was in the Cold War right there just miles from East Germany, the rule of thumb was, to fight the enemy on our terms, not theirs. Since the old hag from San Fransicko declared US conservatives enemies of the state, i have declared the progs, enemy of the people. We saw a force of free people show up at the Capital, showing that the "representatives" of the people, were acting like tyrants, while they really showed US how chicken shit they were in their precious gas masks and running with their tails between their legs. Force begets force, violence begets violence. They started it, we are going to finish it....Count on it...

If you don't get Conservatives organized to TAKE THIS MONEY NOW and put it to work, If y'all miss this play -- you'll be fighting "on your terms" with 2 cans and a string. Get this out there and get it done.. The other side aint done with the media purge on you yet.. I'm deadly serious.. This is just the beginning.

I don't think they are taking it seriously enough......yet

Most are not sadly. They're in basic pitchfork mode waiting for a riot to join or something. That's not how you play the game smartly. MAKE Amazon, Twitter, Facebook, Google PAY FOR WHAT THEY DID to media during the campaign.. Dont LET THEM get away with it. They are NOT SATISFIED ANYMORE with just banning or deplatforming you -- they want to CRUSH any attempts to take away their user count..

Wake the FUCK UP !!!! :aargh:
They try to say parler is launching an insurrection but can't say why gab, wimkin and other sites have alps been deplatformed.

all social media is supposed to be is a platform. if so, how can they have this control?
I agree. Too many so-called dyed-in-the-wool conservatives are preaching a sermon of compliance and silent resistance. What they have failed to grasp is that Biden's "win" is the BIG ONE. America will never rebound to any state of normal chaos if the theft of the 2020 election is allowed to stand and be swept under the rug like so much historical dust. America's future is in a do or die situation, meaning all of our own future's as well. So yes, Donald Trump should declare martial law and hold the presidential election again. Will he do that? In my opinion . . . not a chance.

Trump should have had the meat puppet faggot thrown out of Marine One after his inaugural ceremony Jan 2017, and sent the rest of his "family" consisting of test tube babies and a wookie transvestite freak of nature into exile in Antarctica. Then purged DC and the media of every parasitic leftist piece of shit over the course of the last 4 years.

Yes, that means doing the same shit Lincoln did during the civil war, Woodrow Wilson did to make sure no one undermined his efforts in WW1, ot FDR did in WW2. I'm not talking about the sort of "purge" leftists like Mussolini, Mugabe, Hitler, Pol Pot, Stalin, Mao, Kim Ill Sung ETC. where people were killed for field expedience, but maybe a little bit of Pinochet is called for here.

Funny how leftists are "fiscally conservative" when it comes to mass murder.

All that aside, Trump is out of the WH in 10 days, the bed wetters are foaming at the mouth, and the rest of seem to have our backs to the wall. I don't see a pretty picture of the future, but I remain optimistic each individual with a weapon and sense of liberty will be a part of the collective population that over comes what the marxists have planned. It took 80 years in Russia to overthrow the bolsheviks, but it was only because they had no weapons, no communication, and no ability to move rapidly.

I'm dropping my activist tip of the week here for my Conservative buds who are now ALL the target of the winning tribe and their colluding corporate/fascist censoring and canceling proxies. Stop being angry and start playing the way your opposition is playing. I know it's hard when YOUR political leadership is cowering in fear of the media and the majorly unhinged in the Dem party sensing that "domination is within their grasp.. But use your heads.. Take what they give you -- and use it against them..


Been dropping this concept at a lot of Conservative watering holes for the past 12 hours. Primarily because it's in my larger interest to PROTECT FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION and to monkey wrench the bastards and bitches right back when the media, political leadership and corporate America collude to silence you and make you powerless. In fact, it is in EVERY AMERICAN's interest to do that, but 1/2 of you ARE cheering on loss of freedom of expression in this country..

