Own History: George Zimmerman To Auction Off 'Heroic' Pistol That Put Down Animal Trayvon Martin

Martin was 140 pounds and unarmed. Martin earned mostly A's and B's in school and had no criminal record. ?

Really? How does one earn A's and B's when one spends most of ones life suspended from school for drugs? He towered almost a foot over Zimmerman.

The media covered up his involvement in burglaries. In his backpack they found 12 pieces of jewelry, a watch and a flathead screwdriver. Care to tell me what he was doing with these? Was he in the jewelry repair business?

Trayvon Martin’s Involvement In Local Burglaries Covered Up By Media, School, Police, Prosecutors | Pamela Geller

He was suspended from school for pot when this happened. He'd been caught with items stolen in known burglaries. He was no saint, He was burglar druggie thug and the facts will show NOTHING different.

Here is your precious angel. Defend him until the end, it says A LOT about you.

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Most liberals don't realize, to be under threat of life or death, the following conditions do NOT have to exist:

1. The other guy has to be bigger than I am.
2. The other guy has to be stronger.
3. The other guy has to be an adult.
4. The other guy has to show a weapon.
5. The other guy must have hit me first.

Yea, read those carefully. The first 4 are obvious. The 5th, not so much so. Read this carefully. I was told this by a state trooper:

I can run up to someone and punch them in the face. If I take off running, they can chase me to hold me down until the cops arrive. They CANNOT shoot me in the back. Or even shoot AT me. They CANNOT hold me down and beat me up and pound my head into the ground. Because now, they're the aggressor and I CAN FEAR FOR MY LIFE and use deadly force on them. So just because Zimmy was acting "creepy" Travvy had no right to hold him down and beat his head into the ground. At that point, you are the aggressor. IT DOES NOT MATTER WHAT LED UP TO THAT POINT. And stop saying that Zimmy is at fault because he didn't listen to the advice of the 911 operator. He is under NO OBLIGATION to do what this person says to do. Because at that point, he is no longer a threat to you; you are a threat to him. You can call the cops, hold him down until police arrive, etc etc. But if you behave in a way that risks his life, he may end yours. How big he is, how old he is, how strong he is....all irrelevant. If you think age matters ask a cop what they would do with a 10yo boy pointing a shotgun at them with his finger on the trigger. The result is the same. Double tap to the center mass. Fear of death trumps everything else. Just like you can't shoot someone stealing your car if you're not in it, you can't shoot someone running away. For any reason.

A point to ponder for you liberal whack jobs that think Travvy did nothing wrong here. Just like a purse snatcher can be caught and held down, they can't be beat to shit on the ground. Because thats unjustifiable force. You can disarm him if he has a weapon and hold him at gun point until the police arrive. But you cannot beat the shit out of him where he fears for his life because then the purse snatcher can shoot you and be totally justified. Just because you start it doesn't mean you can't defend yourself if your life becomes in danger. This of course only holds true if you back off, like in the "punch and run" scenario I spoke of before. Or the purse snatching thing. If you don't back off then you have what you have coming to you.

I can follow you all I want to. You turn around, confront me and beat my head into the ground, I'll put hot lead into your torso every time. If Travvy was so worried about someone following him, why didn't HE call the police? No, he choose to take matters into his own hands. And got a .357 cal hole in his chest for that choice. Not smart. Why didn't he turn and ask this guy what he was doing? If he's so big and tough, how hard is it to say "Excuse me, why are you following me?" Did he do that? No, he went MMA on him.

Bad choice. Last choice he made.
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Most liberals don't realize, to be under threat of life or death, the following conditions do NOT have to exist:

1. The other guy has to be bigger than I am.
2. The other guy has to be stronger.
3. The other guy has to be an adult.
4. The other guy has to show a weapon.
5. The other guy must have hit me first.

