Over 70% Of Democrats Think Hillary Should Still Run Even If Indicted

Like I said- only assholes call a woman a c*nt

You are a hack, nothing but a hack. Hillary is reprehensible scum. She does not represent women, she only represents her own insatiable greed and lust for power, devoid of the slightest hint of integrity.

- just like only assholes would call Ben Carson a n*gger or Bernie Sanders a k*ke.

You Communists called Carson "uncle tom" on many occasions, I saved a post of ClosedCaption doing so in this forum.

Calling a woman a c*nt just shows what an asshole you are.

And of course a Trump supporter.


Again, you are nothing but a hack. The Krooked Klinton Kunt is gutter scum who well deserves any and all vitriol pointed her way.

There are some people who are simply vile; that cocksucker Hitler, that cum guzzler Stalin, that turd burglar Mao, and of course the Krooked Klinton Kunt.
RWNJs should keep talking like this....loudly and publically.
If for no other reason than to watch you drooling retards go into apoplectic shock. :thup:

You're going to have a rough 8 years, shortbus, and what you call President Trump will be FAR worse than what I call the Krooked Klinton Kunt.
Can't be repeated often enough that these are the view of a Trump supporter

Hillary Clinton isn't "a woman." Hillary Clinton is a pile of shit, A maggot, a virus.- in other words to Uncensored- she is nothing but a c*nt.

Now you're catching on, hack.

That such a pile of shit as Hillary has a vagina is not the fault of any other female, of any species. Hillary is shit because she is the disreputable career criminal that she is.
It will make things all the more amusing when she wins.

Actually, sad as it would prove Democrats have no problem with supporting criminals.
Or it would mean Americans would choose a criminal over a buffoon.

I'm an American and I wouldn't vote for Hillary Clinton, EVER. Whether or not Trump is a buffoon is a matter of opinion. Whether or not Hillary is a criminal is a matter of fact. Thanks for proving you'll vote for a criminal.
Here's another fact: unless a crime has been broken, then one isn't a criminal :thup:

Here's a fact. When a crime is committed, Democrats will still vote criminals in office. Hillary wouldn't be the first one.
Any vote for ANY politician is a vote for a criminal. I would rather vote for the criminal that supports racial and gender equality.
Can't be repeated often enough that these are the view of a Trump supporter

Hillary Clinton isn't "a woman." Hillary Clinton is a pile of shit, A maggot, a virus.- in other words to Uncensored- she is nothing but a c*nt.

Now you're catching on, hack.

That such a pile of shit as Hillary has a vagina is not the fault of any other female, of any species. Hillary is shit because she is the disreputable career criminal that she is.
Can't be repeated often enough that these are the view of a Trump supporter

Uncensored2008: Hillary Clinton isn't "a woman." Hillary Clinton is a pile of shit, A maggot, a virus.- in other words to Uncensored- she is nothing but a c*nt.
[QU Krooked Klinton Kunt.
Can't be repeated often enough that these are the view of a Trump supporter

Hillary Clinton isn't "a woman." Hillary Clinton is a pile of shit, A maggot, a virus.- in other words to Uncensored- she is nothing but a c*nt.

Democrats want a known criminal in the White House. According to Rasmussen 71% of Democrat voters want her to keep running even if she's indicted. This is no surprise because Democrats have been putting criminals in office for decades. Half of all voters don't seem to mind for one reason or another. Seems the media has succeeded in dumbing down America.

50% Say Clinton Should Keep Running Even If Indicted

"Democrats want a known criminal in the White House"? What crime has HRC been tried and convicted of committing? If Mud cannot answer his statement quoted above, he is a LIAR.

According to Rasmussen(?) [hardly a credible source, and one must have at least two sources to be credible (three and more are much better)] 71`% of Democrats want a criminal in the White House. One source and Mud finds it convincing (hackery at its finest).

Of course this is more hypocrisy from the right, remember how the R's wanted every person counted, and not use statistical sampling, in the 2010 Census, and yet Rasmussen does just that and Mud thin...err. believes that proves 71% of Democrats want a criminal in the White House. No he doesn't he just a troll, or a fool.

Dumbing down America is a conservative value. The truth will send the current iteration of conservatives onto the trash heap of history, along with the Whigs and the Know Nothings.

Please don't insult the truth by pretending you care about it in regards to Hillary Clinton.

And dumbing down America is a PARTISAN value. Partisans on BOTH sides want a nation full of dummies who simply believe anything they are told.

Do you ever provide evidence to support you opinions?
So will republicans you partisan ouece of shit. It's happened before and it'll happen again.

This R here continued as Congressman -- and had to wear a fucking ankle bracelet -- and *after* his conviction, Gingrich even appointed him to a "plum position."

Days in the Life of Jay Kim in the U.S. House of Correction

Rep. Jay Kim (R-Calif.), is confined to Washington D.C. after pleading guilty to campaign finance violations. (AP)
By Juliet Eilperin
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, May 22, 1998; Page A23
Jay Kim has become Congress's disreputable uncle. He's always there, but no one wants to discuss him.

"It's like an awkward family dinner," said one Republican lawmaker, asking not to be identified. "You just don't talk about it."

Even Kim's fiercest allies describe their colleague's predicament-the California Republican is restricted to the halls of Congress and his Fairfax apartment as part of his sentence for accepting more than $250,000 in illegal foreign and corporate contributions-delicately.

"It's an awkward situation for everyone. I'm also the first to admit the guy made mistakes," said Rep. David Dreier (R-Calif.). But he added quickly, "His plight has not diminished his effectiveness here in Congress."


