Over half of likely voters say the 2020 election was stolen

Election has been over for almost ten months, just like every one on the left did when losing by a much closer count. screaming and complaining yes, but when the the effort to change it failed we took our toys & went home & got little Bush & moved on to nice big fat wars. Put your energy towards some good. Help us get past the virus & the supply mess.
This election was stolen, and you think everyone should just ignore that fact ESPECIALLY as Biden destroys the country?

We are putting our energy toward something good--------getting rid of biden which is the only way we will get past the virus and his ignorant mandates and the supply chain mess as the dems pay people not to work.
Do you know what confirmation bias is?
Do you know I do? What else you got besides an insult? Are your upset the real big lie is falling apart? I mean censorship, political arrests, constant negative media demonizing Trump supporters. All for nothing. People know the election was stolen.

Stop spreading the conspiracy theory that it was not.
Yup and you can bet that those that did vote for him, outside the lefty loons on this board, regret that vote. Mans a walking, talking incompetent disaster.
56% believe there was fraud.

That is a significant increase from April, when 51% said “Biden’s election was tainted by cheating.”

The change comes as Trump has continued to raise election integrity charges and as Democrats have tried to force through liberal election reforms and shut down GOP state voting reforms.

Lefties….your TECHNAZI censorship is not working.


Deplatform my hog.

Townhall has mostly fake news.

Can you find the story on Fox News? They would carry it, if true.
See how lefties will not discuss the 2020 election?

They cannot defend their lies...so they deflect.

My questions are so easy,

1) What was the specific evidence presented by Trump lawyers in court that was proven false?
2) Why did the BIDEN BUMP only happen in a few VERY KEY DISTRICTS?
3) Why were Republican auditors not allowed to audit the count in Detroit?

Those are just straight up questions that should be easy to discuss.

Crickets, huh?
This election was stolen, and you think everyone should just ignore that fact ESPECIALLY as Biden destroys the country?

We are putting our energy toward something good--------getting rid of biden which is the only way we will get past the virus and his ignorant mandates and the supply chain mess as the dems pay people not to work.
No, you should spend the rest of your life feeling like you were robbed.
You Trump supporters are the most dangerous threat that our republic has faced since the Civil War.
Says the people that engineered the last presidential election to favor a mentally incompetent
grifter who couldn't draw enough people to the few "rallies" his party did have
to fill a gas station bathroom (knowing there was no need to pimp a stolen election featuring someone that virtually no one wanted).

56% is the rebuttal to your tiresome denials.
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Says the people that engineered the last presidential election to favor a mentally incompetent
grifter who couldn't draw enough people to the few "rallies" his party did have (knowing there
was no need to pimp a stolen election featuring someone who virtually no one wanted) to fill
a gas station bathroom.

56% is the rebuttal to your tiresome denials.
No one engineered anything. He lost. And your constant whining and bitching is not only tiresome, you're starting to make people like me not give a shit about ANYTHING you want. You seem to be under the mistaken impression that the flaming retard who used to occupy the White House's ability to pack a stadium full of his brain dead lemmings translates into popularity...or votes. It doesn't. Rassmussen is a right wing leaning poll. It's number get tossed out just like a couple of the left wing leaning polls.
almost a year, and these twats are still unable to show their evidence of voter fraud.

it's more likely that skinner actually has an aurora borealis in his kitchen.

No one engineered anything.
Mark Zuckerberg poured hundreds of millions into the election through his Center for Tech and Civic life
into a very few states that could turn the election.
Funny how his civic zeal only applied to a few significant states where he could change voting laws
and game the system.
He lost. And your constant whining and bitching is not only tiresome, you're starting to make people like me not give a shit about ANYTHING you want. You seem to be under the mistaken impression that the flaming retard who used to occupy the White House's ability to pack a stadium full of his brain dead lemmings translates into popularity...or votes. It doesn't. Rassmussen is a right wing leaning poll. It's number get tossed out just like a couple of the left wing leaning polls.
I see. Packing stadiums filled with enthusiastic supporters means nothing but drawing a couple of dozen
people to a parking lot somewhere is proof of Joe Biden's popularity? :icon_rolleyes:
Go fuck yourself!

You have an impossible task, making people believe the 2020 election was fair and above
board. But your idiotic defense of a rigged game does nothing to help your cause.

If anything it only makes rational people sure of the fact that Biden and his Bolsheviks stole the presidency
from Donald Trump. You hate him so much because he is a constant reminder of what thieving conniving
swine you punks are.
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56% believe there was fraud.

That is a significant increase from April, when 51% said “Biden’s election was tainted by cheating.”

The change comes as Trump has continued to raise election integrity charges and as Democrats have tried to force through liberal election reforms and shut down GOP state voting reforms.

Lefties….your TECHNAZI censorship is not working.


Deplatform my hog.

It was stolen and there are MANY reasons why. And sure we're a dumbed down lazy as MFer society led by Demonicrats, and "progression" which is code for totalitarian, but many still have operable brains.

When we see the following irrational actions & effects, yeah, it's easy to come to the conclusion the Democracks are who they are. Consider this, without getting into details of how the Demonics cheated..............

A. The support behind Xiden for POTUS was the lowest our country has seen while the dementia guy dwelled in his basement. The support behind Xiden is almost non-existent, because he and the Demonics have nothing to offer beyond trash.

B. Harris was rejected by her own party 99-1.

C. We've never witnessed a fraud like this administration. Everything is is staged while they hide Biden as if he's a small child. Xiden is as or more dependent as the common PROG. That's not leadership, that's your dumbing down.

D. Trump was supported like no POTUS since Reagan, if that.

E. We witnessed the Demonics turn everything upside down progressively worse with their Trump themes for years. All of it was a lie beyond "Trump tweets".

F. Everything the left accused Trump of is a reality for Biden only worse.

G. We recognize what MSM has done to common. What a severe dumbing down and 24/7 propaganda.

H. We recognize MSM are covering for Xiden at all measures, while if Trump were to come his hair odd it's mainstream for weeks and months featured as the "gastapo".

So yeah, we have a difficult time believing anything about the Demonicrats is square, because nothing about them is.
almost a year, and these twats are still unable to show their evidence of voter fraud.

it's more likely that skinner actually has an aurora borealis in his kitchen.

View attachment 551278
Again, the evidence never got inside a courtroom. That fact alone might be responsible for people not believing your big lie that there was no fraud. Despite your claim over half the voters now know fraud put braindead Joe in the WH. Suck it up, troll.
No one engineered anything. He lost. And your constant whining and bitching is not only tiresome, you're starting to make people like me not give a shit about ANYTHING you want. You seem to be under the mistaken impression that the flaming retard who used to occupy the White House's ability to pack a stadium full of his brain dead lemmings translates into popularity...or votes. It doesn't. Rassmussen is a right wing leaning poll. It's number get tossed out just like a couple of the left wing leaning polls.
Says the braindead lemming with his mask on and scared of a disease with almost a 100% survival rate. You watch, obey, and cower as it is used to destroy our economy and country.

Over half the voters know fraud put Biden in the WH, and that number is growing.
Again, the evidence never got inside a courtroom. That fact alone might be responsible for people not believing your big lie that there was no fraud. Despite your claim over half the voters now know fraud put braindead Joe in the WH. Suck it up, troll.
you have no idea what evidence is, that much is clear. now cry harder.

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