Over 70% Of Democrats Think Hillary Should Still Run Even If Indicted

Somebody calls Barack Obama a n*gger, or Bernie Sanders a k*ke- yes I am saying that is how he looks at blacks and jews.

Somebody calls a woman a c*nt and yes- that is how he looks at women.

Only an asshole would ever call any woman a c*nt.

Yeah- why am I not surprised that a Clinton critic- and Trump supporter would call a woman a c*nt.

Nor am I surprised that you defend him doing so.

Hillary Clinton isn't "a woman.".

Of course she is- which is why you called her a c*nt.

Somebody calls Barack Obama a n*gger, or Bernie Sanders a k*ke- yes I am saying that is how he looks at blacks and jews.

Somebody calls a woman a c*nt and yes- that is how he looks at women.

Only an asshole would ever call any woman a c*nt.

Yeah- why am I not surprised that a Clinton critic- and Trump supporter would call a woman a c*nt.

Nor am I surprised that you defend him doing so.

Yeah- why am I not surprised that a Clinton critic- and Trump supporter would call a woman a c*nt.

That is all any woman is to your ilk

Already addressed, stupid.

As Bill Clinton sexually preyed on women, kunt Hillary acted as shock collar, attacking them and harassing them. Calling them "sluts and tramps."

Yeah, she is a real model for women.

I enjoy being able to remind everyone of how you look at women.

Yeah- why am I not surprised that a Clinton critic- and Trump supporter would call a woman a c*nt.

That is all any woman is to your ilk
Somebody calls Hillary a Kunt, and you in all your usual dishonesty claim that he's referring to ALL WOMEN!!!!!!

Somebody calls Barack Obama a n*gger, or Bernie Sanders a k*ke- yes I am saying that is how he looks at blacks and jews.

Somebody calls a woman a c*nt and yes- that is how he looks at women.

Only an asshole would ever call any woman a c*nt.

Yeah- why am I not surprised that a Clinton critic- and Trump supporter would call a woman a c*nt.

Nor am I surprised that you defend him doing so.
I'm not defending him. I'm just highly critical of your rationale and your party's constant double-standards.

Speaking of double standards- feel free to show where I have ever called Sarah Palin a c*nt.

Or any woman- ever.

" the way you degenerates treat all Republican women, not just Sarah Palin"

Speaking of double standards- you accuse me of attacking all Republican women- but don't even have an example of me ever saying anything about any Republican woman other than criticizing her actions- never her gender like you buddy does.
LOL- of course you are liberal


Once again- demonstrating my point:

Conservatives(and you) believe in guilty until proven innocent.

Liberals believe in innocent until proven guilty.

In fact he IS a liberal.

YOU are not. You are a leftist, a totalitarian seeking a command economy with strict controls on speech and behavior of a captive populace. A democrat in other words.

The butthurt level in conservatives is growing at an accelerated pace. Pretty soon, every thread on this board will be yet another conservative butthurt display.

Anyways, thanks for the votes, Mud. Normal people see your type weeping all the time, and want nothing to do with a party that welcomes such wimps.
Somebody calls Barack Obama a n*gger, or Bernie Sanders a k*ke- yes I am saying that is how he looks at blacks and jews.

Somebody calls a woman a c*nt and yes- that is how he looks at women.

Only an asshole would ever call any woman a c*nt.

Yeah- why am I not surprised that a Clinton critic- and Trump supporter would call a woman a c*nt.

Nor am I surprised that you defend him doing so.

Hillary Clinton isn't "a woman." Hillary Clinton is a pile of shit, A maggot, a virus.

That the Krooked Kunt has a vagina demeans females of every species, Clinton is the most reprehensible scumbag in the nation.

and you do NOTHING but cheapen the argument against her when you use sexist terms. She's scum, that has ZERO to do with her sexuality, so leave it out of the argument.
You obviously don't know how security clearances work. The FBI and the FBI alone decides who has security clearance, not even the POTUS can over ride their decision, though of course they could theoretically fire FBI Directors until they find one willing to grant clearance to someone who has previously been denied.

No. No.

and nono.

The FBI does not override the powers granted to a president, and that is a total and full automatic security clearance upon oath of office.

You'd have to be a doofus to think otherwise.

A doofus is someone who doesn't ask questions. AKA a stupid partisan sheep.

As in the totally pathetic thing is, the woman belongs in prison and you doofuses are ready to elect her to be POTUS.

Once again- demonstrating my point:

Conservatives believe in guilty until proven innocent.

Liberals believe in innocent until proven guilty.

Shut up

First of all, I'm not a conservative. I'm more liberal than you on many things.

Once again- demonstrating my point:

Conservatives(and Fair) believe in guilty until proven innocent.

Liberals believe in innocent until proven guilty.

