Over half of Trump voters favor suspending elections

So, none of the Trump voters have objected to the idea of cancelling elections. Some support it. 'Nuff said. They're not big on democracy.
Object to what? You make shit up and then want us to defend it? Get a grip.
Don't let the cult of trump fool you. They are authoritarian fascist. Authoritarian is the key because it denotes the type of fascism they believe in and support. They would allow trump to name himself dictator if he gets the chance.
If they do then we'll have a civil war with the pieces of shit.

This ^^^^^ from the weenie who called me a "dumb taliban savage" on my home page.
Over half of Trump voters favor suspending elections

That's been the goal of the GOP for years. Why do you think they spend so much time on voter suppression?
Should any of us be surprised that some people are dumb enough to take serious the poll results of a poll that is designed to achieve a particular outcome? These are the same fools who never learned when the polls gave Hillary a huge margin of victory.
They are simply too stupid to ever learn even the simplest of lessons.
Over half of Trump voters favor suspending elections

That's been the goal of the GOP for years. Why do you think they spend so much time on voter suppression?
And almost 100% of dumb leftists believe these poll results...
You people never learn. The very media you praise makes you look INCREDIBLY foolish
Only one side is composed of authoritarian democracy-haters, and it's the Trump side. Needless to say, almost all of the Trump supporters here are in the group that enthusiastically supports terminating American democracy.

Opinion | This brutal new poll shows that Trump’s safe space is shrinking

Claims of large-scale voter fraud are not true, but that has not stopped a substantial number of Republicans from believing them. But how far would Republicans be willing to follow the president to stop what they perceive as rampant fraud? Our recent survey suggests that the answer is quite far: About half of Republicans say they would support postponing the 2020 presidential election until the country can fix this problem.

If some mealymouthed Trump-shill pretending not to be a Trump-shill now wants to jump in with their "Waaaa! Democrats are just as bad!" mewling, they can save their fingers and just copy "My usual both-sides-do-it phony equivalence bullshit".
Who the fuck is Greg Sargent and why should anyone give a fuck about his ranting?
As far as fake news, what was fake news?

The vast media campaigns about how Clinton was corrupt, dishonest and evil, which were all complete fiction. Mainstream media, internet media, social media. Come on, this is basic stuff, and you're totally ignorant of it.

Really? Hillary never did any of those things? Wow. That's good to know. But we have a lot of information to correct. Starting with the 1992 election of Bill Clinton where Hillary was in charge of Bimbo Eruptions. I'm so glad that she wasn't really involved in that despite the multiple news reports in several outlets.

Well, I'm sure we'll be setting the record straight on that won't we?

Then there was the next one, Hillary getting the people in the Travel Office fired on trumped up charges. First, the claim was that Hillary had nothing to do with that, it was all conspiracy theory nonsense.

White House travel office controversy - Wikipedia

There we see the first of the "I do not recall" answers from Hillary. The White House said it was the fault of the staffers who were ignorant of the fact that Hillary as First Lady had no authority in the White House. Odd, since at the same time she was put in charge of the Health Care Reform activity. So she had authority, but not.

Shall I continue? Because the list of confirmed activities goes on and on and on. Then there is the logical.

FIrst, President Obama was a pretty good President. But you have to assume he was awful and didn't do anything that he was supposed to, in fact he was much like Donald Trump if you are going to excuse Hillary during her tenure at the State Department.

Because if you believe that Hillary had no input on Fast and Furious, the acknowledged gun running scheme then Obama was a terrible President who did not consult with the State Department for programs with international import. It gets better.

Here you are going to scream Conspiracy Theory for sure. Benghazi.

When the screaming dies down, continue reading. I'm still patiently waiting. OK, the Ambassador was in Benghazi to check on the CIA activities of running guns into Syria from Libya. But before that, the State Department in violation of international sanctions approved an arms shipment to Libyan Rebels.

Hillary Clinton State Department approved U.S. weapons shipment to Libya despite ban

Ah, so International Sanctions don't matter when Hillary is making the decision. But god forbid a Republican does it, that's an impeachable offense that should land them in jail for life.

CIA 'running arms smuggling team in Benghazi when consulate was attacked'

Boy I am so happy that none of this actually happened. I mean, imagine if Hillary was involved in defying international sanctions and funneling weapons to terrorists. I mean, that would have been horrible. But thankfully, none of our weapons that we were shipping in by the ton ended up in the hands of Terrorists.

Arms Airlift to Syrian Rebels Expands, With C.I.A. Aid

Wow, I'm so sorry. I never realized that President Obama was such a loose cannon. Because he would have had to be a terrible President, a real authoritarian asshole if he did all of this stuff without once consulting the Secretary of State. I'm sure that the decision to send the Ambassador from the Embasssy in Tripoli to the Consulate in Benghazi to check up on this stuff was made without anyone informing Hillary or seeking her input. But I do have one question.

