Owen Labrie, Harsh Penalty for shagging 15 yo, He was 18

You're both 'substandard' {mod}. Statutory rape can never be considered 'just plain old rape'.

I hope you both understand exactly what I mean by 'substandard'. It is in fact the height of 'substandardness' to make such a statement.

It wasn't statutory. According to every bit of evidence I have seen it was rape pure and simple. Like I said the little asshole got off lucky and the poor girl no doubt is now set up for life and no longer needs to ever have to find a job. That's how the rich handle things. That or they just have their enemy killed.
The jury acquitted on that charge, so you're wrong.

Yes, they did. A jury acquitted OJ too. Your point?
My point? It wasn't "plain old rape". I'm beginning to wonder if you even know what rape is.

Did the girl say "no".
No. She said she froze and didn't say anything. In some jurisdictions a difference of ten years in age is required before statutory rape becomes rape. The boy got one year on the statutory rape charge. He will serve, maybe six months. The felony charge which brought the lifetime sex offender registry was because he used a computer. There is no doubt that after a few years he will ask for and be granted removal from that list.
Owen Labrie sentenced to a year in jail for prep school sex assault


With his once promising future at Harvard a shambles, a former New Hampshireprep school senior convicted of having sex with an underage girl as part of an unofficial school tradition was sentenced to a year in jail and probation.

Owen Labrie, now 20, faced a possible 11-year sentence for his conviction on three misdemeanor counts of sex with a 15-year-old and one felony count of using the internet to arrange a secret encounter on the campus of St Paul’s school in Concord, New Hampshire.

Labrie’s conviction for felony use of a computer also requires he register as a sex offender for life for sending the girl a “senior salute”, an old tradition on the bucolic campus where seniors in the waning days of high school ask underclassmen on a date.

Before he was sentenced, Labrie made the sign of the cross on his chest. He stood stock still while hearing he would go to prison. His mother wept.

Judge Lawrence Smukler said he rejects Labrie’s defense argument that the jury found the teenagers had consensual sex.

“This was not consensual. You did not take the time to get to know the victim to know how she reacts to various things,” Smukler said as he announced the sentence. “The very reason it is a crime is a child, someone under the age of consent, is not sufficiently mature to handle a sexual situation with an older person. She was in over her head and that was very clear.”

Prosecutors asked the judge to give Labrie three and a half to seven years in prison and undergo sex offender treatment.

Broke the law. Too bad so sad. Is a stupid law to be sure, but so long as stupid laws are in effect we have to obey them. Start pick and choosing or rationalizing our ignoring them and it's all over.
So when a pot smoker goes to prison for 25 years, you'll say exactly the same thing?

You won't?

One year for rape then get off in 6 months for good behavior. Is that a fair sentence?
"The jury acquitted Labrie of aggravated rape but convicted him of misdemeanor sexual assault and use of the school’s computer to lure a child for sex. At his sentencing, on 29 October, he will face up to seven years in prison."
I think your definition of surrender is far different from mine. But, based on you moniker, I can see why. You still haven't addressed the judges ruling which is what I am basing my comments on. So, until you come up with a compelling reason to pay attention to you, I will just keep on keepin on.
I've little doubt we have few definitions in common, and there is absolutely no need for either one of us to 'pay attention' to the other. I just thought you could have acquiesced more gracefully than you did.

I would like to remind you that your agreeing with although the 'rape, pure and simple' were not your words, you did nothing to disassociate yourself with them.

Once again, I take no joy in the self-righteousness and vindictiveness of my fellow Americans, but shit has to be called for what it is.
FFS, do you people believe that someone who has just had his 18th birthday, when your sexual desires are the strongest, should confine themselves to partners between the ages of 16 to 99. I mean how many women are there who would bed an 18 year old other than girls in their mid teens?

Sorry folks, this is seriously stupid stuff. An 18 year old being labelled a sex offender for having sex with another teen is not normal. In fact it is sick!
It's her age, how he got her involved, and what he did (non-consensual sex) that has marked him for life. This was not a carefree afternooner with the girl next door.
I would ask you what it's like being a eunuch if I cared.
I think at a point the law needs to step in, but imposing a life sentence is harsh. Teens having sex is a slap on the wrist issue and should be treated that way. This offends the sense of justice most people have.

Forcible Rape is no joke even if teens are the ones involved. Stat Rape is bullshit. Forcible Rape isn't.
Tell West while licking his boot. He's the one saying the boy committed "plain old rape".

