Over half of likely voters say the 2020 election was stolen

And what would your comment have to do with the missing and Ghost votes? Attacking the messenger or link doesn't change these facts...

There are other sources and articles saying the same thing---GOOGLE is your friend. I just put up the first one that popped up showing what I already knew was out there.

Nonsense. Yes, I'm certain there are lots of conspiracy theory loving RW kooks who say the same thing. Real evidence? Nope, it doesn't exist. ;)
Nonsense. Yes, I'm certain there are lots of conspiracy theory loving RW kooks who say the same thing. Real evidence? Nope, it doesn't exist. ;)
It sure does. AZ. has plenty of it. Wait for GA.
This is for aggregating publicly available items of evidence that would be admissible in court, not general election news stories or updates.
Those items never got to court. You are wrong and a terrible liar.
It sure does. AZ. has plenty of it. Wait for GA.
This is for aggregating publicly available items of evidence that would be admissible in court, not general election news stories or updates.
Those items never got to court. You are wrong and a terrible liar.

Aren't you about tired of being laughed at Lasty? :laughing0301:

  • Overall, we rate Here is the Evidence Extreme Right Biased and Questionable based on the publication of election fraud misinformation, the use of poor sources, and a complete lack of transparency.
Aren't you about tired of being laughed at Lasty? :laughing0301:

  • Overall, we rate Here is the Evidence Extreme Right Biased and Questionable based on the publication of election fraud misinformation, the use of poor sources, and a complete lack of transparency.
You think that means anything to me or others who know there was fraud? Try again.

The lack of transparency is cute considering every swing state allowed no transparency at all.
Says the braindead lemming with his mask on and scared of a disease with almost a 100% survival rate. You watch, obey, and cower as it is used to destroy our economy and country.

Over half the voters know fraud put Biden in the WH, and that number is growing.

Mark Zuckerberg poured hundreds of millions into the election through his Center for Tech and Civic life
into a very few states that could turn the election.
Funny how his civic zeal only applied to a few significant states where he could change voting laws
and game the system.

I see. Packing stadiums filled with enthusiastic supporters means nothing but drawing a couple of dozen
people to a parking lot somewhere is proof of Joe Biden's popularity? :icon_rolleyes:
Go fuck yourself!

You have an impossible task, making people believe the 2020 election was fair and above
board. But your idiotic defense of a rigged game does nothing to help your cause.

If anything it only makes rational people sure of the fact that Biden and his Bolsheviks stole the presidency
from Donald Trump. You hate him so much because he is a constant reminder of what thieving conniving
swine you punks are.
Mark Zuckerberg's social media platform is a MAJOR reason Trump was elected in 2016. Until he proceeded to act like the town drunk on them...so they kicked him off..as is their right. If he learned to play by the rules, he'd still have these platforms to spread his bile on. You seemed to have missed the whole whistleblower thing last week. Facebook cares about money. Not political ideology. As soon as ideology starts costing them cash...they flop.

Again, the ability to pack a stadium does not translate into popularity. Biden didn't hold superspreader events. Trump did. And he lost. And you morons are gonna keep pounding the fraud narrative even though there isn't a spec of evidence to hold it up.

I reiterate. You Trump supporters and alt-righters are the greatest threat this republic has faced since the Civil War.
Mark Zuckerberg's social media platform is a MAJOR reason Trump was elected in 2016. Until he proceeded to act like the town drunk on them...so they kicked him off..as is their right. If he learned to play by the rules, he'd still have these platforms to spread his bile on. You seemed to have missed the whole whistleblower thing last week. Facebook cares about money. Not political ideology. As soon as ideology starts costing them cash...they flop.

Again, the ability to pack a stadium does not translate into popularity. Biden didn't hold superspreader events. Trump did. And he lost. And you morons are gonna keep pounding the fraud narrative even though there isn't a spec of evidence to hold it up.

I reiterate. You Trump supporters and alt-righters are the greatest threat this republic has faced since the Civil War.
Again, the ability to pack a stadium does not translate into popularity.

Really, what is the translation? You are running scared and it shows.
Really, what is the translation? You are running scared and it shows.
And you're an alt-right lemming. Low information. Easily swayed. Easily duped. Swallowing anything your media sources and your savior feeds you like a baby bird opening its mouth. I'm not running from anything. Especially someone like you.

If you have a legitimate source to back the words of this doctor up, I'd suggest you post it.
If this "doctor" really made a statement like this and her superiors find out about it, her career is done.

Kinda like Demon Sperm doctor...memba her?? Wonder where she's at now? :auiqs.jpg:
And you're an alt-right lemming. Low information. Easily swayed. Easily duped. Swallowing anything your media sources and your savior feeds you like a baby bird opening its mouth. I'm not running from anything. Especially someone like you.

If you have a legitimate source to back the words of this doctor up, I'd suggest you post it.
If this "doctor" really made a statement like this and her superiors find out about it, her career is done.

Kinda like Demon Sperm doctor...memba her?? Wonder where she's at now? :auiqs.jpg:
You call me a lemming when you listen to proven liars? Nope.
You think that means anything to me or others who know there was fraud? Try again.

The lack of transparency is cute considering every swing state allowed no transparency at all.

The people who "know there was fraud" are idiots who've been sold the biggest lie in US political history by perhaps the greatest snake oil salesman of all time. ;)
Fuck Joe Biden has been such a disaster that many people now can't believe anyone voted for him.
I am one..

that'ss why they needed SOOOO many blank ballots.. because there were so few authentic ones

personally, I don't knoww ONE person who voted for or even supported Biden... just have seen a bumper sticker or 2...

(that said, I am not the most social person in the world... but still... FAR more Trump b. stickers than Bidumb)

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