Over 70% Of Democrats Think Hillary Should Still Run Even If Indicted

Of course she is- which is why you called her a c*nt.

The Krooked Kunt Klinton.

Like I said- only assholes call a woman a c*nt- just like only assholes would call Ben Carson a n*gger or Bernie Sanders a k*ke.

Calling a woman a c*nt just shows what an asshole you are.

And of course a Trump supporter.


Every single person who called Sarah Palin that is as much of a misogynistic asshole as Uncensored.

I notice despite your claims- you have yet to find any such comments by me.

What about you- do you call women c*nts?
Can't be repeated often enough that these are the view of a Trump supporter

Hillary Clinton isn't "a woman." Hillary Clinton is a pile of shit, A maggot, a virus.- in other words to Uncensored- she is nothing but a c*nt.

Now you're catching on, hack.

That such a pile of shit as Hillary has a vagina is not the fault of any other female, of any species. Hillary is shit because she is the disreputable career criminal that she is.
Can't be repeated often enough that these are the view of a Trump supporter

Uncensored2008: Hillary Clinton isn't "a woman." Hillary Clinton is a pile of shit, A maggot, a virus.- in other words to Uncensored- she is nothing but a c*nt.

Musing, think the drooling retard leftist is too dull to grasp Krooked Klinton Kunt?
Can't be repeated often enough that these are the view of a Trump supporter

Uncensored2008: Hillary Clinton isn't "a woman." Hillary Clinton is a pile of shit, A maggot, a virus.- in other words to Uncensored- she is nothing but a c*nt.
Can't be repeated often enough that these are the view of a Trump supporter

Uncensored2008: Hillary Clinton isn't "a woman." Hillary Clinton is a pile of shit, A maggot, a virus.- in other words to Uncensored- she is nothing but a c*nt.

Ohh, look how the lying fuck of a Hillary supporter changed my words.

Hey I get it, Hillary is a lying fuck, so she is a natural for a lying fuck like you!

I get it- you are an asshole who calls women 'c*nt'

So you are a natural Trump supporter.
Of course she is- which is why you called her a c*nt.

The Krooked Kunt Klinton.

Like I said- only assholes call a woman a c*nt- just like only assholes would call Ben Carson a n*gger or Bernie Sanders a k*ke.

Calling a woman a c*nt just shows what an asshole you are.

And of course a Trump supporter.


Every single person who called Sarah Palin that is as much of a misogynistic asshole as Uncensored.

I notice despite your claims- you have yet to find any such comments by me.

What about you- do you call women c*nts?
Do you?
Do you honestly think that calling one person a four letter word is the same as calling every single woman on the planet the same four letter word?

A rational person cannot be convinced that what we feel about any particular person gravitates over to all members of similar genders, ethnic groups, nationalities, or religions. But then again, Leftists never appeal to clear thinking individuals. Only those that already have bigotry toward others for some reason or another. Leftists simply push the correct buttons to draw this out of them. You, for example, are operating from a position that anyone who dislikes Hillary's obvious holier than thou attitude must hate all women. This is part of Hillary's campaign. She wants to claim victimhood while she's throwing insults at anyone who dares to stand up to her. Anyone who snaps back at her is being a bully, and must hate all women. You feel that showing disdain for Hillary is a reflection of Uncensored's feelings for all women. This is of course a false assumption. I think it's more likely your disdain for anyone right of center makes you assume the worst of them. Never mind the fact that you seem to feel that you can throw stones while living in a glass house. You're guilty of exactly what you claim he is guilty of.
Every single person who called Sarah Palin that is as much of a misogynistic asshole as Uncensored.

So hack, you are "pro-woman?"


Say hack, isn't this the pile of shit you promote?

Her tactics and the things that she set in motion against all the women like me, the ones you have heard of and the ones you haven’t heard of, and the ones who are so scared that they fled the country, are terrorist tactics like I’ve never seen before.

I went through them. I lived through them. And I know exactly what I am talking about. She is the war on women. I don’t care what anybody says.} - Kathleen Wiley on Hillary Clinton

{former adviser Dick Morrissaid Mrs. Clinton engaged in “blackmail” to try to force women to recant their stories.}

{ “I was 35 years old when Bill Clinton, Ark. Attorney General raped me and Hillary tried to silence me. I am now 73 it never goes away.”} - Juanita Broadrick.

Hey, you may not be a supporter of women, but you DO support rape. :thup:

Party above all, hack.

I notice despite your claims- you have yet to find any such comments by me.

What about you- do you call women c*nts?

