Own Your Failure, Biden Voters

The military made that decision. There is no evidence anyone has been left behind.
The President is the Commander and Chief of the military. Such strategic decisions would not be made without the President's approval, not that I would expect you to know how any of this works.

I agree that the people telling Biden that any of these were good ideas were:

Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin:
Austin was too busy telling the military to Stand Down and looking for 'white supremacists' / conservatives to kick out of the military, pushing the Marxist Left's ideology and agenda, to seriously figure out what was going on and to make correct strategic and tactical decisions.

Chairman of The Joint Chiefs Of Staff Milley:
Milley is one of Obama's hand-picked - Obama nominated him to lead the Army in 2015, beginning his road to having him eventually appointed as Chairman of the Jt Chiefs of Staff. Milley was picked because of his similar ideology / agenda. Milley is the 'woke' idiot who mandated / forced the military academies to teach their cadets / midshipmen Critical Race Theory. He has also attempted to force active duty military to undergo CRT Training. The combat units I work with, however, pushed back and have flatly refused to do so. Special Ops members have stepped forward to argue that their lives depend on the cohesive unity of their teams, that CRT is highly divisive, and such training that could divide their teams and cause someone to get killed. Milley KNOWS this, as he has a SpecOps background.

USCENTCOM Commander Kenneth McKenzie:
McKenzie is a relatively smart man - you have to be to rise to the position of USCENTCOM/CC; however, like Biden, he has the nasty habit of ignoring his advisors, who know more and have more experience than McKenzie. Surrendering Bagram air base was devastating and equates to an act worthy of being demoted, stripped of his command.
- If you notice, immediately after surrendering / abandoning Bagram air base he was almost immediately recalled back to the states.

At his disposal as USCENTCOM (US Central Command) Commander was a mission called 'NEO'.

Noncombatant Evacuation Operations (NEO) is the ordered (mandatory) or authorized (voluntary) departure of civilian noncombatants and nonessential military personnel from danger in an overseas country to a designated safe haven, typically within the continental United States.

It is a highly specialized mission well planned out, assets already identified and rearing to go when called upon to execute. Evacuating US citizens from Afghanistan is an example of exactly why NEO was created. Despite assets and personnel having been put on alert to go when it was expected to be ordered, McKenzie never called for the mission to be conducted. WHEN McKENZIE ABANDONED BAGRAM, THE US AIR BASE THAT HAD 2 LARGE RUNWAYS AND WAS MORE DEFENSIBLE, NEO WAS PRETTY MUCH REMOVED FROM THE TABE AS AN OPTION. It could still be done from the airport, but it would have been much harder and placed much more risk on those conducting the operation.

Biden, Austin, Milley, and McKenzie, together, torpedoed the entire plan to evacuate Afghanistan. Instead of 'burning bridges' behind you as you retreat to sow down the enemy, these 4 idiots burned down the bridges all around them and many of those in front of them, funneling them into a single one-runway airport, surrounded by terrorists who cut off Americans from the airport and then began attacking the airport.

This about sums up what they did to themselves:


Many leaders and military members - active duty and retired - have publicly rebuked / criticized these horrible decisions. One commander of an Army unit publicly pointed out Austin, Milley's, & McKenzie's errors, and he was immediately removed from his command - his career is over...despite being right in what he said.
- Having served / retired after approx 30 years I especially know that what this young commander did, publicly rebuking these far superior / higher ranking leaders publicly was a breach in chain of command and something that is not tolerated (undermining authority)...but he made the decision that doing what was 'right' was worth his career.
The military made that decision. There is no evidence anyone has been left behind.

You are the loser and liar.
you truly can't be that fking stupid. They left most all of the army and airforce toys there. Come on dude, don't play stupid so blatantly.
No he was a congress crook in 2001--who voted for the war in Afghanistan, which you know but have chosen to try to blow smoke over MAC. You have problems with the TRUTH....
Who put us in Afghanistan? Who made the final decision? Who gave the word?

Go ahead. Lay some of your "truth" on me. No spin, no deflection, no smoke. Just your "truth".
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Sorry to skip 27 fucking pages of probable RWI propaganda.

But please explain why "I'm a Commie" and why "I hate this Country."
Because you’re a leftist piece of shit that likes policies designed to destroy this country.
Who put us in Afghanistan? Who made the final decision? Who gave the word?

Go ahead. Lay some of your "truth" on me. No spin, no deflection, no smoke. Just your "truth".
Bush went in with a sign off from Congress. It's what presidents with dignity do. So Xiden agreed to the occupation. Can't get out of it sally.
Oh ye of paltry wit. You must, on some level grasp that you really are quite stupid. You're part of the democrat Reich after all, not a sign of intellect.

I suppose the ability to contain your intellect would be a feat of quantum mechanics, objects on the Planck scale...
Oh he tries
Oh how he tries
To prove like Dado he's smart
But to write like the Dado is an art
Which in his giant cranium you'll not find
Cause he'll never write like Dado
With his Tiny Tiny Mind.
Own it.

"Look around, at the $5 gas and the hobos pooping in our parks, at the constantly shifting vaccine/mask goalposts and the cat ladies/public school teachers determined to inject Ibram X. Kendian race hustling into your kids’ cerebellums. Look at the flag-draped caskets coming off the planes at Dover.

You did that, non-dead Biden voters.


This is your failure.

Own it.

Electing Joe Biden was an essentially unserious act by essentially unserious people applying essentially unserious criteria. And these entirely predictable consequences flowed from that failure on the part of people who refused to demand a real candidate instead of this exceptionally dumb ventriloquist dummy. None of the Democrats were prizes, but this guy can’t find his left slipper on his own, much less lead our country..."

Own Your Failure Biden Voters

More like
Marvelous Success.

All of that temporary and less-important $hit you itemized can be fixed after a few years of an old Caretaker President.

The Republic could
NOT have been fixed if your Orange Baboon-God - with his delusions of empire - destroyed American representative democracy.

< mic drop >


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