Owen Labrie, Harsh Penalty for shagging 15 yo, He was 18

Owen Labrie sentenced to a year in jail for prep school sex assault


With his once promising future at Harvard a shambles, a former New Hampshireprep school senior convicted of having sex with an underage girl as part of an unofficial school tradition was sentenced to a year in jail and probation.

Owen Labrie, now 20, faced a possible 11-year sentence for his conviction on three misdemeanor counts of sex with a 15-year-old and one felony count of using the internet to arrange a secret encounter on the campus of St Paul’s school in Concord, New Hampshire.

Labrie’s conviction for felony use of a computer also requires he register as a sex offender for life for sending the girl a “senior salute”, an old tradition on the bucolic campus where seniors in the waning days of high school ask underclassmen on a date.

Before he was sentenced, Labrie made the sign of the cross on his chest. He stood stock still while hearing he would go to prison. His mother wept.

Judge Lawrence Smukler said he rejects Labrie’s defense argument that the jury found the teenagers had consensual sex.

“This was not consensual. You did not take the time to get to know the victim to know how she reacts to various things,” Smukler said as he announced the sentence. “The very reason it is a crime is a child, someone under the age of consent, is not sufficiently mature to handle a sexual situation with an older person. She was in over her head and that was very clear.”

Prosecutors asked the judge to give Labrie three and a half to seven years in prison and undergo sex offender treatment.

Not harsh enough.
That was based on what the girl said, then I looked up the actual conviction. The jury saw it as two kids down to their undies and it went too far. That's weak, but it works okay considering it's mostly a he said-she said. Now it's rape, not so pure and simple. Feel better?
The question is if you do. Do you feel comfortable with labeling an 18 year old as a rapist, 'pure and simple' for doing a 15 year old?

Not yes but hell yes.
Owen Labrie sentenced to a year in jail for prep school sex assault


With his once promising future at Harvard a shambles, a former New Hampshireprep school senior convicted of having sex with an underage girl as part of an unofficial school tradition was sentenced to a year in jail and probation.

Owen Labrie, now 20, faced a possible 11-year sentence for his conviction on three misdemeanor counts of sex with a 15-year-old and one felony count of using the internet to arrange a secret encounter on the campus of St Paul’s school in Concord, New Hampshire.

Labrie’s conviction for felony use of a computer also requires he register as a sex offender for life for sending the girl a “senior salute”, an old tradition on the bucolic campus where seniors in the waning days of high school ask underclassmen on a date.

Before he was sentenced, Labrie made the sign of the cross on his chest. He stood stock still while hearing he would go to prison. His mother wept.

Judge Lawrence Smukler said he rejects Labrie’s defense argument that the jury found the teenagers had consensual sex.

“This was not consensual. You did not take the time to get to know the victim to know how she reacts to various things,” Smukler said as he announced the sentence. “The very reason it is a crime is a child, someone under the age of consent, is not sufficiently mature to handle a sexual situation with an older person. She was in over her head and that was very clear.”

Prosecutors asked the judge to give Labrie three and a half to seven years in prison and undergo sex offender treatment.

Not harsh enough.

Ok, heat up a vat of tar and get some feathers ready.
America is a sick fuck society. I don't regret that I no longer live there.

The worst thing about (some) Americans is this attitude their shit don't stink. Many of the assholes responding to this thread probably used to be teenagers shagging other teens within a few years of their own age. It's called growing up. I can't stand people that come off like they're perfect and never made a mistake.
America is a sick fuck society. I don't regret that I no longer live there.

The worst thing about (some) Americans is this attitude their shit don't stink. Many of the assholes responding to this thread probably used to be teenagers shagging other teens within a few years of their own age. It's called growing up. I can't stand people that come off like they're perfect and never made a mistake.

Hey fuckstick, you turn 18, you don't go swimming in the kiddie pool. Period.
America is a sick fuck society. I don't regret that I no longer live there.

The worst thing about (some) Americans is this attitude their shit don't stink. Many of the assholes responding to this thread probably used to be teenagers shagging other teens within a few years of their own age. It's called growing up. I can't stand people that come off like they're perfect and never made a mistake.
About half of black teenagers would be i n prison if the standard were 18 year olds knocking up 15 year olds. Where the hell do you think all these teenaged momas come from,teens under 18? If she weren't a white girl, trust me, this would be no issue.
America is a sick fuck society. I don't regret that I no longer live there.

The worst thing about (some) Americans is this attitude their shit don't stink. Many of the assholes responding to this thread probably used to be teenagers shagging other teens within a few years of their own age. It's called growing up. I can't stand people that come off like they're perfect and never made a mistake.

Hey fuckstick, you turn 18, you don't go swimming in the kiddie pool. Period.

Go in the closet over there and close the door behind you. We'll come get you when we need you.

America is a sick fuck society. I don't regret that I no longer live there.

The worst thing about (some) Americans is this attitude their shit don't stink. Many of the assholes responding to this thread probably used to be teenagers shagging other teens within a few years of their own age. It's called growing up. I can't stand people that come off like they're perfect and never made a mistake.
About half of black teenagers would be i n prison if the standard were 18 year olds knocking up 15 year olds. Where the hell do you think all these teenaged momas come from,teens under 18? If she weren't a white girl, trust me, this would be no issue.

Blacks are held to a lower standard. Even Leftists think they're no more intelligent than animals who don't know any better.
America is a sick fuck society. I don't regret that I no longer live there.

