Over half of likely voters say the 2020 election was stolen


Absolutely this is accurate.

Then Pelosi tried saying that Dems had a MANDATE afterlosing seats in the House.

So funny.
Dems and the liberal media wrote that script before the election took place, Blue Wave and Mandate. When neither took place and Trump disputed the election results the Dems plan went up in flames. That's why they reacted to violently to Trump's refusal to concede.
Election has been over for almost ten months, just like every one on the left did when losing by a much closer count. screaming and complaining yes, but when the the effort to change it failed we took our toys & went home & got little Bush & moved on to nice big fat wars. Put your energy towards some good. Help us get past the virus & the supply mess.
Dems and the liberal media wrote that script before the election took place, Blue Wave and Mandate. When neither took place and Trump disputed the election results the Dems plan went up in flames. That's why they reacted to violently to Trump's refusal to concede.

They didnt bank on 75 million Trump votes.

Traitorous scum.

It is such a shame that we all know this occurred and yet nothing will happen to punish those responsible.
more credible than anything that comes from the media or Democrats and RINO's.
Fuck You again.
The trump FAKE News Propaganda Machine created the FAKE NEWS mantra during his campaign.

POS trump is the LARGEST RINO ever created.
He was a (D), then his handlers told him he needed to LIE and feed the RWI Base.

And Damn, POS trump did it and Conned you turds again.

What a fucking gullible base.

trump = RINO
56% believe there was fraud.

That is a significant increase from April, when 51% said “Biden’s election was tainted by cheating.”

The change comes as Trump has continued to raise election integrity charges and as Democrats have tried to force through liberal election reforms and shut down GOP state voting reforms.

Lefties….your TECHNAZI censorship is not working.


Deplatform my hog.
haha rasmussen. Always the outlier. And always in the same direction. Rasmussen, for gullible weenies.
Fuck You again.
The trump FAKE News Propaganda Machine created the FAKE NEWS mantra during his campaign.

POS trump is the LARGEST RINO ever created.
He was a (D), then his handlers told him he needed to LIE and feed the RWI Base.

And Damn, POS trump did it and Conned you turds again.

What a fucking gullible base.

trump = RINO
FUCK JOE BIDEN. Please stop pushing the conspiracy theory that there was no fraud. Thanks.
What amateurish gaslighting. In reality, Trump and you mindless cultists were saying the election would be stolen months before the election.
Months before the 2016 election.

POS trump was calling voter fraud in 2016.
Way before the 2016 election. It is called CYA, and he has been using it sense.

trump = largest POS human to hold any power in the USA.
FUCK JOE BIDEN. Please stop pushing the conspiracy theory that there was no fraud. Thanks.
All you have to do is PROVE it.
You have NO proof.
You claim proof, but you actually have ZIP, ZERO, NADA.

SHOW the proof.
All you have to do is PROVE it.
You have NO proof.
You claim proof, but you actually have ZIP, ZERO, NADA.

SHOW the proof.
You cannot prove anything when a court will not hear evidence. It has been proven to over half the country without that happening. Imagine when it does. Now drop the facade and your big lie because it has failed.
They didnt bank on 75 million Trump votes.

Traitorous scum.

It is such a shame that we all know this occurred and yet nothing will happen to punish those responsible.
Bingo! With 75 million Americans voting for Trump Dems whole scheme unraveled. In a panic they stole the election.
Bingo! With 75 million Americans voting for Trump Dems whole scheme unraveled. In a panic they stole the election.
So they stole the election before the votes were counted because they knew the results of counting the votes.

You people are fking RETARDED.
Says some RW blogger who thinks bullying gays is “healthy peer pressure”? LoL!

And what would your comment have to do with the missing and Ghost votes? Attacking the messenger or link doesn't change these facts...

There are other sources and articles saying the same thing---GOOGLE is your friend. I just put up the first one that popped up showing what I already knew was out there.
Address the Biden bump in these specific districts and why it occurred.
Easy Peasey!

The absentee votes were counted last, after the electronic election day and early votes were counted...

Trump encouraged his voters, to vote in person, regardless of COVID19 spreading.

Democrats encouraged their voters to stay safe, and vote via absentee ballot.

For months ahead of the election, it was reported, from every news outlet, that the absentee votes in the swing states were not able under their laws to be counted prior to election day. This law, preventing the counting of absentee ballots as they came in, was put in by the mostly Republican majority legislatures in the swing states. Democrats sued to change it and start earlier like most other states did, but lost in court. They reported that on election night, it would appear Trump could appear to be winning, because most Democrats would be absentee voters and those would not be counted until way later in the nght, the wee hours of the morning, and likely through the next few days, because there were so many absentee voters this year.

The process of counting absentee ballots is tedious and longer. First the envelopes have checks.... that signature match, a legal registered voter, who also requested a ballot, some states also require address and other requirements, have been done or are done.

And once that process of checking the envelopes is done, the envelopes are opened, then the ballots removed, then the ballots unfolded and flattened so they can flow easily it in to the scanner, then stacked in batches... and put in to suit cases that are called ballot cases, and stored until the workers responsible for feeding the batches in to the automated vote counting scanner, need them.

All of the processing takes much longer for absentee ballots.... Which were known to lean Democratic.

The rise in Democratic votes on election night, began when most of the same day votes had been counted already, which would have been Republican leaning, and the absentee batches of ballots were finally being counted by scanners.. In the wee hours of the morning....democratic leaning.... Just what your chart shows.

There was no anomaly with your chart, what it shows, is what was expected....R voters counted mostly early, D voters counted mostly later.
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Dems and the liberal media wrote that script before the election took place, Blue Wave and Mandate. When neither took place and Trump disputed the election results the Dems plan went up in flames. That's why they reacted to violently to Trump's refusal to concede.

Or maybe you just lost and you’re a sore loser crybaby.
You cannot prove anything when a court will not hear evidence. It has been proven to over half the country without that happening. Imagine when it does. Now drop the facade and your big lie because it has failed.

You cannot prove anything when a court will not hear evidence
So, just try to give an honest answer.
You bitch about the Rudy so-called evidence NOT being heard.
Yet, you claim OTHERWISE when turtle denied any trump evidence.

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