I've said before on USMB that govt is too slow, too stupid, too lazy and way too inept to get maximum Covid relief to the fraction of folks that NEED Covid relief. You do NOT NEED a Covid relief check if you're employed, or if you've been retired on fixed income or if you're a struggling student that was GONNA struggle and live on noodles anyways. Conservatives need to find a reliable non-profit org to accept donations of UNNEEDED Covid checks for the exclusive goal of direct OPERATING CONTRIBUTIONS to Conservative media. Say folks like Parler who just had to walk the plank off the Amazon cloud because WashPo BEZOS is helping keep cult leader Jack Dorsey afloat after the rush to cancel Twitter accounts,

Please admire the maniacal beauty and justice of this move.. :wink: Money direct from the US GOVT -- in fact, possibly up $10Bill of it -- going directly to making you whole from the harm the left has done by pushing and pushing and finally ripping at your tongues. When the whole debate about how much was enough -- politicians KNEW they were in bidding war for your political allegiance and made it rain Benjamins like an NBA star at a high end strip club. But they didn't want to do the work to make CERTAIN that money your children and grandchildren will have to repay went ONLY to the small fraction of Americans that have legitimate claims to Covid relief.. So you figure it out.. There's about 124 Mill working. There's about 34Mill retired and 50Mill in college.. MOST of you don't have Covid expenses. But HALF of you are now forced to play a game where your tribe and the opposing tribe is about to move you to Exile Island because you're not playing the Outwit, Outplay and Outlast game that you've been conscripted into.

Wouldn't you LOVE to see Pelosi, Schumer, McTurtle and McCarthy coughing up hairballs when they get wind of say maybe $10B of the bribery and allegiance money they've been fighting over go DIRECTLY TO FUNDING CONSERVATIVE speech efforts? I would. And it isn't even my war. What in the hell are they gonna do with the promise of UPPING that allegiance money to $2000 a head for every American (and NOT American illegal alien) when the Biden Admin tries to do this?

Make a personal resolution.. Pass the message. You can solve SEVERAL problems at once if you act responsibly and committedly. Not asking folks to do anything illegal. Just REMIND your govt and insidiously partisan corporate oligarchs -- of who is REALLY IN CHARGE of America..

And to my raging and foaming leftist buds that told me 2 months ago, when I said the deplatforming of the Conservative Treehouse was the tip of the movement to silence speech -- "to get your platform".,. I told you so. Even WITH your own platform, the corporate nasties have outplayed the game. Told you there would many other ways they could silence folks. Even THIS bastion of free speech at USMB. But I didn't expect all of those "tech companies" to conspire and collude so quickly to do it.. So -- you'll probably be ignored.. Because you're killing my country..
Since i was in the Cold War right there just miles from East Germany, the rule of thumb was, to fight the enemy on our terms, not theirs. Since the old hag from San Fransicko declared US conservatives enemies of the state, i have declared the progs, enemy of the people. We saw a force of free people show up at the Capital, showing that the "representatives" of the people, were acting like tyrants, while they really showed US how chicken shit they were in their precious gas masks and running with their tails between their legs. Force begets force, violence begets violence. They started it, we are going to finish it....Count on it...

If you don't get Conservatives organized to TAKE THIS MONEY NOW and put it to work, If y'all miss this play -- you'll be fighting "on your terms" with 2 cans and a string. Get this out there and get it done.. The other side aint done with the media purge on you yet.. I'm deadly serious.. This is just the beginning.

I don't think they are taking it seriously enough......yet

Most are not sadly. They're in basic pitchfork mode waiting for a riot to join or something. That's not how you play the game smartly. MAKE Amazon, Twitter, Facebook, Google PAY FOR WHAT THEY DID to media during the campaign.. Dont LET THEM get away with it. They are NOT SATISFIED ANYMORE with just banning or deplatforming you -- they want to CRUSH any attempts to take away their user count..

Wake the FUCK UP !!!! :aargh:
They try to say parler is launching an insurrection but can't say why gab, wimkin and other sites have alps been deplatformed.

all social media is supposed to be is a platform. if so, how can they have this control?

Over the decades, the Right was too busy working, raising children and getting ahead to pay attention to the encroaching dark undercurrent of the Left.

The reason they can do it is because they (The Left) has complete control over all Internet infrastructure.
And as if that's not enough...the government (Establishment) ensures their dominance since they support the cause of the Elites.
I have been only hanging in the taunting zone where I use Trash, Taunt and Trigger against liberals.
I am done with the high road.
Fox is dead the conservatives are rudderless

Run for the hills until some one regains control
I'm dropping my activist tip of the week here for my Conservative buds who are now ALL the target of the winning tribe and their colluding corporate/fascist censoring and canceling proxies. Stop being angry and start playing the way your opposition is playing. I know it's hard when YOUR political leadership is cowering in fear of the media and the majorly unhinged in the Dem party sensing that "domination is within their grasp.. But use your heads.. Take what they give you -- and use it against them..