The worst thing about (some) Americans is this attitude their shit don't stink. Many of the assholes responding to this thread probably used to be teenagers shagging other teens within a few years of their own age. It's called growing up. I can't stand people that come off like they're perfect and never made a mistake.
About half of black teenagers would be i n prison if the standard were 18 year olds knocking up 15 year olds. Where the hell do you think all these teenaged momas come from,teens under 18? If she weren't a white girl, trust me, this would be no issue.

Just because it happens doesn't make it correct now does it. That is a condemnation of the promiscuous culture that allows it, the legal system that turns a blind eye to it and the welfare system that promotes it.

None of which pertain to this case.
VERY controversial. A lifetime as a "sexual predator" for shagging another teenager 3 years younger?




Funny how you say the 16 yr old in SC is grown and deserved what she got and this kid gets a pass. I wonder what the difference is?


The sentence is being criticized and the law that allows somebody to be branded a pervert for life for having teen sex with another teen. It should be noted because you're too stupid to see this for yourself, that when the police arrested this young man, he didn't resist, fight them, go for their gun, ignore their lawful instructions....he went peacefully along, like most white people do.
America is a sick fuck society. I don't regret that I no longer live there.

The worst thing about (some) Americans is this attitude their shit don't stink. Many of the assholes responding to this thread probably used to be teenagers shagging other teens within a few years of their own age. It's called growing up. I can't stand people that come off like they're perfect and never made a mistake.
About half of black teenagers would be i n prison if the standard were 18 year olds knocking up 15 year olds. Where the hell do you think all these teenaged momas come from,teens under 18? If she weren't a white girl, trust me, this would be no issue.

Just because it happens doesn't make it correct now does it. That is a condemnation of the promiscuous culture that allows it, the legal system that turns a blind eye to it and the welfare system that promotes it.

None of which pertain to this case.
Trust me, on any level, you have lost all credibility. It it doubtlessly sucks. But there you go!
America is a sick fuck society. I don't regret that I no longer live there.

The worst thing about (some) Americans is this attitude their shit don't stink. Many of the assholes responding to this thread probably used to be teenagers shagging other teens within a few years of their own age. It's called growing up. I can't stand people that come off like they're perfect and never made a mistake.
About half of black teenagers would be i n prison if the standard were 18 year olds knocking up 15 year olds. Where the hell do you think all these teenaged momas come from,teens under 18? If she weren't a white girl, trust me, this would be no issue.

Just because it happens doesn't make it correct now does it. That is a condemnation of the promiscuous culture that allows it, the legal system that turns a blind eye to it and the welfare system that promotes it.

None of which pertain to this case.

There's some things the legal system should turn a blind eye to. Spontaneous teenage sex is one of them.
America is a sick fuck society. I don't regret that I no longer live there.

The worst thing about (some) Americans is this attitude their shit don't stink. Many of the assholes responding to this thread probably used to be teenagers shagging other teens within a few years of their own age. It's called growing up. I can't stand people that come off like they're perfect and never made a mistake.
About half of black teenagers would be i n prison if the standard were 18 year olds knocking up 15 year olds. Where the hell do you think all these teenaged momas come from,teens under 18? If she weren't a white girl, trust me, this would be no issue.

Just because it happens doesn't make it correct now does it. That is a condemnation of the promiscuous culture that allows it, the legal system that turns a blind eye to it and the welfare system that promotes it.

None of which pertain to this case.
Trust me, on any level, you have lost all credibility.

"plain old rape"
America is a sick fuck society. I don't regret that I no longer live there.

The worst thing about (some) Americans is this attitude their shit don't stink. Many of the assholes responding to this thread probably used to be teenagers shagging other teens within a few years of their own age. It's called growing up. I can't stand people that come off like they're perfect and never made a mistake.
About half of black teenagers would be i n prison if the standard were 18 year olds knocking up 15 year olds. Where the hell do you think all these teenaged momas come from,teens under 18? If she weren't a white girl, trust me, this would be no issue.
Plain old rape was funny and stupid. Wtf were they thinking?!

Just because it happens doesn't make it correct now does it. That is a condemnation of the promiscuous culture that allows it, the legal system that turns a blind eye to it and the welfare system that promotes it.

None of which pertain to this case.
Trust me, on any level, you have lost all credibility.

"plain old rape"
Plain old rape, seriously, WTF were they thinking. How stupid can you get?
VERY controversial. A lifetime as a "sexual predator" for shagging another teenager 3 years younger?




Funny how you say the 16 yr old in SC is grown and deserved what she got and this kid gets a pass. I wonder what the difference is?


The sentence is being criticized and the law that allows somebody to be branded a pervert for life for having teen sex with another teen. It should be noted because you're too stupid to see this for yourself, that when the police arrested this young man, he didn't resist, fight them, go for their gun, ignore their lawful instructions....he went peacefully along, like most white people do.

Police interactions have nothing to do with it. It's how you refer to each perp.
White rapist gets a pass ( not surprising since 2/3 of rapists are white), while the girl with a cell phone in school " deserves " what she got. You are as transparent as glass and are too stupid to realize it.
VERY controversial. A lifetime as a "sexual predator" for shagging another teenager 3 years younger?




Funny how you say the 16 yr old in SC is grown and deserved what she got and this kid gets a pass. I wonder what the difference is?

Right! This guy rapes a chick and he's crying about the kids future. The girl in SC had the nerve to sit in her seat and he determined she was a criminal. My god, she should've just raped someone and Saint Mike would defend her.

Oh my bad, no he wouldnt, she's the wrong color. White rapes? Think about their future. Blacks sitting down? BEAT THEM!

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