Over 40 dead illegals in tractor trailer San Antonio

A U.S. official says at least 40 people have been found dead inside a tractor-trailer in a presumed migrant smuggling attempt in South Texas.

The official says 15 others in the truck were taken to hospitals in the San Antonio, where the bodies were found Monday.

The official spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity because the information had not been authorized for public release. A news briefing was planned later.

All of the victims were believed to have crossed into the United States illegally, the New York Times reported. Officers from the San Antonio Police Department were searching for the driver of the vehicle.

High temperatures in the San Antonio area ranged from the high 90s to low 100s, according to the National Weather Service.

Acceptable losses by Open Border Democrats. As long as most of them survive, it's all good.
What kind of heartless animal could just walk away from 60 human beings that they KNOW will die in extreme misery? He couldn't just unlock the damned door? Dear God.
Happens just like people falling from the landing gear on jets or being found frozen solid inside them when they land.
Biden is 100% responsible for these deaths.
Biden's statement are remembered by people. People like illegal immigrants.
"I would, in fact, make sure that there is, we immediate surge to the border, "

Think about!
The police chief said the survivors lacked water and air conditioning.
"The patients that we saw were hot to the touch," he said
These illegal migrants are dead because they listened to Biden...
"surge to the border"

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Lets go Brandon!!!! RIP awful way to die.

Prayers up for those who died a horrific death of being baked on a record-breaking hot day in a vehicle-turned-furnace that was transporting victimized dreamers. May those who survived be healed in the care of emergency doctors, nurses, and therapeutic personnel. How could that happen?
Prayers up for those who died a horrific death of being baked on a record-breaking hot day in a vehicle-turned-furnace that was transporting victimized dreamers. May those who survived be healed in the care of emergency doctors, nurses, and therapeutic personnel. How could that happen?
Remember they heard just these words from Biden...surge to the border,
Prayers up for those who died a horrific death of being baked on a record-breaking hot day in a vehicle-turned-furnace that was transporting victimized dreamers. May those who survived be healed in the care of emergency doctors, nurses, and therapeutic personnel. How could that happen?
You asked.."How could that happen"???
Biden's statement are remembered by people. People like illegal immigrants.
"I would, in fact, make sure that there is, we immediate surge to the border, "

They remember those 4 words..."surge to the border," encouraging them to break the law and eventually DIE!
Biden's fault for stopping the wall! Biden's fault for encouraging these desperate people surge to the border!
They will be dying by the thousands in train cars, truck trailers, or just in the desert. Another reason we need to control our freaking border. Oh but January 6th!! Roe v Wade!!! :aargh::aargh::aargh:
We need to find out who profited from this heinous death chamber and charge them with mass murders and accessory to mass murders. I'm sick and tired of politicians collecting money from the cartels to look the other way. I'm tired of a border so open it cannot deal with comers and goers. Somebody in Washington is raking in the big bucks for the cartels, and I think there's a point man who needs to be scrutinized out of office over this incident he or she likely got pocket money for letting bad coyotes kill dreamers. This stinks to Washington DC and back. If we ever find out who is soliciting and pocketing money from cartels in drugs and human trafficking, not to mention assassinating victims in a hot as hell truck, we need to throw the book at 'em, put 'em in the slammer and throw away the key. :cranky:
Remember they heard just these words from Biden...surge to the border,

Well he got what he wanted. Let's hold him responsible. Oh, wait. Nancy Pelosi protects criminal leanings to get her share of the "points". And to quote AOC, "It's all about the Benjamins."
We need to find out who profited from this heinous death chamber and charge them with mass murders and accessory to mass murders. I'm sick and tired of politicians collecting money from the cartels to look the other way. I'm tired of a border so open it cannot deal with comers and goers. Somebody in Washington is raking in the big bucks for the cartels, and I think there's a point man who needs to be scrutinized out of office over this incident he or she likely got pocket money for letting bad coyotes kill dreamers. This stinks to Washington DC and back. If we ever find out who is soliciting and pocketing money from cartels in drugs and human trafficking, not to mention assassinating victims in a hot as hell truck, we need to throw the book at 'em, put 'em in the slammer and throw away the key. :cranky:
I am 100% with you beautress. I think we all wanted to believe our country's leaders were above the corruption seen around the world but it is apparent that is not the case. The drug cartels operate completely without fear of retribution because they know our leadership is weak and corrupt. Have we heard one word from this feckless administration about Mexico's complicity in the attack on our country? Drug cartels are running the show down here and all we hear is Myorkas saying everything is cool. And all the media's camera's are trained on rabid abortionists and the retarded J6 hearings. AUUUGGHH!!
Thousands of migrants have died, likely 10s of thousands. Hundreds of thousands of Americans have died from Fentanyl poisoning. Millions of women and children raped or molested. Fuck Joe Biden and you all need to quit with the Brandon euphemism. The call needs to be Fuck Joe Biden.

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