Over 70% Of Democrats Think Hillary Should Still Run Even If Indicted


The most egregious example of an action by a political party was the witch hunt which lead to the impeachment of President Clinton.

HACK ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


So, from you perspective as one who views party above the law, the fact that Clinton engaged in racketeering to obstruct justice regarding HILLARY'S criminal acts with the Castle Grande defrauding of the SBA, which James and Susan McDougal went to prison on the same evidence that was there against Crook Hillary.

Only self righteous hypocrites, such as Mudwhistle, single out President Clinton as unique in the annals of skirt chasers; others forget how power tends to corrupt, and power is attractive to others, essentially affecting the judgment of both the holder of power and those who feel the need to be close to power.

Ah yes, a lying democrat; almost as unusual as wet water.

So, despite your outright lies, the real issue was that Clinton, knowing he was a democrat and hence above the law, began obstructing from the moment that people began vetting him and his crooked wife. Of course we all know about Clinton hiding evidence, an act that would have sent a commoner to prison for 15 years - but democrats are above the law.

We have the perjury, the suborning of perjury, the bribes via Revlon for silence. But my favorite was the attack on the 62 year old black woman, Betty Currie that was caught on tape, where that filth Clinton told her that if she didn't perjure herself, she would be fired and he would make sure she lost her pension.

Threatening a witness, so very cute - and you approve, after all this reflects your level of integrity - or rather lack of.

Now if ANY commoner or Republican did this, they would go to prison for life.

BUT laws in this nation don't apply to democrats. Just like Stalin's USSR, party officials are not subject to the laws that rule others.

Of course Mudwhistle's self righteous arrogance is symptomatic of this new generation of conservatives, an obsessed collection of judgmental inquisitors whose opinions are based on lies, half-truths, rumors, and innuendos of the self serving and the yellow press.

Two of a number of tells for this kind of conservative: Homophobia and Commiephobia, aka fear and hate. To suggest they are hysterical (emotions driven) maybe kind since reality suggests the former is driven by personal desire (gay curious) or experience (which they enjoyed and they hate themselves for enjoying) and the latter by their motto, "I got mine, fuck the rest of you!".

So to recap, the law is only for commoners and Republicans.

You support perjury by party bosses, because truth is only that which serves the party anyway. You support suborning perjury, because peasants exist to serve their master in the party. You support racketeering, because the party is all.

So tell us how that doesn't reveal that you are a sociopath?

Sociopath? LOL, if anyone suffers from a Personality Disorder it is you. Your anger permeates every post you make, an irrational anger fueled by ignorance, hate and fear.

Had you the knowledge / education necessary to eschew building straw men and posting other logical fallacies, which you are predisposed to make, you would be able to compose an expository response, not write at length in such a wild, ^^^ impassioned way.

As it stands you post nothing but an echo of Big Lies and the propaganda produced by the power elite, and in doing so fall prey to demagogues and charlatans like the 17 clowns who vied for the R nomination, who by the way don't give a shit about We the People.

Democrats want a known criminal in the White House. According to Rasmussen 71% of Democrat voters want her to keep running even if she's indicted. This is no surprise because Democrats have been putting criminals in office for decades. Half of all voters don't seem to mind for one reason or another. Seems the media has succeeded in dumbing down America.

50% Say Clinton Should Keep Running Even If Indicted

That's nothing, Chicago elected a Dim who could not campaign because he was in a mental institution.
"70 Percent of Democrats think....."


Only 1% of Democrats are allowed to think. The rest just follow orders.
Ah you are such a liar, besides a misogynist asshole.

I never called Carson an 'uncle tom'- not once- nor do I call women 'c*nt'- like you do.

Again, you lying sack of misogynist shit, I didn't say YOU did, I said your fellow leftists.

So, that lying pig Hillary is "all women?"

Ah you are such a liar, besides a misogynist asshole.

I never called Carson an 'uncle tom'- not once- nor do I call women 'c*nt'- like you do.

Again, you lying sack of misogynist shit, I didn't say YOU did, I said your fellow leftists.

So, that lying pig Hillary is "all women?"


Again you lying sack of bigoted shit- I didn't say 'all women'- I pointed out that you are the one calling women 'c*nt'

Because that is the kind of person you are- to you women are c*nts, blacks are n*ggers, jews are k*kes

Because that is how you look at people.
This thread- continuing to show the difference between Democrats and Republicans.

Democrats believe in the American principle of "Innocent until proven Guilty"

Republicans believe in "Guilty until proven innocently"
Sociopath? LOL, if anyone suffers from a Personality Disorder it is you. Your anger permeates every post you make, an irrational anger fueled by ignorance, hate and fear.

I appreciate your lack of education and your frustration with not having the intellect to construct a rational retort, but your post again demonstrates that you fail to grasp the meanings of common words and phrases.

Yes, you are a sociopath. What is a "sociopath?" What does the word mean? This is where you run into trouble.

  1. a person with a personality disorder manifesting itself in extreme antisocial attitudes and behavior and a lack of conscience.}
Simple definition, but one that probably doesn't go far enough. You are a democrat with utterly zero integrity certainly exhibit a lack of conscience. But more telling is this;

{Pathological Lying
Has no problem lying coolly and easily and it is almost impossible for them to be truthful on a consistent basis. Can create, and get caught up in, a complex belief about their own powers and abilities. Extremely convincing and even able to pass lie detector tests}

Profile of the Sociopath

This defines Hillary, and you to a lesser extent based on your sycophant status to the party, and by extension her as a party boss.

Had you the knowledge / education necessary to eschew building straw men and posting other logical fallacies, which you are predisposed to make, you would be able to compose an expository response, not write at length in such a wild, ^^^ impassioned way.

As it stands you post nothing but an echo of Big Lies and the propaganda produced by the power elite, and in doing so fall prey to demagogues and charlatans like the 17 clowns who vied for the R nomination, who by the way don't give a shit about We the People.

More tendencies of your of the demagogue -sociopath party;

{Grandiose Sense of Self
Feels entitled to certain things as "their right." }

You are drawn to the DNC due to the enabling of your complete lack of ethics and integrity.

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