I'm sure that made me and West both laugh. :) If he got life, it was never a stat rape charge. No where in the country has life for a 15yo victim. Under 12 yes, 15, no. Not even illegal in most states with close-in-age exemptions. Only reason you could get life is it they charged you with aggravated forcible rape and/or sodomy.
The life sentence I was referring to is the sex offender registry. I don't feel sorry for real perverts who get this branding, but an 18 and 13 year old? The sex offender registry no longer renders the service of informing the public who among them is dangerous when they include things like this.

Oh. Not especially interested in this case. But thought the vic was 15? Guy broke the law. There ends my interest. Whatever happens to him he brough upon himself. Is noe xcuse, no claiming you didn't know the law. You're 18, it's your responsibility to know the law and no 18 is gonna just have sex with anyone under 18 without some question as to the legality of it.

Had a girl here who said she was 17 and was good to go. I carded her. :) That's what the older person does. Wnna play, learn the rules of the game.
There was no "vic", that's one. Two, carding wasn't the issue because there was no "I didn't know how old she was" defense. Three, an 18 year old and a 15 year old does not warrant being branded for life as a sex predator. If you think that's appropriate, then you're well outside the mainstream of reasonable thought.
Forcible Rape is no joke even if teens are the ones involved. Stat Rape is bullshit. Forcible Rape isn't.
Tell West while licking his boot. He's the one saying the boy committed "plain old rape".

I'm sure that made me and West both laugh. :) If he got life, it was never a stat rape charge. No where in the country has life for a 15yo victim. Under 12 yes, 15, no. Not even illegal in most states with close-in-age exemptions. Only reason you could get life is it they charged you with aggravated forcible rape and/or sodomy.
The life sentence I was referring to is the sex offender registry. I don't feel sorry for real perverts who get this branding, but an 18 and 13 year old? The sex offender registry no longer renders the service of informing the public who among them is dangerous when they include things like this.

Oh. Not especially interested in this case. But thought the vic was 15? Guy broke the law. There ends my interest. Whatever happens to him he brough upon himself. Is noe xcuse, no claiming you didn't know the law. You're 18, it's your responsibility to know the law and no 18 is gonna just have sex with anyone under 18 without some question as to the legality of it.

Had a girl here who said she was 17 and was good to go. I carded her. :) That's what the older person does. Wnna play, learn the rules of the game.
There was no "vic", that's one. Two, carding wasn't the issue because there was no "I didn't know how old she was" defense. Three, an 18 year old and a 15 year old does not warrant being branded for life as a sex predator. If you think that's appropriate, then you're well outside the mainstream of reasonable thought.
If there was no vic then why is he headed to jail? Oh, right: (The jury acquitted Labrie of aggravated rape but convicted him of misdemeanor sexual assault and use of the school’s computer to lure a child for sex. At his sentencing, on 29 October, he will face up to seven years in prison.)
It wasn't statutory. According to every bit of evidence I have seen it was rape pure and simple. Like I said the little asshole got off lucky and the poor girl no doubt is now set up for life and no longer needs to ever have to find a job. That's how the rich handle things. That or they just have their enemy killed.
The jury acquitted on that charge, so you're wrong.

Yes, they did. A jury acquitted OJ too. Your point?
My point? It wasn't "plain old rape". I'm beginning to wonder if you even know what rape is.

Did the girl say "no".
No. She said she froze and didn't say anything. In some jurisdictions a difference of ten years in age is required before statutory rape becomes rape. The boy got one year on the statutory rape charge. He will serve, maybe six months. The felony charge which brought the lifetime sex offender registry was because he used a computer. There is no doubt that after a few years he will ask for and be granted removal from that list.

Oh, so the inability to speak due to a state of catatonia is now construed to be permission. I see. You know, when I was his age I could figure out real quick if the woman I was with was into it.
No. She said she froze and didn't say anything.

That's not what the OP's article says.

"She said she agreed to meet Labrie, who was a popular student and captain of the soccer team, and took off her clothes down to her underwear. She told the jury she asked him to stop him when he went around her underwear and had sex with her, but froze and did not try to escape."

I think at a point the law needs to step in, but imposing a life sentence is harsh. Teens having sex is a slap on the wrist issue and should be treated that way. This offends the sense of justice most people have.

Forcible Rape is no joke even if teens are the ones involved. Stat Rape is bullshit. Forcible Rape isn't.
Tell West while licking his boot. He's the one saying the boy committed "plain old rape".

I'm sure that made me and West both laugh. :) If he got life, it was never a stat rape charge. No where in the country has life for a 15yo victim. Under 12 yes, 15, no. Not even illegal in most states with close-in-age exemptions. Only reason you could get life is it they charged you with aggravated forcible rape and/or sodomy.
The life sentence I was referring to is the sex offender registry. I don't feel sorry for real perverts who get this branding, but an 18 and 13 year old? The sex offender registry no longer renders the service of informing the public who among them is dangerous when they include things like this.

