Over half of Trump voters favor suspending elections

Isn't that what I just said?

yeah, the problem is, you aren't doing anything about it.

That's the problem.

Oh are you here to motivate me? Well you aren't. You're just here whining about the election like every other far left liberal here has for the past 9 months. You need a punching bag, an outlet for your rage. I seem to be it. All of that anger built up inside of you is unhealthy. Oh I know exactly how that feels. I know a mentally unstable person when I see one, I used to be just like you are mentally speaking, driven by hatred and blind political loyalty.

Anyhow, keep up the insults, it puts your credibility further into the negative. And you further prove why Trump won in the first place.

Have fun coping with that.
Oh are you here to motivate me? Well you aren't. You're just here whining about the election like every other far left liberal here has for the past 9 months. You need a punching bag, an outlet for your rage. I seem to be it. All of that anger built up inside of you is unhealthy. Oh I know exactly how that feels. I know a mentally unstable person when I see one.

Anyhow, keep up the insults, it puts your credibility further into the negative.

Naw, man, i worry about you because at some point, people are going to get sick of carrying you.

But that's neither here nor there on just how badly you guys fucked up putting Trump in the White House.
Naw, man, i worry about you because at some point, people are going to get sick of carrying you.

Your concern is hollow.

But that's neither here nor there on just how badly you guys fucked up putting Trump in the White House.

Well, I'm sorry we turned your little snowglobe world upside down (sure sent those fake snowflakes flying didn't we?) But it was for your attitude, displayed by many on the left leading up to the election as to why Trump is there. You are to blame. You look down your nose at people who think differently than you, and then demand they think the same as you.

Your condescending demeanor and ivory tower mindset is why Trump is in the White House. You have no message.
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Unless they polled all Trump voters, and only Trump voters the poll is bullshit. And I responded to no such poll. Therefore the poll is bullshit. Glad I could clear that up for y'all. You're welcome. Carry on.
Well, I'm sorry we turned your little snowglobe world upside down (sure sent those fake snowflakes flying didn't we?) But it was for your attitude, displayed by many on the left leading up to the election as to why Trump is there. You are to blame. You look down your nose at people who think differently than you, and the demand they think the same as you.

No, I look down on you because you put your anger above your self interest.

You live off your granny, who herself gets a subsidy from the government. and yet you support the people who would cut her subsidy to give a tax cut to rich people.

you do nothing to improve your lot in life, but always look for people to blame.

Your condescending demeanor and ivory tower mindset is why Trump is in the White House. You have no message.

Well, no, we have a message, it's just that you kind of don't understand it, or don't want to.
'Over half of Trump voters favor suspending elections'

I am sure they also favor never having to pay taxes again...but does the OP know that THAT will never happen, either?! :p
Only one side is composed of authoritarian democracy-haters, and it's the Trump side. Needless to say, almost all of the Trump supporters here are in the group that enthusiastically supports terminating American democracy.

Opinion | This brutal new poll shows that Trump’s safe space is shrinking

Claims of large-scale voter fraud are not true, but that has not stopped a substantial number of Republicans from believing them. But how far would Republicans be willing to follow the president to stop what they perceive as rampant fraud? Our recent survey suggests that the answer is quite far: About half of Republicans say they would support postponing the 2020 presidential election until the country can fix this problem.

If some mealymouthed Trump-shill pretending not to be a Trump-shill now wants to jump in with their "Waaaa! Democrats are just as bad!" mewling, they can save their fingers and just copy "My usual both-sides-do-it phony equivalence bullshit".

Nonsense, the election will go on. States that allow and promote illegals to vote shouldn't be allowed to participate in the EC is all.
Well, no, we have a message, it's just that you kind of don't understand it, or don't want to.

Of course we don't understand it. Your clear hatred of us makes sure nobody does. You have only yourself to blame for that. The fact you're still whining about the election 9 months out only makes my case.
No, I look down on you because you put your anger above your self interest.

