Over 4 decades Iran has been attacking the USA

To add to the OP from the link:

For almost four decades, Iran and its terrorist proxies have targeted American civilians and military personnel. From the 1983 bombing of the U.S. Marine barracks in Beirut to more than a decade of attacks against U.S. military personnel in Iraq, Iran’s terrorist proxies have killed more Americans than any terrorist group other than al-Qaida. These attacks underscore Iran’s malign activities in the region and beyond. Congress and the administration must continue to confront Iran’s regional aggression and support for terrorism.

HOSTAGES HELD AT U.S. EMBASSY IN IRAN A group of Iranian students backed by Islamic Revolutionary leader Ayatollah Khomeini took control of the U.S. Embassy in Tehran, holding 52 U.S. diplomats and citizens hostage for 444 days.

MINE ATTACK IN THE PERSIAN GULF Iran—in violation of international law—mined the Persian Gulf. In 1988, one such mine struck the U.S. Navy guided missile frigate USS Samuel B. Roberts, injuring 10 sailors and blowing a 15-foot hole in the vessel’s hull.

TRUCK BOMBING IN SAUDI ARABIA Hezbollah terrorists—with Iranian backing and support—attacked U.S. military forces housed in the Khobar Towers in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, killing 19 Americans and wounding 372.

SUICIDE BOMBINGS IN LEBANON The Iranian-backed terrorist organization Hezbollah—founded, armed, trained and funded by Iran—conducted two suicide bombings in Lebanon: the April bombing of the U.S. Embassy in Beirut killed 17 Americans and the October bombing of the U.S. Marine barracks in Beirut killed 241 Americans.

SUPPORT FOR 9/11 HIJACKERS Iran knowingly permitted members of al-Qaida, including several of the 9/11 hijackers, to transit Iranian territory on their way to Afghanistan for training. In April 2018, a U.S. judge ordered Iran to pay $6 billion to the families of 9/11 victims for supporting the hijackers.

DEADLY IRANIAN INFLUENCE IN IRAQ Iranian-backed Shiite militias in Iraq killed hundreds of U.S. service members and civilians. Iran provided training and material support for repeated attacks on U.S. personnel with conventional weapons and missiles, as well as sophisticated improvised explosive devices (IEDs) and explosively formed projectiles (EFPs).

OCTOBER 2018 UNJUSTLY DETAINING AMERICANS Iran has imprisoned U.S. citizens on spurious charges and without due process for decades. Former FBI agent Bob Levinson has not been heard from since he was arrested in Iran in 2007.

ATTACKS ON U.S. INTERESTS IN AFRICA Members of the IRGC in Nigeria were arrested for planning bombings targeting American- and other Western-affiliated destinations in the country.

HARASSMENT IN THE PERSIAN GULF Iran’s military has repeatedly taken a range of provocative actions against Americans in international waters, including charging American ships at close range as well as the seizure of two naval vessels and 10 U.S. sailors in January 2016.

ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT IN D.C. American law enforcement disrupted a plot backed by Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) to assassinate the Saudi Arabian ambassador to the U.S. by bombing a popular restaurant in Washington, D.C.

HEZBOLLAH PLOTS ATTACKS IN U.S. In June 2017, two Hezbollah operatives were arrested for conducting surveillance of U.S. military and law enforcement facilities, as well as airports, in New York City in preparation for terrorist attacks against Americans.

AGENTS OF IRAN IN THE U.S. In August 2018, two Iranian agents were arrested for surveilling potential terrorist targets in the United States, including Israeli and Jewish targets in Chicago.

IRANIAN PROXIES TARGET U.S. DIPLOMATS Iranian-backed terrorist proxies in Iraq launched attacks against the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad and the U.S. Consulate in Basra. The funding and training for these assaults came directly from Iran.
Don’t forget the USS Cole-
Iran and state-sponsored terrorism - Wikipedia
Iran and state-sponsored terrorism - Wikipedia
USS Cole bombing. In March 2015, U.S. federal judge Rudolph Contreras found both Iranand Sudan complicit in the 2000 bombing of the USS Cole by al Qaeda, stating that "Iranwas directly involved in establishing Al-Qaeda's Yemen network and supported training and logistics for Al-Qaeda in the Gulf region" through Hezbollah. Two previous federal

Wikipedia is not a credible source.
Does the Washington Post work for ya?
Iran supports Hezbollah. They are a state sponsor of terrorism and a threat to the civilized world.

