Own Your Failure, Biden Voters

STFU, lying troll. The terrorists were not attacking the Taliban, you sick lying bitch. They were targeting Biden's failed evacuation f*-up.

If Biden had not rejected securing the city those 13 Americans would still be alive.

You STFU you lying weasel. The Taliban and ISIS are enemies. The Taliban executed a ISIS operative being held in a Afghan jail.

So you say. You are a lying weasel so you have no clue what you are talking about.
You are the ones who are spinning. The Taliban got some equipment but they have no spare parts, no way to maintain them or trained crews. The usable equipment is likely to be small and largely small arms.

Trump signed the agreement in Feb 2020, He had 11 months to get people out. That is fact. Miller has admitted he blocked Afghans from being evacuated to the US.
Biden broke the agreement, surrendered Bagram, let tge Taliban dictate the terms of the evacuation, surrendered the city, surrendered the path to the airport, got 13 Americans killed, countless others injured, lied about not leaving until ALL Americans had been evacuated,then left Americans behind.

STFU, you shameless, lying troll!
You are the ones who are spinning. The Taliban got some equipment but they have no spare parts, no way to maintain them or trained crews. The usable equipment is likely to be small and largely small arms.

Trump signed the agreement in Feb 2020, He had 11 months to get people out. That is fact. Miller has admitted he blocked Afghans from being evacuated to the US.
Yeah, night vision goggles are so hard to maintain. And the planes we left behind can be serviced by a car mechanic. At least Biden didn't leave behind high-performance aircraft, but unfortunately he left Americans and the United States humiliated for the world to see.
13 dead Americans and countless left behind are not 'political opportunity', you partisan, Biden ball licking traitor-supporter.

...and you have the NERVE To tell others they Don't care about dead Americans. You're a pathetic POS.

You only care about dead Americans if it suites your political purposes. You are the pathetic asshole. You are the one who is a partisan asshole.
You STFU you lying weasel. The Taliban and ISIS are enemies. The Taliban executed a ISIS operative being held in a Afghan jail.

So you say. You are a lying weasel so you have no clue what you are talking about.
The Taliban released nearly 6,000 ISIS & Al Qaeda terrorists, facilitated ISIS attack that killed 13 Americans, allowed ISIS to keep firing at the airport and planes.

You, like Biden, are actually trying to claimthat the Taliban could be trusted ...which resulted into dead American military...the 1st in 18 months...the most in 10 years.

You're just as mentally unstable as Biden.
They sense political opportunity.
Yeah. But I don't see how it helps get "their boy" back in the WH. I'm sure someone like Tom Cotton who backed Trump's withdrawl will "nuance" how he would have done a better job and flown all the interpreters and all their relatives out, but settled none in the US, and gotten all of our equipment out too, without losing a soul.
Biden broke the agreement, surrendered Bagram, let tge Taliban dictate the terms of the evacuation, surrendered the city, surrendered the path to the airport, got 13 Americans killed, countless others injured, lied about not leaving until ALL Americans had been evacuated,then left Americans behind.

STFU, you shameless, lying troll!

Biden did not break the agreement. That is where he went wrong. He should have re-negotiated a stronger deal than than the surrender document Trump signed. Biden did nothing of the sort as no one is the US had any idea that the Afghan forces would crumble.

Try making me STFU. You are the shameless lying troll.
Nope. Trump got all but 2500 of our troops out with an agreement to get the rest out contingent on the Taliban meeting a very specific set of goals.

The reduction to 2500 came on Jan 15 2021. Forcing the incoming administration to either trust the Afghan Army to fight the Taliban or redeploy 10's of thousands of our troops back into the country.
Yeah. But I don't see how it helps get "their boy" back in the WH. I'm sure someone like Tom Cotton who backed Trump's withdrawl will "nuance" how he would have done a better job and flown all the interpreters and all their relatives out, but settled none in the US, and gotten all of our equipment out too, without losing a soul.
This was not done well, and that's on Biden. But getting out of a hopeless, 20 year war was never going to be antiseptic. Trump and Cotton and the obedient sheep are going to pretend that a Republican would have gotten us out perfectly, but only they believe that.