The Krooked Klinton Kunt is not "women," hack. And you are no supporter of women. You defend rape. The ONLY thing you care about is your filthy party, hack.
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Can't be repeated often enough that these are the view of a Trump supporter

Uncensored2008: Hillary Clinton isn't "a woman." Hillary Clinton is a pile of shit, A maggot, a virus.- in other words to Uncensored- she is nothing but a c*nt.

So, as a supporter of rape, how many rapes do you think your hero caused through her enabling?

Support rape, vote Hillary.

Way to go, rape supporting hack.
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Can't be repeated often enough that these are the view of a Trump supporter

Hillary Clinton isn't "a woman." Hillary Clinton is a pile of shit, A maggot, a virus.- in other words to Uncensored- she is nothing but a c*nt.

Now you're catching on, hack.

That such a pile of shit as Hillary has a vagina is not the fault of any other female, of any species. Hillary is shit because she is the disreputable career criminal that she is.
Can't be repeated often enough that these are the view of a Trump supporter

Uncensored2008: Hillary Clinton isn't "a woman." Hillary Clinton is a pile of shit, A maggot, a virus.- in other words to Uncensored- she is nothing but a c*nt.

Musing, think the drooling retard leftist is too dull to grasp Krooked Klinton Kunt?
Can't be repeated often enough that these are the view of a Trump supporter

Uncensored2008: Hillary Clinton isn't "a woman." Hillary Clinton is a pile of shit, A maggot, a virus.- in other words to Uncensored- she is nothing but a c*nt.

Now YOU are being dishonest. Uncensored is clearly unhinged and does not represent the views of most Trump supporters.
I get it- you are an asshole who calls women 'c*nt'

So you are a natural Trump supporter.

As a rape supporting hack, you are a natural Hillary supporter.

How many rapes did she spawn through her enabling of sexual predator husband?

Mindless hack Syriusly sez: VOTE for rape, vote for Hillary.
Now YOU are being dishonest. Uncensored is clearly unhinged and does not represent the views of most Trump supporters.

  1. The mindless hack Syriusly is always dishonest
  2. Fuck you
  3. I am not a Trump supporter, I support Gary Johnson
  4. You know fucking well right I am 100% correct about Hillary - which makes you dishonest.
Now YOU are being dishonest. Uncensored is clearly unhinged and does not represent the views of most Trump supporters.

  1. The mindless hack Syriusly is always dishonest
  2. Fuck you
  3. I am not a Trump supporter, I support Gary Johnson
  4. You know fucking well right I am 100% correct about Hillary - which makes you dishonest.

1. I probably agree
2. No thanks, but at least you can celebrate your sexuality proudly this month
3. Proves that you are unhinged.
4. No you aren't right, there is NO reason to attack Hillary with sexually offensive terms. That only serves to make YOU look like a fool while deflecting attention away from the things that make HER a piece of shit regardless of her gender.
I get it- you are an asshole who calls women 'c*nt'

So you are a natural Trump supporter.

You know, you are a pile of shit, a partisan hack who will do or say anything to promote your filthy party,

And you are a misogynist. To you, women are objects. To you there is no difference between Hillary and Mother Teresa. You deny that women are individuals and should be treated on their own merits. No, to you women are cookie cutter clones to be used by the party.

What I correctly say about Hillary is about the individual. A misogynist piece of shit like you cannot grasp that women have their own minds, but sentient beings do know this, hack.

And THIS is the view you filthy democrats hold of women, that they have no minds of their own, that every last one is the same as another, just an object to be used by the party.

Democrats want a known criminal in the White House. According to Rasmussen 71% of Democrat voters want her to keep running even if she's indicted. This is no surprise because Democrats have been putting criminals in office for decades. Half of all voters don't seem to mind for one reason or another. Seems the media has succeeded in dumbing down America.

50% Say Clinton Should Keep Running Even If Indicted

"Democrats want a known criminal in the White House"? What crime has HRC been tried and convicted of committing? If Mud cannot answer his statement quoted above, he is a LIAR.

According to Rasmussen(?) [hardly a credible source, and one must have at least two sources to be credible (three and more are much better)] 71`% of Democrats want a criminal in the White House. One source and Mud finds it convincing (hackery at its finest).

Of course this is more hypocrisy from the right, remember how the R's wanted every person counted, and not use statistical sampling, in the 2010 Census, and yet Rasmussen does just that and Mud thin...err. believes that proves 71% of Democrats want a criminal in the White House. No he doesn't he just a troll, or a fool.