They aren't bothering me. If they want to all kill each other over sand, not my problem.
You can't possibly be this stupid. When the US wants to topple a regime, we can topple a regime. Getting rid of terrorist is an entirely different endeavor. When we went full boar against Iraq, it was over very quickly and decisively and Saddam, who was quite the big talker beforehand, was chased into hiding and was killed. If Iran attacked the US and our goal was to overthrow their regime, it would be over...knockout in the first round. You guys are completely ignorant morons.

Yeah, how did that toppling Saddam work out for us again?

You know, usually when you do something stupid and it has really bad results, you don't try it on a bigger scale.
You can't possibly be this stupid. When the US wants to topple a regime, we can topple a regime. Getting rid of terrorist is an entirely different endeavor. When we went full boar against Iraq, it was over very quickly and decisively and Saddam, who was quite the big talker beforehand, was chased into hiding and was killed. If Iran attacked the US and our goal was to overthrow their regime, it would be over...knockout in the first round. You guys are completely ignorant morons.

Yeah, how did that toppling Saddam work out for us again?

You know, usually when you do something stupid and it has really bad results, you don't try it on a bigger scale.

If only the CIA and Muller didn’t lie us into that war, huh?

Who is this guy lying to Congress?

You can't possibly be this stupid. When the US wants to topple a regime, we can topple a regime. Getting rid of terrorist is an entirely different endeavor. When we went full boar against Iraq, it was over very quickly and decisively and Saddam, who was quite the big talker beforehand, was chased into hiding and was killed. If Iran attacked the US and our goal was to overthrow their regime, it would be over...knockout in the first round. You guys are completely ignorant morons.

Yeah, how did that toppling Saddam work out for us again?

You know, usually when you do something stupid and it has really bad results, you don't try it on a bigger scale.

Yet the far left does that all the time and you support it!

But it also goes to show you have no idea of anything that was happening Iraq other than far left propaganda!

So far I have not heard of anyone claiming regime change in Iran!
Propaganda. Fake news.

Based upon what?
The facts.

Which are?

I have trouble believing that a regime that denies that the Holocaust ever occurred and wants to throw Israel into the sea and chants death to the US and Israel every day of their life is not engaged in terrorism against the said entities.

Put another way, there is not one example of a regime on the planet earth who is more powerful than others not being undermined by other powers in a ceaseless game of king of the hill.

It is only human nature to want to obtain power, power Iran is trying to obtain and desperately wants to take such power away from the US.

So assuming that the targeted Iranian General was responsible for the attack on the US embassy and planned to do far worse, what would you have done about it if anything?

To be honest, I kind of like Trump's approach. Usually heads of state gather together innocent people on both sides of a conflict and send them off to kill each other while they live in the lap of luxury. I kind of like the idea of instead going after the heads of state themselves who are responsible. Let the heads of state climb into that ring to kill each other rather than the mindless, never ending wars.
It was an act of war when Iran tried to assassinate that Saudi in New York. But we decided to ignore it.
If only the CIA and Muller didn’t lie us into that war, huh?

Who is this guy lying to Congress?

Not sure what Muller testifying at the 9/11 commission had to do with going to war with Iraq. Did you even watch the clip, he doesn't even talk about Iraq.

The guy who lied us into War was George W. Bush. The CIA didn't tell him what he wanted to hear, he used discredited information.

Hey, are you guys ever going to hold Bush accountable for anything? Asking for a friend.
You can't possibly be this stupid. When the US wants to topple a regime, we can topple a regime. Getting rid of terrorist is an entirely different endeavor. When we went full boar against Iraq, it was over very quickly and decisively and Saddam, who was quite the big talker beforehand, was chased into hiding and was killed. If Iran attacked the US and our goal was to overthrow their regime, it would be over...knockout in the first round. You guys are completely ignorant morons.

