Own Your Failure, Biden Voters

Biden did not break the agreement. That is where he went wrong. He should have re-negotiated a stronger deal than than the surrender document Trump signed. Biden did nothing of the sort as no one is the US had any idea that the Afghan forces would crumble.

Try making me STFU. You are the shameless lying troll.

Show us the agreement and what it is in there that restricted Biden from doing it differently?
Biden broke the agreement, surrendered Bagram, let tge Taliban dictate the terms of the evacuation, surrendered the city, surrendered the path to the airport, got 13 Americans killed, countless others injured, lied about not leaving until ALL Americans had been evacuated,then left Americans behind.

STFU, you shameless, lying troll!

The Afghan Military refused to fight and allowed the Taliban to take over the country in about a month. Was that in the agreement? Who is responsible for that trillion dollar failure?
I may as well be trying to communicate with wild-eyed Jihadis on the streets of Damascus.

Trumpsters have no balls and no shame.
Lying POS - I'm right here calling your lies and bullshit out. You are the one who called 13 dead military members 'political opportunity', claimed someone said something they obviously did not,, &and have been defending the mentally inept liar who is responsible for this dead and for leaving Americans behind aftervowing not to.
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Lying POS - I'm right here calling your lies and bullshit out. You are the onewocalled 13 dead military members 'political opportunity' and have been defending the mentally inept liar who is responsible for this dead and for leaving Americans behind aftervowing not to.
The hate for this country is amplified by Mac1958.
STFU, troll, you don't know me or know what you are taking about, as you have clearly proven over and over.

Have you ever been to Afghanistan, fought in Afghanistan? If you haven't you have not earned tge right to say a damn thing. Been there, done that,you pathetic troll.

Bulldog disgustingly called 13 dead military brethren 'political opportunity' earlier. To Biden, Bulldog, and you 13 dead Anericans are political pawns to use to attack others.

Biden declared, Tvhe buck stops 'HERE.'

You say Biden is a liar, thattge buck does not stop with him.

We agree with a liar.

You are a f*ing LIAR and a troll. Unless you have spilled blood in Afghanistan, put boots on the ground, don't ever tell a vet the lives of his fellow soldiers mean nothing.

You are a disgusting, partisan pig who knows no honor or shame.

I know how you Trump trolls work. You try to STFU.

You are so brain damaged by Trump you have no credibility. You will lie, cheat and steal for Trump. I have earned every right to speak my mind and if you don't like it try to stop me.

Bulldog is 100% right. Trump supporters are disgusting. They only care about dead Americans if it benefits Trump politically.

Biden is not responsible for the deaths. That is something that unfortunately happens to presidents. 220 soldiers were killed in Beirut in 1983 when Ronald Reagan was president. Trump was never responsible for what happened on his watch.

You are the fucking liar. That comes naturally to a Trump supporter because you people can't tell the truth. I am a vet too and I will say it especially when it is true.

You are a piece of human debris who is traitorous and unpatriotic. Take it and shove it up your ass.
I know how you Trump trolls work. You try to STFU.

You are so brain damaged by Trump you have no credibility. You will lie, cheat and steal for Trump. I have earned every right to speak my mind and if you don't like it try to stop me.

Bulldog is 100% right. Trump supporters are disgusting. They only care about dead Americans if it benefits Trump politically.

Biden is not responsible for the deaths. That is something that unfortunately happens to presidents. 220 soldiers were killed in Beirut in 1983 when Ronald Reagan was president. Trump was never responsible for what happened on his watch.

You are the fucking liar. That comes naturally to a Trump supporter because you people can't tell the truth. I am a vet too and I will say it especially when it is true.

You are a piece of human debris who is traitorous and unpatriotic. Take it and shove it up your ass.
I love a well-reasoned argument. LOL
So now Biden was the Commander in Chief who decided to put us in Afghanistan.

This is funny, but it's also terribly sad.
Damn, Dog, your reading comprehension suck & you're aliar,a liar, he said Biden was the CaC who put us in Afghanistan when you damn well know that's not what he said.

What a f*ing hypocrite, accusing others of having no balls and no shame. You must have practiced that line in Front of a mirror.
I know how you Trump trolls work. You try to STFU.

You are so brain damaged by Trump you have no credibility. You will lie, cheat and steal for Trump. I have earned every right to speak my mind and if you don't like it try to stop me.

Bulldog is 100% right. Trump supporters are disgusting. They only care about dead Americans if it benefits Trump politically.

Biden is not responsible for the deaths. That is something that unfortunately happens to presidents. 220 soldiers were killed in Beirut in 1983 when Ronald Reagan was president. Trump was never responsible for what happened on his watch.