Yes, they do. They are classified in my State as Tier One, Two or Three. Tier Three are the most dangerous and as such are monitored very heavily. This clown, depending on the nature of his crime (I don't have access to all the relevent facts) would be classified as either Tier One or Two.

Just shows you shouldn't let your animal instincts control your actions. Or are you claiming he's not a human being? If that is your assertion you might have a point.

Most people want the sex registry to inform them of dangerous individuals, not every teenager that shagged another teenager of near the same age. You're out there on the fringe thinking the sex registry system should be clogged up with cases like this and apparently you've never been human, never went through puberty, never experienced temptation with other teens and NEVER made a youthful mistake.

Welcome to Earth. I can't take you to my leader, but here's where he lives:

There was no "vic", that's one. Two, carding wasn't the issue because there was no "I didn't know how old she was" defense. Three, an 18 year old and a 15 year old does not warrant being branded for life as a sex predator. If you think that's appropriate, then you're well outside the mainstream of reasonable thought.
That's what bothers me, an 18 year old having sex with a 15 year old. If all the people who had that kind of sexual relationship had been imprisoned almost all our ancestor would be criminals throughout history.

It's just fucking stupid! America has dumbed down!
There was no "vic", that's one. Two, carding wasn't the issue because there was no "I didn't know how old she was" defense. Three, an 18 year old and a 15 year old does not warrant being branded for life as a sex predator. If you think that's appropriate, then you're well outside the mainstream of reasonable thought.
That's what bothers me, an 18 year old having sex with a 15 year old. If all the people who had that kind of sexual relationship had been imprisoned almost all our ancestor would be criminals throughout history.

It's just fucking stupid! America has dumbed down!
Under normal conditions when that happens, only the kids know. This was not "normal" conditions...
The jury acquitted on that charge, so you're wrong.

Yes, they did. A jury acquitted OJ too. Your point?
My point? It wasn't "plain old rape". I'm beginning to wonder if you even know what rape is.

Did the girl say "no".
No. She said she froze and didn't say anything. In some jurisdictions a difference of ten years in age is required before statutory rape becomes rape. The boy got one year on the statutory rape charge. He will serve, maybe six months. The felony charge which brought the lifetime sex offender registry was because he used a computer. There is no doubt that after a few years he will ask for and be granted removal from that list.

Oh, so the inability to speak due to a state of catatonia is now construed to be permission. I see. You know, when I was his age I could figure out real quick if the woman I was with was into it.

No, it's rape, if its believed. An accusation of rape isn't automatically true and that's why we have trials and the Bill of Rights. They jury didn't buy the rape accusation and even the judge did not allege forcible rape. I know Leftists think an accusation of rape is enough, as evidenced by Bill Cosby's sudden swarming by gold-digging former girlfriends, but it isn't. Courts, trials, innocent until proven guilty. Let those concepts sink in.
Yes, they did. A jury acquitted OJ too. Your point?
My point? It wasn't "plain old rape". I'm beginning to wonder if you even know what rape is.

Did the girl say "no".
No. She said she froze and didn't say anything. In some jurisdictions a difference of ten years in age is required before statutory rape becomes rape. The boy got one year on the statutory rape charge. He will serve, maybe six months. The felony charge which brought the lifetime sex offender registry was because he used a computer. There is no doubt that after a few years he will ask for and be granted removal from that list.

Oh, so the inability to speak due to a state of catatonia is now construed to be permission. I see. You know, when I was his age I could figure out real quick if the woman I was with was into it.

No, it's rape, if its believed. An accusation of rape isn't automatically true and that's why we have trials and the Bill of Rights. They jury didn't buy the rape accusation and even the judge did not allege forcible rape. I know Leftists think an accusation of rape is enough, as evidenced by Bill Cosby's sudden swarming by gold-digging former girlfriends, but it isn't. Courts, trials, innocent until proven guilty. Let those concepts sink in.
"The jury acquitted Labrie of aggravated rape but convicted him of misdemeanor sexual assault and use of the school’s computer to lure a child for sex. At his sentencing, on 29 October, he will face up to seven years in prison."
Tell West while licking his boot. He's the one saying the boy committed "plain old rape".

