Over half of Trump voters favor suspending elections

Americans clearly can't be trusted with the vote.
Suspend all elections...beg Britain to take them back.
Only one side is composed of authoritarian democracy-haters, and it's the Trump side. Needless to say, almost all of the Trump supporters here are in the group that enthusiastically supports terminating American democracy.

Opinion | This brutal new poll shows that Trump’s safe space is shrinking

Claims of large-scale voter fraud are not true, but that has not stopped a substantial number of Republicans from believing them. But how far would Republicans be willing to follow the president to stop what they perceive as rampant fraud? Our recent survey suggests that the answer is quite far: About half of Republicans say they would support postponing the 2020 presidential election until the country can fix this problem.

If some mealymouthed Trump-shill pretending not to be a Trump-shill now wants to jump in with their "Waaaa! Democrats are just as bad!" mewling, they can save their fingers and just copy "My usual both-sides-do-it phony equivalence bullshit".
/----/ Since were a Republic, you can suspend Democracy all day long.
This poll was created for tards like you.

^^^ Triggered. Looks like someone is angry about being revealed as shill for fascists.

It begins by introducing Trump claims of voter fraud

Which Trump has made over and over, so they're definitely not hypothetical claims.

then raised postponement “as a temporary measure."

Sugarcoat it all you like, it's still suspending elections, something never done before in the history of the USA. But no biggee, huh?

It was designed to produce alarming result by priming respondents first with questions about vote fraud. Someone ran a poll designed to produce an alarming result and get lots of news coverage, and they succeeded. It's a push poll designed to freak you out and you like being freaked out.

So you're actually pretending, with a straight face, that most Trump voters don't believe the fables of massive vote fraud. You're telling us it's something totally new in their world, and they'd never heard about it before this poll.


What would you have found if you polled Democrats in December of 2016 on a hypothetical Obama proposal to postpone Trump's inauguration pending an investigation?

Obviously, they'd have found very little support for it, being that we're not anti-democracy fascists. We are not like you.

Oh, I believe I already stated that Trump shills pretending not to be Trump shills should skip the phony equivalence bullshit. But then, without that tactic, you'd have little to say.
How could 59% of Americans say that the President "hasn't paid attention" after only seven freaking months in office and when the DOW continues to be in record territory and illegal immigration is down around 80%? If the poll is accurate it doesn't mean the 59% (claimed by CNN to be against Trump) aren't really for Trump. They might be a selected demographic or fooled by a loaded question or impatient or they are just tired of stupid polls.
So, none of the Trump voters have objected to the idea of cancelling elections. Some support it. 'Nuff said. They're not big on democracy.
Neither were you jack offs calling for a third obie term. Same shit different angle.
Only one side is composed of authoritarian democracy-haters, and it's the Trump side. Needless to say, almost all of the Trump supporters here are in the group that enthusiastically supports terminating American democracy.

Opinion | This brutal new poll shows that Trump’s safe space is shrinking

Claims of large-scale voter fraud are not true, but that has not stopped a substantial number of Republicans from believing them. But how far would Republicans be willing to follow the president to stop what they perceive as rampant fraud? Our recent survey suggests that the answer is quite far: About half of Republicans say they would support postponing the 2020 presidential election until the country can fix this problem.

If some mealymouthed Trump-shill pretending not to be a Trump-shill now wants to jump in with their "Waaaa! Democrats are just as bad!" mewling, they can save their fingers and just copy "My usual both-sides-do-it phony equivalence bullshit".
/---/ So half of 1,000 random adults don't like Trump. BFD
the leftarded will fall for anything

as proofed once again with this thread


so easily manipulated

no wonder they riot in the streets
I'm probably going to surprise you, but I'm going to take a rational look at this, and put it into a larger issue.

People are afraid of being cheated. They detest it. That's what the Russia, Russia, Russia thing is all about. Most people can't believe Trump really won, and believe that most people think like they do, and assume that there must have been some underhanded shenanigans involved. For the left, it's this idea that Russia influenced the election. For the right, it's voter fraud.