What was she doing at the State Department for four years if she was not involved in any of this? I mean, she was out taking credit for the overthrow of Ghadaffi, but obviously she did not authorize anyone to break international Sanctions, so why was she crowing?

Boy I am looking at a President I voted for twice in a whole new light. I always thought he was pretty good on balance. Not great, but not bad. I was especially happy with his efforts to protect Civil Rights with DOJ investigations of the various Police Departments. But if he was not consulting with the State Department on international activities then that means he was an authoritarian asshole who was just terrible after all.

So which of these stories is nonsense? Which of those is just crap? Which of those is nonsense conspiracy theory? Because if you say any of them, you are going against established and documented history, or you are saying that President Obama was just as much an authoritarian jackass as Donald Trump.

I know Hillary's history. Every day people are dying because of her history. Every day the civil war in Libya that she helped gin up and get started more people die. Later, when you recognize that fact, I'll tell you why we got it started. You won't believe it, but it's true. I just don't have the time, or inclination to go over it again and again.

Like the Russians in the Crimea? Thank Hillary.

The biggest problem with Hillary has always been the same. She's not quite as clever as she thinks she is. She's always been that hair short of clever enough to actually pull off the wild schemes she comes up with. Deceit, deception, lies, and her stock answer. "I don't recall".
Of course we don't understand it. Your clear hatred of us makes sure nobody does. You have only yourself to blame for that. The fact you're still whining about the election 9 months out only makes my case.

Guy, you don't have a case, and frankly, I don't remember you STOPPING whining about Obama from his election all the way up until the day he left office.

And he was LEGITIMATELY elected twice, without any scheming from the Russians.
So you're actually pretending, with a straight face, that most Trump voters don't believe the fables of massive vote fraud. You're telling us it's something totally new in their world, and they'd never heard about it before this poll.

No, I'm not claiming that and you obviously don't understand human psychology, which given your own neuroses, is hardly surprising.

What would you have found if you polled Democrats in December of 2016 on a hypothetical Obama proposal to postpone Trump's inauguration pending an investigation?

Obviously, they'd have found very little support for it

What's obvious, and has been for a long time, is you're a dishonest and dishonorable hack. The only thing worse than a liar is a liar that's also a hypocrite.
Oh so you think you have a right to psychoanalyze me huh? Okay then.

Dude, I couldn't be paid enough to psychoanalyze you.

Why else would you still be complaining about the election? Oh, that's right, because you're angry.

yes, I am upset that a misogynistic, racist Russian stooge is making a mockery of the Presidency. Now, I've had different presidents I've disagreed with. Most of them did not make a mockery of the job.

You seethe with hatred and resentment and wonder why people don't understand your message.

I don't wonder at all.

The Right Wing has spent 30 years playing on your racial, religious and sexual fears to get you to vote against your own economic interests. The thing about Trump isn't that he's really a new story, he's the same old crappy product with a new coat of paint.

The government made a promise to her when she was hired 48 years ago. That wasn't a subsidy. That's all the money the government took from her paycheck over the 34 years she worked at the University. That is money she rightly earned. Why would I ever favor taking something away from someone that they earned? You know nothing about me, Joe.

Yeah, you see, I've seen this argument before. I call it the "White People Welfare" argument. I'm entitled to the White People welfare because I paid a pittance into it. In reality, Social Security was a pyramid scheme from the day it started. Granny ain't getting her money back and if she's over 72, she's already gotten back more than she ever paid in.

If she's so sick she needs constant medical treatment, she sure as hell is getting more out of medicare than she ever put into it.

You assume much about me, I don't favor taking peoples money away and giving it to others arbitrarily. I resisted applying for government assistance myself for that same reason (yes, that is why I'm not employed, I gave up looking for work three years ago after my latest nervous breakdown). I did so because I have no other choice, my grandmother will eventually pass on and I will need an income. I realize what my future holds for me.

Dude, what you don't get is that you aren't better than those welfare people you look down on. Everything with you is an excuse. You had a nervous breakdown. But you'll look down on a working mom who gets food stamps because walmart isn't paying her a living wage.

But people like you are just the reverse, you want to take from the rich and give to the poor. It appears to me that neither way is the right way to deal with "wealth inequality." The thought of me living off the hard earned money of someone else is appalling. I do what I can to recompense my grandmother for that. She raised me as a child, and as repayment for that I will carry her to the grave if I have to. I have a job, and it is being at her side.

Actually, I want to see the wealth fairly distributed to start with.

The thing is, the 1% who control 43% of the wealth in this country did not do 43% of the physical labor to create that wealth. They simply cheated the people who did. And it's still not enough. Your hero Trump wants to slash granny's medicare and social security to give tax breaks to people like him.

That's just nuts.
It has plenty to do with it. You wanted to change the election system when Hillary won the popular voted but lost the electoral college. You went on and on in a fit of collective anger pleading that the electoral college be abolished.

