Over half of likely voters say the 2020 election was stolen

Not after the AZ. audit.
Audit that recounted the votes and found that official result has undercounted Biden's margin of victory.

After months and months and months of bamboo sniffing they have found ZERO proof of any wholesale fraud conpiracy.

This is what idiots like you bring up as evidence that Trump won? You cannot be serious.
Do you dispute your dishonesty?

Yes, I do. There is nothing dishonest about me saying the election was not stolen from Trump. It is where all of the data and facts lead to.

I am a data geek, I go where the data leads me. I did not vote for Biden nor Trump and think they are not all that much different than each other, thus I have no reason to be dishonest about the election.
Yes, I do. There is nothing dishonest about me saying the election was not stolen from Trump. It is where all of the data and facts lead to.

I am a data geek, I go where the data leads me. I did not vote for Biden nor Trump and think they are not all that much different than each other, thus I have no reason to be dishonest about the election.
Data your ass!
The corruption in that election was conspicuous. Look at the mail-in data. It’s beyond clear. 60% of Biden’s votes were mail-in though democrats had little to no reason for mail-ins.
Trump’s increase in votes destroys talk of repudiation and conflicts with data-driven results of past elections. You have to go back 130 years to find an incumbent who gained votes and lost (Cleveland). And he won the popular vote.
Trump’s 17% increase was comparable to FDR’s 22% increase and FDR won re-election in the EC by 523 - 8!
Data suggests this election was more than stolen.
There are multitudes of differences between Trump (an American) and Biden (a demmunist mouthpiece).
You’re dishonest.
Only dishonest people say that Biden was legitimately elected. Bad for our election process.


The same people who argue that Michelle Obama is a man, that Barack was born in Kenya, that "Pizza" was secret code used by Democrats to refer to sex with children, that Biden has dementia, that David Hogg is a crisis actor, and that Sandy Hook was fake, that Jan 6 was carried out by the FBI, also believe that the election was stolen.

Your tinfoil hat is on too tight. Keep crying, loser.
Data your ass!
The corruption in that election was conspicuous. Look at the mail-in data. It’s beyond clear. 60% of Biden’s votes were mail-in though democrats had little to no reason for mail-ins.
Trump’s increase in votes destroys talk of repudiation and conflicts with data-driven results of past elections. You have to go back 130 years to find an incumbent who gained votes and lost (Cleveland). And he won the popular vote.
Trump’s 17% increase was comparable to FDR’s 22% increase and FDR won re-election in the EC by 523 - 8!
Data suggests this election was more than stolen.
There are multitudes of differences between Trump (an American) and Biden (a demmunist mouthpiece).
You’re dishonest.
dims don't look at actual eviden.ce.. I want to say you are wasting your time trying to inform them..

but I guess maybe 1% of them would look at the evidence and facts?

I doubt even 1%...
Data your ass!

data is all that matters.

The corruption in that election was conspicuous.

and yet none can be proven...just odd

Look at the mail-in data. It’s beyond clear. 60% of Biden’s votes were mail-in though democrats had little to no reason for mail-ins.

So what. I voted by mail, it was just as secure as any other method. States have been voting by mail for more than a decade. Show me proof of fraud.

Trump’s increase in votes destroys talk of repudiation and conflicts with data-driven results of past elections. You have to go back 130 years to find an incumbent who gained votes and lost (Cleveland). And he won the popular vote.

We were told in 2016 that Trump changed all the rules by winning. Also, Biden gained votes over Hillary in every state in the union, and his gains were larger than Trump's gains in all but 7 states, 6 of which are deep blue states.

Trump’s 17% increase was comparable to FDR’s 22% increase and FDR won re-election in the EC by 523 - 8!
Data suggests this election was more than stolen.

Until you look at Biden's gains in every single state, unless of course you are accusing each and every state in the union of cheating for Biden.

In the end you have no data, you have feelings and "should haves".

You fail.
dims don't look at actual eviden.ce.. I want to say you are wasting your time trying to inform them..

but I guess maybe 1% of them would look at the evidence and facts?

I doubt even 1%...

I cannot speak for Dems, but I was open to the idea of fraud in the election. So I watched some of the early hearings on it.

The one held at the hotel in Michigan by the Michigan senate started with a Dem senator asking if the witnesses would be sworn in, she was told she was out of order and it was not necessary.

Then I watched Rudy say that more ballots were mailed back in Pa than were mailed out. I thought, wow that is a smoking gun. Then I did my own research and it took less than 5 min to find out he lied.

Then I watched the hearings in Ga, where they has real life data analyst (my profession by the way). He talked about statistical anomalies, a fancy word for outliers. He said that an individual precinct going more than 75% for one candidate was rare and that a precinct going more than 90% for one candidate was a sure sign of fraud. This sounded pretty compelling so I did my own research. I looked at the 2016 results for Atlanta, Salt Lake City and Austin Tx. What I found was that not only is one precinct going 90% for one candidate not proof of fraud, it is pretty common, for candidates from both parties. So, this guy was either really bad at his job or he lied.

And then I watched the first Az hearings, and they put up a guy they called an "expert mathematician", he used a lot of words but did not really say anything except a few lies. Imagine my shock when I found this same guy's profile on LinkedIn and found out he was not a mathematician, that he had not training nor education is math or analytics. Turns out he is a financial planner that loves conspiracy theories. I am not sure if the Repubs in Az were dishonest or incompetent and did not check his credentials.

Either way, I gave the idea a chance, but in the end there is not one single bit of evidence for the widespread fraud needed to change the election.
His gains were all in mail-ins. Mail-ins untraceable and unaccountable, electioneering-proof by voters with little or no need for mail-ins. 5 swing states flip after midnight because of mail-ins.
A tandem consisting of a 2-time loser with a running mate who accused him of sexual assault and never retracted that who was rejected by 96% of democrats.
Against an incumbent who increased his vote total by 17%.
Thats all data.
You’re in denial.
It's not half, it's that same clueless 30% that keep listening to Trump and his shameless bootlickers in the righwing bubble.

"Trump says it was stolen, Guilianni and Pillow guy says there was stolen, some Republicans wink and nod about it being stolen...so therefore it was stolen doncha know"

You're right.
It's actually 52%
Of course, I do not know if there was any significant rigging.

But I DO know that some election workers in certain cities (no need to name them) were not exactly fans of The Donald, so ...
Yes, I do. There is nothing dishonest about me saying the election was not stolen from Trump. It is where all of the data and facts lead to.

I am a data geek, I go where the data leads me. I did not vote for Biden nor Trump and think they are not all that much different than each other, thus I have no reason to be dishonest about the election.
And that is the scariest part of it all and you don't even see it.
Aren't you about tired of being laughed at Lasty? :laughing0301:

  • Overall, we rate Here is the Evidence Extreme Right Biased and Questionable based on the publication of election fraud misinformation, the use of poor sources, and a complete lack of transparency.
That one has no shame. So no, he never tires of being humiliated. He prolly pays to be humiliated in private.
I am one..

that'ss why they needed SOOOO many blank ballots.. because there were so few authentic ones

personally, I don't knoww ONE person who voted for or even supported Biden... just have seen a bumper sticker or 2...

(that said, I am not the most social person in the world... but still... FAR more Trump b. stickers than Bidumb)
Blank ballots don't get counted in tabulators. There were no blank ballots, dumbfuck.
The election was stolen.

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