Over and over I read Trump's defenders, in effect, justify their continued support.......

It has taken the Biden fans around 7 to 8 years trying to convict Trump yet so far not one of their charges has convicted Trump. But we are on the war path to convict Biden. May it take far less than the failed 7 years of the people trying to convict Trump.
An Ax on Trump's Head Might Get SloJo Up to Speed

Joe Biden doesn't have the show-trial dexterity his idol Joe Stalin had.
Apparently it mattered enough you felt all defensive and pathetic enough to repy. Keep lying to yourself you triggered bitch.
So now replying to posts makes one triggered? Looks like you're triggered as well you dumb sack of shit.
What about a criminal conviction?
They’ll continue to support Trump even after a criminal conviction; they’ll continue to support Trump even after the convictions are upheld on appeal – this thread has proven that to be true.

Remember, Trump is a product of the GOP, a product of the fear, ignorance, and hate that is conservativism – Trump is the prefect representative of Republicans, conservatives, and others on the right, and they will continue to support and defend the malignancy they created, no matter how reprehensible and wrong.
It's well understood his moral failings

Where it has been proven, that morally dishonest Democrat politicians are the ones claiming he has moral failings... do you understand why his supporters would EXACTLY be doing the right thing when they continue to support him?

For example... it takes a morally dishonest person to take Trump's words where he said "
I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard.” And then, charge him with crimes. To do this, the Dems had to immorally pretend Trump really said to go over to the US Capitol and launch a violent insurrection.

How do you think Trump's supporters should treat his words vs. how they see morally corrupt Democrats treating his words?

do not persuade you to reconsider him being worthy of the presidency. What about a criminal conviction?

In this case, of Democrats using a false circumstance to get Trump charged with crimes... do you think a conviction, should be viewed as 'fair' in the minds of his supporters?

Same as in Georgia. Since presenting proof that an election was cheated and improperly counted in a state, is exactly exercising one's right to Free Speech --just like Stacy Abrams was allowed to do!-- then it is morally-corrupt to fabricate a reason to charge Trump with the RICO Act? For submitting real, indisputable proofs that the election votes were illegally processed.
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They’ll continue to support Trump even after a criminal conviction; they’ll continue to support Trump even after the convictions are upheld on appeal – this thread has proven that to be true.
When a criminal charge is illegally manufactured, should any humans support a conviction which results from it??

Remember, Trump is a product of the GOP, a product of the fear, ignorance, and hate that is conservativism – Trump is the prefect representative of Republicans, conservatives, and others on the right, and they will continue to support and defend the malignancy they created, no matter how reprehensible and wrong.

Trump is not a product of the GOP Party, so please do not be dishonest here.

That is why so many Repubs wanted him gone in Nov 2020, because he ran as a businessman instead of a politician. That is what drain the swamp meant... it was a dig at both party's criminal politicians corrupting our Federal GOVT.
Do not forget that Trump was a product of the Democratic Party for decades --until the day he decided to go strolling down yonder escalator in 2015. Prior to that, Repubs disliked Trump.
In fact, Trump launched his campaign as an Independent back then! His team and Repub senators who liked him... had to convince him that the only way he'll get the nomination is if he switched up his party affiliation to Repub.
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It has taken the Biden fans around 7 to 8 years trying to convict Trump yet so far not one of their charges has convicted Trump. But we are on the war path to convict Biden. May it take far less than the failed 7 years of the people trying to convict Trump.

Wanna bet?
Wanna bet?

Can I challenge your bet, here? I would like to bet you, in this case. I think that there is no way a conviction sticks to Trump, by the time an Appeals' process is done... exposing the Democrat's illegitimate acts. When they inappropriately weaponized GOVT agencies to use for concocting phantom crimes against politicians.
They’ll continue to support Trump even after a criminal conviction; they’ll continue to support Trump even after the convictions are upheld on appeal – this thread has proven that to be true.

Remember, Trump is a product of the GOP, a product of the fear, ignorance, and hate that is conservativism – Trump is the prefect representative of Republicans, conservatives, and others on the right, and they will continue to support and defend the malignancy they created, no matter how reprehensible and wrong.
Right now the DA in Corrupt Fulton county is trying to stay out of prison herself.

Poor thing.
Wanna bet?
The system is real and dictatorial. It does not mean a growing number of people believe in it. Our government went rogue politically. Radical judges installed over decades helped the erosion. The infection is near everywhere to degree and is more heavily prevalent in the Progressive Party.
Can I challenge your bet, here? I would like to bet you, in this case. I think that there is no way a conviction sticks to Trump, by the time an Appeals' process is done... exposing the Democrat's illegitimate acts. When they inappropriately weaponized GOVT agencies to use for concocting phantom crimes against politicians.

Since absolutely none of what you said is true I except. What's the bet then?
The system is real and dictatorial. It does not mean a growing number of people believe in it. Our government went rogue politically. Radical judges installed over decades helped the erosion. The infection is near everywhere to degree and is more heavily prevalent in the Progressive Party.
So you got nothing but your feels!
First, there will be no convictions before the election. Second, it is democrats subverting democracy.
That might be right. But only because Trump is successfully delaying the trials getting started. Holding out hope he will be re-elected so he can prevent the trials from happening, thereby denying justice being served.

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