You are the fucking liar. That comes naturally to a Trump supporter because you people can't tell the truth. I am a vet too and I will say it especially when it is true.

You are a piece of human debris who is traitorous and unpatriotic. Take it and shove it up your ass.
You're the one supporting a mentally incompetent, racist liar who entrusted the lives of Americans to the Taliban only to bring 13 flag-draped coffins home and leave countless Americans in the hands of terrorists after promising not to, Troll.
Attack the president?! God, the Democrats would never do such a thing.

Did the Old GOP attack Clinton and demand his resignation when a couple of guys in a suicide row boat killed 17 sailors off Yemen in 2000? Did the Democrats wait mere minutes before calling for Reagan to resign after 240+ Marines he deployed to Beirut were killed in their sleep by a suicide bomber? No and no.

I know how you Trump trolls work. You try to STFU.

You are so brain damaged by Trump you have no credibility. You will lie, cheat and steal for Trump. I have earned every right to speak my mind and if you don't like it try to stop me.

Bulldog is 100% right. Trump supporters are disgusting. They only care about dead Americans if it benefits Trump politically.

Biden is not responsible for the deaths. That is something that unfortunately happens to presidents. 220 soldiers were killed in Beirut in 1983 when Ronald Reagan was president. Trump was never responsible for what happened on his watch.

You are the fucking liar. That comes naturally to a Trump supporter because you people can't tell the truth. I am a vet too and I will say it especially when it is true.

You are a piece of human debris who is traitorous and unpatriotic. Take it and shove it up your ass.
You don't know shit, troll - you have clearly proven that.
Bullshit...you've been busy, like Biden,blaming 'Trumpsters',Trump, the Anericans left behind, etc...while defending Joe.


So are members of Trump's administration.

But, Esper told CNN's Christiane Amanpour, "my concern was that President Trump, by continuing to want to withdraw American forces out of Afghanistan, undermined the agreement, which is why in the fall when he was calling for a return of US forces by Christmas, I objected and formally wrote a letter to him, a memo based on recommendations from the military chain of command and my senior civilian leadership that we not go further -- that we not reduce below 4,500 troops unless and until conditions were met by the Taliban."

"Otherwise," Esper continued, "we would see a number of things play out, which are unfolding right now in many ways."

"Trying to extricate yourself from this withdrawal is I think difficult if not impossible to do, especially to rewrite history about what actually happened," Bolton told Politico in a report published Thursday. "I think that's a prescription for Democratic attack ads that would be fatal to someone's credibility."

“There’s lots of blame to go around,” said the former ambassador, but “there was no peace agreement with the Taliban.”

Crocker continued,

What President Trump set in motion, sitting down it with the Taliban without the government of Afghanistan, made it clear from the first day this was not about peace. This was about an American surrender. And we had no interest in fostering a genuine peace process. We wanted to do whatever it took to be sure we could extract our forces that the Taliban shooting at us as we went. And we did shameful things, I gotta be honest. We basically forced the Afghan government to release 5,000 Taliban prisoners.
They definitely did not want to that. We forced them to do it. What happened? those guys got right back in the fight. So, if you’re troubled by the Afghan national security forces cutting and running, which they did, we set them up for it. We started saying and repeated it and repeated it, “We’re doing a deal with the Taliban, and then we are going home.”
Well, not a lot of folks are going to stand and fight when they’ve already been told they are just abandoned.
“Well that was an inexcusable mistake,” said Kudlow. “I couldn’t agree more on that particular point.”

Joe 'The Buck Stops Here' Biden proves he is a liar again - points fingers at everyone else but himself again:

Own it, you brain-dead POS!
So are members of Trump's administration.

But, Esper told CNN's Christiane Amanpour, "my concern was that President Trump, by continuing to want to withdraw American forces out of Afghanistan, undermined the agreement, which is why in the fall when he was calling for a return of US forces by Christmas, I objected and formally wrote a letter to him, a memo based on recommendations from the military chain of command and my senior civilian leadership that we not go further -- that we not reduce below 4,500 troops unless and until conditions were met by the Taliban."

"Otherwise," Esper continued, "we would see a number of things play out, which are unfolding right now in many ways."

"Trying to extricate yourself from this withdrawal is I think difficult if not impossible to do, especially to rewrite history about what actually happened," Bolton told Politico in a report published Thursday. "I think that's a prescription for Democratic attack ads that would be fatal to someone's credibility."

“There’s lots of blame to go around,” said the former ambassador, but “there was no peace agreement with the Taliban.”

Crocker continued,

“Well that was an inexcusable mistake,” said Kudlow. “I couldn’t agree more on that particular point.”

You are like Joe - you have lied so long, so often, nothing you say matters.

Begone, troll.

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