Own History: George Zimmerman To Auction Off 'Heroic' Pistol That Put Down Animal Trayvon Martin

Except Trayvon deserved what he got... Lol
Zimmerman the habitual criminal got zero so far for the gun...
It makes no matter what Zimmerman was Or is, he had a constitutional right to do what he did.
Treyvon was just a soon to be gangbanger who's behavior caught up to him...
Like the gang of punks dead and or in Federal jails the white thugs from Oregon and Nevada...hang them and hang them high LOL
It's Funny How progressives hold onto this issue, the matter is settled. The right outcome was agreed-upon…
Karma has already done a number on habitual criminal Zimmerman and Karma is not done with the thuggish murderer
A thug legally killed another thug both being minority's, how is that for "karma". Lol
Except Trayvon deserved what he got... Lol
Zimmerman the habitual criminal got zero so far for the gun...
It makes no matter what Zimmerman was Or is, he had a constitutional right to do what he did.
Treyvon was just a soon to be gangbanger who's behavior caught up to him...
Like the gang of punks dead and or in Federal jails the white thugs from Oregon and Nevada...hang them and hang them high LOL
It's Funny How progressives hold onto this issue, the matter is settled. The right outcome was agreed-upon…

He got away with murder. It's true that the murder trial is over, but Zimmerman should've been found guilty of violating Martin's civil rights--like the right to get a snack, and the right to get to his 18th birthday!
Trayvon Martin was a piece of shit and deserve what he got, now his parents are paying for his dumbshit actions. As they say Karma is a bitch… LOL
Zimmerman the habitual criminal got zero so far for the gun...
It makes no matter what Zimmerman was Or is, he had a constitutional right to do what he did.
Treyvon was just a soon to be gangbanger who's behavior caught up to him...
Like the gang of punks dead and or in Federal jails the white thugs from Oregon and Nevada...hang them and hang them high LOL
It's Funny How progressives hold onto this issue, the matter is settled. The right outcome was agreed-upon…
Karma has already done a number on habitual criminal Zimmerman and Karma is not done with the thuggish murderer
A thug legally killed another thug both being minority's, how is that for "karma". Lol

Why was Martin a thug? Because he had some weed? Were you ever a teen?
Zimmerman the habitual criminal got zero so far for the gun...
It makes no matter what Zimmerman was Or is, he had a constitutional right to do what he did.
Treyvon was just a soon to be gangbanger who's behavior caught up to him...
Like the gang of punks dead and or in Federal jails the white thugs from Oregon and Nevada...hang them and hang them high LOL
It's Funny How progressives hold onto this issue, the matter is settled. The right outcome was agreed-upon…

He got away with murder. It's true that the murder trial is over, but Zimmerman should've been found guilty of violating Martin's civil rights--like the right to get a snack, and the right to get to his 18th birthday!
Trayvon Martin was a piece of shit and deserve what he got, now his parents are paying for his dumbshit actions. As they say Karma is a bitch… LOL

Why did he deserve to be killed? For buying a snack for watching an NBA game on TV?
Trayvon Martin was a piece of shit and deserve what he got, now his parents are paying for his dumbshit actions. As they say Karma is a bitch… LOL

You are a piece of shit and the Right wing militia shot down in Oregon got what was coming...

BUSTED: Gun broker cancels sale of George Zimmerman’s gun used to kill Trayvon Martin
The gun auctioneer who was going to sell the weapon George Zimmerman used to kill unarmed black teen Trayvon Martin has canceled the sale, News6 reports.

It would be like OJ Simpson selling the Ginsu he used for his killings.......
Except Trayvon deserved what he got... Lol

Why did he deserve to die? He was a kid!
He was just thug soon to be gangbanger, most of them die because of their own behavior...
It makes no matter what Zimmerman was Or is, he had a constitutional right to do what he did.
Treyvon was just a soon to be gangbanger who's behavior caught up to him...
Like the gang of punks dead and or in Federal jails the white thugs from Oregon and Nevada...hang them and hang them high LOL
It's Funny How progressives hold onto this issue, the matter is settled. The right outcome was agreed-upon…

He got away with murder. It's true that the murder trial is over, but Zimmerman should've been found guilty of violating Martin's civil rights--like the right to get a snack, and the right to get to his 18th birthday!
Trayvon Martin was a piece of shit and deserve what he got, now his parents are paying for his dumbshit actions. As they say Karma is a bitch… LOL

Why did he deserve to be killed? For buying a snack for watching an NBA game on TV?
Trayvon Martin: The Teachable Moment That Never Was - Riehl World View

BUSTED: Gun broker cancels sale of George Zimmerman’s gun used to kill Trayvon Martin
The gun auctioneer who was going to sell the weapon George Zimmerman used to kill unarmed black teen Trayvon Martin has canceled the sale, News6 reports.

It would be like OJ Simpson selling the Ginsu he used for his killings.......
Except Trayvon deserved what he got... Lol

Why did he deserve to die? He was a kid!
He was just thug soon to be a gangbanger, most of them die because of their own behavior...

No one knows what would happen in the future. He was a teen that was looking out for his own life that night.
Imagine if the person who buys this off Zimmerman were to shoot him with his own pistol...
Except Trayvon deserved what he got... Lol
Zimmerman the habitual criminal got zero so far for the gun...
It makes no matter what Zimmerman was Or is, he had a constitutional right to do what he did.
Treyvon was just a soon to be gangbanger who's behavior caught up to him...

Can I also use your crystle ball? I'd like to see my future.
Leopards can't change their spots, as with thugs like Trayvon... Lol

BUSTED: Gun broker cancels sale of George Zimmerman’s gun used to kill Trayvon Martin
The gun auctioneer who was going to sell the weapon George Zimmerman used to kill unarmed black teen Trayvon Martin has canceled the sale, News6 reports.

It would be like OJ Simpson selling the Ginsu he used for his killings.......
Except Trayvon deserved what he got... Lol

Why did he deserve to die? He was a kid!
He was just thug soon to be a gangbanger, most of them die because of their own behavior...

No one knows what would happen in the future. He was a teen that was looking out for his own life that night.
Appeasement looks bad on you…
No one knows what would happen in the future. He was a teen that was looking out for his own life that night.
Appeasement looks bad on you…[/QUOTE]

Being a POS comes natural to you ...imagine rejoicing at a tragedy...you smell bad...

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