Over half of Trump voters favor suspending elections

Only one side is composed of authoritarian democracy-haters, and it's the Trump side. Needless to say, almost all of the Trump supporters here are in the group that enthusiastically supports terminating American democracy.

Opinion | This brutal new poll shows that Trump’s safe space is shrinking

Claims of large-scale voter fraud are not true, but that has not stopped a substantial number of Republicans from believing them. But how far would Republicans be willing to follow the president to stop what they perceive as rampant fraud? Our recent survey suggests that the answer is quite far: About half of Republicans say they would support postponing the 2020 presidential election until the country can fix this problem.

If some mealymouthed Trump-shill pretending not to be a Trump-shill now wants to jump in with their "Waaaa! Democrats are just as bad!" mewling, they can save their fingers and just copy "My usual both-sides-do-it phony equivalence bullshit".

If the number were 12% or 15% you'd think "ok some of these people are just whacko and they in fact don't believe in democracy anyway and wouldn't be upset if it were done away with as long as they get the dictator they want. But it's 50% of Republicans. That is more than telling that these people en masse aren't too worried about the democracy ending. They don't care as long as 'their side' wins.

This in fact is how most democracies end. When one faction decides they cannot live with any compromise any more they take it on themselves to do away with compromise and instead support a government, usually a strongman, that will force their will on the rest of the population. We see many instances of this in Central and South America the last 50 years.

America is no more immune to this than any other country. It would just more far uglier because 'the rest of the population' isn't going to sit down for it. There will be blood.
The highlighted paragraph is a very apt description of the Democrat party.
By golly, we need to suspend all elections until we find those durned imaginary five million illegal beaners Trump made up!

This thing won't be settled until everyone admits Trump won the popular vote, dadgummit!

So, none of the Trump voters have objected to the idea of cancelling elections. Some support it. 'Nuff said. They're not big on democracy.
Trump didn't notice an army of Russian government agents colluding with his campaign and his kid in Trump Tower right below his office. Literally right under his nose. How the hell is he going to find the imaginary Mexicans in California he made up?
Only one side is composed of authoritarian democracy-haters, and it's the Trump side. Needless to say, almost all of the Trump supporters here are in the group that enthusiastically supports terminating American democracy.

Opinion | This brutal new poll shows that Trump’s safe space is shrinking

Claims of large-scale voter fraud are not true, but that has not stopped a substantial number of Republicans from believing them. But how far would Republicans be willing to follow the president to stop what they perceive as rampant fraud? Our recent survey suggests that the answer is quite far: About half of Republicans say they would support postponing the 2020 presidential election until the country can fix this problem.

If some mealymouthed Trump-shill pretending not to be a Trump-shill now wants to jump in with their "Waaaa! Democrats are just as bad!" mewling, they can save their fingers and just copy "My usual both-sides-do-it phony equivalence bullshit".
This is a mind tactic to discourage the President on giving up on his agenda, and do what the deep state tells him to do. These polls has been putting out negative comments about him, ever since he started campaigning. And you noticed that he is President and they're not. The media has lost their power over the people, and they are trying their best to recover that power. Pres. Trump has these rallies to show the media that he has the power now..


Only one side is composed of authoritarian democracy-haters, and it's the Trump side. Needless to say, almost all of the Trump supporters here are in the group that enthusiastically supports terminating American democracy.

Opinion | This brutal new poll shows that Trump’s safe space is shrinking

Claims of large-scale voter fraud are not true, but that has not stopped a substantial number of Republicans from believing them. But how far would Republicans be willing to follow the president to stop what they perceive as rampant fraud? Our recent survey suggests that the answer is quite far: About half of Republicans say they would support postponing the 2020 presidential election until the country can fix this problem.

If some mealymouthed Trump-shill pretending not to be a Trump-shill now wants to jump in with their "Waaaa! Democrats are just as bad!" mewling, they can save their fingers and just copy "My usual both-sides-do-it phony equivalence bullshit".

This poll was created for tards like you. It begins by introducing Trump claims of voter fraud then raised postponement “as a temporary measure." It was designed to produce alarming result by priming respondents first with questions about vote fraud. Someone ran a poll designed to produce an alarming result and get lots of news coverage, and they succeeded. It's a push poll designed to freak you out and you like being freaked out.

What would you have found if you polled Democrats in December of 2016 on a hypothetical Obama proposal to postpone Trump's inauguration pending an investigation?
There is no American Democracy. We are a Republic. Republic and Democracy are not synonymous.

When are you going to realize that polls are pointless? No one will postpone an election
Half the the GOP are fear mongered/misinformed/brainwashed and will believe anything about opponents. Seems Trump will too...

A republic is defined as a representative democracy. WTH are dupes trying to prove with your statement anyway?
go bills.....lol....
We should have a category for all of the LWNJ Trump derangement syndrome threads.

We can call it "Breaking Fake News".

Only one side is composed of authoritarian democracy-haters, and it's the Trump side. Needless to say, almost all of the Trump supporters here are in the group that enthusiastically supports terminating American democracy.

Opinion | This brutal new poll shows that Trump’s safe space is shrinking

Claims of large-scale voter fraud are not true, but that has not stopped a substantial number of Republicans from believing them. But how far would Republicans be willing to follow the president to stop what they perceive as rampant fraud? Our recent survey suggests that the answer is quite far: About half of Republicans say they would support postponing the 2020 presidential election until the country can fix this problem.

If some mealymouthed Trump-shill pretending not to be a Trump-shill now wants to jump in with their "Waaaa! Democrats are just as bad!" mewling, they can save their fingers and just copy "My usual both-sides-do-it phony equivalence bullshit".

If the number were 12% or 15% you'd think "ok some of these people are just whacko and they in fact don't believe in democracy anyway and wouldn't be upset if it were done away with as long as they get the dictator they want. But it's 50% of Republicans. That is more than telling that these people en masse aren't too worried about the democracy ending. They don't care as long as 'their side' wins.

This in fact is how most democracies end. When one faction decides they cannot live with any compromise any more they take it on themselves to do away with compromise and instead support a government, usually a strongman, that will force their will on the rest of the population. We see many instances of this in Central and South America the last 50 years.

America is no more immune to this than any other country. It would just more far uglier because 'the rest of the population' isn't going to sit down for it. There will be blood.

Only one side is composed of authoritarian democracy-haters, and it's the Trump side. Needless to say, almost all of the Trump supporters here are in the group that enthusiastically supports terminating American democracy.

Opinion | This brutal new poll shows that Trump’s safe space is shrinking

Claims of large-scale voter fraud are not true, but that has not stopped a substantial number of Republicans from believing them. But how far would Republicans be willing to follow the president to stop what they perceive as rampant fraud? Our recent survey suggests that the answer is quite far: About half of Republicans say they would support postponing the 2020 presidential election until the country can fix this problem.

If some mealymouthed Trump-shill pretending not to be a Trump-shill now wants to jump in with their "Waaaa! Democrats are just as bad!" mewling, they can save their fingers and just copy "My usual both-sides-do-it phony equivalence bullshit".

Does mamooth mean "moron" in another language ?

It means "Cat fag" in Esperanto.

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