OVER! House Intel Committee Shuts Down Russia Investigation, Release Final Report - Nothing To It!


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
House Intel Votes To Shut Down Russia Investigation, Release Final Report

"The House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence voted along party lines on Thursday to formally end the panel’s Russia investigation and to release a report about the probe to the rest of Congress.

The 150-page report will now undergo a classification review by the intelligence community to determine what information must be redacted in the document. After it goes to Congress, the report will be made public. That is expected to happen within the next several weeks.

Committee Republicans announced last week that they had drafted the report and were planning on shutting down the Russia investigation.

After 73 witness interviews and a review of more than 300,000 documents, Republicans (Mueller, Democrats, Snowflakes...) found no evidence that President Donald Trump’s campaign colluded with the Russian government during the 2016 presidential campaign."

Going on 2 years now, Democrats have found ZERO evidence of an initial crime ever having been perpetrated warranting an investigation of President Trump to begin with nor has it found any evidence of any crime committed by the President during their investigation in all that time.

Democrats 'fumed', as expected, over the shutting down of their 'witch hunt'.

Despite Comey exonerating Hillary before witnesses were interviewed, Democrats called for an additional 30 witnesses to be interviewed. They also wanted 15 subpoenas issued to Trump associates and companies that did business with the Trump campaign. Again, despite being unable to prove a crime was even ever committed, Democrats demand criminal subpoenas to continue fishing for one.

House Intel Votes To Shut Down Russia Investigation, Release Final Report
Yep, another sad day for American democracy - under traitorous Republicans.
We will wait to see Mueller's. The GOP turned a blind eye to the Russian Investigation, they are still concentrating on Hillary, Benghazi and her emails. Uranium One is big news to them and recent as can be.
Hannity talks about the above 3 in every show.
"The GOP-authored report will point to “problematic contacts” between senior government officials in former President Barack Obama’s administration and the media. It is also expected to address leaks to the media of classified information about Trump associates. The document will also focus heavily on the Steele dossier, the anti-Trump opposition research report the Justice Department used to obtain spy warrants against former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page."

The FBI still needs to explain why they were working for Hillary Clinton.
- Using a Russian propaganda-filled, debunked dossier purchased for $12 million by candidate Hillary Clinton from a foreign spy working with Russians, the FBI illegally obtained FISA warrants used to spy on the GOP Presidential candidate during the 2016 Presidential election. (Watergate on Steroids). The bogus docs were also reportedly used to obtain illegal warrants against Page, resulting in his indictment.

- Based on a 'tip' from a HUGE Hillary supporter / donor who happened to have set up the meeting as well, the FBI indicted self-important, unpaid Trump volunteer Papadopoulus over his OVERHEARD DRUNKEN conversation with an Australian 'diplomat' in a British pub's bathroom. Again, the diplomat turned out to be a huge Hillary supporter and donor who set up the meeting.

The IG's report should also be covered in the GOP's final report, as it reveals more corruption,Obstruction, sedition, and even arguably treason within the FBI and other Obama agencies. According to the IG:
- Lynch and Comey collaborated to ensure Hillary was exonerated BEFORE the investigation was done.
- Strzok altered the FBI's final report, removing their declaration that Hillary had been criminally negligent
- Strzok partisanly protected Hillary, Abedin, and mills from Indictment
- Comey and McCabe's wives had received cash from Hillary
- McCabe leaked info and gave testimony revealing Comey committed Perjury, lying about sharing / leaking info
- McCabe: 'Insurance Policy' to use against Trump should he win
- Strzok: Exposed the 'Secret Society' colluding to commit treason to unseat the newly elected President
- McCabe: FBI investigated their BOSS, US AG Sessions because Senate Democrats asked them to

All of this combined proves there was no 'criminal collusion' between Trump and the Russians; however, evidence shows there was collusion between foreign spies, Russians, and Hillary...that the FBI leadership went 'Rogue', engaging in criminal partisanship. leaking classified, protecting Democrat Felons, working for the DNC Candidate and Senate Democrats, obstructing Justice, committing Perjury, sedition, and even treason.

The ONLY investigations that should move forward, according go the evidence to date, is the NEW Special Counsel investigation into all of this, specifically investigating the roles played in all of this by former President Obama, Hillary Clinton, US AG Holder, US AG Lynch, Special Counsel Robert Mueller, FBI Director Comey, Deputy Director McCabe, FBI Agent Strzok...and anyone else revealed as having been involved.

House Intel Votes To Shut Down Russia Investigation, Release Final Report

"The House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence voted along party lines on Thursday to formally end the panel’s Russia investigation and to release a report about the probe to the rest of Congress.

The 150-page report will now undergo a classification review by the intelligence community to determine what information must be redacted in the document. After it goes to Congress, the report will be made public. That is expected to happen within the next several weeks.

Committee Republicans announced last week that they had drafted the report and were planning on shutting down the Russia investigation.

After 73 witness interviews and a review of more than 300,000 documents, Republicans (Mueller, Democrats, Snowflakes...) found no evidence that President Donald Trump’s campaign colluded with the Russian government during the 2016 presidential campaign."

Going on 2 years now, Democrats have found ZERO evidence of an initial crime ever having been perpetrated warranting an investigation of President Trump to begin with nor has it found any evidence of any crime committed by the President during their investigation in all that time.

Democrats 'fumed', as expected, over the shutting down of their 'witch hunt'.