Oh so you think you have a right to psychoanalyze me huh? Okay then.

Why else would you still be complaining about the election? Oh, that's right, because you're angry. You seethe with hatred and resentment and wonder why people don't understand your message. Your message is full of hatred, and if there's anything people DO understand it's hatred. Hatred is a universal language that anyone can speak.

You live off your granny, who herself gets a subsidy from the government. and yet you support the people who would cut her subsidy to give a tax cut to rich people.

The government made a promise to her when she was hired 48 years ago. That wasn't a subsidy. That's all the money the government took from her paycheck over the 34 years she worked at the University. That is money she rightly earned. Why would I ever favor taking something away from someone that they earned? You know nothing about me, Joe.

You assume much about me, I don't favor taking peoples money away and giving it to others arbitrarily. I resisted applying for government assistance myself for that same reason (yes, that is why I'm not employed, I gave up looking for work three years ago after my latest nervous breakdown). I did so because I have no other choice, my grandmother will eventually pass on and I will need an income. I realize what my future holds for me.

But people like you are just the reverse, you want to take from the rich and give to the poor. It appears to me that neither way is the right way to deal with "wealth inequality." The thought of me living off the hard earned money of someone else is appalling. I do what I can to recompense my grandmother for that. She raised me as a child, and as repayment for that I will carry her to the grave if I have to. I have a job, and it is being at her side.
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It is clear people aren't interested in debating the topic of this thread with me, so it is back to that oh so small couch to watch some DBZ.
It's already been posted. I bet if the Washington Post carefully crafted a question about whether Obama should postpone an election if evangelical Christians were authorized to post the Ten Commandments at a polling place the answer would be better than half in the affirmative. The poll is phony, the Post is biased and the idiots who post this junk are a bunch of angry incoherent fools.
Funny post considering many trumpanzees here swore up and down that Former President Obama would find a way to cancel the 2016 election so he could stay in power. :rofl:
Nonsense, the election will go on.

So why did you think the election wouldn't go on? I certainly never said or implied the election wouldn't go on. I was just pointing out the democracy-hating nature of the Trump cultists.

States that allow and promote illegals to vote shouldn't be allowed to participate in the EC is all.

So you want the election nullified based on bullshit propaganda that you faked outright. Got it. You're a proud anti-democracy fascist. Thanks for confirming my point.
Wait, weren't you the guys whining about getting rid of the electoral college in favor of the popular vote? All because Hillary lost?

Are you being serious?

WTF does that have to do with the majority of Trump thugs wanting to cancel elections, using their faked propaganda as justification?

Are you really as stupid as you sound, or are you just deflecting from the issue because it pains you to address how much your cult hates democracy?
WTF does that have to do with the majority of Trump thugs wanting to cancel elections, using their faked propaganda as justification?

It has plenty to do with it. You wanted to change the election system when Hillary won the popular voted but lost the electoral college. You went on and on in a fit of collective anger pleading that the electoral college be abolished.

And you think you can sit there and call others out for wanting do get rid of elections altogether? You haven't the slightest clue how much of a hypocrite you are.
So, even though I asked specifically, the number of Trumpflakes willing to go on record as stating it's never justified to cancel an election is ... zero.

Every single one of them is either okay with cancelling elections, or just too scared to buck the party line. They may know that cancelling elections is treasonous, but their cult as a whole supports the idea, and their love/fear of their cult is greater than their love of democracy.

I think my point is proven. Trumpflakes really don't like democracy.
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It has plenty to do with it. You wanted to change the election system when Hillary won the popular voted but lost the electoral college. You went on and on in a fit of collective anger pleading that the electoral college be abolished.

Changing the system isn't cancelling any election, dumbass.

And you think you can sit there and call others out for wanting do get rid of elections altogether? You haven't the slightest clue how much of a hypocrite you are.

This isn't rocket science. You can't actually be as stupid as you sound here. You're lying deliberately, in order to to advertise your devotion to your Stalinist anti-democracy cult.
Nonsense. By changing a single vote I am talking about "hacking the election machines" which is what is implied when the people claim about hacking the election.

