Over half of likely voters say the 2020 election was stolen

Eleven months of censorship, lies, attacks on Trump, intimidation and even murder have accomplished nothing. Every time Trump has a rally more people will believe the election was stolen. Every audit will convince millions more that there was massive fraud.

They are going to use violence pretty soon to shut people up. Violence is the logical extension of any Communist revolution. Are you people going to defend that?
"ONLY HALF" OF America's voters believe it was stolen....nice attempt to make half of the American people 'insignificant'...

ACTUALLY it's 56%...almost 6 out of every 10 Americans.
Eleven months of censorship, lies, attacks on Trump, intimidation and even murder have accomplished nothing. Every time Trump has a rally more people will believe the election was stolen. Every audit will convince millions more that there was massive fraud.

They are going to use violence pretty soon to shut people up. Violence is the logical extension of any Communist revolution. Are you people going to defend that?

You can cry your little hearts out all you like. You still lost. :)
The general belief in the dishonesty of the 2020 election is even more astounding when you consider the Media's "Full Court Press" to ridicule those who point out the bullshit, and suppress those who do not toe the Leftist line.
I’m not the one upset with the last election, crybaby.

How do you feel about the 2020 election? Are you…upset…with the outcome? :)
I am happy that the majority of people know it was stolen. I am more than happy that more will be convinced with each audit and Trump rally. Anything else?
56% believe there was fraud.

That is a significant increase from April, when 51% said “Biden’s election was tainted by cheating.”

The change comes as Trump has continued to raise election integrity charges and as Democrats have tried to force through liberal election reforms and shut down GOP state voting reforms.

Lefties….your TECHNAZI censorship is not working.


Deplatform my hog.
Dems were counting on hiding their election fraud inside a blue wave but that didn't happen. They lost ground in the House and didn't win a single Senate seat they went after. Then Trump rallied 75 million votes. So their late night election fraud in key battle ground districts stood out like a sore thumb.
Dems were counting on hiding their election fraud inside a blue wave but that didn't happen. They lost ground in the House and didn't win a single Senate seat they went after. Then Trump rallied 75 million votes. So their late night election fraud in key battle ground districts stood out like a sore thumb.


Absolutely this is accurate.

Then Pelosi tried saying that Dems had a MANDATE afterlosing seats in the House.

So funny.
I am happy that the majority of people know it was stolen. I am more than happy that more will be convinced with each audit and Trump rally. Anything else?

Sure. You can answer the question this time.

How do you feel about the outcome of the 2020 election? :)
Evidence was not presented because courts refused to hear evidence. People realize that now. It will only get worse for Democrats. The FBI does not have enough storm troopers to turn this around.

The narrative is dead and no one believes them anymore. Move those threads out the conspiracy forum.
Bah Ha Ha Ha Ha

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