Own Your Failure, Biden Voters

Yeah 60 dead Americans under TRUMP----want to compare that number to the dead under OBAMA and now BIDEN?

TRump unlike you two pieces of shit, did all he could to save american Soldiers and allies lives. Can't say that for either Biden or Obama can you.
I notice you "forgot" about the guy who put us there.

Typical Trumpster.
Every time you post you show the de]the if your insanity, you pathetic troll. Biden is responsible for the deaths of 13 servicemen and women. You say 'not- BIDEN calls you a f*ing LIAR because HE declared, 'The buck stops here.'

That's OK- you're afmgreeing with me by calling HIM a liar.


You're an insane f*ing troll who contradicts herself, proves herself to be a liar...an insane one to boot.

Every time you post you show how sick you are. You are the pathetic one. You are a weak minded member of the cult of Trump. Biden is not responsible for the deaths. You spent 4 years blaming someone else rather than admit Trump was responsible. By your metric, Trump has the blood of over 600,000 Americans who died from the coronavirus on his hands.
You are the one who is mentally unstable and represent a threat to the US.

Trump claimed the Taliban could be trusted. He negotiated a surrender document with them. You had no issue with that.

Trump never trusted the Taliban with American lives. He said if they broke tve deal he would bomb tbecrap out of them...and they knew he meant it.

Biden was a puss from the start, Biden let them dictate terms of his surrender....of Bagram, Kabul, 13 American lives, &all the Anericans Biden left behind
I notice you "forgot" about the guy who put us there.

Typical Trumpster.
You want to throw Bush in? Go for it...I hate the Bush family. They started this war, they deserve create for what they did right along with treasonous Biden and gay muslim Obama.

Now you're lying. You only said that to deflect from answering my question. What you actually said was...

Now stop lying, stop deflecting, and stop making up stupid excuses .... and explain what Trump did to get covid cases down....

... or just admit what everyone here already knows -- you're full of shit.
Well he got the blame for it when the death rate at the highest. So he should also get the credit when it gets low. I know how Biden got the cases back up, with a vaccine. He opened our border wide open. That is a fact
No he didn't. You should burst into flames for lying like that

Yes he did.

“Our secretary of state signed a surrender agreement with the Taliban,” McMaster said. “This collapse goes back to the capitulation agreement of 2020. The Taliban didn’t defeat us. We defeated ourselves.”

Similarly, former Trump defense secretary Mark Esper — in a CNN International interview Tuesday — maintained that Trump’s vocal impatience with wanting U.S. troops out of Afghanistan had a significant impact on the situation.

“My concern was that President Trump, by continuing to want to withdraw American forces out of Afghanistan, undermined the agreement,” Esper said. “Which is why in the fall, when he was calling for a return of U.S Forces by Christmas, I objected and formally wrote a letter to him. A memo based on recommendations from the military chain of command and my senior civilian leadership that we not go further, that we not reduce below 4,500 troops — unless and until conditions were met by the Taliban. Otherwise, we would see a number of things play out, which are unfolding right now in many ways.”

13 dead Americans and countless left behind are not 'political opportunity'

They were for the Neo-GOP. The US sentiment on terrorist attacks once brought the parties together in a show unity in the face of a demented but dangerous enemy. It looks like that too has gone the way of the non violent transfer of power. Our budding Fascist party (the once Grand Old Party) couldn't wait to feed their appetite for disunity and attack the President.
Yeah, night vision goggles are so hard to maintain. And the planes we left behind can be serviced by a car mechanic. At least Biden didn't leave behind high-performance aircraft, but unfortunately he left Americans and the United States humiliated for the world to see.

Trump did that by signing a surrender document to the Taliban.
There is absolutely no evidence that Hunter Biden received anything from the Russians. The pipeline was largely finished and Germany still wanted it. There was nothing the Biden Administration could do about it. No equipment was left behind by US forces. The bulk of the troop withdrawals came under Trump.
You're so full of crap.

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