Yea, read those carefully. The first 4 are obvious. The 5th, not so much so. Read this carefully. I was told this by a state trooper:

I can run up to someone and punch them in the face. If I take off running, they can chase me to hold me down until the cops arrive. They CANNOT shoot me in the back. Or even shoot AT me. They CANNOT hold me down and beat me up and pound my head into the ground. Because now, they're the aggressor and I CAN FEAR FOR MY LIFE and use deadly force on them. So just because Zimmy was acting "creepy" Travvy had no right to hold him down and beat his head into the ground. At that point, you are the aggressor. IT DOES NOT MATTER WHAT LED UP TO THAT POINT. And stop saying that Zimmy is at fault because he didn't listen to the advice of the 911 operator. He is under NO OBLIGATION to do what this person says to do. Because at that point, he is no longer a threat to you; you are a threat to him. You can call the cops, hold him down until police arrive, etc etc. But if you behave in a way that risks his life, he may end yours. How big he is, how old he is, how strong he is....all irrelevant. If you think age matters ask a cop what they would do with a 10yo boy pointing a shotgun at them with his finger on the trigger. The result is the same. Double tap to the center mass. Fear of death trumps everything else. Just like you can't shoot someone stealing your car if you're not in it, you can't shoot someone running away. For any reason.

A point to ponder for you liberal whack jobs that think Travvy did nothing wrong here. Just like a purse snatcher can be caught and held down, they can't be beat to shit on the ground. Because thats unjustifiable force. You can disarm him if he has a weapon and hold him at gun point until the police arrive. But you cannot beat the shit out of him where he fears for his life because then the purse snatcher can shoot you and be totally justified. Just because you start it doesn't mean you can't defend yourself if your life becomes in danger. This of course only holds true if you back off, like in the "punch and run" scenario I spoke of before. Or the purse snatching thing. If you don't back off then you have what you have coming to you.

I can follow you all I want to. You turn around, confront me and beat my head into the ground, I'll put hot lead into your torso every time. If Travvy was so worried about someone following him, why didn't HE call the police? No, he choose to take matters into his own hands. And got a .357 cal hole in his chest for that choice. Not smart. Why didn't he turn and ask this guy what he was doing? If he's so big and tough, how hard is it to say "Excuse me, why are you following me?" Did he do that? No, he went MMA on him.

Bad choice. Last choice he made.

I don't think Zimmerman should've been sent to prison on a murder charge. But I do think he should've been put on trial for violating Martin's civil rights (by stalking him).
Most liberals don't realize, to be under threat of life or death, the following conditions do NOT have to exist:

1. The other guy has to be bigger than I am.
2. The other guy has to be stronger.
3. The other guy has to be an adult.
4. The other guy has to show a weapon.
5. The other guy must have hit me first.

Yea, read those carefully. The first 4 are obvious. The 5th, not so much so. Read this carefully. I was told this by a state trooper:

I can run up to someone and punch them in the face. If I take off running, they can chase me to hold me down until the cops arrive. They CANNOT shoot me in the back. Or even shoot AT me. They CANNOT hold me down and beat me up and pound my head into the ground. Because now, they're the aggressor and I CAN FEAR FOR MY LIFE and use deadly force on them. So just because Zimmy was acting "creepy" Travvy had no right to hold him down and beat his head into the ground. At that point, you are the aggressor. IT DOES NOT MATTER WHAT LED UP TO THAT POINT. And stop saying that Zimmy is at fault because he didn't listen to the advice of the 911 operator. He is under NO OBLIGATION to do what this person says to do. Because at that point, he is no longer a threat to you; you are a threat to him. You can call the cops, hold him down until police arrive, etc etc. But if you behave in a way that risks his life, he may end yours. How big he is, how old he is, how strong he is....all irrelevant. If you think age matters ask a cop what they would do with a 10yo boy pointing a shotgun at them with his finger on the trigger. The result is the same. Double tap to the center mass. Fear of death trumps everything else. Just like you can't shoot someone stealing your car if you're not in it, you can't shoot someone running away. For any reason.

A point to ponder for you liberal whack jobs that think Travvy did nothing wrong here. Just like a purse snatcher can be caught and held down, they can't be beat to shit on the ground. Because thats unjustifiable force. You can disarm him if he has a weapon and hold him at gun point until the police arrive. But you cannot beat the shit out of him where he fears for his life because then the purse snatcher can shoot you and be totally justified. Just because you start it doesn't mean you can't defend yourself if your life becomes in danger. This of course only holds true if you back off, like in the "punch and run" scenario I spoke of before. Or the purse snatching thing. If you don't back off then you have what you have coming to you.

