Own Your Failure, Biden Voters

You keep projecting that, but you don't speak for anyone but yourself, snowflake.

You don't give a damn about 13 dead Americans, the 1st In 18 months and most in 10 years, which seems to be why you continue to defend the man responsible, the Liar who claimed, 'The buck stops here', until - like you - claiming the buck stops anywhere but with him.
Whatever you'd like. Your opinion of me means nothing.
Lame. It's obvious even for CNN and MSNBC right now that Biden is not qualified. Biden is an EPIC FAIL and you helped put him there. Own it.
Not at all ashamed. Happy to have done my job getting rid of that disgrace that you guys elected. And it is not ad if we do not see all the lies made up about Biden.
Whatever you'd like. Your opinion of me means nothing.
Neither does the fact that Biden lied,got 13 US military members needlessly killed, and left countless Americans behind, you gutless, projecting pussy.
Biden has the blood of 13 Americans on his hands and the lives of countless he left behind on his conscience, you twisted, TDS-suffering little troll. He, like you, is a big, delusional, racist, mentally unstable traitor.

He does not. That is so ridiculous. It shows you are the TDS suffering troll. You are the ones who are delusional, racist and mentally unstable. You believe every conspiracy theory that comes down the pike.
He does not. That is so ridiculous. It shows you are the TDS suffering troll. You are the ones who are delusional, racist and mentally unstable. You believe every conspiracy theory that comes down the pike.
Every time you post you show the de]the if your insanity, you pathetic troll. Biden is responsible for the deaths of 13 servicemen and women. You say 'not- BIDEN calls you a f*ing LIAR because HE declared, 'The buck stops here.'

That's OK- you're afmgreeing with me by calling HIM a liar.


You're an insane f*ing troll who contradicts herself, proves herself to be a liar...an insane one to boot.
Own it.

"Look around, at the $5 gas and the hobos pooping in our parks, at the constantly shifting vaccine/mask goalposts and the cat ladies/public school teachers determined to inject Ibram X. Kendian race hustling into your kids’ cerebellums. Look at the flag-draped caskets coming off the planes at Dover.

You did that, non-dead Biden voters.


This is your failure.

Own it.

Electing Joe Biden was an essentially unserious act by essentially unserious people applying essentially unserious criteria. And these entirely predictable consequences flowed from that failure on the part of people who refused to demand a real candidate instead of this exceptionally dumb ventriloquist dummy. None of the Democrats were prizes, but this guy can’t find his left slipper on his own, much less lead our country..."

Own Your Failure Biden Voters

Joe Biden has been President for 7 months. The hobos have been shitting in your parks throughout the 4 years of the Trump Presidency, and Trump did nothing about it except to threaten to cutting funding to California.

As for those accepted Donald Trump - a failed businessman and reality TV show host, with no real management experience of any kind outside of a family owned corporation with a shady reputation for playing fast and loose with the law, as a serious candidate, what the fuck were you thinking? As someone who had followed Donald Trump's long string of failures, bankruptcies, and bad business decisions since the 1970's, and watching his nasty Twitter feuds with other celebrities, endless law suits and abuse of the judicial system, and the lies, parades of very young women, he leered at and just general the assholelishness of Donald J. Trump, no one with half a brain would ever have voted for him.

And look at the results. Half a million people dead. The USA is now the laughingstock of the world because millions of YOU, believe Trump wasn't voted out of office. Racial unrest the likes of which hasn't been seen since the 1960's. A never-ending pandemic raging throughout the country. Your economy crashed. A tariff wars with all of your leading trading partners which has increased your trade deficit by over $200 billion.

International investment is fleeing, and domestic investment is stalled because of the political instability, and Trump's attempted coup.

Yeah, tell us again what a big mistake to vote Trump out of office.
I get it. The OP failed with his “$5.00 gallon gas” so this is an Afghanistan thread now
Every time you post you show the de]the if your insanity, you pathetic troll. Biden is responsible for the deaths of 13 servicemen and women. You say 'not- BIDEN calls you a f*ing LIAR because HE declared, 'The buck stops here.'

That's OK- you're afmgreeing with me by calling HIM a liar.


You're an insane f*ing troll who contradicts herself, proves herself to be a liar...an insane one to boot.

ISIS-K is responsible for the deaths of the members of the American military, you pathetic troll. They died in service to their country, and in order to save both American and Afghani lives.

Your post disrespects their sacrifice, and in seeking to politicize the deaths, before they've even been laid to rest. You labels these heroes as "losers" for their service just as surely as Donald Trump called service members who died in service to their country "losers".

You get that you're trying to pick up a dog turd from the clean end.

Ya can't spin this with stuff this puny.

You are the ones who are spinning. The Taliban got some equipment but they have no spare parts, no way to maintain them or trained crews. The usable equipment is likely to be small and largely small arms.

Trump signed the agreement in Feb 2020, He had 11 months to get people out. That is fact. Miller has admitted he blocked Afghans from being evacuated to the US.
They sense political opportunity.
13 dead Americans and countless left behind are not 'political opportunity', you partisan, Biden ball licking traitor-supporter.

...and you have the NERVE To tell others they Don't care about dead Americans. You're a pathetic POS.
You are the ones who are spinning. The Taliban got some equipment but they have no spare parts, no way to maintain them or trained crews. The usable equipment is likely to be small and largely small arms.

Trump signed the agreement in Feb 2020, He had 11 months to get people out. That is fact. Miller has admitted he blocked Afghans from being evacuated to the US.
Ummm...China is helping them. Its a lie to claim that they can't and don't have parts or training. FLAT out LIE.

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