Both sides dig into the fertile field of the possible and create a reality where if the game was fair they would win. If only they had not cheated we would certainly win. The idea that you have lost fair and square, so to speak, is unthinkable.

Look, let's take the vote fraud thing. By using it, the people who are not in the majority can steal the election. That's not fair. Giving people who cheated control of the Country is just flat wrong. We have to take action to prevent it. The same way we as a society rush around pulling our hair out and passed the PATRIOT ACT (capitalized because that is the actual name of the legislation which should have been a clue for us) which shat upon the constitution. Right and left voted for it. Everyone said we have to do something, anything we can to prevent the next attack.

Now, we are to the crux of the matter. As long as you believe that you would not have lost if the game was fair, then you are scrambling to find that thing that was the cheat. A football filled with helium, illegal plays, or holds. Voting irregularities, or foreign influence. It's all the same. It's all dust to salve the psyche, it's a way to avoid admitting you were beaten, or will be beaten.

That's where we are at. A lot of liberals want to see Trump impeached over Russia, but Russia didn't change a single vote even in the most wild eyed fantasy version of events. Russia isn't the reason, it's the excuse. There is no way that Hillary could have lost if it was a fair fight. Hillary is writing a book to tell us all about it because she can't admit she was beaten.

Many on the right believe that as long as the election is fair, they can't lose. So the only way for them to lose is if the Left cheats.

It stems from a problem we have as normal humans. We want to believe we are normal. We want to believe that most people think as we do. We want to believe that only a fraction of people would disagree with our basic beliefs, and anyone who does must be horrible. Because we are normal, and we are just like a vast majority of the population.

None of us is normal. We are all unique, and while we share some similar ideals with others, we all have our own life experience guiding our views. I doubt that any two people on this board would be in 100% agreement on every possible issue or policy. That's life.
That's where we are at. A lot of liberals want to see Trump impeached over Russia, but Russia didn't change a single vote even in the most wild eyed fantasy version of events.

No. The evidence indicates otherwise. There is no disputing that Russia was behind a massive fake news campaign, and that surely changed a lot of votes. Enough to swing the election? Unknown. But saying "not a single vote" is totally wrong, and it's what you claimed.

And if you're denying that, you're doing exactly what you claim others are doing, which is refusing to accept any facts that say you're wrong.

And liberals aren't saying Trump should be impeached because the Russian fake news avalanche helped Trump win. Its not the results that matter, it's the intent of colluding with a hostile foreign power on a number of issues. And that's just one of many reasons for impeachment.
Chemtrail conspiracy theories are real Climate science Not Real
Proud Trump voter
Only one side is composed of authoritarian democracy-haters, and it's the Trump side. Needless to say, almost all of the Trump supporters here are in the group that enthusiastically supports terminating American democracy.

Opinion | This brutal new poll shows that Trump’s safe space is shrinking

Claims of large-scale voter fraud are not true, but that has not stopped a substantial number of Republicans from believing them. But how far would Republicans be willing to follow the president to stop what they perceive as rampant fraud? Our recent survey suggests that the answer is quite far: About half of Republicans say they would support postponing the 2020 presidential election until the country can fix this problem.

If some mealymouthed Trump-shill pretending not to be a Trump-shill now wants to jump in with their "Waaaa! Democrats are just as bad!" mewling, they can save their fingers and just copy "My usual both-sides-do-it phony equivalence bullshit".
This is a mind tactic to discourage the President on giving up on his agenda, and do what the deep state tells him to do. These polls has been putting out negative comments about him, ever since he started campaigning. And you noticed that he is President and they're not. The media has lost their power over the people, and they are trying their best to recover that power. Pres. Trump has these rallies to show the media that he has the power now..