I can follow you all I want to. You turn around, confront me and beat my head into the ground, I'll put hot lead into your torso every time. If Travvy was so worried about someone following him, why didn't HE call the police? No, he choose to take matters into his own hands. And got a .357 cal hole in his chest for that choice. Not smart. Why didn't he turn and ask this guy what he was doing? If he's so big and tough, how hard is it to say "Excuse me, why are you following me?" Did he do that? No, he went MMA on him.

Bad choice. Last choice he made.

I don't think Zimmerman should've been sent to prison on a murder charge. But I do think he should've been put on trial for violating Martin's civil rights (by stalking him).
Dude, even the hack DOJ said he didn't violate his rights.
Most liberals don't realize, to be under threat of life or death, the following conditions do NOT have to exist:

1. The other guy has to be bigger than I am.
2. The other guy has to be stronger.
3. The other guy has to be an adult.
4. The other guy has to show a weapon.
5. The other guy must have hit me first.

Yea, read those carefully. The first 4 are obvious. The 5th, not so much so. Read this carefully. I was told this by a state trooper:

I can run up to someone and punch them in the face. If I take off running, they can chase me to hold me down until the cops arrive. They CANNOT shoot me in the back. Or even shoot AT me. They CANNOT hold me down and beat me up and pound my head into the ground. Because now, they're the aggressor and I CAN FEAR FOR MY LIFE and use deadly force on them. So just because Zimmy was acting "creepy" Travvy had no right to hold him down and beat his head into the ground. At that point, you are the aggressor. IT DOES NOT MATTER WHAT LED UP TO THAT POINT. And stop saying that Zimmy is at fault because he didn't listen to the advice of the 911 operator. He is under NO OBLIGATION to do what this person says to do. Because at that point, he is no longer a threat to you; you are a threat to him. You can call the cops, hold him down until police arrive, etc etc. But if you behave in a way that risks his life, he may end yours. How big he is, how old he is, how strong he is....all irrelevant. If you think age matters ask a cop what they would do with a 10yo boy pointing a shotgun at them with his finger on the trigger. The result is the same. Double tap to the center mass. Fear of death trumps everything else. Just like you can't shoot someone stealing your car if you're not in it, you can't shoot someone running away. For any reason.

A point to ponder for you liberal whack jobs that think Travvy did nothing wrong here. Just like a purse snatcher can be caught and held down, they can't be beat to shit on the ground. Because thats unjustifiable force. You can disarm him if he has a weapon and hold him at gun point until the police arrive. But you cannot beat the shit out of him where he fears for his life because then the purse snatcher can shoot you and be totally justified. Just because you start it doesn't mean you can't defend yourself if your life becomes in danger. This of course only holds true if you back off, like in the "punch and run" scenario I spoke of before. Or the purse snatching thing. If you don't back off then you have what you have coming to you.

I can follow you all I want to. You turn around, confront me and beat my head into the ground, I'll put hot lead into your torso every time. If Travvy was so worried about someone following him, why didn't HE call the police? No, he choose to take matters into his own hands. And got a .357 cal hole in his chest for that choice. Not smart. Why didn't he turn and ask this guy what he was doing? If he's so big and tough, how hard is it to say "Excuse me, why are you following me?" Did he do that? No, he went MMA on him.

Bad choice. Last choice he made.

I don't think Zimmerman should've been sent to prison on a murder charge. But I do think he should've been put on trial for violating Martin's civil rights (by stalking him).

not much of a chance in that after zimmerman was acquitted
Martin's last words were, "You got me." He went out in a "Blaze of Glory". And just like it says in that Bon Jovi song, that boy "died like a man." At least that's comforting.
Most liberals don't realize, to be under threat of life or death, the following conditions do NOT have to exist:

1. The other guy has to be bigger than I am.
2. The other guy has to be stronger.
3. The other guy has to be an adult.
4. The other guy has to show a weapon.
5. The other guy must have hit me first.