Second of all , Democrats CLEARLY believe in guilty until proven Democrat.

Hillary is guilty of gross incompetence and espionage.

LOL- of course you are liberal


Once again- demonstrating my point:

Conservatives(and you) believe in guilty until proven innocent.

Liberals believe in innocent until proven guilty.
Only when it's a Dummycrap.

To you, Republicans can never do enough to prove their innocence.
Already addressed, stupid.

As Bill Clinton sexually preyed on women, kunt Hillary acted as shock collar, attacking them and harassing them. Calling them "sluts and tramps."

Yeah, she is a real model for women.

I enjoy being able to remind everyone of how you look at women.

Yeah- why am I not surprised that a Clinton critic- and Trump supporter would call a woman a c*nt.

That is all any woman is to your ilk
Somebody calls Hillary a Kunt, and you in all your usual dishonesty claim that he's referring to ALL WOMEN!!!!!!

Somebody calls Barack Obama a n*gger, or Bernie Sanders a k*ke- yes I am saying that is how he looks at blacks and jews.

Somebody calls a woman a c*nt and yes- that is how he looks at women.

Only an asshole would ever call any woman a c*nt.

Yeah- why am I not surprised that a Clinton critic- and Trump supporter would call a woman a c*nt.

Nor am I surprised that you defend him doing so.
I'm not defending him. I'm just highly critical of your rationale and your party's constant double-standards.

Speaking of double standards- feel free to show where I have ever called Sarah Palin a c*nt.

Or any woman- ever.

" the way you degenerates treat all Republican women, not just Sarah Palin"

Speaking of double standards- you accuse me of attacking all Republican women- but don't even have an example of me ever saying anything about any Republican woman other than criticizing her actions- never her gender like you buddy does.
See how it works?

You make a sweeping indictment over something somebody else said. From what I read, he only mentioned Hillary, but you use a strawman argument to attack him. I pull the same shit on you and you squeal like a stuck pig.

Democrats want a known criminal in the White House. According to Rasmussen 71% of Democrat voters want her to keep running even if she's indicted. This is no surprise because Democrats have been putting criminals in office for decades. Half of all voters don't seem to mind for one reason or another. Seems the media has succeeded in dumbing down America.

50% Say Clinton Should Keep Running Even If Indicted

"Democrats want a known criminal in the White House"? What crime has HRC been tried and convicted of committing? If Mud cannot answer his statement quoted above, he is a LIAR.

According to Rasmussen(?) [hardly a credible source, and one must have at least two sources to be credible (three and more are much better)] 71`% of Democrats want a criminal in the White House. One source and Mud finds it convincing (hackery at its finest).

Of course this is more hypocrisy from the right, remember how the R's wanted every person counted, and not use statistical sampling, in the 2010 Census, and yet Rasmussen does just that and Mud thin...err. believes that proves 71% of Democrats want a criminal in the White House. No he doesn't he just a troll, or a fool.

Dumbing down America is a conservative value. The truth will send the current iteration of conservatives onto the trash heap of history, along with the Whigs and the Know Nothings.
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Of course she is- which is why you called her a c*nt.


So if I call Dubya a "shit head" then I am saying that all men are shit heads?

:lol: what a fucking moron.

The Krooked Kunt Klinton is a product of something learned past your educational attainment, perhaps 4th grade or so, which is "exclusivity."

The Krooked Kunt Klinton is Hillary Rodent Clinton, not Betty Rubble or WonderWoman.

Sorry that concepts are something you have no ability to deal with.

Try again hack.

Democrats want a known criminal in the White House. According to Rasmussen 71% of Democrat voters want her to keep running even if she's indicted. This is no surprise because Democrats have been putting criminals in office for decades. Half of all voters don't seem to mind for one reason or another. Seems the media has succeeded in dumbing down America.

50% Say Clinton Should Keep Running Even If Indicted

"Democrats want a known criminal in the White House"? What crime has HRC been tried and convicted of committing? If Mud cannot answer his statement quoted above, he is a LIAR.

According to Rasmussen(?) [hardly a credible source, and one must have at least two sources to be credible (three and more are much better)] 71`% of Democrats want a criminal in the White House. One source and Mud finds it convincing (hackery at its finest).

Of course this is more hypocrisy from the right, remember how the R's wanted every person counted, and not use statistical sampling, in the 2010 Census, and yet Rasmussen does just that and Mud thin...err. believes that proves 71% of Democrats want a criminal in the White House. No he doesn't he just a troll, or a fool.

Dumbing down America is a conservative value. The truth will send the current iteration of conservatives onto the trash heap of history, along with the Whigs and the Know Nothings.

Please don't insult the truth by pretending you care about it in regards to Hillary Clinton.

And dumbing down America is a PARTISAN value. Partisans on BOTH sides want a nation full of dummies who simply believe anything they are told.

