Own History: George Zimmerman To Auction Off 'Heroic' Pistol That Put Down Animal Trayvon Martin

I've got my cash ready and want to get my hands on this prize. As a gun collector, this is truly special because it represents Americana at its finest. To truly own a weapon that put down a once protected feral creature called a 'negro' is just astonishing. I am salivating at the chance to bid for it. Join me and help George Zimmerman get rid of this patriotic weapon of peace. It could save your life someday, as it did George.

George Zimmerman to auction gun used to kill Trayvon Martin, report says

gZ got away with murder but he's paying for his own actions. He can't get a job and must live off other slime - like you.

If he's such a hero to you and other piles of human excrement, why aren't you just sending him money to live on?

Just like the domestic terrorists in Oregon, the anti-Americans like the feral, sub-human Steve_McGarrett are impotent losers, all show and no go.

... snip ...I don't care if Martin was white, black, or purple with green polka dots.
As a member of the wacky Left, yes you do. Color is all that matters. Zimmerman was a darker skinned Hispanic, but was described as a white Hispanic. Would you have cared if Zimmerman was purple with green polka dots and Martin was white?

You are absolutely wrong, and just assume I'm a liberal. But I take each case individually. In most white cops shooting black criminals cases, I'm on the cops' side. In this case, Martin was heard asking crazy Zimmerman, "Why are you following me?" He told his gf on the cellphone, "Some crazy, creepy ass is following me". He got scared and started to run. He didn't do anything illegal. Zimmerman, who was some kind of volunteer watchman (not a professional cop), was told by his dispatcher to leave the situation alone and to stop following Martin, but he continued. Martin got spooked and thought he was fighting for his life. I remember what it was like to be 17.

No, Zimmerman did not continue to follow Martin, he then turned around and went back to his vehicle, which is entirely irrelevant since GZ has every right to walk where the hell he wants like anyone else. The little thug Martin CHOSE to attack GZ and then tried to go for his gun.

That you think that GZ is at fault just demonstrates to the sane people of this world how much of the Idiot Kool Aid you have dranken.

Of course Zimmerman had every right to go wherever he wanted--as long as he's not stalking someone else, so how is that irrelevant? And if Zimmerman had every right to go wherever he wanted, why was Martin denied that right? Besides, the tape makes perfectly clear that Zimmerman continued to stalk his prey AFTER the dispatcher, his superior, told him to stop. So for what crime did Martin, a boy of 17 who could not live out his life, die? For wearing a hoodie? For looking at a window? For walking in the rain? As far as I can see, none of these actions are capital offenses in the United States.
... snip ...I don't care if Martin was white, black, or purple with green polka dots.
As a member of the wacky Left, yes you do. Color is all that matters. Zimmerman was a darker skinned Hispanic, but was described as a white Hispanic. Would you have cared if Zimmerman was purple with green polka dots and Martin was white?

You are absolutely wrong, and just assume I'm a liberal. But I take each case individually. In most white cops shooting black criminals cases, I'm on the cops' side. In this case, Martin was heard asking crazy Zimmerman, "Why are you following me?" He told his gf on the cellphone, "Some crazy, creepy ass is following me". He got scared and started to run. He didn't do anything illegal. Zimmerman, who was some kind of volunteer watchman (not a professional cop), was told by his dispatcher to leave the situation alone and to stop following Martin, but he continued. Martin got spooked and thought he was fighting for his life. I remember what it was like to be 17.

No, Zimmerman did not continue to follow Martin, he then turned around and went back to his vehicle, which is entirely irrelevant since GZ has every right to walk where the hell he wants like anyone else. The little thug Martin CHOSE to attack GZ and then tried to go for his gun.

That you think that GZ is at fault just demonstrates to the sane people of this world how much of the Idiot Kool Aid you have dranken.

Of course Zimmerman had every right to go wherever he wanted--as long as he's not stalking someone else, so how is that irrelevant? And if Zimmerman had every right to go wherever he wanted, why was Martin denied that right? Besides, the tape makes perfectly clear that Zimmerman continued to stalk his prey AFTER the dispatcher, his superior, told him to stop. So for what crime did Martin, a boy of 17 who could not live out his life, die? For wearing a hoodie? For looking at a window? For walking in the rain? As far as I can see, none of these actions are capital offenses in the United States.

GZ was never stalking anyone, and he had every right to watch Martin, as martin had every right to follow GZ and see what he was up to as well.

Martin crossed the line by attacking him and if you dont realize that, then you are a moron as well.
Is it some kinda art work???...