Yea, read those carefully. The first 4 are obvious. The 5th, not so much so. Read this carefully. I was told this by a state trooper:

I can run up to someone and punch them in the face. If I take off running, they can chase me to hold me down until the cops arrive. They CANNOT shoot me in the back. Or even shoot AT me. They CANNOT hold me down and beat me up and pound my head into the ground. Because now, they're the aggressor and I CAN FEAR FOR MY LIFE and use deadly force on them. So just because Zimmy was acting "creepy" Travvy had no right to hold him down and beat his head into the ground. At that point, you are the aggressor. IT DOES NOT MATTER WHAT LED UP TO THAT POINT. And stop saying that Zimmy is at fault because he didn't listen to the advice of the 911 operator. He is under NO OBLIGATION to do what this person says to do. Because at that point, he is no longer a threat to you; you are a threat to him. You can call the cops, hold him down until police arrive, etc etc. But if you behave in a way that risks his life, he may end yours. How big he is, how old he is, how strong he is....all irrelevant. If you think age matters ask a cop what they would do with a 10yo boy pointing a shotgun at them with his finger on the trigger. The result is the same. Double tap to the center mass. Fear of death trumps everything else. Just like you can't shoot someone stealing your car if you're not in it, you can't shoot someone running away. For any reason.

A point to ponder for you liberal whack jobs that think Travvy did nothing wrong here. Just like a purse snatcher can be caught and held down, they can't be beat to shit on the ground. Because thats unjustifiable force. You can disarm him if he has a weapon and hold him at gun point until the police arrive. But you cannot beat the shit out of him where he fears for his life because then the purse snatcher can shoot you and be totally justified. Just because you start it doesn't mean you can't defend yourself if your life becomes in danger. This of course only holds true if you back off, like in the "punch and run" scenario I spoke of before. Or the purse snatching thing. If you don't back off then you have what you have coming to you.

I can follow you all I want to. You turn around, confront me and beat my head into the ground, I'll put hot lead into your torso every time. If Travvy was so worried about someone following him, why didn't HE call the police? No, he choose to take matters into his own hands. And got a .357 cal hole in his chest for that choice. Not smart. Why didn't he turn and ask this guy what he was doing? If he's so big and tough, how hard is it to say "Excuse me, why are you following me?" Did he do that? No, he went MMA on him.

Bad choice. Last choice he made.

I don't think Zimmerman should've been sent to prison on a murder charge. But I do think he should've been put on trial for violating Martin's civil rights (by stalking him).

not much of a chance in that after zimmerman was acquitted

Yeah, it's called Double Jeapordy.
I've got my cash ready and want to get my hands on this prize. As a gun collector, this is truly special because it represents Americana at its finest. To truly own a weapon that put down a once protected feral creature called a 'negro' is just astonishing. I am salivating at the chance to bid for it. Join me and help George Zimmerman get rid of this patriotic weapon of peace. It could save your life someday, as it did George.

George Zimmerman to auction gun used to kill Trayvon Martin, report says

Let me ask you a question

If OJ Simpson wrote a book entitled I Killed The Bitch would you be hooting and hollering about how you couldn't wait to buy a copy?

This is tacky as fuck and an insult to gun owners everywhere, as is George.
Most liberals don't realize, to be under threat of life or death, the following conditions do NOT have to exist:

1. The other guy has to be bigger than I am.
2. The other guy has to be stronger.
3. The other guy has to be an adult.
4. The other guy has to show a weapon.
5. The other guy must have hit me first.