Yeah, how did that toppling Saddam work out for us again?

You know, usually when you do something stupid and it has really bad results, you don't try it on a bigger scale.

We are talking about the military ability to win a war if we so choose, not the outcome. I am not condoning toppling the Iranian regime, I am merely stating the fact that you yellow-bellied liberals who are scared of them having been reading/watching too much MSM who is filling your head with nonsense about their relative military power.

So you want to go into another multi decade war that will never end that can't be won where American Blood is spilled at an alarming rate? If it's allowed to progress as it is, that is exactly what is going to happen. And there will be no winners, only losers. If Congress doesn't step up the plate and do something to stop this, get ready for some real blood letting of Americans even if the US doesn't declare war on Iran. I won't go into how that will be (and it will be) because you are incapable of understanding but fanatics are fanatics.

American blood hasn't been spilled at an alarming rate since vietnam. Wake the fuck up. We kill people from 12,000 miles away in a comfortable setting. You're post is hyperbolic, fear mongering and off target. We need to worry about cyber/infrastructure attacks. That's where the problem lies.

Our wars have transitioned to cyber, infrastructure and targeted attacks via drones.

It won't be the Military that get hit initially but it will be the Military that will be called on to clean things up. Except things can't be cleaned up. It just moves to another location and here we go again. It's wash, rinse, spin, dry, repeat. ISIS is a piker in comparison.

Look, I don't condone any of the middle east policies we've had in the last 60 fucking years. WE ALWAYS screw shit up. It needs to stop. But an attack on our Embassy and the target being a terrorist (fuck that general shit) I'm not going to lose sleep over. Iran doesn't want a war with us, they have admitted as much because they know we'll kick the ever living shit out of them. This isn't a disaster, this is a move toward us measuring our dick against theirs. I know that sounds crude, but we still have a lot of "alpha" male shit in our DNA. It seems to be the only thing that works (especially if you have the upper hand in defense). Someday all of us (the world) will either comes to it's senses or it will continue. So far, my bet is on continuation as it has been going on for thousands of years.

I'm just saying don't be hyperbolic with the alarming rate shit. You're spreading dissinformation.

You’re the one spreading diss-information. Pretending that war is no big deal because it’s just like a video game and there’s no way you can lose. Then why haven’t you succeeded in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya or Syria?

Even the Saudis aren’t backing up Trump on this. After all he’s done for them. Boris Johnson says that Britain is out. Trump didn’t bother to even warn your allies in the region that he was about to do this.


To add to the OP from the link:

For almost four decades, Iran and its terrorist proxies have targeted American civilians and military personnel. From the 1983 bombing of the U.S. Marine barracks in Beirut to more than a decade of attacks against U.S. military personnel in Iraq, Iran’s terrorist proxies have killed more Americans than any terrorist group other than al-Qaida. These attacks underscore Iran’s malign activities in the region and beyond. Congress and the administration must continue to confront Iran’s regional aggression and support for terrorism.

HOSTAGES HELD AT U.S. EMBASSY IN IRAN A group of Iranian students backed by Islamic Revolutionary leader Ayatollah Khomeini took control of the U.S. Embassy in Tehran, holding 52 U.S. diplomats and citizens hostage for 444 days.

MINE ATTACK IN THE PERSIAN GULF Iran—in violation of international law—mined the Persian Gulf. In 1988, one such mine struck the U.S. Navy guided missile frigate USS Samuel B. Roberts, injuring 10 sailors and blowing a 15-foot hole in the vessel’s hull.

TRUCK BOMBING IN SAUDI ARABIA Hezbollah terrorists—with Iranian backing and support—attacked U.S. military forces housed in the Khobar Towers in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, killing 19 Americans and wounding 372.