All the rallies show is that you have a large number of fanatics. Rallies do not prove anything. The fact is that polls that range from the Washington Post to the IBD/TIPP poll show that Trump is extremely unpopular among independents. His approvals on issues are underwater as well. People are catching up with the con man.
I have the answer to many of our problems.

It would reduce entitlements drastically.
Eliminate the need for illegal immigrants
Restore order in our public schools.
Eliminate fools posting on Internet Message Boards.

And a number of secondary issues...

Repeal the 13th Amendment!
Only one side is composed of authoritarian democracy-haters, and it's the Trump side. Needless to say, almost all of the Trump supporters here are in the group that enthusiastically supports terminating American democracy.

Opinion | This brutal new poll shows that Trump’s safe space is shrinking

Claims of large-scale voter fraud are not true, but that has not stopped a substantial number of Republicans from believing them. But how far would Republicans be willing to follow the president to stop what they perceive as rampant fraud? Our recent survey suggests that the answer is quite far: About half of Republicans say they would support postponing the 2020 presidential election until the country can fix this problem.

If some mealymouthed Trump-shill pretending not to be a Trump-shill now wants to jump in with their "Waaaa! Democrats are just as bad!" mewling, they can save their fingers and just copy "My usual both-sides-do-it phony equivalence bullshit".
Oh look... more absolute HORSE SHIT from the Huff'n Puff Post... :bsflag:
A CNN poll being cited by the Washington Post I will give that the same consideration the left would give a FOX News poll being cited in an opinion piece by the Washington Examiner.
That's where we are at. A lot of liberals want to see Trump impeached over Russia, but Russia didn't change a single vote even in the most wild eyed fantasy version of events.

No. The evidence indicates otherwise. There is no disputing that Russia was behind a massive fake news campaign, and that surely changed a lot of votes. Enough to swing the election? Unknown. But saying "not a single vote" is totally wrong, and it's what you claimed.

And if you're denying that, you're doing exactly what you claim others are doing, which is refusing to accept any facts that say you're wrong.

And liberals aren't saying Trump should be impeached because the Russian fake news avalanche helped Trump win. Its not the results that matter, it's the intent of colluding with a hostile foreign power on a number of issues. And that's just one of many reasons for impeachment.

Nonsense. By changing a single vote I am talking about "hacking the election machines" which is what is implied when the people claim about hacking the election.

As far as fake news, what was fake news? The claim is that the Russians hacked the DNC and Hillary's campaign email servers. They got access to emails and memos, and released them through Wikileaks, to the world. No one has claimed that these emails were faked. No one has claimed that the reports of those emails was fake. So why do you declare them "fake news"? I thought the heinous thing the Russians had supposedly done was to hack the servers and thus commit a crime, and release the information to the public?

Do you see yet? Over the last ten months, the narrative has changed, and the Right had been the ones claiming that all the news that was anti-Trump was "fake news" now you all are saying anything that is not venomously anti-Trump is fake news.

You are doing exactly what the other side is doing. You are plowing into the fertile ground and deluding yourself into believing it was all a trick that cheated you. Hillary should have won, would have won, if they hadn't not cheated.
Only one side is composed of authoritarian democracy-haters, and it's the Trump side. Needless to say, almost all of the Trump supporters here are in the group that enthusiastically supports terminating American democracy.

Opinion | This brutal new poll shows that Trump’s safe space is shrinking

Claims of large-scale voter fraud are not true, but that has not stopped a substantial number of Republicans from believing them. But how far would Republicans be willing to follow the president to stop what they perceive as rampant fraud? Our recent survey suggests that the answer is quite far: About half of Republicans say they would support postponing the 2020 presidential election until the country can fix this problem.

If some mealymouthed Trump-shill pretending not to be a Trump-shill now wants to jump in with their "Waaaa! Democrats are just as bad!" mewling, they can save their fingers and just copy "My usual both-sides-do-it phony equivalence bullshit".
Prison without trial is good too. Lock them up!

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