Over 7 Hours Of Missing Trump Phone Records Makes Nixon Tapes Look like Nothing



you keep trying' there, jr.
Benghazi has no simple answer it was a series of events that led up to that and so no single person could be responsible for it. The capital police serve the main purpose are protecting the senators and representatives of the United States. Pelosi did not give any orders to them that day.
The riot on Jan. 6 had only on murder, committed by a capitol cop on the orders of Piglosi, for trespassing.
Repeating the LIE that traitor babbitt is somehow a patriot won't make it happen. babbitt is truly a traitor to My Country that she supposedly once served.

What was her purpose for breaching that window.
A question ^^^^^ no RWI is has been able to answer.
Repeating the LIE that traitor babbitt is somehow a patriot won't make it happen. babbitt is truly a traitor to My Country that she supposedly once served.

What was her purpose for breaching that window.
A question ^^^^^ no RWI is has been able to answer.
Better question is when did breaking a window become a capital crime? Also, when did capital punishment begin to be executed summarily without due process? STFU, moron. You don't know what the fuck you are talking about and you show your ignorance every time you post.
Repeating the LIE that traitor babbitt is somehow a patriot won't make it happen. babbitt is truly a traitor to My Country that she supposedly once served.

What was her purpose for breaching that window.
A question ^^^^^ no RWI is has been able to answer.
The main duty of the Capioll Police is to protect the lives of the senators and representatives. Their lives were being threatened, they were very restrained in carrying out their duty. A lot more of the insurrectionists could have been legally killed.
Better question is when did breaking a window become a capital crime? Also, when did capital punishment begin to be executed summarily without due process? STFU, moron. You don't know what the fuck you are talking about and you show your ignorance every time you post.
Anyone that breaks a window to get in to your house can be shot and killed by the house owner or anyone legally in the house at the time of the break in, right now, in many states.
Their lives were being threatened,
With what? cameras? Where are the weapons? Seems there should have been some violent action that should be in evidence. Where is it? I can give you an example of insurrectionist activity--BLM/Antifa, attack and arson on an occupied federal building in Portland May 12, 2020.
Chop/Chaz occupation in Seattle for six weeks when BLM/Antifa took over six blocks of downtown Seattle.
Those actions resulted in injuries, arson and murder. Where is your indignation for that?
Anyone that breaks a window to get in to your house can be shot and killed by the house owner or anyone legally in the house at the time of the break in, right now, in many states.
HaHaHa, shoot someone who is unarmed and has broken a window in your house and I'll see you in a few years when they let you out of prison. Know your subject before you open your mouth. BTW, the PUBLIC capital building is not a private residence and trespass is not punishable by summary execution.
The main duty of the Capioll Police is to protect the lives of the senators and representatives. Their lives were being threatened, they were very restrained in carrying out their duty. A lot more of the insurrectionists could have been legally killed.
Your shit house law degree isn't worth the toilet paper it isn't printed on.

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