Been dropping this concept at a lot of Conservative watering holes for the past 12 hours. Primarily because it's in my larger interest to PROTECT FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION and to monkey wrench the bastards and bitches right back when the media, political leadership and corporate America collude to silence you and make you powerless. In fact, it is in EVERY AMERICAN's interest to do that, but 1/2 of you ARE cheering on loss of freedom of expression in this country..

I've said before on USMB that govt is too slow, too stupid, too lazy and way too inept to get maximum Covid relief to the fraction of folks that NEED Covid relief. You do NOT NEED a Covid relief check if you're employed, or if you've been retired on fixed income or if you're a struggling student that was GONNA struggle and live on noodles anyways. Conservatives need to find a reliable non-profit org to accept donations of UNNEEDED Covid checks for the exclusive goal of direct OPERATING CONTRIBUTIONS to Conservative media. Say folks like Parler who just had to walk the plank off the Amazon cloud because WashPo BEZOS is helping keep cult leader Jack Dorsey afloat after the rush to cancel Twitter accounts,

Please admire the maniacal beauty and justice of this move.. :wink: Money direct from the US GOVT -- in fact, possibly up $10Bill of it -- going directly to making you whole from the harm the left has done by pushing and pushing and finally ripping at your tongues. When the whole debate about how much was enough -- politicians KNEW they were in bidding war for your political allegiance and made it rain Benjamins like an NBA star at a high end strip club. But they didn't want to do the work to make CERTAIN that money your children and grandchildren will have to repay went ONLY to the small fraction of Americans that have legitimate claims to Covid relief.. So you figure it out.. There's about 124 Mill working. There's about 34Mill retired and 50Mill in college.. MOST of you don't have Covid expenses. But HALF of you are now forced to play a game where your tribe and the opposing tribe is about to move you to Exile Island because you're not playing the Outwit, Outplay and Outlast game that you've been conscripted into.

Wouldn't you LOVE to see Pelosi, Schumer, McTurtle and McCarthy coughing up hairballs when they get wind of say maybe $10B of the bribery and allegiance money they've been fighting over go DIRECTLY TO FUNDING CONSERVATIVE speech efforts? I would. And it isn't even my war. What in the hell are they gonna do with the promise of UPPING that allegiance money to $2000 a head for every American (and NOT American illegal alien) when the Biden Admin tries to do this?

Make a personal resolution.. Pass the message. You can solve SEVERAL problems at once if you act responsibly and committedly. Not asking folks to do anything illegal. Just REMIND your govt and insidiously partisan corporate oligarchs -- of who is REALLY IN CHARGE of America..

And to my raging and foaming leftist buds that told me 2 months ago, when I said the deplatforming of the Conservative Treehouse was the tip of the movement to silence speech -- "to get your platform".,. I told you so. Even WITH your own platform, the corporate nasties have outplayed the game. Told you there would many other ways they could silence folks. Even THIS bastion of free speech at USMB. But I didn't expect all of those "tech companies" to conspire and collude so quickly to do it.. So -- you'll probably be ignored.. Because you're killing my country..
Since i was in the Cold War right there just miles from East Germany, the rule of thumb was, to fight the enemy on our terms, not theirs. Since the old hag from San Fransicko declared US conservatives enemies of the state, i have declared the progs, enemy of the people. We saw a force of free people show up at the Capital, showing that the "representatives" of the people, were acting like tyrants, while they really showed US how chicken shit they were in their precious gas masks and running with their tails between their legs. Force begets force, violence begets violence. They started it, we are going to finish it....Count on it...

Yup. What a bunch of pussies we elected to represent us.
Most are not sadly. They're in basic pitchfork mode waiting for a riot to join or something. That's not how you play the game smartly. MAKE Amazon, Twitter, Facebook, Google PAY FOR WHAT THEY DID to media during the campaign.. Dont LET THEM get away with it. They are NOT SATISFIED ANYMORE with just banning or deplatforming you -- they want to CRUSH any attempts to take away their user count..

Wake the FUCK UP !!!!
I'm getting the feeling that your new webz endeavor might be leaning hard to the right.

It sucks to be you.

Plagiarizing Survivor in your title doesn't bode well either.
How are you gentlemen ! !

All your base are belong to us.

You are on the way to destruction.

You have no chance to survive make your time.

Ha Ha Ha Ha.
Conservatism and Liberalism are both failed world-views when fleshed completely out. You're part of the problem. :thup:

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