Bids in George Zimmerman gun auction up to $65M
May 13, 2016 - Bidding in an online auction for the gun George Zimmerman used to kill Trayvon Martin was up to $65 million Friday morning as Internet trolls appeared to drive the offers to astronomic levels.
Bidding on the 9 mm Kel-Tec PF-9 pistol began at $5,000 and reached more than $65 million early Friday. The top bidder at one point used the screen name “Racist McShootface.” That account was later deleted. Another bidder used the name Tamir Rice, which is the name of a 12-year-old boy shot by police in Cleveland while carrying a toy gun. The most recent bid topping $65 million is by someone identified as Craig Bryant.


After it was halted by two websites on Thursday, the auction for the gun that George Zimmerman used to kill Trayvon Martin was back up on one website Friday morning.​

The United Gun Group website began hosting the auction after another website, GunBroker.com, halted bidding. But United Gun Group briefly pulled the listing Thursday night, saying the auction was not in the organization's best interest. “Our mission is to esteem the 2nd amendment and provide a safe and secure platform for firearms enthusiasts and law-abiding citizens; our association with Mr. Zimmerman does not help us achieve that objective," the organization wrote.


A file picture date June 25 2013 shows the hands of Diana Smith, crime scene technician for the Sanford Police Department, showing the jury Zimmerman's gun, which was collected as evidence at the crime scene, during Zimmerman's trial in Seminole circuit court in Sanford, Florida.​

However, the auction was back up and running on the company’s website early Friday and the bid clock says it will be open for four more days. GunBroker.com stopped the auction on its site Thursday and said Zimmerman never contacted anyone at the firm about the listing.

Is it some kinda art work???...

Bids in George Zimmerman gun auction up to $65M
May 13, 2016 - Bidding in an online auction for the gun George Zimmerman used to kill Trayvon Martin was up to $65 million Friday morning as Internet trolls appeared to drive the offers to astronomic levels.
Bidding on the 9 mm Kel-Tec PF-9 pistol began at $5,000 and reached more than $65 million early Friday. The top bidder at one point used the screen name “Racist McShootface.” That account was later deleted. Another bidder used the name Tamir Rice, which is the name of a 12-year-old boy shot by police in Cleveland while carrying a toy gun. The most recent bid topping $65 million is by someone identified as Craig Bryant.


After it was halted by two websites on Thursday, the auction for the gun that George Zimmerman used to kill Trayvon Martin was back up on one website Friday morning.​

The United Gun Group website began hosting the auction after another website, GunBroker.com, halted bidding. But United Gun Group briefly pulled the listing Thursday night, saying the auction was not in the organization's best interest. “Our mission is to esteem the 2nd amendment and provide a safe and secure platform for firearms enthusiasts and law-abiding citizens; our association with Mr. Zimmerman does not help us achieve that objective," the organization wrote.

However, the auction was back up and running on the company’s website early Friday and the bid clock says it will be open for four more days. GunBroker.com stopped the auction on its site Thursday and said Zimmerman never contacted anyone at the firm about the listing.


Very clever artwork if there in fact is no auction like paperview says and yet it got covered by CNN and MSN
Auction sites back off Zimmerman gun sale...

Top U.S. auctioneers refused to sell gun from Trayvon Martin shooting
May 13 2016 - Two of America's leading auctioneers of guns said they refused on ethical grounds to handle the sale of the 9 mm pistol that George Zimmerman used to kill unarmed black teenager Trayvon Martin.
The firearm is so toxic that another auctioneer, the man who sold the revolver used to kill John F. Kennedy's assassin, said he would want no part of it had he been approached by Zimmerman. Zimmerman, a onetime neighborhood watch volunteer, is trying to sell the Kel-Tec PF-9 that he used to shoot the black Florida teenager in 2012, a case that convulsed the country and ignited debates on race relations, gun control and American justice. A jury acquitted Zimmerman, who was protected by Florida's "stand your ground" self-defense laws.

Two auctioneers, Wes Cowan of Cowan's Auctions in Cincinnati and James Julia of James D. Julia Auctioneers in Fairfield, Maine, both said on Friday that Zimmerman called their establishments recently hoping to consign the gun with them. Both turned him down. Cowan said he never returned the call. Julia said he instructed his employees not to accept the gun. "The man is despicable and I would have nothing to do with his gun," Julia said. Cowan said: "Morally and ethically, no, I wouldn't do it."


