Over half of likely voters say the 2020 election was stolen

The people who "know there was fraud" are idiots who've been sold the biggest lie in US political history by perhaps the greatest snake oil salesman of all time. ;)
You are the one who has been lied to. Although, I seriously doubt that you believe there was not fraud. You are just an anti-American POS that does not care.
It doesn't matter 10 or 12, Trump and his nutbag dupe yahoos will NEVER get over it. Will never admit that their Dear Leader actually lost.

It's just what reality rejecting cultists do.
They're worse than the women's soccer team.
It doesn't matter 10 or 12, Trump and his nutbag dupe yahoos will NEVER get over it. Will never admit that their Dear Leader actually lost.

It's just what reality rejecting cultists do.
Trump never conceded and he never will. The number of people that believe the election was fraudulent is growing. So far the media and politicians have not been able to stop it.
You are the one who has been lied to. Although, I seriously doubt that you believe there was not fraud. You are just an anti-American POS that does not care.

There's fraud in every election. Onesie/ Twosie shit, with just as many if not more busted for voting for Donnie twice than Uncle Joe. There have never been enough of those to swing any presidential election. And "widespread" voter fraud has never existed.

Why would we?
The election was stolen.
Because after all the recounts and investigating and litigation there is no evidence of anything like that.

Arizona recount after months and months and months of...whatever the f they were doing...reported that not only there were no provable issues with the count but that in fact Biden got MORE votes than was officially recorded.

Thats why your "stolen" assertions are just laughable fantasies and you look like dupe cultist idiots by repeating them.

Don't you have any self-respect? It's pathetic.
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Because after all the recounts and invetigating and litigation there is no evidence of anything like that.

Arizona recount after months and months and months of...whatever the f they were doing...showed that not only there no issues with the count but that in fact Biden got MORE votes than was officially recorded.

Thats why your assertions are just laughable fantasies and you look like a dupe idiot repeating them.

Half of Americans disagree.
Trump never conceded and he never will.
Because he is a piece of shit who wraps himself in American flag, but is so personally damaged that he is unwilling to conceed the electoral loss because it means having to admit being a loser.

Nope, doesn't matter what it does to the country, he will just keep playing the victim and use it as a rallying cry to keep raising money and retain relavance.

Trump is not about MAGA, he is about Trump. It's right in front of your nose and you are too drunk on cool-aid to see it.
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Because he is a piece of shit who wraps himself in American flag, but is so personally damaged that he is unwilling to conceed the electoral loss because it means having to admit being a loser.

Nope, doesn't matter what it does to the country, he will just keep playing the victim and use it as a rallying cry to keep raising money and retain relavance.

Trump is not about MAGA, he is about Trump. It's right in front of your nose and you are too drunk on cool-aid to see it.
Feel better? Over half the country thinks Biden is illegitimate.
Half of Americans disagree.
It's not half, it's that same clueless 30% that keep listening to Trump and his shameless bootlickers in the righwing bubble.

"Trump says it was stolen, Guilianni and Pillow guy says there was stolen, some Republicans wink and nod about it being stolen...so therefore it was stolen doncha know"
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56% believe there was fraud.

That is a significant increase from April, when 51% said “Biden’s election was tainted by cheating.”

The change comes as Trump has continued to raise election integrity charges and as Democrats have tried to force through liberal election reforms and shut down GOP state voting reforms.

Lefties….your TECHNAZI censorship is not working.


Deplatform my hog.
/—-/ Yeah, but what do all the dead voters say?
No, I think he is guilty as sin, but the courts did not agree and that is all that really matters.

if it helps you sleep at night to tell yourself that, I am happy for you.
The jury acquitted OJ. A jury as corrupt as the last election.
Only dishonest people say that Biden was legitimately elected. Bad for our election process.

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