I'm sure that made me and West both laugh. :) If he got life, it was never a stat rape charge. No where in the country has life for a 15yo victim. Under 12 yes, 15, no. Not even illegal in most states with close-in-age exemptions. Only reason you could get life is it they charged you with aggravated forcible rape and/or sodomy.
The life sentence I was referring to is the sex offender registry. I don't feel sorry for real perverts who get this branding, but an 18 and 13 year old? The sex offender registry no longer renders the service of informing the public who among them is dangerous when they include things like this.

Oh. Not especially interested in this case. But thought the vic was 15? Guy broke the law. There ends my interest. Whatever happens to him he brough upon himself. Is noe xcuse, no claiming you didn't know the law. You're 18, it's your responsibility to know the law and no 18 is gonna just have sex with anyone under 18 without some question as to the legality of it.

Had a girl here who said she was 17 and was good to go. I carded her. :) That's what the older person does. Wnna play, learn the rules of the game.
There was no "vic", that's one. Two, carding wasn't the issue because there was no "I didn't know how old she was" defense. Three, an 18 year old and a 15 year old does not warrant being branded for life as a sex predator. If you think that's appropriate, then you're well outside the mainstream of reasonable thought.
If there was no vic then why is he headed to jail? Oh, right: (The jury acquitted Labrie of aggravated rape but convicted him of misdemeanor sexual assault and use of the school’s computer to lure a child for sex. At his sentencing, on 29 October, he will face up to seven years in prison.)
Rape, 'pure and simple' you asshole?
VERY controversial. A lifetime as a "sexual predator" for shagging another teenager 3 years younger?




Dude, you are in another thread going on and on about following rules for the girl getting dragged out of class. And here you are write a dam love letter about this guy and HAHvard potentials. Fuck off dummy
I'm sure that made me and West both laugh. :) If he got life, it was never a stat rape charge. No where in the country has life for a 15yo victim. Under 12 yes, 15, no. Not even illegal in most states with close-in-age exemptions. Only reason you could get life is it they charged you with aggravated forcible rape and/or sodomy.
The life sentence I was referring to is the sex offender registry. I don't feel sorry for real perverts who get this branding, but an 18 and 13 year old? The sex offender registry no longer renders the service of informing the public who among them is dangerous when they include things like this.

Oh. Not especially interested in this case. But thought the vic was 15? Guy broke the law. There ends my interest. Whatever happens to him he brough upon himself. Is noe xcuse, no claiming you didn't know the law. You're 18, it's your responsibility to know the law and no 18 is gonna just have sex with anyone under 18 without some question as to the legality of it.

Had a girl here who said she was 17 and was good to go. I carded her. :) That's what the older person does. Wnna play, learn the rules of the game.
There was no "vic", that's one. Two, carding wasn't the issue because there was no "I didn't know how old she was" defense. Three, an 18 year old and a 15 year old does not warrant being branded for life as a sex predator. If you think that's appropriate, then you're well outside the mainstream of reasonable thought.
If there was no vic then why is he headed to jail? Oh, right: (The jury acquitted Labrie of aggravated rape but convicted him of misdemeanor sexual assault and use of the school’s computer to lure a child for sex. At his sentencing, on 29 October, he will face up to seven years in prison.)
Rape, 'pure and simple' you asshole?
That was based on what the girl said, then I looked up the actual conviction. The jury saw it as two kids down to their undies and it went too far. That's weak, but it works okay considering it's mostly a he said-she said. Now it's rape, not so pure and simple. Feel better?
Girls should really learn how to protect themselves from unwanted advances. Emphasis on the unwanted part. By the time you have stripped down to bra and panties, saying you aren't sure won't cut it.
Girls should really learn how to protect themselves from unwanted advances. Emphasis on the unwanted part. By the time you have stripped down to bra and panties, saying you aren't sure won't cut it.
It doesn't matter a damn. if she says stop, and you could be insider her at the time, it happens, you stop, period.
Girls should really learn how to protect themselves from unwanted advances. Emphasis on the unwanted part. By the time you have stripped down to bra and panties, saying you aren't sure won't cut it.
Legally a woman can say no at any point, even right before the guy is about to bust a nut. In this case, she alleges she asked him to stop and that accusation was prosecuted and failed. I'm glad our system works in that the accusation of rape still isn't enough, especially in a case of possible post sex regret where no external evidence, other than the accusation, supports rape. So the sentence revolved around his use of a computer and the fact the girl was 3 years his junior.
That was based on what the girl said, then I looked up the actual conviction. The jury saw it as two kids down to their undies and it went too far. That's weak, but it works okay considering it's mostly a he said-she said. Now it's rape, not so pure and simple. Feel better?
The question is if you do. Do you feel comfortable with labeling an 18 year old as a rapist, 'pure and simple' for doing a 15 year old?

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