SUICIDE BOMBINGS IN LEBANON The Iranian-backed terrorist organization Hezbollah—founded, armed, trained and funded by Iran—conducted two suicide bombings in Lebanon: the April bombing of the U.S. Embassy in Beirut killed 17 Americans and the October bombing of the U.S. Marine barracks in Beirut killed 241 Americans.

SUPPORT FOR 9/11 HIJACKERS Iran knowingly permitted members of al-Qaida, including several of the 9/11 hijackers, to transit Iranian territory on their way to Afghanistan for training. In April 2018, a U.S. judge ordered Iran to pay $6 billion to the families of 9/11 victims for supporting the hijackers.

DEADLY IRANIAN INFLUENCE IN IRAQ Iranian-backed Shiite militias in Iraq killed hundreds of U.S. service members and civilians. Iran provided training and material support for repeated attacks on U.S. personnel with conventional weapons and missiles, as well as sophisticated improvised explosive devices (IEDs) and explosively formed projectiles (EFPs).

OCTOBER 2018 UNJUSTLY DETAINING AMERICANS Iran has imprisoned U.S. citizens on spurious charges and without due process for decades. Former FBI agent Bob Levinson has not been heard from since he was arrested in Iran in 2007.

ATTACKS ON U.S. INTERESTS IN AFRICA Members of the IRGC in Nigeria were arrested for planning bombings targeting American- and other Western-affiliated destinations in the country.

HARASSMENT IN THE PERSIAN GULF Iran’s military has repeatedly taken a range of provocative actions against Americans in international waters, including charging American ships at close range as well as the seizure of two naval vessels and 10 U.S. sailors in January 2016.

ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT IN D.C. American law enforcement disrupted a plot backed by Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) to assassinate the Saudi Arabian ambassador to the U.S. by bombing a popular restaurant in Washington, D.C.

HEZBOLLAH PLOTS ATTACKS IN U.S. In June 2017, two Hezbollah operatives were arrested for conducting surveillance of U.S. military and law enforcement facilities, as well as airports, in New York City in preparation for terrorist attacks against Americans.

AGENTS OF IRAN IN THE U.S. In August 2018, two Iranian agents were arrested for surveilling potential terrorist targets in the United States, including Israeli and Jewish targets in Chicago.

IRANIAN PROXIES TARGET U.S. DIPLOMATS Iranian-backed terrorist proxies in Iraq launched attacks against the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad and the U.S. Consulate in Basra. The funding and training for these assaults came directly from Iran.
Don’t forget the USS Cole-
Iran and state-sponsored terrorism - Wikipedia
Iran and state-sponsored terrorism - Wikipedia
USS Cole bombing. In March 2015, U.S. federal judge Rudolph Contreras found both Iranand Sudan complicit in the 2000 bombing of the USS Cole by al Qaeda, stating that "Iranwas directly involved in establishing Al-Qaeda's Yemen network and supported training and logistics for Al-Qaeda in the Gulf region" through Hezbollah. Two previous federal

Wikipedia is not a credible source.

Neither are any and all far left hack sites, but you still believe them anyway!

I don’t use or read far left hack sites. Only those applying journalistic standards of fact checking and verification.

Anyone can log in and change Wikipedia entries. No journalistic standards at all.

I don’t use or read far left hack sites. Only those applying journalistic standards of fact checking and verification

Please tell me you never quote CNN or MSNBC. Even NBC,CBS and ABC are very questionable if you are using a journalistic standards litmus.
We are talking about the military ability to win a war if we so choose, not the outcome. I am not condoning toppling the Iranian regime, I am merely stating the fact that you yellow-bellied liberals who are scared of them having been reading/watching too much MSM who is filling your head with nonsense about their relative military power.

It's like you people never fucking learn.

You didn't learn anything from Vietnam... you didn't learn anything from the Iraq War.

It's not a matter of being scared, it's a matter of realizing that to get where you want to go will cost thousands of lives for absolutely no good reason.

The thing is, Iran is ALREADY benefiting from Trump's "Wag The Dog" operation. Internal dissent has all but vanished in Iran, as people are rallying behind the government. The Iraqi government just voted to expel American troops.