Dumbing down America is a conservative value. The truth will send the current iteration of conservatives onto the trash heap of history, along with the Whigs and the Know Nothings.
The truth is you on the left show repeated evidence that you have zero principles, and your candidates reflect it.

Anything goes as far as you people are concerned.

Does matter if it permanently fucks this country up.

All you care about is putting degenerates in office.

People who make past administrations look like boyscouts in comparison.

Liars and communists.

Treasonous cocksuckers

The most egregious example of an action by a political party was the witch hunt which lead to the impeachment of President Clinton. Only self righteous hypocrites, such as Mudwhistle, single out President Clinton as unique in the annals of skirt chasers; others forget how power tends to corrupt, and power is attractive to others, essentially affecting the judgment of both the holder of power and those who feel the need to be close to power.

Of course Mudwhistle's self righteous arrogance is symptomatic of this new generation of conservatives, an obsessed collection of judgmental inquisitors whose opinions are based on lies, half-truths, rumors, and innuendos of the self serving and the yellow press.

Two of a number of tells for this kind of conservative: Homophobia and Commiephobia, aka fear and hate. To suggest they are hysterical (emotions driven) maybe kind since reality suggests the former is driven by personal desire (gay curious) or experience (which they enjoyed and they hate themselves for enjoying) and the latter by their motto, "I got mine, fuck the rest of you!".
1. I probably agree

Hard not to.

2. No thanks, but at least you can celebrate your sexuality proudly this month

My wife and I celebrate it proudly every morning.

3. Proves that you are unhinged.


So not supporting Trump is "unhinged?" :eek:

4. No you aren't right, there is NO reason to attack Hillary with sexually offensive terms. That only serves to make YOU look like a fool while deflecting attention away from the things that make HER a piece of shit regardless of her gender.

This is a message board, and a particularly rough on. This isn't political correctness time.

Krooked Klinton Kunt plays one her involvement with the KKK via Robert Byrd, along with the fact she is a career criminal and has spent most of her career attacking women to cover for her sexual predator of a partner. And again, everything I post about her is correct. IF like our little lefty drone you cannot grasp the concept of individuals, then it's your problem.
I get it- you are an asshole who calls women 'c*nt'

So you are a natural Trump supporter.

You know, you are a pile of shit, a partisan hack who will do or say anything to promote your filthy party,.

LOL- I guess you don't like having your asshole women hating words pointed out to you.

But me- I am glad to keep pointing them out- because you represent the attitude of so many Trump supporters

I get it- you are an asshole who calls women 'c*nt'

So you are a natural Trump supporter.
I get it- you are an asshole who calls women 'c*nt'

So you are a natural Trump supporter.

You know, you are a pile of shit, a partisan hack who will do or say anything to promote your filthy party,.

LOL- I guess you don't like having your asshole women hating words pointed out to you.

But me- I am glad to keep pointing them out- because you represent the attitude of so many Trump supporters

I get it- you are an asshole who calls women 'c*nt'

So you are a natural Trump supporter.

You're as stupid as he is.

First of all, he's clearly stated that he isn't a Trump supporter

Second of all, the vast number of Trump supporters are not calling women cvnts and such
Can't be repeated often enough that these are the view of a Trump supporter

Hillary Clinton isn't "a woman." Hillary Clinton is a pile of shit, A maggot, a virus.- in other words to Uncensored- she is nothing but a c*nt.

Now you're catching on, hack.

That such a pile of shit as Hillary has a vagina is not the fault of any other female, of any species. Hillary is shit because she is the disreputable career criminal that she is.
Can't be repeated often enough that these are the view of a Trump supporter

Uncensored2008: Hillary Clinton isn't "a woman." Hillary Clinton is a pile of shit, A maggot, a virus.- in other words to Uncensored- she is nothing but a c*nt.

Musing, think the drooling retard leftist is too dull to grasp Krooked Klinton Kunt?
Can't be repeated often enough that these are the view of a Trump supporter

Uncensored2008: Hillary Clinton isn't "a woman." Hillary Clinton is a pile of shit, A maggot, a virus.- in other words to Uncensored- she is nothing but a c*nt.

Now YOU are being dishonest. Uncensored is clearly unhinged and does not represent the views of most Trump supporters.

I didn't say most- but he is a Trump supporter- and there are plenty of Trump supporters who agree with him- look at yourself- have you condemned what he calls a woman?

Uncensored2008: Hillary Clinton isn't "a woman." Hillary Clinton is a pile of shit, A maggot, a virus.- in other words to Uncensored- she is nothing but a c*nt.
You Communists called Carson "uncle tom" on many occasions, I saved a post of ClosedCaption doing so in this forum.