Despite Comey exonerating Hillary before witnesses were interviewed, Democrats called for an additional 30 witnesses to be interviewed. They also wanted 15 subpoenas issued to Trump associates and companies that did business with the Trump campaign. Again, despite being unable to prove a crime was even ever committed, Democrats demand criminal subpoenas to continue fishing for one.

House Intel Votes To Shut Down Russia Investigation, Release Final Report

Are these the same people who couldn't pin Benghazi on Hillary?

House Benghazi Report Finds No New Evidence of Wrongdoing by Hillary Clinton

I love the Republicans gloating over this news.

"See? Told you there was nothing there. A bipartisan group of Republicans said so."
Are they shutting down muellers too or just theirs?

Mueller's got Trump's tax returns as well as a few folks who have plead guilty as charged. But I'm sure there are people on here stupid enough to think they are one and the same.
We will wait to see Mueller's. The GOP turned a blind eye to the Russian Investigation, they are still concentrating on Hillary, Benghazi and her emails. Uranium One is big news to them and recent as can be.
Hannity talks about the above 3 in every show.
how did they do that exactly?
House Intel Votes To Shut Down Russia Investigation, Release Final Report
"The House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence voted along party lines on Thursday to formally end the panel’s Russia investigation and to release a report about the probe to the rest of Congress.

The 150-page report will now undergo a classification review by the intelligence community to determine what information must be redacted in the document. After it goes to Congress, the report will be made public. That is expected to happen within the next several weeks.

Committee Republicans announced last week that they had drafted the report and were planning on shutting down the Russia investigation.

After 73 witness interviews and a review of more than 300,000 documents, Republicans (Mueller, Democrats, Snowflakes...) found no evidence that President Donald Trump’s campaign colluded with the Russian government during the 2016 presidential campaign."

Going on 2 years now, Democrats have found ZERO evidence of an initial crime ever having been perpetrated warranting an investigation of President Trump to begin with nor has it found any evidence of any crime committed by the President during their investigation in all that time.

Democrats 'fumed', as expected, over the shutting down of their 'witch hunt'.

Despite Comey exonerating Hillary before witnesses were interviewed, Democrats called for an additional 30 witnesses to be interviewed. They also wanted 15 subpoenas issued to Trump associates and companies that did business with the Trump campaign. Again, despite being unable to prove a crime was even ever committed, Democrats demand criminal subpoenas to continue fishing for one.

House Intel Votes To Shut Down Russia Investigation, Release Final Report

You should rephrase your post to state:

After TWO YEARS, The House INTEL COMMITTEE has found ZERO EVIDENCE to Warrant THE FBI and DOJ FILING FOR UNPRECENDENTED FISA WARRANTS to spy on The Presidential Campaign and President Elect, his staff, and his Family, and found ZERO evidence to warrant the appointing of Robert Mueller to Investigate Crimes that do not exist.
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Yep, another sad day for American democracy - under traitorous Republicans.


ZERO Evidence of a crime being committed warranting an investigation.
ZERO evidence of a crime committed by the President.
ZERO crimes / Indictments proving crimes committed by the President or that illegal collusion occurred.
ZERO case.
Tons of liberal gnashing of teeth, denial, butt-hurt....It's Gore losing Florida ll over again...times 10.

:p Bwuhahahahahaha
Pretty sure it's just theirs. So Republicans decided there was nothing to see here. Shocking.
....almost as shocking as sore-loser, butt-hurt, angry, bitter, delusional, snowflakes unable to accept the outcome of an election, having zero evidence to support their fantasies / witch hunt, continuing to claim Trump is guilty based on ZERO evidence proving him to be otherwise.

As I said the other day, based on the snowflake's logic, Obama, Hillary, and Putin had a threesome at the DNC HQ on the eve of the election as voters went to the polls to vote....it HAS to be true, according to snowflakes, because there is NO EVIDENCE to prove it ever happened.

Bwuhahahaha.... :p
House Intel Votes To Shut Down Russia Investigation, Release Final Report

"The House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence voted along party lines on Thursday to formally end the panel’s Russia investigation and to release a report about the probe to the rest of Congress.

The 150-page report will now undergo a classification review by the intelligence community to determine what information must be redacted in the document. After it goes to Congress, the report will be made public. That is expected to happen within the next several weeks.

Committee Republicans announced last week that they had drafted the report and were planning on shutting down the Russia investigation.

After 73 witness interviews and a review of more than 300,000 documents, Republicans (Mueller, Democrats, Snowflakes...) found no evidence that President Donald Trump’s campaign colluded with the Russian government during the 2016 presidential campaign."

Going on 2 years now, Democrats have found ZERO evidence of an initial crime ever having been perpetrated warranting an investigation of President Trump to begin with nor has it found any evidence of any crime committed by the President during their investigation in all that time.

Democrats 'fumed', as expected, over the shutting down of their 'witch hunt'.

Despite Comey exonerating Hillary before witnesses were interviewed, Democrats called for an additional 30 witnesses to be interviewed. They also wanted 15 subpoenas issued to Trump associates and companies that did business with the Trump campaign. Again, despite being unable to prove a crime was even ever committed, Democrats demand criminal subpoenas to continue fishing for one.

House Intel Votes To Shut Down Russia Investigation, Release Final Report

There are still a few wizards who have to continue with the witch hunt until their Masters call them off or the Dems take over the House, whichever comes first.
Are they shutting down muellers too or just theirs?

just devin the dummy's

no one ever took it seriously after his excellent midnight adventure anyway.

trust me, you'll know when mueller finishes

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