Please tell me you never quote CNN or MSNBC. Even NBC,CBS and ABC are very questionable if you are using a journalistic standards litmus.

The only thing that's questionable is Fox News... but even they are starting to see through the bullshit.
But you like to remain ignorant, google is your friend do it yourself!

Most here are quite capable

But too many are trying to revise history to their particular partisan bent

THAT becomes the ignorant part


So you want to go into another multi decade war that will never end that can't be won where American Blood is spilled at an alarming rate? If it's allowed to progress as it is, that is exactly what is going to happen. And there will be no winners, only losers. If Congress doesn't step up the plate and do something to stop this, get ready for some real blood letting of Americans even if the US doesn't declare war on Iran. I won't go into how that will be (and it will be) because you are incapable of understanding but fanatics are fanatics.

American blood hasn't been spilled at an alarming rate since vietnam. Wake the fuck up. We kill people from 12,000 miles away in a comfortable setting. You're post is hyperbolic, fear mongering and off target. We need to worry about cyber/infrastructure attacks. That's where the problem lies.

Our wars have transitioned to cyber, infrastructure and targeted attacks via drones.

It won't be the Military that get hit initially but it will be the Military that will be called on to clean things up. Except things can't be cleaned up. It just moves to another location and here we go again. It's wash, rinse, spin, dry, repeat. ISIS is a piker in comparison.

Look, I don't condone any of the middle east policies we've had in the last 60 fucking years. WE ALWAYS screw shit up. It needs to stop. But an attack on our Embassy and the target being a terrorist (fuck that general shit) I'm not going to lose sleep over. Iran doesn't want a war with us, they have admitted as much because they know we'll kick the ever living shit out of them. This isn't a disaster, this is a move toward us measuring our dick against theirs. I know that sounds crude, but we still have a lot of "alpha" male shit in our DNA. It seems to be the only thing that works (especially if you have the upper hand in defense). Someday all of us (the world) will either comes to it's senses or it will continue. So far, my bet is on continuation as it has been going on for thousands of years.

I'm just saying don't be hyperbolic with the alarming rate shit. You're spreading dissinformation.

You’re the one spreading diss-information. Pretending that war is no big deal because it’s just like a video game and there’s no way you can lose. Then why haven’t you succeeded in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya or Syria?

Even the Saudis aren’t backing up Trump on this. After all he’s done for them. Boris Johnson says that Britain is out. Trump didn’t bother to even warn your allies in the region that he was about to do this.


To add to the OP from the link:

For almost four decades, Iran and its terrorist proxies have targeted American civilians and military personnel. From the 1983 bombing of the U.S. Marine barracks in Beirut to more than a decade of attacks against U.S. military personnel in Iraq, Iran’s terrorist proxies have killed more Americans than any terrorist group other than al-Qaida. These attacks underscore Iran’s malign activities in the region and beyond. Congress and the administration must continue to confront Iran’s regional aggression and support for terrorism.

HOSTAGES HELD AT U.S. EMBASSY IN IRAN A group of Iranian students backed by Islamic Revolutionary leader Ayatollah Khomeini took control of the U.S. Embassy in Tehran, holding 52 U.S. diplomats and citizens hostage for 444 days.

MINE ATTACK IN THE PERSIAN GULF Iran—in violation of international law—mined the Persian Gulf. In 1988, one such mine struck the U.S. Navy guided missile frigate USS Samuel B. Roberts, injuring 10 sailors and blowing a 15-foot hole in the vessel’s hull.

TRUCK BOMBING IN SAUDI ARABIA Hezbollah terrorists—with Iranian backing and support—attacked U.S. military forces housed in the Khobar Towers in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, killing 19 Americans and wounding 372.

SUICIDE BOMBINGS IN LEBANON The Iranian-backed terrorist organization Hezbollah—founded, armed, trained and funded by Iran—conducted two suicide bombings in Lebanon: the April bombing of the U.S. Embassy in Beirut killed 17 Americans and the October bombing of the U.S. Marine barracks in Beirut killed 241 Americans.