House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chairman Bud Shuster (R-Pa.), who is facing an ethics investigation himself, is not particularly eager to talk about why he and House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) gave Kim a plum appointment on the group negotiating the colossal highway bill. Shuster emphasized that Gingrich actually made the decision to select Kim, whom he described as "a very active member."

Washingtonpost.com: Days in the Life of Jay Kim in the U.S. House of Correction
I'm sure you can always find some unknown R that broke the law, but none of them was indicted for or guilty of espionage and then won the nomination for president.
Be a good little pony and let us know when there's an indictment, much less a guilty verdict - mkay?
I will be very surprised if she's indicted, even though she's obviously guilty of espionage and everyone knows it.
I don't expect an indictment because she's too powerful and knows where too many skeletons are buried. The best we can hope for is a recommendation, followed by a refusal from the corrupt OA, followed by the release of the evidence against her, which makes her and the democrat brand too toxic for election.
Can't be repeated often enough that these are the view of a Trump supporter

Uncensored2008: Hillary Clinton isn't "a woman." Hillary Clinton is a pile of shit, A maggot, a virus.- in other words to Uncensored- she is nothing but a c*nt.

Ohh, look how the lying fuck of a Hillary supporter changed my words.

Hey I get it, Hillary is a lying fuck, so she is a natural for a lying fuck like you!

Hillary, the sociopaths choice. If you have not a shred or a hint of integrity, Hillary share's your values!


  • Lie
  • Cheat
  • Steal
  • Vote for Hillary
I may not support Trump, but it will be a pleasure watching gutter scum like you wail when he takes office.
I am no fag but you are a McVeigh clone!

Ohh, good one, and so very clever. I mean it relates directly to nothing, has no logical connection to anything, and fails to conform to the conversation.

Next you can call him "John Malvo." Or maybe "Dylan Roof..."

Leftists: Proving evolution by demonstrating that leftist still have the intellect of an amoeba...
Can't be repeated often enough that these are the view of a Trump supporter

Hillary Clinton isn't "a woman." Hillary Clinton is a pile of shit, A maggot, a virus.- in other words to Uncensored- she is nothing but a c*nt.

Now you're catching on, hack.

That such a pile of shit as Hillary has a vagina is not the fault of any other female, of any species. Hillary is shit because she is the disreputable career criminal that she is.
Can't be repeated often enough that these are the view of a Trump supporter

Uncensored2008: Hillary Clinton isn't "a woman." Hillary Clinton is a pile of shit, A maggot, a virus.- in other words to Uncensored- she is nothing but a c*nt.

Musing, think the drooling retard leftist is too dull to grasp Krooked Klinton Kunt?


Almost surely...

Democrats want a known criminal in the White House. According to Rasmussen 71% of Democrat voters want her to keep running even if she's indicted. This is no surprise because Democrats have been putting criminals in office for decades. Half of all voters don't seem to mind for one reason or another. Seems the media has succeeded in dumbing down America.

50% Say Clinton Should Keep Running Even If Indicted

"Democrats want a known criminal in the White House"? What crime has HRC been tried and convicted of committing? If Mud cannot answer his statement quoted above, he is a LIAR.

According to Rasmussen(?) [hardly a credible source, and one must have at least two sources to be credible (three and more are much better)] 71`% of Democrats want a criminal in the White House. One source and Mud finds it convincing (hackery at its finest).

Of course this is more hypocrisy from the right, remember how the R's wanted every person counted, and not use statistical sampling, in the 2010 Census, and yet Rasmussen does just that and Mud thin...err. believes that proves 71% of Democrats want a criminal in the White House. No he doesn't he just a troll, or a fool.

Dumbing down America is a conservative value. The truth will send the current iteration of conservatives onto the trash heap of history, along with the Whigs and the Know Nothings.

Please don't insult the truth by pretending you care about it in regards to Hillary Clinton.

And dumbing down America is a PARTISAN value. Partisans on BOTH sides want a nation full of dummies who simply believe anything they are told.
Totally false.

You must be a libertarian.

No, I'm a member of the "I hate all stupid Americans" party, don't care if they are left, right, or center I want them to just go away, or at the very least lose their right to vote to affect my life.
ry is bad. Trump? No way. So who? Paul Ryan? Romney crooked....nice guy but crooked so he's out too. Who?
Then there's the awful things that Liberals call all of us:

Richard Dreyfuss: Trump’s Celebrity Supporters Are ‘Whores’


Richard Dreyfuss: Trump’s Celebrity Supporters Are ‘Whores’
Over Memorial Day weekend, actor Richard Dreyfuss went on a Twitter rant against celebrities who supported Donald Trump. He called Trump a “manifestly unqualified racist” who had “whores” for celebrity supporters.

The outspoken actor's May 29 rant started by bashing Donald Trump’s supporters in Hollywood who he bluntly called “whores” but clarified that he had sympathy for Trump’s laymen supporters.

The actor tweeted:

The saddest people aren't Donald Trump's supporters. They're really struggling. It's Donald Trump's celebrity supporters who are whores.

He added that Trump’s “off the cuff” remarks were “dedicated to hurting Latino Americans," repeating that made him a “racist.”

Dreyfuss’ political beliefs could be called confusing at best. In 2012 he identified himself as a “compassionate conservative” like "Obama” or “Norman Lear.”

Earlier this year he called Dick Cheney, “the most despicable man in history.”

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