Own Your Failure, Biden Voters

The reduction to 2500 came on Jan 15 2021. Forcing the incoming administration to either trust the Afghan Army to fight the Taliban or redeploy 10's of thousands of our troops back into the country.
Well, Biden could have chosen to reneg on Trump's deal with the Taliban, and maintain Bagram and bomb the crap out of the Taliban to buck up the Afghan Army even with a few thousand troops. But our sons and daughters would have died. And we'd have further killed the dollar. Some trump supporters now seem to favor that. But even Tom "pickin" Cotton was for the pullout.

The thing Biden didn't expect, and so far as I know Trump never offered a view on when he was still president, was how the entire Aghan govt - army pols police everything - would just disappear the very day that American troops started loading up to leave. Neither Biden nor Trump were very consistent on how many "helpers" we'd take with us. Biden's "immigration" plan is already a dem disaster pending in border states.

I'm not terribly sympathetic towards the Afghans. If the "helpers" were really committed, the Taliban wouldn't be running Kabul today, imo. Biden was gonna get hammered on that. But the military managed to get 200k out. And the reality is a maj of Afghans would like to leave. And anyone who sees evidence that nation building was working is crazy or lying.

And as Mac1958 has been posting, Americans havn't given a shit. The issues are the economy, covid, schools, infrastructure, the border .... afghan only mattered to the families of the soldiers .... until it became political fodder. Biden ended the damn war.
Yeah 60 dead Americans under TRUMP----want to compare that number to the dead under OBAMA and now BIDEN?

TRump unlike your two pieces of treasonous shit, did all he could to save american Soldiers and allies lives. Can't say that for either Biden or Obama can you.
oh yeah Herr Miller was for bringing the Afghans here. YOU LIE
I’m on record as being pleased that we are OUT and on record saying Biden did the best he could have with the shit sandwich that Afghanistan was
If you insist on dpesking for me then I will speak for you too

you are ok with the shit sandwich that biden created
I’m on record as being pleased that we are OUT and on record saying Biden did the best he could have with the shit sandwich that Afghanistan was
This is their specialty. They just make shit up that you supposedly said, and then attack you for it.

It doesn't matter if it's pure fantasy. Hey, look at the behaviors of the man they adore.

They've turned the straw man argument into an art form. A lifestyle.
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Trump reduced the troop numbers to 2500 In Jan 2021, right before Joe took office.
Maybe so

but whether the military actuslly complied eith that directive is open for dispute

the exact number does not matter here

if the election had not been stolen trump would have owned whatever he decided to do

but he (trump) is not in office now and biden is 100% responsible now
Lets be honest, Biden ran for the exit in Afghanistan abandoning Americans and Afghani allies. Got nearly 200 people murdered in the process. After this blew up in his face he's out there today blaming everyone else for his failures as POTUS.
Why not? According to the left's point of view, GW caused Hurricane Katrina with the Halliburton Weather Machine, because he was "racist".

I love how you people have this obsession with Kanye West. First you hated him for calling Bush was racist, now you like him because he and Trump are narcissistic personality disorder fuck buddies.

The left never gave a shit about Kanye. Only you do.
I love how you people have this obsession with Kanye West. First you hated him for calling Bush was racist, now you like him because he and Trump are narcissistic personality disorder fuck buddies.

The left never gave a shit about Kanye. Only you do.

Kanya who?
Own it.

"Look around, at the $5 gas and the hobos pooping in our parks, at the constantly shifting vaccine/mask goalposts and the cat ladies/public school teachers determined to inject Ibram X. Kendian race hustling into your kids’ cerebellums. Look at the flag-draped caskets coming off the planes at Dover.

You did that, non-dead Biden voters.


This is your failure.

Own it.

Electing Joe Biden was an essentially unserious act by essentially unserious people applying essentially unserious criteria. And these entirely predictable consequences flowed from that failure on the part of people who refused to demand a real candidate instead of this exceptionally dumb ventriloquist dummy. None of the Democrats were prizes, but this guy can’t find his left slipper on his own, much less lead our country..."

Own Your Failure Biden Voters

Biden is doing a great job!
Know what he does best?
Owning the Tiny minded like yourself.

Yup, and the opposite of Trumpism is Bidenism, a brain dead moron who spent his life selling this country out to the Chinese and any other highest bidder.

We no longer have a President willing to stand up to Communist China, bring manufacturing jobs back, keeping us energy independent, and keeping relative peace in the Middle East while still turning terrorists into puddles of burnt goo.

So thanks to idiots like you, we traded “Trumpism” for Bidenism.
Are you aware that almost all your MAGA gear is made in China?

If you live in California, you chose to live in the state with the highest gas tax in the country. You chose to live in the state with the highest state taxes in the country. You chose to live in one of the 3 highest costs of living states in the country.
You chose poorly.

I was born here. My kids and grandkids live here.

Roots, it's a concept.
They can't. Getting rid of Trump, even with a stolen election and ensuing riot, was supposed to be a good thing. They never gave any thought or concern to whatever idiot the DNC scraped off their shoe to install there in his place.

They literally got Bi-Dung on their shoes and it don't wipe off and they'll never own it.
They'll just continue to trapse across our Country spreading his shit!!

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