Own Your Failure, Biden Voters

Did the Old GOP attack Clinton and demand his resignation when a couple of guys in a suicide row boat killed 17 sailors off Yemen in 2000? Did the Democrats wait mere minutes before calling for Reagan to resign after 240+ Marines he deployed to Beirut were killed in their sleep by a suicide bomber? No and no.

Look, we getting that you're eating shit because of Joe's clusterfuck in Kabul, but you need to get a hold of yourself man.

Put on your pussyhat and watch some MSNBC since CNN is no longer safe.
Wow, your inability to come up with anything new, like Biden, is amazing....which is why you both plagiarize.


You keep saying the same thing over and over. You can only come up with talking points as you are not capable of thinking for yourself.
You keep saying the same thing over and over.
That's because you keep lying over and over, proving your insanity, calling Biden a liar...

You're right, though, troll.I'll just ignore you because talking to you is making us all dumber.
Trump never trusted the Taliban with American lives. He said if they broke tve deal he would bomb tbecrap out of them...and they knew he meant it.

Biden was a puss from the start, Biden let them dictate terms of his surrender....of Bagram, Kabul, 13 American lives, &all the Anericans Biden left behind

That is a lie. The Taliban broke the agreement by escalating the violence and Trump did nothing about it except to withdraw troops.

The surrender occurred when Trump signed the agreement with the Taliban.
And your on record approving of whats going on in afghanistan right this minute
I’m on record as being pleased that we are OUT and on record saying Biden did the best he could have with the shit sandwich that Afghanistan was
You're the one supporting a mentally incompetent, racist liar who entrusted the lives of Americans to the Taliban only to bring 13 flag-draped coffins home and leave countless Americans in the hands of terrorists after promising not to, Troll.

You are the one supporting a right wing racist fascist in Donald Trump. Trump signed the agreement with the Taliban. No one has been left behind as yet. Troll.
Own it.

"Look around, at the $5 gas and the hobos pooping in our parks, at the constantly shifting vaccine/mask goalposts and the cat ladies/public school teachers determined to inject Ibram X. Kendian race hustling into your kids’ cerebellums. Look at the flag-draped caskets coming off the planes at Dover.

You did that, non-dead Biden voters.


This is your failure.

Own it.

Electing Joe Biden was an essentially unserious act by essentially unserious people applying essentially unserious criteria. And these entirely predictable consequences flowed from that failure on the part of people who refused to demand a real candidate instead of this exceptionally dumb ventriloquist dummy. None of the Democrats were prizes, but this guy can’t find his left slipper on his own, much less lead our country..."

Own Your Failure Biden Voters
Don't hold your breath waiting for that. The demrats could steal the dome off the capital and the brain dead left would find a way to spin it. Want to get away with most anything, be a dem because there is little or no accountability with those assholes.
Look, we getting that you're eating shit because of Joe's clusterfuck in Kabul, but you need to get a hold of yourself man.

Put on your pussyhat and watch some MSNBC since CNN is no longer safe.

We know you are trying to coverup Trump's role in this mess. Biden's failure was following through on Trump's agreement.

You are the pussy. That is what you use for brains.
That's because you keep lying over and over, proving your insanity, calling Biden a liar...

You're right, though, troll.I'll just ignore you because talking to you is making us all dumber.

Trump supporters are the cracked pots. That is why they believe every insane conspiracy theory.

You can't get dumber. I accept your surrender.
That is a lie. The Taliban broke the agreement by escalating the violence and Trump did nothing about it except to withdraw troops.

The surrender occurred when Trump signed the agreement with the Taliban.
Did Trump surrender Bagram?

Did Trump surrender Kabul?

Did Trump vow not to leave Smericans behind and then do so?

You lose,troll.
Did Biden cause the hurricane?

Why not? According to the left's point of view, GW caused Hurricane Katrina with the Halliburton Weather Machine, because he was "racist".

Joe Biden has been President for 7 months. The hobos have been shitting in your parks throughout the 4 years of the Trump Presidency, and Trump did nothing about it except to threaten to cutting funding to California.

As for those accepted Donald Trump - a failed businessman and reality TV show host, with no real management experience of any kind outside of a family owned corporation with a shady reputation for playing fast and loose with the law, as a serious candidate, what the fuck were you thinking? As someone who had followed Donald Trump's long string of failures, bankruptcies, and bad business decisions since the 1970's, and watching his nasty Twitter feuds with other celebrities, endless law suits and abuse of the judicial system, and the lies, parades of very young women, he leered at and just general the assholelishness of Donald J. Trump, no one with half a brain would ever have voted for him.

And look at the results. Half a million people dead. The USA is now the laughingstock of the world because millions of YOU, believe Trump wasn't voted out of office. Racial unrest the likes of which hasn't been seen since the 1960's. A never-ending pandemic raging throughout the country. Your economy crashed. A tariff wars with all of your leading trading partners which has increased your trade deficit by over $200 billion.

International investment is fleeing, and domestic investment is stalled because of the political instability, and Trump's attempted coup.

Yeah, tell us again what a big mistake to vote Trump out of office.

Trump-hating cultist 'til the day you die, right?

Look at yourself: You've become a tired, old, irrelevant, and out of touch dinosaur. A bit of an anachronism, if you ask me. You're virulently regurgitating the same anti-Trump hatred, rhetoric, and canned talking points the wacko left spewed for four years under Trump.

But those like you are slowly dwindling. Even some of the most hardcore leftists and Biden-supporters on here aren't endlessly repeating the lines you went through the trouble of memorizing during Trump's presidency.

Ask yourself why? Maybe they know something you're too stupid to figure out: That after a few months of Joe fucking Biden, Trump didn't really look too bad in comparison.

I don't expect you to get it because I know some people, like yourself, have gone so far over the edge that they never will get it. The closest analogy I can come up with are those WW2 Imperial Japanese soldiers who hid out in the caves and continued fighting, even after Japan surrendered. Only to fall upon their own swords, once they heard the Emperor surrendered.

Maybe it's time to come out of your cave, take a deep breath, and take a good look at the results of your electoral irresponsibility. Like they say, "A vote is a terrible thing to waste." And you sure as hell wasted your vote on that piece of shit in the White House. Didn't ya?
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