Over 300 House bills sitting on Reids desk !


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
Inside your head.
Obama calls the Right obstructionists ........ the Democrat led Senate is the reason nothing is getting done .
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Over 300 House bills sitting on Reids desk !
It won't be for too much longer. After the midterms, the GOP will take back the senate, and Mr. Reid will be history as Senate Majority Leader.

Looks like we can start dusting off those bills pretty soon ... :thup:
All losertrian bs...That hurts science, infrastructure and America.

Obama calls the Right obstructionists ........ the Democrat led Senate is the reason nothing is getting done .

Both parties are at fault for refusing to find middle ground. When you have a divided government you don't get everything you want, but each side can compromise and get something.
Obama is the one that should be pissed at dirty Harry. If some of those job creating bills could have been passed and signed into law maybe Obama could say the economy has improved without looking like an idiot and a liar. He knows they are on Reids desk! Obama is Spiteful to a fault. He's the hater not the GOP.
Obama is the one that should be pissed at dirty Harry. If some of those job creating bills could have been passed and signed into law maybe Obama could say the economy has improved without looking like an idiot and a liar. He knows they are on Reids desk! Obama is Spiteful to a fault. He's the hater not the GOP.

If Reid does his job then Obama can't blame the republicans for obstruction...

It really is that simple.
The silver lining = less laws.

Personally, I think Congress should spend 90% of their time eliminating and repealing useless laws and regulations.
Obama calls the Right obstructionists ........ the Democrat led Senate is the reason nothing is getting done .

By your own admission, the Wrongpublican-led House is burying Reid in paperwork. How can the Democratic Party get anything done when Wrongpublicans continuously shovel mountains of bullshit onto our side of the political fence, and then demand we respond every time they complain about how dirty our yard is?
The silver lining = less laws.

Personally, I think Congress should spend 90% of their time eliminating and repealing useless laws and regulations.

Name ONE law or regulation that is truly useless, and provide a link to its text or Wikipedia page.
Obama calls the Right obstructionists ........ the Democrat led Senate is the reason nothing is getting done .

Why should the Democratic Senate pass Republican House bills?

It's not a matter of passing them at all. Reid won't even bring them to the floor. And Democrats in the Senate are royally pissed off at him and rightfully so.

He's denying everyone the right to vote aka doing the job they were sent to Washington to do.

Democrats such as Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota — who wants to repeal Obamacare’s medical-device tax — and Kirsten Gillibrand of New York — who has waged a highly publicized campaign to reform the way the military handles sexual-assault cases — have been denied votes on their proposed amendments to various bills.

Gillibrand had hoped to attach her sexual-assault amendment to the defense-appropriations bill that passed in December, but no amendments were allowed. Klobuchar has called for “a more open amendment process” because she’d like a vote on repealing the medical-device tax.

Harry Reid?s Obstructionism | National Review Online

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