Yea, read those carefully. The first 4 are obvious. The 5th, not so much so. Read this carefully. I was told this by a state trooper:

I can run up to someone and punch them in the face. If I take off running, they can chase me to hold me down until the cops arrive. They CANNOT shoot me in the back. Or even shoot AT me. They CANNOT hold me down and beat me up and pound my head into the ground. Because now, they're the aggressor and I CAN FEAR FOR MY LIFE and use deadly force on them. So just because Zimmy was acting "creepy" Travvy had no right to hold him down and beat his head into the ground. At that point, you are the aggressor. IT DOES NOT MATTER WHAT LED UP TO THAT POINT. And stop saying that Zimmy is at fault because he didn't listen to the advice of the 911 operator. He is under NO OBLIGATION to do what this person says to do. Because at that point, he is no longer a threat to you; you are a threat to him. You can call the cops, hold him down until police arrive, etc etc. But if you behave in a way that risks his life, he may end yours. How big he is, how old he is, how strong he is....all irrelevant. If you think age matters ask a cop what they would do with a 10yo boy pointing a shotgun at them with his finger on the trigger. The result is the same. Double tap to the center mass. Fear of death trumps everything else. Just like you can't shoot someone stealing your car if you're not in it, you can't shoot someone running away. For any reason.

A point to ponder for you liberal whack jobs that think Travvy did nothing wrong here. Just like a purse snatcher can be caught and held down, they can't be beat to shit on the ground. Because thats unjustifiable force. You can disarm him if he has a weapon and hold him at gun point until the police arrive. But you cannot beat the shit out of him where he fears for his life because then the purse snatcher can shoot you and be totally justified. Just because you start it doesn't mean you can't defend yourself if your life becomes in danger. This of course only holds true if you back off, like in the "punch and run" scenario I spoke of before. Or the purse snatching thing. If you don't back off then you have what you have coming to you.

I can follow you all I want to. You turn around, confront me and beat my head into the ground, I'll put hot lead into your torso every time. If Travvy was so worried about someone following him, why didn't HE call the police? No, he choose to take matters into his own hands. And got a .357 cal hole in his chest for that choice. Not smart. Why didn't he turn and ask this guy what he was doing? If he's so big and tough, how hard is it to say "Excuse me, why are you following me?" Did he do that? No, he went MMA on him.

Bad choice. Last choice he made.

I don't think Zimmerman should've been sent to prison on a murder charge. But I do think he should've been put on trial for violating Martin's civil rights (by stalking him).

not much of a chance in that after zimmerman was acquitted

Yeah, it's called Double Jeapordy.

no really it is not
Now that POS Zimmerman gave an interview, where he said that Martin had terrible parents, who didn't teach him right from wrong. Meanwhile, Zimmerman is the one with about a half-dozen mug-shots on file, with police. How many does Martin have? None. Unless you count his death pictures.
Martin was 140 pounds and unarmed. Martin earned mostly A's and B's in school and had no criminal record. ?

Really? How does one earn A's and B's when one spends most of ones life suspended from school for drugs? He towered almost a foot over Zimmerman.

The media covered up his involvement in burglaries. In his backpack they found 12 pieces of jewelry, a watch and a flathead screwdriver. Care to tell me what he was doing with these? Was he in the jewelry repair business?

Trayvon Martin’s Involvement In Local Burglaries Covered Up By Media, School, Police, Prosecutors | Pamela Geller

He was suspended from school for pot when this happened. He'd been caught with items stolen in known burglaries. He was no saint, He was burglar druggie thug and the facts will show NOTHING different.

Here is your precious angel. Defend him until the end, it says A LOT about you.


A picture worthy of the death penalty! I never said he was an angel. Who is? The white supremacists who post here?

BTW, my brother-in-law, a respected businessman who lives in a straight-up world, has a picture of himself doing that.
And if your brother in law ever decided to jump on someone and pound their head into the cement I would support him taking hot lead to his abdomen as well.
Good for George. If the leftist media hadn't ruined this innocent man's life...I would think this was classless...but because the lying media has made it hard for him to find work and all of that...I make an exception.
Good for George. If the leftist media hadn't ruined this innocent man's life...I would think this was classless...but because the lying media has made it hard for him to find work and all of that...I make an exception.

First of all, anyone can find work if they want to. I'm sure he could be a janitor somewhere. It's probably the only thing he's qualified for anyway. And he's hardly innocent. How many mug-shots of him do the police have on file now (from other cases)?
Good for George. If the leftist media hadn't ruined this innocent man's life...I would think this was classless...but because the lying media has made it hard for him to find work and all of that...I make an exception.

