Over 7,000 colleges and universities declare climate emergency.

Just more bullshit brought to you by lefty fucking loons.
I thought you were one of the bright ones.
The last five years were the hottest ever recorded

In 4.5 billion years or just a 100 years?
Just more bullshit brought to you by lefty fucking loons.
I thought you were one of the bright ones.
The last five years were the hottest ever recorded

In 4.5 billion years or just a 100 years?

This is what earth looked liked you fucking moron..

And unveil three-point plan to combat it.

More than 7,000 colleges and universities across the globe declared a climate emergency on Wednesday and unveiled a three-point plan to collectively commit to addressing the crisis.



Angelo Mod Note: Opening posts must contain some personal content. Can NOT be just cut and paste.. Usually, it's what aspects of the event or story YOU want to discuss.. Threads can be closed or warned if they don't comply...
Going carbon neutral by 2030....wait, what? Isn't the world going to end in 12 years?
And unveil three-point plan to combat it.

More than 7,000 colleges and universities across the globe declared a climate emergency on Wednesday and unveiled a three-point plan to collectively commit to addressing the crisis.



Angelo Mod Note: Opening posts must contain some personal content. Can NOT be just cut and paste.. Usually, it's what aspects of the event or story YOU want to discuss.. Threads can be closed or warned if they don't comply...

They like to brainwash them young.
And unveil three-point plan to combat it.

More than 7,000 colleges and universities across the globe declared a climate emergency on Wednesday and unveiled a three-point plan to collectively commit to addressing the crisis.


And every damn one of them is too freakin' young to know what the climate was like 25 years ago, or 30, and don't care. All they know is what's been pumped into their empty skulls by their radical leftist professors in schools.

This is a perfect example of the indoctrination kids are getting in schools today.

Just wait until they are told what they have to give up to "fix the climate"
We already know, pard. AOC told us. We need to give up air planes, gasoline, kill all the cows and live like cave men, or we'll all be dead in 12 years.

And you HAVE to believe AOC... right? The rooftop dancing bartender... she's an EXPERT.

Except she nevers said that. Trump told you she said that. The inheritance baby who is the president.
Climate bullshit.

More 1984 constant crisis marxism.

Fuck that.

The world population is too big. Let's kill people. That will help.

Starting with those bitching about it.

And unveil three-point plan to combat it.

More than 7,000 colleges and universities across the globe declared a climate emergency on Wednesday and unveiled a three-point plan to collectively commit to addressing the crisis.


And every damn one of them is too freakin' young to know what the climate was like 25 years ago, or 30, and don't care. All they know is what's been pumped into their empty skulls by their radical leftist professors in schools.

This is a perfect example of the indoctrination kids are getting in schools today.

Just wait until they are told what they have to give up to "fix the climate"
We already know, pard. AOC told us. We need to give up air planes, gasoline, kill all the cows and live like cave men, or we'll all be dead in 12 years.

And you HAVE to believe AOC... right? The rooftop dancing bartender... she's an EXPERT.
Those ideas were likely molded onto her malleable and easily brainwashed mind in school via repeated messaging. It's rote memory.

She certainly didn't learn anything about economics.
They like to brainwash them young.
Right. There's nothing wrong with expensive multi $Trillion-wars for oil and using it all up in 100 years when the "rapture' is coming and 74 virgins are waiting for you in "heaven" anyway, right ?
Assuming man-made climate change is real (it's not), the REAL problem is 8 billion people. That number needs to go to 2 billion.

People claiming there is a climate problem need to kill themselves to fix it.

We can help.


They like to brainwash them young.
Right. There's nothing wrong with expensive multi $Trillion-wars for oil and using it all up in 100 years when the "rapture' is coming and 74 virgins are waiting for you in "heaven" anyway, right ?
Assuming man-made climate change is real (it's not), the REAL problem is 8 billion people. That number needs to go to 2 billion.

People claiming there is a climate problem need to kill themselves to fix it.

We can help.


Exactly. As a scientist, I will never argue that I do not warm the environment. I do. And so does everybody else. In fact, so do all homeothermic animals.

Warm-blooded animals warm their environment until they die.

So if anyone says they want me to stop warming the environment, I say, you go first.

If they don't commit suicide, they're hypocrites.

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