Ah you are such a liar, besides a misogynist asshole.

I never called Carson an 'uncle tom'- not once- nor do I call women 'c*nt'- like you do.
Now you're catching on, hack.

That such a pile of shit as Hillary has a vagina is not the fault of any other female, of any species. Hillary is shit because she is the disreputable career criminal that she is.
Can't be repeated often enough that these are the view of a Trump supporter

Uncensored2008: Hillary Clinton isn't "a woman." Hillary Clinton is a pile of shit, A maggot, a virus.- in other words to Uncensored- she is nothing but a c*nt.

Musing, think the drooling retard leftist is too dull to grasp Krooked Klinton Kunt?
Can't be repeated often enough that these are the view of a Trump supporter

Uncensored2008: Hillary Clinton isn't "a woman." Hillary Clinton is a pile of shit, A maggot, a virus.- in other words to Uncensored- she is nothing but a c*nt.

Now YOU are being dishonest. Uncensored is clearly unhinged and does not represent the views of most Trump supporters.

I didn't say most- but he is a Trump supporter- and there are plenty of Trump supporters who agree with him- look at yourself- have you condemned what he calls a woman?

Uncensored2008: Hillary Clinton isn't "a woman." Hillary Clinton is a pile of shit, A maggot, a virus.- in other words to Uncensored- she is nothing but a c*nt.

Yes, I obviously HAVE condemned what he calls Clinton, SEVERAL times in THIS thread. I don't like seeing her called a cVnt or a bitch, or any variation of those terms.

She is a piece of shit though, and isn't exempt from being called one simply b/c she's female.

The most egregious example of an action by a political party was the witch hunt which lead to the impeachment of President Clinton.

HACK ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


So, from you perspective as one who views party above the law, the fact that Clinton engaged in racketeering to obstruct justice regarding HILLARY'S criminal acts with the Castle Grande defrauding of the SBA, which James and Susan McDougal went to prison on the same evidence that was there against Crook Hillary.

Only self righteous hypocrites, such as Mudwhistle, single out President Clinton as unique in the annals of skirt chasers; others forget how power tends to corrupt, and power is attractive to others, essentially affecting the judgment of both the holder of power and those who feel the need to be close to power.

Ah yes, a lying democrat; almost as unusual as wet water.

So, despite your outright lies, the real issue was that Clinton, knowing he was a democrat and hence above the law, began obstructing from the moment that people began vetting him and his crooked wife. Of course we all know about Clinton hiding evidence, an act that would have sent a commoner to prison for 15 years - but democrats are above the law.

We have the perjury, the suborning of perjury, the bribes via Revlon for silence. But my favorite was the attack on the 62 year old black woman, Betty Currie that was caught on tape, where that filth Clinton told her that if she didn't perjure herself, she would be fired and he would make sure she lost her pension.

Threatening a witness, so very cute - and you approve, after all this reflects your level of integrity - or rather lack of.

Now if ANY commoner or Republican did this, they would go to prison for life.

BUT laws in this nation don't apply to democrats. Just like Stalin's USSR, party officials are not subject to the laws that rule others.

Of course Mudwhistle's self righteous arrogance is symptomatic of this new generation of conservatives, an obsessed collection of judgmental inquisitors whose opinions are based on lies, half-truths, rumors, and innuendos of the self serving and the yellow press.

Two of a number of tells for this kind of conservative: Homophobia and Commiephobia, aka fear and hate. To suggest they are hysterical (emotions driven) maybe kind since reality suggests the former is driven by personal desire (gay curious) or experience (which they enjoyed and they hate themselves for enjoying) and the latter by their motto, "I got mine, fuck the rest of you!".

So to recap, the law is only for commoners and Republicans.

You support perjury by party bosses, because truth is only that which serves the party anyway. You support suborning perjury, because peasants exist to serve their master in the party. You support racketeering, because the party is all.

So tell us how that doesn't reveal that you are a sociopath?
Ah you are such a liar, besides a misogynist asshole.

I never called Carson an 'uncle tom'- not once- nor do I call women 'c*nt'- like you do.

The misogynist is you, the rape supporting asshole who holds party above all.

Tell me, oh woman hater, is any woman allowed to have their own thoughts, or do they need to check with Crook Hillary?

Every woman I know is an individual, with a ind of their own. I know, you of the party demand that women shut up and do as the party command.

What does misogynist Syriusly tell a woman with two black eyes? Nothing, he already told her, twice.

THAT is the "support" you and your filthy party offer women, hack.

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