Over 7,000 colleges and universities declare climate emergency.

Are you my own personal troll tonight ?
My point was it is hotter now than 50 years ago. Anyone old enough who won't admit that is lying.
No, it isn't.

If anything it's colder.
View attachment 268724
Looks like a place ya go to disappear

You win..

I didn't even shoot an elk
My BIL and nephew harvest an elk every year in Montana.
A frosty girl..

Winter Jackets (warmth).jpg
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I wanted to bring this truck back to Wisconsin with me so bad I almost had a heart attack... but alas... couldn't get permission to take it...

Have they considered throwing a virgin into a volcano?
How about moving glaciers from Antarctica to the Arctic when the ones around Greenland and Iceland melt away ?

Idea to save polar bears at the North Pole ....move them to Anarctica.
Part 1 of 3 raise taxes on the poor and middle class, the other 2 funnel money to the higher education regime...shocker :cuckoo:

We're impressed
Are you my own personal troll tonight ?
My point was it is hotter now than 50 years ago. Anyone old enough who won't admit that is lying.

Has nothing to do with man. The planets are being perturbed, atmospheric changes in the planets, earth normally gets blasted directly from the sun and our magnetosphere deflects. Now, our magnetosphere on the backside is getting hit. In short, there's nothing that we can do to stop it. Nothing.
And unveil three-point plan to combat it.

More than 7,000 colleges and universities across the globe declared a climate emergency on Wednesday and unveiled a three-point plan to collectively commit to addressing the crisis.


And every damn one of them is too freakin' young to know what the climate was like 25 years ago, or 30, and don't care. All they know is what's been pumped into their empty skulls by their radical leftist professors in schools.

This is a perfect example of the indoctrination kids are getting in schools today.

Just wait until they are told what they have to give up to "fix the climate"
We already know, pard. AOC told us. We need to give up air planes, gasoline, kill all the cows and live like cave men, or we'll all be dead in 12 years.

And you HAVE to believe AOC... right? The rooftop dancing bartender... she's an EXPERT.

LMFAO Good one and spot on brother.

The climate has been changing since there was a climate. I thought Al Gore already laughed his way to the bank on his Climate Change gig.

Leave it to gullible kids to believe what the left leaning college dumbasses have to say.

Climate will keep changing long after you and I deader than door nails. Wonder who will protest then??

Hell back in 1816 they had no summer. People starved because they couldn't grow food. No carbon footprint back then.

Just more bullshit brought to you by lefty fucking loons.

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