First of all, anyone can find work if they want to. I'm sure he could be a janitor somewhere. It's probably the only thing he's qualified for anyway. And he's hardly innocent. How many mug-shots of him do the police have on file now (from other cases)?
In the case in question, he was innocent. You could say following Trayboon after he took off running was a dumb idea and I would agree with you on that, but he was vindicated in the case that drove him into the spotlight...it was self defense. So what you can do is stop acting like a fat old housewife, treating this story like it's your own real life soap opera...and stop pretending you actually give two shits about Trayboon, George, or Trayboons worthless shitty parents.

Nobody besides people who know these folks personally gives an actual shit about any of the people involved in this whole affair. You just want to pat yourself on the back and feel good about yourself....like most SJW clowns.
Good for George. If the leftist media hadn't ruined this innocent man's life...I would think this was classless...but because the lying media has made it hard for him to find work and all of that...I make an exception.

First of all, anyone can find work if they want to. I'm sure he could be a janitor somewhere. It's probably the only thing he's qualified for anyway. And he's hardly innocent. How many mug-shots of him do the police have on file now (from other cases)?
In the case in question, he was innocent. You could say following Trayboon after he took off running was a dumb idea and I would agree with you on that, but he was vindicated in the case that drove him into the spotlight...it was self defense. So what you can do is stop acting like a fat old housewife, treating this story like it's your own real life soap opera...and stop pretending you actually give two shits about Trayboon, George, or Trayboons worthless shitty parents.

Nobody besides people who know these folks personally gives an actual shit about any of the people involved in this whole affair. You just want to pat yourself on the back and feel good about yourself....like most SJW clowns.

You know nothing about me. I said nothing personal about you--only about the people in question. Obviously, I do care because I believe Trayvon's civil rights were violated. You will not win this debate just because you lace your posts with expletives. That doesn't prove anything.
Good for George. If the leftist media hadn't ruined this innocent man's life...I would think this was classless...but because the lying media has made it hard for him to find work and all of that...I make an exception.

First of all, anyone can find work if they want to. I'm sure he could be a janitor somewhere. It's probably the only thing he's qualified for anyway. And he's hardly innocent. How many mug-shots of him do the police have on file now (from other cases)?
In the case in question, he was innocent. You could say following Trayboon after he took off running was a dumb idea and I would agree with you on that, but he was vindicated in the case that drove him into the spotlight...it was self defense. So what you can do is stop acting like a fat old housewife, treating this story like it's your own real life soap opera...and stop pretending you actually give two shits about Trayboon, George, or Trayboons worthless shitty parents.

Nobody besides people who know these folks personally gives an actual shit about any of the people involved in this whole affair. You just want to pat yourself on the back and feel good about yourself....like most SJW clowns.

You know nothing about me. I said nothing personal about you--only about the people in question. Obviously, I do care because I believe Trayvon's civil rights were violated. You will not win this debate just because you lace your posts with expletives. That doesn't prove anything.
There is no debate. You are a clown.
Good for George. If the leftist media hadn't ruined this innocent man's life...I would think this was classless...but because the lying media has made it hard for him to find work and all of that...I make an exception.

First of all, anyone can find work if they want to. I'm sure he could be a janitor somewhere. It's probably the only thing he's qualified for anyway. And he's hardly innocent. How many mug-shots of him do the police have on file now (from other cases)?
In the case in question, he was innocent. You could say following Trayboon after he took off running was a dumb idea and I would agree with you on that, but he was vindicated in the case that drove him into the spotlight...it was self defense. So what you can do is stop acting like a fat old housewife, treating this story like it's your own real life soap opera...and stop pretending you actually give two shits about Trayboon, George, or Trayboons worthless shitty parents.

Nobody besides people who know these folks personally gives an actual shit about any of the people involved in this whole affair. You just want to pat yourself on the back and feel good about yourself....like most SJW clowns.

You know nothing about me. I said nothing personal about you--only about the people in question. Obviously, I do care because I believe Trayvon's civil rights were violated. You will not win this debate just because you lace your posts with expletives. That doesn't prove anything.
There is no debate. You are a clown.

Well, you certainly proved your point by calling me names.

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