Overdue Congrats to Kamala Harris


Neutronium Member & truth speaker #StopBrandon
Nov 11, 2021
Red State! Amen.

I actually feel guilty for not having congratulated her sooner.

(Some people may feel that this doesn’t belong in “politics,” but she’s the VP so everything she does is political!)
View attachment 738428
I actually feel guilty for not having congratulated her sooner.

(Some people may feel that this doesn’t belong in “politics,” but she’s the VP so everything she does is political!)
The Babylon be stings again.
You are correct of course, when you said "(Some people may feel that this doesn’t belong in “politics,” but she’s the VP so everything she does is political!)"
It is being moved to Political Satire, something the Babylon Bee is famous and hilariously funny for.
The Babylon be stings again.
You are correct of course, when you said "(Some people may feel that this doesn’t belong in “politics,” but she’s the VP so everything she does is political!)"
It is being moved to Political Satire, something the Babylon Bee is famous and hilariously funny for.
I knew it. I just knew it!

In fairness to HeelsUp Harris, the Babylon Bee was a little inaccurate. She actually used her speech about January 6 to compare it to 9/11 and Pearl Harbor. 🙄

Either way, in fairness to reality, Harris is an abomination as our Vice President.
I knew it. I just knew it!

Yep. You knew the Babylon Bee was a political satire publisher with a political satire piece when posting and probably knew where it would land. Surprised you didn't post it there. Not as many people falling for The Bee's articles as being real anymore, as they have gotten more famous, over the years. I have seen it hilarious on here before people became more aware. Nice touch with the fine print. If I wasn't modding, I'd try them in general discussion, posting best part of the actual article, but including picture above and then post the link below to set the hook without a giant picture of the Babylon Bee logo as first thing seen. It is even better when you can post enough article, (without posting so much as to get us in trouble) that the link is far enough down the OP thread post, that it is not visible immediately on opening the thread. Just my opinion. You start better posts and more of them than I do. I am mostly a reader/responder.
Yep. You knew the Babylon Bee was a political satire publisher with a political satire piece when posting and probably knew where it would land. Surprised you didn't post it there. Not as many people falling for The Bee's articles as being real anymore, as they have gotten more famous, over the years. I have seen it hilarious on here before people became more aware. Nice touch with the fine print. If I wasn't modding, I'd try them in general discussion, posting best part of the actual article, but including picture above and then post the link below to set the hook without a giant picture of the Babylon Bee logo as first thing seen. It is even better when you can post enough article, (without posting so much as to get us in trouble) that the link is far enough down the OP thread post, that it is not visible immediately on opening the thread. Just my opinion. You start better posts and more of them than I do. I am mostly a reader/responder.
I have been repeatedly assured by several of our liberals that my threads and posts all uniformly suck.
So does a mud wasp nest hitting you in the face going 60mph, but that doesn't make it right, accurate, or justified.
I like the Babylon Bee. My kind of humor, but I don't forget it is humor.
Camel Toe is basically satire.

Absolutely worthless
That's it really. She actually is walking talking political satire of the politics of this country or any other, and like you said, absolutely useless to the administration or public elected office. Not evil, just useless.
Treasure these days , however amazingly wretched .She will never be forgotten .

I have never witnessed such consistent stupidity from any so called politician from anywhere else in the world .

She has all the hallmarks of being a deliberate "put up" job and you can work out what the reasons might be if you

believe that America is being set up to collapse .imho
Treasure these days , however amazingly wretched .She will never be forgotten .

I have never witnessed such consistent stupidity from any so called politician from anywhere else in the world .

She has all the hallmarks of being a deliberate "put up" job and you can work out what the reasons might be if you

believe that America is being set up to collapse .imho
Her hyena laughter imitation is so offensive it hurts my hair. And she uses it too often. Mostly to laugh at her own ill-advised attempts at humor. And her laughter stands out. She’s the only one laughing.

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