Own Your Failure, Biden Voters

Yeah, and maybe something to do with the wages and salaries those American corporations would be paying Americans?

You're of no value to a discussion if you're going to just slink away from facing the facts.

The plain truth is, Americans themselves are responsible for their capitalist chickens coming home to roost!
Now all of a sudden Americans like you are turning into 'socialists' who are showing concern for what unrestrained and unregulated capitalism had dealt your country.
What are the wages in China?
According to Pelosi and Obama the President does affect gas prices. You can dig up those videos yourself. They would correct. A president's polices will indirectly affect the price of gas.
LEO gas nothing to do with the price of fuel either. You stupid or something?
How does that prevent us from hating magaturds? Don't inject deflection. We hate when you do that.
We independents don’t appreciate authoritarians. So…naturally we don’t support the Biden administration.

I'm not a moderate, nor have I ever claimed to be. That's just your alternate universe speaking to you.

And that's precisely what I voted against.
You're constantly attacking "wingers," but you aren't a moderate?

So what the fuck are you?
We independents don’t appreciate authoritarians. So…naturally we don’t support the Biden administration.

Independents are all over the spectrum, politically. You're just a magaturd pretending. It's okay, tho. It's a big group. You do you. :113:
Own it.

"Look around, at the $5 gas and the hobos pooping in our parks, at the constantly shifting vaccine/mask goalposts and the cat ladies/public school teachers determined to inject Ibram X. Kendian race hustling into your kids’ cerebellums. Look at the flag-draped caskets coming off the planes at Dover.

Own Your Failure Biden Voters

What da fuk does this have to do with "Cat Ladies" ????

I know more than a few and guess what? They are mostly ANTI-VAXXERS.
They literally got Bi-Dung on their shoes and it don't wipe off and they'll never own it.

Just remember--
No matter what:​
  1. Joe pushes through a whole bunch of radical, crazy, unbelievable crap that no sane American wants.
  2. The media will largely tell the public that all is fine, nothing bad happened, and that there is nothing to see here.
  3. Meanwhile, they still continue 45 investigations into the shrub in Trump's front lawn.
  4. First the government will deny what they are doing, then they will tell you it's all for your own good.
  5. And no GOP member in Congress worth their salt will so much as even raise much of a stink about it.
Independents are all over the spectrum, politically. You're just a magaturd pretending. It's okay, tho. It's a big group. You do you. :113:
If by “all over the spectrum” you mean we tend to agree with both parties on certain issues then yes. We however do not kiss democrat ass constantly ( like you seem to 24/7).
BTW Democrats are losing independents on COVID,Afghanistan, guns and freedom of speech. Independents also aren’t to happy with the immigration fiasco right now either.
You don't speak for any faction of Independent voters. You are simply painting us all with your broad brush of magaturd feelz. I believe there's more critical thinking in the majority of Independent voters than you understand, with your feelz and all. It's why your tribe lost.

As Biden repeats claim that ‘nobody could have known’ Afghan Army would collapse, bombshell transcript from July 23 reveals he pressured Afghan President Ghani to create 'perception' Taliban wasn't winning ‘WHETHER IT'S TRUE OR NOT’​


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