But you see, the reason why the Founding Slave Rapists put an electoral college in there to start with was to have a buffer between the people and the presidency. So that if the people elected some populist clown, the electors would say, "Whoa, wait a minute." They put in the further buffer that Congress could reject the results of the election if the EC and popular vote got it wrong.

Instead, a whole lot of people who KNOW Trump lacks the moral, intellectual and temperamental qualities to be president went along with making him president. And now we are careening towards a possible nuclear war with a broken down hermit kingdom.
Really? Hillary never did any of those things?

As I expected, that didn't take long. You know, for the Clinton Derangement Syndrome to bust out. It always does. If you scratch phony equivalence pusher, you always find a right-wing propagandist.

That phony equivalence routine is how the fascists took power in Russia. They flooded out the propaganda and got enough people to say "well, all sides are just as corrupt, so what's the point in fighting corruption?", and eventually everyone just gave up fighting the fascist takeover.

The right is using the phony equivalence tactic here for the same purpose. When people give up, corruption wins, and that's the goal of the right.
Really? Hillary never did any of those things?

As I expected, that didn't take long. You know, for the Clinton Derangement Syndrome to bust out. It always does. If you scratch phony equivalence pusher, you always find a right-wing propagandist.

That phony equivalence routine is how the fascists took power in Russia. They flooded out the propaganda and got enough people to say "well, all sides are just as corrupt, so what's the point in fighting corruption?", and eventually everyone just gave up fighting the fascist takeover.

The right is using the phony equivalence tactic here for the same purpose. When people give up, corruption wins, and that's the goal of the right.

So Hillary did not do those and a lot more things? Despite the documented history?

These aren't CT. They are facts. Bimbo Eruptions happened. ’90s Scandals Threaten to Erode Hillary Clinton’s Strength With Women

I voted for Bill. I voted for Gore, I voted for Kerry. I voted for Obama twice. I even voted for Dukakis. I will not ever vote for Hillary. Trump was my first Republican.

That isn't Clinton Derangement anything. That is knowing who is running for President.

Hillary was involved in the Travel office crap. Travelgate Inquiry Suggests Signs of Lies by First Lady

Again it happened. Memo Places Hillary Clinton At Core of Travel Office Case

The White House. The Bill Clinton White House that I voted to reelect admitted it in 1996. Why are you denying it now?
Only one side is composed of authoritarian democracy-haters, and it's the Trump side. Needless to say, almost all of the Trump supporters here are in the group that enthusiastically supports terminating American democracy.

Opinion | This brutal new poll shows that Trump’s safe space is shrinking

Claims of large-scale voter fraud are not true, but that has not stopped a substantial number of Republicans from believing them. But how far would Republicans be willing to follow the president to stop what they perceive as rampant fraud? Our recent survey suggests that the answer is quite far: About half of Republicans say they would support postponing the 2020 presidential election until the country can fix this problem.

If some mealymouthed Trump-shill pretending not to be a Trump-shill now wants to jump in with their "Waaaa! Democrats are just as bad!" mewling, they can save their fingers and just copy "My usual both-sides-do-it phony equivalence bullshit".
This is a mind tactic to discourage the President on giving up on his agenda, and do what the deep state tells him to do. These polls has been putting out negative comments about him, ever since he started campaigning. And you noticed that he is President and they're not. The media has lost their power over the people, and they are trying their best to recover that power. Pres. Trump has these rallies to show the media that he has the power now..


All the rallies show is that you have a large number of fanatics. Rallies do not prove anything. The fact is that polls that range from the Washington Post to the IBD/TIPP poll show that Trump is extremely unpopular among independents. His approvals on issues are underwater as well. People are catching up with the con man.

Poll: Trump's approval higher than Congress, Schumer, Pelosi, Ryan, McConnell Poll: Trump's approval higher than Congress, Schumer, Pelosi, Ryan, McConnell

Only one side is composed of authoritarian democracy-haters, and it's the Trump side. Needless to say, almost all of the Trump supporters here are in the group that enthusiastically supports terminating American democracy.

Opinion | This brutal new poll shows that Trump’s safe space is shrinking

Claims of large-scale voter fraud are not true, but that has not stopped a substantial number of Republicans from believing them. But how far would Republicans be willing to follow the president to stop what they perceive as rampant fraud? Our recent survey suggests that the answer is quite far: About half of Republicans say they would support postponing the 2020 presidential election until the country can fix this problem.

If some mealymouthed Trump-shill pretending not to be a Trump-shill now wants to jump in with their "Waaaa! Democrats are just as bad!" mewling, they can save their fingers and just copy "My usual both-sides-do-it phony equivalence bullshit".
And you know this how? You are obsessed with Trump. Get over it!
"Claims of large-scale voter fraud are not true, but that has not stopped a substantial number of Republicans from believing them."

Of course such claims are not true.

But most on the reprehensible right will continue to attempt to propagate that lie for some perceived partisan gain.

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