SUPPORT FOR 9/11 HIJACKERS Iran knowingly permitted members of al-Qaida, including several of the 9/11 hijackers, to transit Iranian territory on their way to Afghanistan for training. In April 2018, a U.S. judge ordered Iran to pay $6 billion to the families of 9/11 victims for supporting the hijackers.

DEADLY IRANIAN INFLUENCE IN IRAQ Iranian-backed Shiite militias in Iraq killed hundreds of U.S. service members and civilians. Iran provided training and material support for repeated attacks on U.S. personnel with conventional weapons and missiles, as well as sophisticated improvised explosive devices (IEDs) and explosively formed projectiles (EFPs).

OCTOBER 2018 UNJUSTLY DETAINING AMERICANS Iran has imprisoned U.S. citizens on spurious charges and without due process for decades. Former FBI agent Bob Levinson has not been heard from since he was arrested in Iran in 2007.

ATTACKS ON U.S. INTERESTS IN AFRICA Members of the IRGC in Nigeria were arrested for planning bombings targeting American- and other Western-affiliated destinations in the country.

HARASSMENT IN THE PERSIAN GULF Iran’s military has repeatedly taken a range of provocative actions against Americans in international waters, including charging American ships at close range as well as the seizure of two naval vessels and 10 U.S. sailors in January 2016.

ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT IN D.C. American law enforcement disrupted a plot backed by Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) to assassinate the Saudi Arabian ambassador to the U.S. by bombing a popular restaurant in Washington, D.C.

HEZBOLLAH PLOTS ATTACKS IN U.S. In June 2017, two Hezbollah operatives were arrested for conducting surveillance of U.S. military and law enforcement facilities, as well as airports, in New York City in preparation for terrorist attacks against Americans.

AGENTS OF IRAN IN THE U.S. In August 2018, two Iranian agents were arrested for surveilling potential terrorist targets in the United States, including Israeli and Jewish targets in Chicago.

IRANIAN PROXIES TARGET U.S. DIPLOMATS Iranian-backed terrorist proxies in Iraq launched attacks against the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad and the U.S. Consulate in Basra. The funding and training for these assaults came directly from Iran.
Don’t forget the USS Cole-
Iran and state-sponsored terrorism - Wikipedia
Iran and state-sponsored terrorism - Wikipedia
USS Cole bombing. In March 2015, U.S. federal judge Rudolph Contreras found both Iranand Sudan complicit in the 2000 bombing of the USS Cole by al Qaeda, stating that "Iranwas directly involved in establishing Al-Qaeda's Yemen network and supported training and logistics for Al-Qaeda in the Gulf region" through Hezbollah. Two previous federal

Wikipedia is not a credible source.

Neither are any and all far left hack sites, but you still believe them anyway!

I don’t use or read far left hack sites. Only those applying journalistic standards of fact checking and verification.

Anyone can log in and change Wikipedia entries. No journalistic standards at all.

Thanks for taking what I wrote out of context. Learn how to read.
Obama did not need Congress for his illegal wars, funny now how they demand Trump consult them.

If Trump wants something then the far left will automatically oppose it.

If Trump does not want it the the far left will want it!

If anything this will expedite the departure of the US Military out of Iraq.

Many will find this as a good thing.

It's ain't partisan anymore. It's headed for War. War between two nations. Iran ain't Afghanistan, Iraq or Syria. It's going to come to our shores as well as all over the globe. WE may not have boots on the ground inside of Iran but our Navy and Air Force is going to suffer losses and only be able to go only so far in before it's too costly to go any further. And don't look for the other Middle Eastern Countries to be that keen on helping out or allowing our troops to use their countries as jumping off points. Saudi Arabia is well within Irans Missile Range as it is and so is most of the others. Rump has no idea the can of worms he's opening up.

The wingnuts have been sabre rattling for a war with Iran for years, even while proclaiming that they don't want anymore foreign wars because that's what Trump tells them he wants.