Democrats want a known criminal in the White House. According to Rasmussen 71% of Democrat voters want her to keep running even if she's indicted. This is no surprise because Democrats have been putting criminals in office for decades. Half of all voters don't seem to mind for one reason or another. Seems the media has succeeded in dumbing down America.

50% Say Clinton Should Keep Running Even If Indicted

"Democrats want a known criminal in the White House"? What crime has HRC been tried and convicted of committing? If Mud cannot answer his statement quoted above, he is a LIAR.

According to Rasmussen(?) [hardly a credible source, and one must have at least two sources to be credible (three and more are much better)] 71`% of Democrats want a criminal in the White House. One source and Mud finds it convincing (hackery at its finest).

Of course this is more hypocrisy from the right, remember how the R's wanted every person counted, and not use statistical sampling, in the 2010 Census, and yet Rasmussen does just that and Mud thin...err. believes that proves 71% of Democrats want a criminal in the White House. No he doesn't he just a troll, or a fool.

Dumbing down America is a conservative value. The truth will send the current iteration of conservatives onto the trash heap of history, along with the Whigs and the Know Nothings.
The truth is you on the left show repeated evidence that you have zero principles, and your candidates reflect it.

Anything goes as far as you people are concerned.

Does matter if it permanently fucks this country up.

All you care about is putting degenerates in office.

People who make past administrations look like boyscouts in comparison.

Liars and communists.

Treasonous cocksuckers

Democrats want a known criminal in the White House. According to Rasmussen 71% of Democrat voters want her to keep running even if she's indicted. This is no surprise because Democrats have been putting criminals in office for decades. Half of all voters don't seem to mind for one reason or another. Seems the media has succeeded in dumbing down America.

50% Say Clinton Should Keep Running Even If Indicted

"Democrats want a known criminal in the White House"? What crime has HRC been tried and convicted of committing? If Mud cannot answer his statement quoted above, he is a LIAR.

According to Rasmussen(?) [hardly a credible source, and one must have at least two sources to be credible (three and more are much better)] 71`% of Democrats want a criminal in the White House. One source and Mud finds it convincing (hackery at its finest).

Of course this is more hypocrisy from the right, remember how the R's wanted every person counted, and not use statistical sampling, in the 2010 Census, and yet Rasmussen does just that and Mud thin...err. believes that proves 71% of Democrats want a criminal in the White House. No he doesn't he just a troll, or a fool.

Dumbing down America is a conservative value. The truth will send the current iteration of conservatives onto the trash heap of history, along with the Whigs and the Know Nothings.

Please don't insult the truth by pretending you care about it in regards to Hillary Clinton.

And dumbing down America is a PARTISAN value. Partisans on BOTH sides want a nation full of dummies who simply believe anything they are told.
Totally false.

You must be a libertarian.

Democrats want a known criminal in the White House. According to Rasmussen 71% of Democrat voters want her to keep running even if she's indicted. This is no surprise because Democrats have been putting criminals in office for decades. Half of all voters don't seem to mind for one reason or another. Seems the media has succeeded in dumbing down America.

50% Say Clinton Should Keep Running Even If Indicted

"Democrats want a known criminal in the White House"? What crime has HRC been tried and convicted of committing? If Mud cannot answer his statement quoted above, he is a LIAR.

According to Rasmussen(?) [hardly a credible source, and one must have at least two sources to be credible (three and more are much better)] 71`% of Democrats want a criminal in the White House. One source and Mud finds it convincing (hackery at its finest).

Of course this is more hypocrisy from the right, remember how the R's wanted every person counted, and not use statistical sampling, in the 2010 Census, and yet Rasmussen does just that and Mud thin...err. believes that proves 71% of Democrats want a criminal in the White House. No he doesn't he just a troll, or a fool.

Dumbing down America is a conservative value. The truth will send the current iteration of conservatives onto the trash heap of history, along with the Whigs and the Know Nothings.

Please don't insult the truth by pretending you care about it in regards to Hillary Clinton.

And dumbing down America is a PARTISAN value. Partisans on BOTH sides want a nation full of dummies who simply believe anything they are told.
Totally false.

You must be a libertarian.

No, I'm a member of the "I hate all stupid Americans" party, don't care if they are left, right, or center I want them to just go away, or at the very least lose their right to vote to affect my life.
LOL- of course you are liberal


Once again- demonstrating my point:

Conservatives(and you) believe in guilty until proven innocent.

Liberals believe in innocent until proven guilty.

In fact he IS a liberal.

YOU are not. You are a leftist, a totalitarian seeking a command economy with strict controls on speech and behavior of a captive populace. A democrat in other words.

Meanwhile- as this thread demonstrates over and over

Conservatives(and you) believe in guilty until proven innocent.

