Over half of Trump voters favor suspending elections

It's already been posted. I bet if the Washington Post carefully crafted a question about whether Obama should postpone an election if evangelical Christians were authorized to post the Ten Commandments at a polling place the answer would be better than half in the affirmative. The poll is phony, the Post is biased and the idiots who post this junk are a bunch of angry incoherent fools.

Shouting fake news at anything that's inconvenient.
It's already been posted. I bet if the Washington Post carefully crafted a question about whether Obama should postpone an election if evangelical Christians were authorized to post the Ten Commandments at a polling place the answer would be better than half in the affirmative. The poll is phony, the Post is biased and the idiots who post this junk are a bunch of angry incoherent fools.

I doubt if the poll is either fake or biased. Trump is not about democracy nor are those who support him.

Trump is about making America great again and the stupid Moon Bats just don't get it.

Nobody in America except for the extreme far Left is for suspending elections and anybody that believes a poll that says otherwise is dumber than a door knob. You know, like somebody that was so stupid as to believe what Obama said about Obamacare or voted for that corrupt dishonest Crooked Hillary asshole.
Only one side is composed of authoritarian democracy-haters, and it's the Trump side. Needless to say, almost all of the Trump supporters here are in the group that enthusiastically supports terminating American democracy.

Opinion | This brutal new poll shows that Trump’s safe space is shrinking

Claims of large-scale voter fraud are not true, but that has not stopped a substantial number of Republicans from believing them. But how far would Republicans be willing to follow the president to stop what they perceive as rampant fraud? Our recent survey suggests that the answer is quite far: About half of Republicans say they would support postponing the 2020 presidential election until the country can fix this problem.

If some mealymouthed Trump-shill pretending not to be a Trump-shill now wants to jump in with their "Waaaa! Democrats are just as bad!" mewling, they can save their fingers and just copy "My usual both-sides-do-it phony equivalence bullshit".

Wait, weren't you the guys whining about getting rid of the electoral college in favor of the popular vote? All because Hillary lost?

Are you being serious?
If they do then we'll have a civil war with the pieces of shit.

Might want to re-think that ...

So, none of the Trump voters have objected to the idea of cancelling elections. Some support it. 'Nuff said. They're not big on democracy.
Your side is the one trying to turn the election around, you dumbass.
Well, yeah, Trump didn't win an election, so it's understandable he doesn't want to do them.

Joe, you're such a bitter old man. You're older than me but still can't accept the results of a duly enacted electoral process. How utterly sad for you.
Joe, you're such a bitter old man. You're older than me but still can't accept the results of a duly enacted electoral process. How utterly sad for you.

went back to your original name? Still living on Granny's couch?

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