In other words the only thing you're going to hear from these guys is an unconvincing argument about how great Trump is regardless if it contradicts everything they've said in the past

Another far left cult member that ignores the illegal wars of Obama!

These are teh ones that were silent under Obama and now want to have a voice because they hate Trump!

Not illegal for starters.

I also didn't promote any of our adventures since Afghanistan. Where as you punks were just bragging about Trump as though he were some sort of dove and getting our troops back from the Middle East (which he didn't really) while simultaneously fucking over one of our allies. Not to much shaking the foundation of our relationship to our NATO allies. Now. it looks like he very well may have started a war with our biggest adversary since what WWII?

And you just proven you are part of the far left cult!

See how they deny the illegal wars of Obama, yet want to promote Trump as a warmonger.

Same old far left cult propaganda!

This is from the far left NYTimes, you saying it is fake news?

Opinion | Obama's Illegal War in Libya

More from the far left propaganda sources:

Is Obama Enabling the Next President to Launch Illegal Wars?
If his administration gets its way, it would be even easier for future commanders in chief to take military action without approval from Congress.

How Obama Is Enabling the Next President to Launch Illegal Wars

Yes you are wrong there far left cult member!

They were illegal, just your side turned a blind eye to it!

Neat, kid. How come you're too busy with the but, but Obamas to criticize Trump? You're exactly what you are accusing me of.

This was my original post:

The wingnuts have been sabre rattling for a war with Iran for years, even while proclaiming that they don't want anymore foreign wars because that's what Trump tells them he wants.

In other words the only thing you're going to hear from these guys is an unconvincing argument about how great Trump is regardless if it contradicts everything they've said in the past

The wingnuts have been wanting to go to war with Iran for years and then Trump came along and all of the sudden you guys pretended to be a bunch of doves. Then Trump pulls this stunt and you guys are ready for war all over again. Just like you were before Trump.

I haven't changed my views regardless of who is in the Whitehouse about these wars. Especially with Iran. Libya? Bad idea, but we at least didn't step foot inside it. Remember when you guys thought Obama didn't do enough in Syria? Then Trump abandons our allies in that country and you guys cheer. Remember how all those troops were coming home? Seems to be quite the opposite now. Iran is now committed itself once again to building a nuclear weapon. Iran has also committed to attacking us thus putting those troops in harms way. They have a multitude of options and countries they can attack us at. What will be our reply to it? When does it end? Are you ready to go to war with Iran? A country whose military strength is not like anything we've faced in decades. Have fun pretending you guys don't own what's coming. Just like you dicks pretend the wingnuts you voted into office weren't responsible for the catastrophe that was the war in Iraq. You idiots swallowed the "MIssion Accomplished" bullshit and were convinced everything was just working out great. Thanks for that blemish on our record.
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For goodness' sake.

Iran does NOT want war.

It knows that it would result in the people overthrowing that theocracy.

A big orchid to President Trump for putting them in their place.

They respect only strength. They despise appeasement.
For goodness' sake.

Iran does NOT want war.

It knows that it would result in the people overthrowing that theocracy.

It does? I realize many Iranians love our culture, their not super excited about our government. And we killed someone who was considered a hero to many. Wars usually nationalize citizens and this is a country that loves to pump out propaganda to it's own citizens. Kind of like FOX News but worse. I'd say if Iran does not retaliate then it's going to look weak domestically, they almost have to.

Remember when we were supposed to be greeted as liberators in Iraq? How'd that work out? Over 10 years later and you still believe stupid shit like this.

Remember how the right doesn't like foreign aid at all and then miraculously when Trump came along you guys didn't even want to spend money and complained about the wars you started? How are you guys going to pay for this new endeavor? Oh, that's right, the same pan as we had in Iraq...take the oil. Brilliant.

When/if Iran counters I wonder how your post will age.

A big orchid to President Trump for putting them in their place.

They respect only strength. They despise appeasement.

Putting them in their place? Sounds like a really grounded long term strategy. Enjoy the escalation.
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