Liberals believe in innocent until proven guilty
I enjoy being able to remind everyone of how you look at women.

Yeah- why am I not surprised that a Clinton critic- and Trump supporter would call a woman a c*nt.

That is all any woman is to your ilk
Somebody calls Hillary a Kunt, and you in all your usual dishonesty claim that he's referring to ALL WOMEN!!!!!!

Somebody calls Barack Obama a n*gger, or Bernie Sanders a k*ke- yes I am saying that is how he looks at blacks and jews.

Somebody calls a woman a c*nt and yes- that is how he looks at women.

Only an asshole would ever call any woman a c*nt.

Yeah- why am I not surprised that a Clinton critic- and Trump supporter would call a woman a c*nt.

Nor am I surprised that you defend him doing so.
I'm not defending him. I'm just highly critical of your rationale and your party's constant double-standards.

Speaking of double standards- feel free to show where I have ever called Sarah Palin a c*nt.

Or any woman- ever.

" the way you degenerates treat all Republican women, not just Sarah Palin"

Speaking of double standards- you accuse me of attacking all Republican women- but don't even have an example of me ever saying anything about any Republican woman other than criticizing her actions- never her gender like you buddy does.
See how it works?

You make a sweeping indictment over something somebody else said. From what I read, he only mentioned Hillary, but you use a strawman argument to attack him. I pull the same shit on you and you squeal like a stuck pig.

He calls a woman a c*nt. I point out what an asshole he is and you defend him.

And then show what a hypocrite you are.

Speaking of double standards- feel free to show where I have ever called Sarah Palin a c*nt.

Or any woman- ever.

" the way you degenerates treat all Republican women, not just Sarah Palin"

Speaking of double standards- you accuse me of attacking all Republican women- but don't even have an example of me ever saying anything about any Republican woman other than criticizing her actions- never her gender like you buddy does.
Somebody calls Barack Obama a n*gger, or Bernie Sanders a k*ke- yes I am saying that is how he looks at blacks and jews.

Somebody calls a woman a c*nt and yes- that is how he looks at women.

Only an asshole would ever call any woman a c*nt.

Yeah- why am I not surprised that a Clinton critic- and Trump supporter would call a woman a c*nt.

Nor am I surprised that you defend him doing so.

Hillary Clinton isn't "a woman." Hillary Clinton is a pile of shit, A maggot, a virus.

That the Krooked Kunt has a vagina demeans females of every species, Clinton is the most reprehensible scumbag in the nation.
RWNJs should keep talking like this....loudly and publically.
Somebody calls Barack Obama a n*gger, or Bernie Sanders a k*ke- yes I am saying that is how he looks at blacks and jews.

Somebody calls a woman a c*nt and yes- that is how he looks at women.

Only an asshole would ever call any woman a c*nt.

Yeah- why am I not surprised that a Clinton critic- and Trump supporter would call a woman a c*nt.

Nor am I surprised that you defend him doing so.

Hillary Clinton isn't "a woman." Hillary Clinton is a pile of shit, A maggot, a virus.

That the Krooked Kunt has a vagina demeans females of every species, Clinton is the most reprehensible scumbag in the nation.
RWNJs should keep talking like this....loudly and publically.

Can't be repeated often enough that these are the view of a Trump supporter

Hillary Clinton isn't "a woman." Hillary Clinton is a pile of shit, A maggot, a virus.- in other words to Uncensored- she is nothing but a c*nt.
Meanwhile- as this thread demonstrates over and over

Conservatives(and you) believe in guilty until proven innocent.

Liberals believe in innocent until proven guilty

The only thing the thread has demonstrated is that you are a mildly retarded hack, reciting a meme garnered from one of the hate sites.

In regard to the Krooked Klinton Kunt, consider the term "preponderance of evidence." (have a conservative explain what it means for you.)
Somebody calls Barack Obama a n*gger, or Bernie Sanders a k*ke- yes I am saying that is how he looks at blacks and jews.

Somebody calls a woman a c*nt and yes- that is how he looks at women.

Only an asshole would ever call any woman a c*nt.

Yeah- why am I not surprised that a Clinton critic- and Trump supporter would call a woman a c*nt.

Nor am I surprised that you defend him doing so.

Hillary Clinton isn't "a woman." Hillary Clinton is a pile of shit, A maggot, a virus.

That the Krooked Kunt has a vagina demeans females of every species, Clinton is the most reprehensible scumbag in the nation.
RWNJs should keep talking like this....loudly and publically.

Can't be repeated often enough that these are the view of a Trump supporter

Hillary Clinton isn't "a woman." Hillary Clinton is a pile of shit, A maggot, a virus.- in other words to Uncensored- she is nothing but a c*nt.

Grow up. Your stupid generalizations are every bit as destructive as his stupid name calling.

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