The handgun used in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin is seen this handout photo provided by the State Attorney's Office​

Zimmerman could not be reached for comment, but told Orlando TV station WOFL this week the gun was his to sell and he would not be "cowed" by critics. The gun may be valuable to history buffs, gun enthusiasts or opponents of the Black Lives Matter civil rights movement that Martin's death helped spawn. Others who apparently retain vitriol for Zimmerman have placed false bids on the gun in an online auction on the United Gun Group's website, bidding it up to $65 million on Friday with bidder names such as "Racist McShootFace."

Herman Darvick, a collector and auctioneer, said there was no such backlash when he helped Ruby's brother sell the .38 Colt Cobra that killed Lee Harvey Oswald on Nov. 24, 1963, two days after the assassination of John F. Kennedy. The gun sold for $220,000 in 1991. Darvick said selling the Zimmerman gun was outside the bounds of acceptable behavior. "No, I wouldn't touch it," Darvick said. "If anything, it should go to a black history museum. He shouldn't get a penny for it."

It really is so sad. I've been reading up on the case and getting a clearer picture. How many of us have gotten the munchies while watching a basketball game? The NBA game was about to start. Martin walked down to the corner store to get some Skittles and an iced tea. It started raining harder as he was walking home so he put on his hood. How many of us have done that when a little drizzle turns into rain? Zimmerman, a crackpot volunteer neighborhood watchman, spotted Martin walking. He radio'ed in to his dispatcher--a professional cop--and told him the situation. "Are you following him?", the cop asked. When Zimmerman replied yes, the cop said, "OK, we don't need you to do that!" "These bastards always get away!", Zimmerman muttered, and he started huffing and puffing to get to his prey as fast as possible. Martin called his girlfriend. "This dude is following me," he told her. "A crazy, creepy ass is following me." "Run!!", she told him. Not the best advice, but how was she to know? They were both just kids! And that's a big point. He was a kid, he got spooked, he thought he was fighting for his life! "Why are you following me?", he demanded to know of Zimmerman, when Zimmerman caught up with him. A one-minute gap in the tape. It always happens like that. Who was it on the tape that cried for help? Who was it that said, "This will be the last night of your life?" It's unclear. When did Martin catch sight of the gun? Can you imagine what he thought then? If it was me, I would've thought, "This guy is packing heat! It's either me or him. He has a gun and I don't. One of us is going to die tonight and it's not going to be me!" A witness cried afterwards for 15 minutes. "How could I have saved him?" A 17-year-old kid went out to get some munchies for an NBA game. It was the last night of his life. That POS Zimmerman goes on to have brushes with the law. I wish I had $50,000 to hire a hit-man...
Except Trayvon deserved what he got... Lol
Zimmerman the habitual criminal got zero so far for the gun...
It makes no matter what Zimmerman was Or is, he had a constitutional right to do what he did.
Treyvon was just a soon to be gangbanger who's behavior caught up to him...
Like the gang of punks dead and or in Federal jails the white thugs from Oregon and Nevada...hang them and hang them high LOL
Except Trayvon deserved what he got... Lol
Zimmerman the habitual criminal got zero so far for the gun...
It makes no matter what Zimmerman was Or is, he had a constitutional right to do what he did.
Treyvon was just a soon to be gangbanger who's behavior caught up to him...
Like the gang of punks dead and or in Federal jails the white thugs from Oregon and Nevada...hang them and hang them high LOL
It's Funny How progressives hold onto this issue, the matter is settled. The right outcome was agreed-upon…
Except Trayvon deserved what he got... Lol
Zimmerman the habitual criminal got zero so far for the gun...
It makes no matter what Zimmerman was Or is, he had a constitutional right to do what he did.
Treyvon was just a soon to be gangbanger who's behavior caught up to him...
Like the gang of punks dead and or in Federal jails the white thugs from Oregon and Nevada...hang them and hang them high LOL
It's Funny How progressives hold onto this issue, the matter is settled. The right outcome was agreed-upon…
Karma has already done a number on habitual criminal Zimmerman and Karma is not done with the thuggish murderer
Except Trayvon deserved what he got... Lol
Zimmerman the habitual criminal got zero so far for the gun...
It makes no matter what Zimmerman was Or is, he had a constitutional right to do what he did.
Treyvon was just a soon to be gangbanger who's behavior caught up to him...
Like the gang of punks dead and or in Federal jails the white thugs from Oregon and Nevada...hang them and hang them high LOL
It's Funny How progressives hold onto this issue, the matter is settled. The right outcome was agreed-upon…

He got away with murder. It's true that the murder trial is over, but Zimmerman should've been found guilty of violating Martin's civil rights--like the right to get a snack, and the right to get to his 18th birthday!

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