In that case, you can surely show us all these liberals demanding Trump be impeached because the Russians "hacked the election". After all, that is your central premise. Surely you have some evidence to back it up. I can't imagine where you'll find it, though, being I've never encountered a liberal saying such a thing.

As far as fake news, what was fake news?

The vast media campaigns about how Clinton was corrupt, dishonest and evil, which were all complete fiction. Mainstream media, internet media, social media. Come on, this is basic stuff, and you're totally ignorant of it.

The claim is that the Russians hacked the DNC and Hillary's campaign email servers. They got access to emails and memos, and released them through Wikileaks, to the world. No one has claimed that these emails were faked. No one has claimed that the reports of those emails was fake. So why do you declare them "fake news"?

I didn't. If I had mean to say such a crazy thing, I would have said it. That's why I neither said or implied any such thing.

I'm saying the propaganda spin about all that was all 100% faked and fabricated, and that there was a massive Russian-backed effort to push that propaganda in various types of American media. That's not really debatable, unless you want to fall down the conspiracy hole and claim our intelligence agencies are lying.

I thought the heinous thing the Russians had supposedly done was to hack the servers and thus commit a crime, and release the information to the public

You thought wrong. Next time, you should probably ask liberals what they think, instead of assuming you know.

Do you see yet? Over the last ten months, the narrative has changed, and the Right had been the ones claiming that all the news that was anti-Trump was "fake news" now you all are saying anything that is not venomously anti-Trump is fake news

No, we don't say that. We've never said anything like that. You're just making stories up about us, so that we'll fit in the narrative inside your head.

You are doing exactly what the other side is doing. You are plowing into the fertile ground and deluding yourself into believing it was all a trick that cheated you. Hillary should have won, would have won, if they hadn't not cheated.

You are doing exactly what you criticize. The reality about what liberals think contradicts your phony equivalence quasi-religious beliefs, so you've rejected reality and replaced it with a comfortable fiction.
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Only one side is composed of authoritarian democracy-haters, and it's the Trump side. Needless to say, almost all of the Trump supporters here are in the group that enthusiastically supports terminating American democracy.

Opinion | This brutal new poll shows that Trump’s safe space is shrinking

Claims of large-scale voter fraud are not true, but that has not stopped a substantial number of Republicans from believing them. But how far would Republicans be willing to follow the president to stop what they perceive as rampant fraud? Our recent survey suggests that the answer is quite far: About half of Republicans say they would support postponing the 2020 presidential election until the country can fix this problem.

If some mealymouthed Trump-shill pretending not to be a Trump-shill now wants to jump in with their "Waaaa! Democrats are just as bad!" mewling, they can save their fingers and just copy "My usual both-sides-do-it phony equivalence bullshit".

Yeap--and the 5% that believe everything he says are still on this board--:badgrin:


A neuroscientist explains what may be wrong with Trump supporters’ brains
Only one side is composed of authoritarian democracy-haters, and it's the Trump side. Needless to say, almost all of the Trump supporters here are in the group that enthusiastically supports terminating American democracy.

Opinion | This brutal new poll shows that Trump’s safe space is shrinking

Claims of large-scale voter fraud are not true, but that has not stopped a substantial number of Republicans from believing them. But how far would Republicans be willing to follow the president to stop what they perceive as rampant fraud? Our recent survey suggests that the answer is quite far: About half of Republicans say they would support postponing the 2020 presidential election until the country can fix this problem.

If some mealymouthed Trump-shill pretending not to be a Trump-shill now wants to jump in with their "Waaaa! Democrats are just as bad!" mewling, they can save their fingers and just copy "My usual both-sides-do-it phony equivalence bullshit".

Yeap--and the 5% that believe everything he says are still on this board--:badgrin:


A neuroscientist explains what may be wrong with Trump supporters’ brains

Even better ...


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