This sucked, up and down, and it's not over. But the bigger lesson is that we shouldn't have been there in the first place. The Trumpsters have no more credibility on this than they do on anything else.
As I've been saying for the past 9 years, don't blame me, I voted for Romney. The only reason Biden got my vote was because of the Republicans' brain fart in picking Trump to be its leader. So I voted for the guy who has a clue he is delusional and thus is willing to listen to others.
You only care about dead Americans if it suites your political purposes. You are the pathetic asshole. You are the one who is a partisan asshole.
STFU, troll, you don't know me or know what you are taking about, as you have clearly proven over and over.

Have you ever been to Afghanistan, fought in Afghanistan? If you haven't you have not earned tge right to say a damn thing. Been there, done that,you pathetic troll.

Bulldog disgustingly called 13 dead military brethren 'political opportunity' earlier. To Biden, Bulldog, and you 13 dead Anericans are political pawns to use to attack others.

Biden declared, Tvhe buck stops 'HERE.'

You say Biden is a liar, thattge buck does not stop with him.

We agree with a liar.

You are a f*ing LIAR and a troll. Unless you have spilled blood in Afghanistan, put boots on the ground, don't ever tell a vet the lives of his fellow soldiers mean nothing.

You are a disgusting, partisan pig who knows no honor or shame.
They left the fucking dogs behind!

Jesus Fucking Chryst. Sure they did!

The U.S. military on Tuesday denied reports in the wake of its departure from Afghanistan that it had left working dogs behind at the airport in Kabul, or that it had abandoned dogs in cages.

Pentagon Press Secretary John Kirby said in a tweet that U.S. troops did not leave dogs in cages at Hamid Karzai International Airport when its last flights took off Monday afternoon, East Coast time.

Photos circulating on social media showing 150 dogs in cages lined up at the airport are of animals belonging to a group called Kabul Small Animal Rescue, the Pentagon said. They were not military working dogs or under the care of U.S. troops. As of Tuesday the dogs pictured were still in Afghanistan.
This was not done well, and that's on Biden.
It's about time you admitted Biden f*ed up the evacuation of Afghanistan, got 13 military members killed, and left countless numbers of Americans behind.

You seem to want to forget about those Americans still trapped in Afghanistan, though, to move onto the 'lessons learned' then move on.

In the military we learned you never leave people behind - Barry & Biden have made a habit of doing it. Maybe that's the 1st lesson Biden needs to learn - you never leave anyone behind.
It's a out time you admitted Biden f*ed up tge evacuation of Afghanistan,got 13 military members killed, and left countless numbers of Americans behind.

You seem to want to forget about those Americans still trapped in Afghanistan, though, to move onto the 'lessons learned' then move on.

In the military we learned you never leave people behind- Barry & Biden have made a habit of doing it. Maybe that's the 1st lesson Biden needs to learn - you never leave anyone behind.
I've been saying this all along. You Trumpsters are too busy screaming talk radio platitudes to pay attention.

Too bad you didn't have the balls to say anything about the 60 dead under Trump.

But sociopaths are like that.
The Taliban released nearly 6,000 ISIS & Al Qaeda terrorists, facilitated ISIS attack that killed 13 Americans, allowed ISIS to keep firing at the airport and planes.

You, like Biden, are actually trying to claimthat the Taliban could be trusted ...which resulted into dead American military...the 1st in 18 months...the most in 10 years.

You're just as mentally unstable as Biden.

You are the one who is mentally unstable and represent a threat to the US.

Trump claimed the Taliban could be trusted. He negotiated a surrender document with them. You had no issue with that.
Yeah. But I don't see how it helps get "their boy" back in the WH. I'm sure someone like Tom Cotton who backed Trump's withdrawl will "nuance" how he would have done a better job and flown all the interpreters and all their relatives out, but settled none in the US, and gotten all of our equipment out too, without losing a soul.
'Boy'? I thought we were talking Afghanistan,not Biden's latest racist comment...

I've been saying this all along. You Trumpsters are too busy screaming talk radio platitudes to pay attention.

Too bad you didn't have the balls to say anything about the 60 dead under Trump.

But sociopaths are like that.
Bullshit...you've been busy, like Biden,blaming 'Trumpsters',Trump, the Anericans left behind, etc...while defending Joe.

60 dead Americans under Trump and you didn't say a word.

You're just a Trumpster.
Yeah 60 dead Americans under TRUMP----want to compare that number to the dead under OBAMA and now BIDEN?

TRump unlike your two pieces of treasonous shit, did all he could to save american Soldiers and allies lives. Can't say that for either Biden or Obama can you.

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